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Male singing behaviour correlates with extra-pair success in several passerine birds. Singing interactions during territorial contests provide relative information on the males involved. Such information may be important in female extra-pair behaviour and eavesdropping on singing interactions among males may allow females to make such relative assessments. We used interactive playback to instigate singing contests with male great tits during the peak fertile period of their mate in an attempt to alter females'' assessment of mates'' quality relative to neighbours (potential extra-pair partners). We escalated a contest to one male (by overlapping his songs) and then subsequently de-escalated a contest (by alternating) to a neighbour. Intrusions onto neighbouring territories by females mated to either treatment male were then monitored. Females mated to escalation treatment males were more likely to intrude following playbacks than females mated to de-escalation treatment males. Although the absolute song output of males did not differ between treatments, males produced more song relative to playback in de-escalation treatments and relative song output was positively correlated with female intrusions. Therefore, female great tits eavesdrop on singing interactions and change their visitation rates to neighbouring territories according to their mate''s singing performance relative to neighbours.  相似文献   


The Skylark Alauda arvensis is a territorial species of open landscape in which pairs settle in stable and adjacent territories during the breeding season. Due to the heterogeneity of the habitat, territories are gathered in patches spaced by a few kilometres, in which each male produces very long and complex flight songs as a part of the territorial behaviour. We showed that, in a given patch, all the males (neighbours) share some particular sequences of syllables in their songs, whereas males settled in different patches (strangers) have almost no sequences in common. Such a phenomenon is known as microdialect. To test the hypothesis that these shared sequences support a group signature, we made playback experiments with “chimeric” signals: songs of strangers where the sequences shared by neighbours were artificially inserted. Behavioural responses to playbacks indicated a neighbour-stranger discrimination consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon, i.e. a reduced aggression toward neighbours compared to strangers. Furthermore, the same level of responses, observed when a “chimeric” song and a neighbour song were broadcast, indicated that shared sequences are recognised and identified as markers of the neighbourhood identity.  相似文献   



Discriminating threatening individuals from non-threatening ones allow territory owners to modulate their territorial responses according to the threat posed by each intruder. This ability reduces costs associated with territorial defence. Reduced aggression towards familiar adjacent neighbours, termed the dear-enemy effect, has been shown in numerous species. An important question that has never been investigated is whether territory owners perceive distant neighbours established in the same group as strangers because of their unfamiliarity, or as dear-enemies because of their group membership.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To investigate this question, we played back to male skylarks (Alauda arvensis) songs of adjacent neighbours, distant neighbours established a few territories away in the same microdialect area and strangers. Additionally, we carried out a propagation experiment to investigate how far skylark songs are propagated in their natural habitat and we estimated repertoire similarity between adjacent neighbours, distant neighbours and strangers. We show that skylarks, in the field, respond less aggressively to songs of their distant and likely unfamiliar neighbours, as shown by the propagation experiment, compared to stranger songs. The song analysis revealed that individuals share a high amount of syllables and sequences with both their adjacent and distant neighbours, but only few syllables and no sequences with strangers.


The observed reduction of aggression between distant neighbours thus probably results from their familiarity with the vocal group signature shared by all members of the neighbourhood. Therefore, in skylarks, dear-enemy-like relationships can be established between unfamiliar individuals who share a common acoustic code.  相似文献   

Great tits were played recordings of one of their own songs, and a song of the same type from a neighbour and one from a stranger (from more than 500 m away). The birds matched their own songs most often and those of strangers least. We had predicted that strangers would be matched most, because previous work had shown an association between matching and a strong response. An analysis using a difference index showed that the birds matched most often when the stimulus song was very similar in detailed structure to their own rendition of the song. This was confirmed in a second experiment in which we played ‘similar’ and ‘different’ renditions recorded from strangers. However, once the effect of similarity was partialled out there was a residual tendency to match strangers more than neighbours, as we had first predicted. We discuss the implications of these results for perception of song categories by the birds, possible use by the birds of their own songs as ‘standards’ and the functional significance of matching.  相似文献   

