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We report the isolation of a protein from mammalian nerve which shows ATP-sensitive binding to microtubules and ATPase activity. This protein, which we have designated HMW4, was prepared from bovine spinal nerve roots by microtubule affinity and ATP-induced release, and was further purified by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. It is a high molecular weight protein with a denatured Mr of 315,000, a Stokes radius of 90 A, and a sedimentation value of approximately 19S. It can be resolved electrophoretically from the well-characterized bovine brain microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and also appears to be distinct from MAP 1C. HMW4 has a vanadate-sensitive and azide-insensitive ATPase activity which averages 20 nmol Pi/min per mg protein and is different from dynein and myosin ATPases. HMW4 prepared on sucrose gradients exhibits binding to MAP-free microtubules in the absence of ATP which is reduced by ATP addition. Assayed by darkfield microscopy, HMW4 causes bundling of MAP-free microtubules which is reversed by ATP addition.  相似文献   

A comparison of lectin binding in rat and human peripheral nerve   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven different fluorescein- or peroxidase-conjugated lectins with different sugar-binding affinities were employed to analyze and compare glycoconjugates of rat and human peripheral nerves at the light microscopic level. A majority of lectins showed a distinct binding pattern in different structures of the nerve. Lectin binding was similar but not identical in rat and human nerves. Limulus polyhemus agglutinin did not stain any structures in rat or human nerves. In both species, all other lectins bound to the perineurium. Perineurial staining was intense with Canavalia ensiformis (Con A), Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Maclura pomifera (MPA); moderate with Glycine max (SBA), Griffonia simplicifolia-I (GS-I) and GS-II; weak with Ulex europaeus (UEA), Dolichos biflorus (DBA), and Ricinus communis (RCA). In the endoneurium of both species, ConA staining was intense, MPA and WGA moderate, SBA, GS-II, PNA, and RCA weak, and UEA and DBA absent. Interestingly, GS-I stained rat but not human endoneurium. Most lectins bound to blood vessels. GS-I bound to rat but not human, whereas UEA bound to human but not rat vessels. The results show that lectins can be used to reveal heterogeneity in sugar residues of glycoconjugates within neural and vascular components of nerves. They may therefore be potentially useful in detecting changes in glycoconjugates during nerve degeneration and subsequent regeneration after trauma or in pathological states.  相似文献   

A protein of S20,W 1.6S and mol.wt. 14000, which binds covalently a metabolite of the aminoazodye carcinogen NN-dimethyl-4-amino-3'-methylazobenzene, was isolated from rat liver cytosol from both carcinogen-treated and normal rats. The protein binds non-covalently palmitoyl-CoA, fatty acids, bilirubin, sex steroids and their sulphates, bile acids and salts, bromosulphophthalein, diethylstilboestrol and 20-methylcholanthrene with a wide range of affinities. The protein is isolated as three components with isoelectric points of 5.0, 5.9 and 7.6 by a method involving isoelectric focusing. All three components have closely similar amino acid analyses, tryptic-peptide 'maps' and u.v. spectra. Each single component redistributes into all three on further electrophoresis. However, the three forms differ in their binding characteristics, the form of pI 7.6 having much the highest affinity for compounds bound non-covalently. The protein was identified immunologically in rat liver, small intestine, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, myocardium and testis. The protein was compared with other hepatic binding-protein preparations of similar molecular weight.  相似文献   

Rat prostatic cytosol contains a high concentration of a prostatic binding protein with peculiar steroid-binding properties. Indeed, in spite of a relatively low affinity, charcoal adsorption can be used for its measurement. Furthermore, the binding is not specific for particular steroids and increases very strongly after delipidation. In delipidated cytosol the concentration of the binding site is 3.1 micronmol/g protein and the apparent affinity for pregenolone 1.7 X 10(6) M-1. The high concentration of prostatic binding protein in prostatic fluid shows that this substance is secreted by the prostate. Prostatic binding protein has the following physicochemical characteristics: it is precipitated by ammonium sulfate between 50 and 70% saturation; the elution position from a Sephadex G-100 column corresponds to a molecular weight of 51000; it sediments in sucrose density gradients at 3.7 S and is eluted from DEAE-cellulose columns at about 0.25 M KCl. On polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the binding activity coincides with the major cytosolic protein band. This band has the same mobility as serum albumin in 7% gels, but a higher mobility in more concentrated gels.  相似文献   

