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ABSTRACT. An electronic timer and fraction collector consisting of CMOS integrated circuits is described. It converts 50- or 60-Hz AC to real-time pulses in programmable whole-number increments (1, 10 or 60s) from 3 to 16659, producing timing periods from 3 s to more than 11 days. The fraction collector contains a leaf-switch feedback circuit that automatically adjusts to various gear motor speeds and sample tube spacings so that proper positioning results. Hourly collections by the device of the bark beetles Ips typographus L. and Pityogenes chalcographus L. (Scolytidae) emerging from logs of Norway spruce, Picea abies , indicated that both species emerged with a diel periodicity. A unimodal emergence peak for both sexes of both species occurred at midday in LD 20:4 at a constant 25°C and 80% r.h.  相似文献   

Due to its versatility and storability, biomass is an important resource for renewable materials and energy. Miscanthus hybrids combine high yield potential, low input demand, tolerance of certain marginal land types and several ecosystem benefits. To date, miscanthus breeding has focussed on increasing yield potential by maximising radiation interception through: (1) selection for early emergence, (2) increasing the growth rate to reach canopy closure as fast as possible, and (3) delayed flowering and senescence. The objective of this study is to compare early season re-growth in miscanthus hybrids cultivated across Europe. Determination of differences in early canopy development on end-of-year yield traits is required to provide information for breeding decisions to improve future crop performance. For this purpose, a trial was planted with four miscanthus hybrids (two novel seed-based hybrids M. sinensis × sinensis [M sin × sin] and M. sacchariflorus × sinensis [M sac × sin], a novel rhizome-based M sac × sin and a standard Miscanthus × giganteus [M × g] clone) in the UK, Germany, Croatia and Italy, and was monitored in the third and fourth growing season. We determined differences between the hybrids in base temperature, frost sensitivity and emergence strategy. M × g and M sac × sin mainly emerged from belowground plant organs, producing fewer but thicker shoots at the beginning of the growing season but these shoots were susceptible to air frosts (determined by recording 0°C 2 m above ground surface). By contrast, M sin × sin emerged 10 days earlier, avoiding damage by late spring frosts and producing a high number of thinner shoots from aboveground shoots. Therefore, we recommend cultivating M sac × sin at locations with low risk and M sin × sin at locations with higher risk of late spring frosts. Selecting miscanthus hybrids that produce shoots throughout the vegetation period is an effective strategy to limit the risk of late frost damage and avoid reduction in yield from a shortened growing season.  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the effects of key environmental factors on germination and seedling emergence of the invasive weed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (common ragweed) collected from Mudanjiang (temperate climate), Nanjing (temperate–subtropical) and Nanchang (subtropical) in China. Germination of seeds occurred at temperatures ranging from 5 to 40°C, under both a 12‐h photoperiod and continuous darkness. Germination success exceeded 48% in solutions with pH values between 4 and 12, with maximum rates occurring in distilled water at pH 5.57. Germination was greatly reduced in solutions with osmotic potentials below ?0.8 MPa. Accordingly, the final germination ratio exceeded 69% at <200 mmol/L NaCl, but only reached 8% at 400 mmol/L NaCl. Emergence was greater than 75% at burial seed depths of 1–4 cm; no seedlings emerged from a soil depth of 8 cm. Seeds collected from Mudanjiang, Nanjing and Nanchang had very similar germination traits, with the main differences occurring in relation to temperature. The great germination success of common ragweed over highly variable conditions throughout its Chinese distribution range explains its successful large‐scale invasion.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of a thorough understanding of the effect of synthetic fertiliser on insect population dynamics, existing literature is conflicting and an area of intense debate. Here, a categorical random‐effects meta‐analysis and a vote count meta‐analysis are employed to examine the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and NPK fertiliser on insect population dynamics. In agreement with the general consensus, insects were found to respond positively, overall, to fertilisers. Sucking insects showed a much stronger response to fertilisers than chewing insects. The environment in which a study is conducted can have a marked effect on insect responses to fertiliser, with natural environments showing the potential for buffering effects of nitrogen fertilisers in particular. As well as highlighting the potential shortfall in the amount of research investigating particularly the effects of potassium and phosphorus, this study provides an invaluable flag post in the ongoing research investigating fertiliser effects on ecosystems.  相似文献   