For many animals, long-range signalling is essential to maintain contact with conspecifics. In territorial species, individuals often have to balance signalling towards unfamiliar potential competitors (to solely broadcast territory ownership) with signalling towards familiar immediate neighbours (to also maintain so-called “dear enemy” relations). Hence, to understand how signals evolve due to these multilevel relationships, it is important to understand how general signal traits vary in relation to the overall social environment. For many territorial songbirds dawn is a key signalling period, with several neighbouring individuals singing simultaneously without immediate conflict. In this study we tested whether sharing a territory boundary, rather than spatial proximity, is related to similarity in dawn song traits between territorial great tits (Parus major) in a wild personality-typed population. We collected a large dataset of automatized dawn song recordings from 72 unique male great tits, during the fertile period of their mate, and compared specific song traits between neighbours and non-neighbours. We show here that both song rate and start time of dawn song were repeatable song traits. Moreover, neighbours were significantly more dissimilar in song rate compared to non-neighbours, while there was no effect of proximity on song rate similarity. Additionally, similarity in start time of dawn song was unrelated to sharing a territory boundary, but birds were significantly more similar in start time of dawn song when they were breeding in close proximity of each other. We suggest that the dissimilarity in dawn song rate between neighbours is either the result of neighbouring great tits actively avoiding similar song rates to possibly prevent interference, or a passive consequence of territory settlement preferences relative to the types of neighbours. Neighbourhood structuring is therefore likely to be a relevant selection pressure shaping variation in territorial birdsong.  相似文献   

Neighbour-stranger discrimination has been demonstrated in many species, but the mechanisms employed in discrimination vary. We tested whether an oscine bird with small repertoire size, the ortolan bunting Emberiza hortulana , discriminated between songs of neighbours and strangers. We performed playback experiments to measure response of males to a repeated single example of a single song type derived from a repertoire of a neighbour or stranger. Thirteen males were tested twice each, and in both cases songs were broadcast from the territory boundary shared by the subject male and the neighbour. Subjects responded more aggressively to songs of strangers than neighbours, i.e. they approached the loudspeaker faster and came closer and did more flights during the playback of stranger song. We found no significant differences in vocal response between treatments. We conclude that ortolan bunting can discriminate between songs of neighbours and strangers. This study provides experimental evidence for ortolan buntings in neighbour-stranger discrimination. It also demonstrates that a single example of song is enough to discriminate between neighbours and strangers. We discuss which song characteristics are the possible acoustic basis for discrimination in the studied species.  相似文献   

Payne, 1978, Payne, 1981a, Payne, 1981b has suggested that young males of some bird species copy the songs of the previous occupant or the songs of local established males when setting up a territory and thereby increase their likelihood of success. According to this view, song copying is a form of deceptive mimicry. We show that first-year great tits do not share more songs than expected with the previous occupants of their territories, nor are shared songs used more often than other songs in their repertoires. Songs are shared with neighbours but not selectively with established neighbours and there is no difference in reproductive success between great tits sharing with established neighbours and with first-year neighbours. We discuss the general applicability of the deceptive mimicry hypothesis and suggest that song sharing between neighbours may be advantageous for reasons other than deceptive mimicry.  相似文献   

During the dawn chorus, territorial male songbirds vocalise intensively within signalling range of several conspecific males and can therefore be considered members of a busy communication network. The more or less continuous singing over a long period of time under standardised stimulus conditions makes the dawn song a potentially important information source both for simple receivers and for eavesdroppers. Male blue tits (Parus caeruleus) vary in features of their dawn song, e.g. older males sing longer strophes, and females choose males that sing longer strophes as extra-pair partners. However, so far, dawn song in the blue tit has been investigated separately from other singing behaviour of the same males. In this study, we investigate aspects of blue tit male quality, reflected in dawn song characteristics, and their predictive value for how males behave during singing interactions later in the morning. We acted as simple receivers by recording the singing activity of one male at a time at dawn and compared features of its dawn song, such as onset before sunrise, repertoire size, mean bout length, strophe length and percentage performance time to responses of the same male to a territory intrusion simulated by playback of synthesised songs later during the same morning. We assume that an aggressive response towards an intruder will involve a fast approach to the loudspeaker broadcasting strophes of blue tit song, searching for the intruder (flying around), and a high amount of counter singing and overlapping of the intruders songs. Aspects of vigour of response to the simulated intrusion could be predicted from all five investigated dawn song parameters as well as male age. This is, to our knowledge, the first indication that a simple receiver could extract reliable information from a males dawn singing behaviour about its competitiveness later in the day.Communicated by P.K. McGregor  相似文献   