Partial purification of a cortisol binding protein from rat liver cytosol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A transferrin binding protein was isolated from normal rat placenta and from iron-deficient rat plasma using a human transferrin affinity column. The yield of the isolated pure protein from iron-deficient rat plasma was about 0.5 micrograms/ml plasma. The major protein had a molecular mass of 85 kDa and contained carbohydrate. Reduction with mercaptoethanol did not change the molecular mass of the plasma transferrin binding protein whereas the native placental transferrin receptor of 180 kDa was reduced to 90 kDa. The transferrin binding protein reacted with both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies raised against rat transferrin receptor. Immunoblotting of both normal and iron deficient rat plasma showed that the transferrin binding protein had a molecular mass of 85 kDa. In vitro digestion of purified rat placental transferrin receptor and red blood cells with trypsin provided an identical peptide profile, suggesting that the transferrin binding protein in rat plasma is derived from proteolysis of the extracellular portion of the transferrin receptor of the erythroid tissues.  相似文献   

A nerve terminal anchorage protein from electric organ   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The nerve terminal and the postsynaptic receptor-containing membranes of the electric organ are both linked to the basal lamina that runs between them. We have identified an extracellular matrix protein whose physical properties suggest it anchors the nerve terminal to the basal lamina. The protein was identified because it shares an epitope with a proteoglycan component of electric organ synaptic vesicles. It too behaves like a proteoglycan. It is solubilized with difficulty from extracellular matrix fractions, elutes from DEAE Sephacel at pH 4.9 only at high ionic strength, and binds to a laminin affinity column from which it can be eluted with heparin. Under denaturing conditions it sediments rapidly and has a large excluded volume although it can be included in Sephacryl S-1000 columns. This large, highly charged extracellular matrix molecule can be readily reconstituted into liposomes consistent with the presence of a hydrophobic tail. By immunoelectron microscopy the antigen is found both in synaptic vesicles and on the plasma membrane of the nerve terminal. Since this is the first protein described that links the nerve terminal membrane to the extracellular matrix, we propose calling it terminal anchorage protein one (TAP-1).  相似文献   

Striking sequence homologies were found among the major cytosolic lipid and dye binding protein (Z-protein), cellular retinoid binding proteins and peripheral nerve myelin P2 protein. In addition, the presence of a number of cytosolic lipid binding (or exchange) proteins having similar molecular weights and amino acid compositions suggests a new family of intracellular proteins with high affinities to lipids, possibly diverged from a common ancestor. In view of regulatory roles of these proteins in lipid metabolism and transport, myelin P2 protein may also possess a similar physiological function(s).  相似文献   

A specific alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) gene binding nuclear protein (Mol. Wt. 149,000) was determined in Morris hepatoma 7777 cells by the protein blotting technique. This protein is not present in normal adult rat liver and non-AFP producing Morris hepatoma 5123tc. Neoplasia induced in rats fed the hepatocarcinogen 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzine enhanced AFP gene activity and re-expressed specific AFP gene binding nuclear protein. The precise role of this protein in AFP gene regulation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay has been developed for the folate binding protein from rat liver cytosol with a molecular weight of 150,000 which was recently purified to homogeneity (Suzuki, N., and Wagner, C., 1980, Arch. Biochem. Biophys.199, 236–248). This method has indicated that the binding protein (FBP-CII) is found primarily in the liver. A significant amount of FBP-CII was also found in the kidney and much reduced levels in spleen, serum, brain, lung, and heart. No FBP-CII could be detected in small intestine, skeletal muscle, or testes. Small amounts of cross-reacting material were found in the livers of mouse, dog, chick, and humans. Levels of FBP-CII were not decreased in the livers of folate-deficient rats. Assays of rat fetal liver and kidney 2 days prior to birth showed much lower levels which increased rapidly at birth. These data are consistent with the FBP-CII fulfilling a role as a folate storage protein in rat liver.  相似文献   