The variability in physical, chemical and biological properties was examined for a number of glacier melt streams in south Victoria Land, Antarctica. Streams flowed for between one and two months. Stream water temperatures (range = 0–11°C) varied over short (hr) time scales whilst discharges varied considerably between streams (range 0.001–15 m3s−1) and over diel cycles. Solar radiation and air temperature were major determinants of stream discharge. Variability in discharge was reflected in variability in nutrient chemistry and sediment load. Nitrogen and phosphorus varied considerably between streams; the meltwaters early in summer contained 10–20 times higher levels of dissolved N and P than later in the season. Within stream nutrient levels were modified by dense algal growths and penguin rookeries. Epilithic algal communities were made up predominantly of cyanophyceae which formed mats and crusts. Longitudinal and horizontal variability of species in the communities in selected streams is described. Analyses of algal cover and biomass (chlorophyll a) show that substrate type and flow rates are of greater importance than nutrients in influencing algal abundance and biomass. In some streams biomass values of over 20 μg Ch. a cm−2 were recorded, much of which remains viable but inactive over the antarctic winter.  相似文献   

Many insects feed on a low‐nitrogen diet, and the origin of their nitrogen supply is poorly understood. It has been hypothesized that some insects rely on nitrogen‐fixing bacteria (diazotrophs) to supplement their diets. Nitrogen fixation by diazotrophs has been extensively studied and convincingly demonstrated in termites, while evidence for the occurrence and role of nitrogen fixation in the diet of other insects is less conclusive. Here, we summarize the methods to detect nitrogen fixation in insects and review the available evidence for its occurrence (focusing on insects other than termites). We distinguish between three aspects of nitrogen fixation investigations: (i) detecting the presence of potential diazotrophs; (ii) detecting the activity of the nitrogen‐fixing enzyme; and (iii) detecting the assimilation of fixed nitrogen into the insect tissues. We show that although evidence from investigations of the first aspect reveals ample opportunities for interactions with potential diazotrophs in a variety of insects, demonstrations of actual biological nitrogen fixation and the assimilation of fixed nitrogen are restricted to very few insect groups, including wood‐feeding beetles, fruit flies, leafcutter ants, and a wood wasp. We then discuss potential implications for the insect's fitness and for the ecosystem as a whole. We suggest that combining these multiple approaches is crucial for the study of nitrogen fixation in insects, and argue that further demonstrations are desperately needed in order to determine the relative importance of diazotrophs for insect diet and fitness, as well as to evaluate their overall impact on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The expressions of nine nitrogen assimilation‐associated genes, NRT2, NAR1, NIA2, NIR, GLN2, GLSF, GSN1, GDH, and AAT2, in the microalga Isochrysis zhangjiangensis were investigated to unveil the effects of limitations of various nitrogen sources (NaNO3, NH4Cl, NaNO2, and an amino acid mixture) on the microalgae. The results demonstrated that the NRT2, NAR1, GLN2, GSN1, and AAT2 genes were highly expressed in lipid‐rich microalgae under inorganic nitrogen‐deficient conditions and they decreased after nitrogen resupply. Significant increases in the expressions of NAR1, GLN2, and GLSF were found in nitrate‐depleted microalgae, whereas significant increases in the expressions of NRT2, NAR1, GLN2, and GSN1 were found in nitrite‐depleted microalgae. Significant increases in the expressions of only NRT2 and GSN1 were found in ammonium‐depleted microalgae (P < 0.05). Except for the NRT2, other genes were expressed at lower levels under amino acid‐deficient conditions compared with amino acid‐sufficient controls. The expression of the NIA2 gene decreased in nitrogen‐depleted microalgae regardless of the initial nitrogen source. However, the results of fatty acid analyses showed that the features of fatty acid profiles followed a similar mode, in which the percentage compositions of C16:0 and C18:1Δ9 increased in nitrogen‐depleted cells and that of C16:1Δ9, C18:3Δ9,12,15, C18:4Δ6,9,12,15, and C18:5Δ3,6,9,12,15 decreased, regardless of the type of nitrogen source applied. It was also found that the epiphytic bacterium Alteromonas macleodii played a particularly important role in releasing microalgae from the stress of amino acid deficiency. These findings also provide a foundation for regulating microalgal lipid production through manipulation of the nitrogen assimilation‐associated genes.  相似文献   