Several animal species have been shown to use phenotypic traitsto assess the competitive ability of opponents and adjust theiraggressiveness depending on the likelihood to win the contest.In birds, these phenotypic traits usually involve patches ofcolored feathers. The benefit to harbor honest signals of malequality is the avoidance of wasteful aggressive interactions.Recent work has shown that ultraviolet (UV) plumage reflectanceis an important signal used by females during mate choice. Surprisingly,however, the role of UV signaling on intrasexual selection hasbeen neglected. In the present study, we aimed to test whetherUV reflectance of crown feathers was used as a signal of malecompetitive ability during male-male interactions. Breedingmale blue tits (Parus caeruleus ultramarinus) were exposed duringthe female egg-laying period to blue tit taxidermic mounts witheither control or reduced UV reflectance of crown feathers.In agreement with the prediction that UV reflectance advertisesmale quality, we found that breeding blue tits behaved lessaggressively toward the UV-reduced decoy. To our knowledge,this is the first experimental evidence suggesting a role forUV signaling on intrasexual selection.  相似文献   

Territorial songbirds often match the song features or singing patterns of rivals, commonly as an aggressive signal. Most studies of song matching have been on Northern Hemisphere species with short lifespans and high song rates, but vocal matching is predicted to be affected both by longevity and territorial stability. We studied song matching in males of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, a long-lived, sedentary, territorial Australian songbird. We quantified natural song rate and diversity, and then conducted three playback experiments to test: (a) whether males match by song type; (b) how they respond physically and vocally to territorial intrusion; and (c) whether they match by song length, and use it as an agonistic signal. Males naturally had very low song rates, singing on average less than three times per hour, and moderate repertoires, with an estimated mean of 17.5 song types for individual males. Males did not engage in extended counter-singing bouts. The first experiment showed that males matched the song type of immediate neighbours almost 90% of the time, if that type was in their repertoire. The remaining experiments revealed that song-type matching was an aggressive signal; males responded more aggressively to, and were more likely to match, playback simulating a neighbour's territorial intrusion than song from their shared boundary. Males did not match songs by length, but they produced longer songs after simulated intrusion. Males also responded more aggressively to playback of longer songs that simulated intrusion, but less aggressively to longer songs from the territory boundary. Overall, we show that sedentary, long-lived songbirds with low song rates, can use song-type matching as an aggressive signal to communicate with neighbours and intruders. Song length had a different role in communication, possibly related to individual quality or territory ownership.  相似文献   

The songs of a population of wild dunnocks, Prunella modularis , were recorded over 3 yrs to investigate song tutor choice by first year males. Young males often settled on occupied territories as subordinates and most of their earliest territorial interactions were with the male on whose territory they settled (the co-male). Yearlings learned their song repertoire from their comales and territorial neighbours. This supports results of laboratory studies which suggest that social interactions influence song tutor choice and that yearlings are most likely to learn from the males that are most aggressive towards them. Repertoire overlap between neighbouring males was high (76%), so learning the repertoire of the comale may provide yearling males with a 'short cut' route to learning a few of the songs of every neighbour.  相似文献   

By capturing territorial Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) and housing them in portable cages on their territories, I could control each one's location in its territory and distance from neighbours in experiments on the use of song repertoires. Experiment 1 demonstrated that these wrens sang more songs in the centre of their territories than at the edge, but that they did not use more song types or different song types at the centre than at the edge. In experiment 2, in which I played tape-recorded songs at two distances from wrens caged in the centres of their territories, birds responded more strongly to songs at 25m, simulating an intruder, than to songs at 165 m, simulating a territorial neighbour. Birds also switched more frequently between song types and sang more song types per 100 songs in response to the nearer playback. Experiment 3 compared captive wrens 140 m, 80 m, 20 m, or 0 m apart on adjacent territories. As the distance between neighbours decreased, birds sang less, but also switched more frequently between song types, used more song types per 100 songs, and matched songs with neighbours more frequently. There were no differences in the kinds of song types sung at different distances from neighbours. A comparison of the results from experiments 1 and 3 confirms that the use of song repertoires is influenced by distance from conspecifics and not by location in the territory.  相似文献   