Two Ca2+ sequestering proteins were studied in fast-twitch (EDL) and slow-twitch (soleus) muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) as a function of denervation time. Ca2+-ATPase activity measured in SR fractions of normal soleus represented 5% of that measure in SR fractions of normal EDL. Denervation caused a severe decrease in activity only in fast-twich muscle. Ca2+-ATPase and calsequestrin contents were affected differently by denervation. In EDL SR, Ca2+-ATPase content decreased progressively, whereas in soleus SR, no variation was observed. Calsequestrin showed a slight increase in both muscles as a function of denervation time correlated with increased45Ca-binding.These results indicate first that Ca2+-ATPase activity in EDL was under neural control, and that because of low Ca2+-ATPase activity and content in slow-twitch muscle no variation could be detected, and secondly that greater calsequestrin content might represent a relative increasing of heavy vesicles or decreasing of light vesicles as a function of denervation time in the whole SR fraction isolated in both types of muscles.  相似文献   

Ganglioside-specific binding protein on rat brain membranes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A derivative of ganglioside GT1b (IV3NeuAc,II3(NeuAc)2-GgOse4) with an active ester in its lipid portion was synthesized and covalently attached to bovine serum albumin (BSA). The conjugate, having four GT1b molecules per albumin molecule [GT1b)4BSA) was radioiodinated and used to probe rat brain membranes for ganglioside binding proteins. A ganglioside-specific, high affinity (KD = 2-4 nM), saturable (Bmax = 13-20 pmol/mg membrane protein) binding site for 125I-(GT1b)4BSA was demonstrated on detergent-solubilized rat brain membranes adsorbed to filters. 125I-(GT1b)4BSA binding was tissue-specific (more than 35-fold greater to brain than to liver membranes) and was nearly eliminated by pretreatment of brain membrane-adsorbed filters with trypsin (1 microgram/ml). Underivatized gangliosides added as mixed detergent-lipid micelles blocked 125I-(GT1b)4BSA binding to brain membranes; structurally related GQ1b, GT1b, and GD1b were the most potent (half-maximal inhibition at 70-110 nM), while half-maximal inhibition by other gangliosides (GD3, GD1a, GM3, GM2, and GM1) required 5-20-fold higher concentrations. Other sphingolipids, neutral glycosphingolipids, and glycoproteins were poor inhibitors, and treatment of (GT1b)4BSA with neuraminidase attenuated its binding. Although most phospholipids were noninhibitory, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylglycerol inhibited half-maximally at 400-600 nM. However, inhibition of 125I-(GT1b)4BSA binding by gangliosides was competitive and reversible while that by phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylglycerol was not. Ganglioside-protein conjugate binding reveals ganglioside-specific brain membrane receptors.  相似文献   

Retinol binding protein in rat testicular cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) was identified in the cytosols of cultured Sertoli cells and peritubular cells from the testes of 20-day-old rats. CRBP was not detected in spermatids or spermatocytes obtained from the testes of 60-day-old rats. Cultured Sertoli cells and peritubular cells contained up to a 5-fold enrichment of CRBP/mg protein compared to whole testis homogenates. FSH- or FSH + testosterone-treated cultures of Sertoli cells showed a 60% increase in the specific activity of CRBP when compared to untreated cultures.  相似文献   

Estrogen binding protein of rat liver.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An estrogen binding protein for estradiol-17beta is present in the liver cytosol of female intact and one day oophorectomized rats. The dissociation constant reveals high affinity binding (Kd: 0.69 +/- 0.14 times 10(-10) M). Quantitation of EBP using a dextran-coated charcoal method shows that this specific macromolecular binding is much less than in the rat uterus, but similar to that in DMBA-induced mammary tumors. Sucrose density gradient analysis shows sedimentation at 8-9 S and 4-5 S when compared to bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   

A Z-DNA binding protein isolated from D. radiodurans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A DNA binding protein isolated from D. radiodurans changes CD-spectrum of Z-form poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC). We have found that a positive band at 268 nm is converted close to that of B-form in the presence of the protein. Concomitantly, a negative band at 295 nm shown by Z-form poly(dG-dC) X poly (dG-dC) was weakened by the protein but not by albumin. Such changes in the CD-spectra were not induced by the protein and by albumin when they were mixed with Z- or B-form poly(dG-me5dC) X poly(dG-me5dC) or with B-form poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC). The protein formed a complex preferentially with Z-form poly(dG-dC) X poly(dG-dC).  相似文献   

A DNA binding protein has been isolated, by affinity chromatography on DNA cellulose, from mitochondria and from purified mitDNA-protein complexes from oocytes of Xenopus laevis. This 12,500 daltons protein is polymeric in its native form and binds to DNA with a high efficiency. It exhibits an apparently preferential binding to the single-stranded fiber of the D loop structures.  相似文献   

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