Colonization by midges, and temporal changes in their community structure, were examined in slow sand filter beds. The replicated beds allow the development of communities to be traced from a known starting point.The filter beds (rectangular concrete containers filled with water) have a substratum of sand on which a rich coating of organic particles develops during passage of the water through the bed. The containers (ponds) are drained from time to time and the organic layer is then scraped off the sand surface. This occurs on average, once a month. The length of time the ponds were filled with water (bed run) during the present study ranged from 16 to 77 days.In long bed runs small midges with a short aquatic phase (Cricotopus sylvestris, Psectrocladius limbatellus, Tanytarsus fimbriatus) produced adults after 16–20 days; other, larger midges,e.g. Psectrocladius barbimanus and the Tanypodinae required a longer aquatic phase. Of the Tanypodinae, the smallAblabesmyia phatta, had the shortest duration of the four species found, and was much the most numerous member of this subfamily. Some Chironomini only appeared when the organic coating had developed over the sand surface. Midges of this tribe frequently failed to complete their larval development within the duration of bed runs and were thus trapped on the substratum at the time of cleaning. When ponds were drained after short bed runs the succession in community structure observed in long runs was arrested.Three small midgesC. sylvestris, P. limbatellus andT. fimbriatus, were collected in high numbers throughout the life of all beds, except towards the end of the longest runs in the study. This suggests that small size, short life cycles, and the ability to colonize clean substrata, are important characteristics for the development of primary chironomid communities in short-lived temporary habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of soil moisture content on leaf dynamics and insect herbivory was examined between September 1991 and March 1992 in a river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest in southern central New South Wales. Long-term observations of leaves were made in trees standing either within intermittently flooded waterways or at an average of 37. 5m from the edge of the waterways. The mean soil moisture content was significantly (P≤0.05) greater in the waterways than in the non-flooded areas. Trees in the higher soil moisture regime produced significantly larger basal area increments and increased canopy leaf area. This increase in canopy leaf area was achieved, in part, through a significant increase in leaf longevity and mean leaf size. Although a greater number of leaves was initiated and abscissed per shoot from the non-flooded trees, more leaves were collected from litter traps beneath the denser canopies of the flooded trees. Consumption of foliage by insects on the trees subjected to flooding compared to the non-flooded trees was not significantly different. However, the relative impact of insect herbivory was significantly greater on the non-flooded trees. Leaf chewing was the most common form of damage by insects, particularly Chryso-melidae and Curculionidae. No species was present in outbreak during this study. Leaf survival decreased as the per cent area eaten per leaf increased. In addition, irrespective of the level of herbivory, leaf abscission tended to be higher in E. camaldulensis under moisture deficit. The influence of soil moisture content on the balance between river red gum growth and insect herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Environmental heterogeneity created by prescribed burning provided the context for testing whether the distribution of an oak specialist (the lace bug, Corythuca arcuata ) could be explained by stoichiometric mismatches between herbivore and host plant composition.
2. Field observations showed that lace bug density was seven-fold higher in frequently burned than in unburned units.
3. Lace bug density did not increase with leaf nutrient concentrations, but was instead associated with higher light levels, higher concentrations of leaf carbon (C), lignin and total phenolics, and lower levels of cellulose. In addition, lace bugs reared on high-light leaves had higher levels of survivorship than those fed on low-light leaves.
4. Sampling restricted to full-sun leaves was used to test whether fire-related changes in leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations have a secondary influence on lace bug success. This sampling provided only limited evidence for nutrient limitation, as decreases in leaf N and P were associated with an increase in lace bug mass but a decrease in density.
5. It is concluded that burning probably promotes lace bug population growth by increasing canopy openness, light penetration, and the availability of C-based metabolites, and thus simple stoichoimetric mismatches between herbivores and host plants are not of primary importance in this system.  相似文献   

Calopteryx exul is an endemic endangered damselfly that suffers considerable habitat degradation and local extinctions throughout its geographic range. Although recent studies have investigated its distribution, ecology and larval systematics, the life history of the species is still unknown. In this study, a field survey was conducted to determine larval development, temporal pattern of emergence and teneral spatial distribution of the species in the Seybouse watershed, north‐east Algeria. Larval growth was investigated in two populations: one at about 200 m (low‐elevation population) and the second at 600 m of elevation (high‐elevation population). The species showed partial bivoltine life cycle in both low‐ and high‐elevation population. The temporal pattern of emergence of the first flight season of the year at low‐elevation population was asynchronous with an emergence season lasting 46 days and half of the population emerging in 15 days. The second flight season was shorter with a most likely smaller population size. Sex ratio at emergence was slightly male biased. After ecdysis, tenerals stayed next to the water within a mean distance of 4.76 ± 4.35 m (± SD) with no significant difference between sexes. Conservation measures that should be taken into account in the elaboration of future management plans for the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Field observations on the relationship between male mating success and emergence timing in the funnel-web spider,Agelena limbata, were conducted.Agelena limbata is an annual species and adult males appear slightly earlier than adult females in July. As males deposit a copulatory plug at the female epigynum after copulation, copulation with virgin females is important to males. The number of copulations in males with virgin females, which strongly correlates with the longevity of males and the number of females that males courted, did not correlate with the emergence timing of males. Early emerged males and females were significantly larger in size than later ones, but the correlation coefficient between the emerged date and the cephalothorax width was not strong. Males that emerged earlier did not have any advantage in copulating with larger and more fecund females. Furthermore, virgin females first copulated on average 7.9 days after their final molt and the mortality rate of adult males increased after the final molt. These factors may favor the smaller degree of protandry in male emergence timing inA. limbata.  相似文献   