Several studies and reviews have suggested that the ability to discriminate between neighbours and strangers decreases as neighbour song repertoire size and song type sharing increase. We tested the recognition capabilities of territorial male banded wrens by comparing the aggressive approach responses of focal birds to three playback treatments: shared song types sung by an adjacent neighbour (neighbour song), shared song types sung by unfamiliar birds (mimic song), and unshared song types sung by unfamiliar birds (unfamiliar song). All three treatments for each male were broadcast from the same location on the territorial boundary shared with the appropriate neighbour. As expected, focal males responded nonaggressively to the neighbour treatment and aggressively to the unfamiliar song treatment. The approach response to the mimic treatment was statistically indistinguishable from the unfamiliar treatment and significantly higher than the neighbour treatment, suggesting that most males were able to recognize unfamiliar singers even when the song types played were very similar to those of their neighbours. The relative strength of responses to the mimic varied: some males treated the mimic song with low aggression levels typical of responses to neighbour song. Repertoire sizes of focal and neighbour birds, the fraction of song types shared among neighbouring males, and the similarity of neighbour and mimic song types did not explain this variation. Therefore, within the short 3-min period of our playback experiments, some birds may have used repertoire composition as a recognition cue and confused the mimic with the neighbour. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The blue tit's song is an inconsistent signal of male condition   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sexually selected traits are often hypothesized to signal malecondition or quality, though empirical evidence is mixed, anda number of alternative models of sexual selection do not requirecondition dependence. We examined the relationship between variousmeasures of condition and dawn songs in male blue tits (Cyanistescaeruleus). We detected 6 largely independent measures of variation(i.e., variables) in these songs. None of these variables wererelated to blue tits' ultraviolet–blue plumage, a demonstratedsexual signal, thus failing to support the redundant signalhypothesis. We found some evidence that the song variables wemeasured signaled male quality. There were correlations betweenbody size and certain song traits, though neither male age normale recapture in the subsequent breeding season (apparent localsurvival) predicted any song variation. We combined our resultswith published effect sizes comparing blue tit song with malequality variables using meta-analysis and found that a few songmeasures are correlates of male quality, though as in our fielddata, neither male age nor survival appeared related to song.Our relatively large sample sizes (>60), combined with ourmeta-analytical integration of 89 effect sizes, make the resultsregarding the signaling value of our measured components ofblue tit song robust. These results demonstrate that 1) onlycertain aspects of signal variation may be condition dependentand 2) even when components of a sexual signal appear correlatedwith condition in some studies, these signal components maybe unrelated or inconsistently related to a variety of conditionindices.  相似文献   

Bird song and its functions have been studied extensively formore than 50 years, but almost entirely in oscine passerines.Few studies have investigated any aspect of song in suboscinepasserines. This is significant because song development andthe extent of individual variation in song differs greatly betweenthese groups. Learning and auditory feedback play major rolesin song development in all oscines studied, but apparently nopart in song ontogeny in suboscines. The ability of territorialoscine males to discriminate between songs of neighbors andstrangers has received considerable attention, but this phenomenonis virtually unstudied in suboscines. We tested whether a suboscinebird, the alder flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum), was able todiscriminate between songs of neighbors and strangers despitelimited individual variation in song. We performed playbackexperiments to measure responses of males to songs of neighborsand strangers broadcast from the territory boundary shared bythe subject and the neighbor. Subjects responded more aggressivelyto songs of strangers than to songs of neighbors. These resultsfurther our understanding of the evolution of song and its functionsin suboscines by demonstrating that, similar to their oscinerelatives, they can discriminate between the songs of neighborsand strangers.  相似文献   

Duetting is a collective behavior and might have multiple functions, including joint territory defense and mate guarding. An important step toward understanding the adaptive function of bird song is to determine if and how singing behavior varies seasonally. However, seasonal patterns for duetting species are different from the pattern described for species in which only the male sings, because song function may vary according to sex, singing role (initiator vs responder) and level of duet organization (individual vs pair). We investigated whether patterns of seasonal variation in duetting depends on these factors, which would suggest different interpretations of song function. We studied social pairs of a Neotropical bird species (rufous hornero Furnarius rufus) for seven consecutive months, recording vocal and territorial behaviors. Overall, partners coordinated 61% of their songs into duets and many song traits (song initiation rate, song output and duet rate) peaked in territorial contexts. Males engaged in territorial interactions with strangers more often, initiated more songs, and answered proportionately more of their partners’ songs than females. Male song initiation rate peaked during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages, whereas females initiated more songs during the non‐breeding season. Both sexes answered partner songs faster and at higher rates during the pre‐breeding and female fertile stages. Partners duetted at a higher rate during the pre‐ and post‐breeding stages. Finally, song initiation rates and duet rate, but not song answering rates, correlated with frequency of territorial interactions with strangers. Although our findings indicate that song function may vary with sex, singing role and level of duet organization, our results suggest that in general duet functions to defend common territories and as a mutual mate guarding strategy in the rufous hornero.  相似文献   

Bird song transmits information required to defend territories and attract mates. These functions contribute to fitness by affecting survival and reproductive success. Singing is also costly due to physiological costs. We used observational data to evaluate support for the hypothesis that lower temperatures result in decreased singing behaviour in wild great tits due to increased energy consumption during cold conditions required for thermoregulation. More than 6,500 simulated territorial intrusions were performed over an 8-year period in twelve nest box populations of great tits Parus major south of Munich, Germany. We measured song rate as well as the number of alarm calls and the aggressive response of territorial males to a simulated territorial intrusion. We found a decrease in song rate with decreasing current temperature, but also a concurrent increase in the number of alarm calls. Night temperature did not affect these acoustic traits. We conclude that warmer conditions allow birds to choose more energetically expensive (yet functionally superior) activities during territorial intrusions, thereby facilitating avoidance of physical aggressiveness during territorial intrusions.  相似文献   

Many animals communicate using more than one signal, and several hypotheses exist to explain the evolution of multiple signals. However, these hypotheses typically assume static selection pressures, and previous work has not addressed how spatial and temporal environmental variation can shape variation in signaling systems. In particular, environmental variability, such as ambient lighting or noise, may affect efficacy (e.g., detectability/perception by receivers) of signals. To examine how signal expression varies intraspecifically as a function of habitat characteristics, we evaluated relationships between spatial environmental variation and song and plumage color expression in a tropical songbird, the Red‐throated Ant‐tanager (Habia fuscicauda) in Panama. We recorded male ant‐tanager song, plucked feathers to measure coloration, and quantified the acoustic and light environments from each male's territory. In addition, we took several morphological measurements from each male to assess the potential information content of song and plumage color. We found that males with redder and more saturated crown plumage occurred on darker territories, and males that sang shorter and lower frequency songs occurred on noisier territories. We also found that more colorful males tended to sing longer and lower frequency songs. Finally, we found that song and color correlated similarly with male morphology (e.g., tarsus length, body mass). Altogether, these results indicate that spatial variation in the environment is related to male coloration and song, and that males might be optimizing color and song expression for their particular territorial environment.  相似文献   

Bird song is a widely used model in the study of sexual selection. Variation in the expression of sexually selected traits is thought to reflect variation in male genetic and/or phenotypic quality. Vocal amplitude is a song parameter that has received little attention in the context of sexual selection, but there is some evidence that the intensity of bird song affects female preferences. Here, we tested whether the amplitude of broadcast song plays a role in male–male competition. We used song playback with varying song amplitude (within the natural amplitude range of the species) and a dummy bird taxidermy to simulate territorial intrusions in the great tit, Parus major, during the fertile period of the female and measured the response of the local male. The results show that playback amplitude significantly affected the subjects’ behaviour: after approaching to within 25 m around the loudspeaker, territorial males stayed longer within that perimeter after the playback of high‐amplitude songs compared with low‐amplitude songs. Our findings add to the small but growing body of evidence suggesting that vocal amplitude may be a sexually selected song trait.  相似文献   

Territorial, pair-living primates usually perform long-distance calls as duets in which adult males and females coordinate their calls. Previous studies using playback experiments have shown that gibbon duets convey information about the status of the caller (location, familiarity, sex of the caller, and paired status) and gibbons use this information to respond to achieve several nonmutually exclusive functions, including intragroup contact, territorial defense, and pair-bond advertisement and strengthening. However, not all pair-living gibbons duet, and it is unclear whether the same results should be expected in nonduetting species. We conducted song playback experiments (N = 47 trials) to test hypotheses about song functions in nonduetting gibbons on two groups of wild Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park, Indonesia. Javan gibbons initiated movement toward the speaker more quickly in response to songs broadcast in the center of the territory, stranger songs, and songs of unpaired individuals than to songs at the border, neighbor songs, and songs from paired individuals. These results suggest that Javan gibbons can localize songs, and that Javan gibbon songs transmit information about the identity and paired status of the caller. Our results imply that Javan gibbon solo songs are likely to function for territorial defense and pair-bond advertisement like duets in other primates.  相似文献   

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