The close phylogenetic relationship between humans and other primates creates exceptionally high potential for pathogen exchange. The surveillance of pathogens in primates plays an important role in anticipating possible outbreaks. In this study, we conducted a molecular investigation of pathogenic bacteria in feces from African nonhuman primates (NHPs). We also investigated the pathogens shared by the human population and gorillas living in the same territory in the Republic of Congo. In total, 93% of NHPs (n=176) and 95% (n=38) of humans were found to carry at least one bacterium. Non-pallidum Treponema spp. (including T. succinifaciens, T. berlinense, and several potential new species) were recovered from stools of 70% of great apes, 88% of monkeys, and 79% of humans. Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium spp. were also common in almost all NHP species as well as in humans. In addition, Acinetobacter spp., members of the primate gut microbiota, were mainly prevalent in human and gorilla. Pathogenic Leptospira spp. were highly present in humans (82%) and gorillas (66%) stool samples in Congo, but were absent in the other NHPs, therefore suggesting a possible gorillas-humans exchange. Particular attention will be necessary for enteropathogenic bacteria detected in humans such as Helicobacter pylori, Salmonella spp. (including S. typhi/paratyphi), Staphyloccocus aureus, and Tropheryma whipplei, some of which were also present in gorillas in the same territory (S. aureus and T. whipplei). This study enhances our knowledge of pathogenic bacteria that threaten African NHPs and humans by using a non-invasive sampling technique. Contact between humans and NHPs results in an exchange of pathogens. Ongoing surveillance, prevention, and treatment strategies alone will limit the spread of these infectious agents.  相似文献   

The central neuropile of thoracic ganglia in the central nervous system (CNS) of the cockroach Periplaneta americana contains synapses with characteristic pre- and post-synaptic membrane specializations and associated structures. These include dense pre-synaptic T-bars surrounded by synaptic vesicles, together with post-synaptic densities of varying electron opacity. Exocytotic release of synaptic vesicles is observed only rarely near presynaptic densities, but coated pits are seen at variable distances from them, and may be involved in membrane retrieval. After freeze-fracture, paralinear arrays of intramembranous articles (IMPs) are detected on the P face of many presynaptic terminals, with associated dimples indicative of vesicular release. The E face of these membranes exhibits protuberances complementary to the P face dimples, as well as scattered larger IMPs. Post-synaptic membranes possess dense IMP aggregates on the P face, some of which may represent receptor molecules. Electrophysiological studies with biotinylated alpha-bungarotoxin reveal that biotinylation does not inhibit the pharmacological effectiveness of the toxin in blocking acetylcholine receptors on an identified motoneurone in the metathoracic ganglion. Preliminary thin section ultrastructural analysis of this tissue post-treated with avidin-HRP or avidin-ferritin indicates that alpha-bungarotoxin-binding sites are localized at certain synapses in these insect thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   

Two models that explain variation in behaviour associated with locating and accepting different habitats (host plants) are described and analyzed. One model describes the dynamics of search-mode ontogeny in Battus philenor butterflies. This model predicts that the proportion of females using either of two search modes at any given time reflects an equilibrium between the rate at which females switch from using a narrow-leaf search mode to using a broad-leaf search mode and the rate at which the opposite switch is made. Preliminary data suggest that the model predicts reasonably well the observed seasonal change in predominant search mode in the field. The second model, really a set of related models, describes the dynamics of genes that influence searching behaviour. Several predictions of these models are: (1) gentic variation for proportional allocation of offspring to different habitats should be more common under soft-selection regimes than under hard-selection regimes. (2) Polyphagy should be more common under soft selection than under hard selection. (3) Whether changes in the relative abundances or relative quality of different habitats lead to evolutionary change in apportionment of offspring to habitats depends in a complex way on mode of population regulation, method of search, type of limitation of fecundity and genetic properties of loci affecting preference. Although the two types of models superficially appear to address different types of behavioural variation, they may be used in a complementary fashion to understand the evolution of habitat selection behaviour.  相似文献   

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