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Long-distance migration is often associated with relatively short breeding seasons and a start of reproductive activities shortly after arrival. The full activation of the reproductive system from the regressed state takes, however, several weeks and must, therefore, be initiated in the winter quarters or during spring migration. Hence, long-distance migrants face a potential conflict between the energetic and temporal requirements of migration and the preparation for reproduction. We studied long-distance migratory Siberian stonechats in northern Kazakhstan and short- distance migratory European stonechats in Slovakia. We hypothesized that migratory distance and gonadal status at the time of arrival are related. We found that males of both populations arrived with gonads that were not fully developed. However, the populations neither differed in gonadal state at the time of arrival, nor in the rate of testicular development to the fully active state at the time of egg laying. The rate of the last stages of gonadal development may be determined by physiological constraints rather than by a trade-off between migration and reproduction. Within populations, passage migrants and local breeders could not be distinguished on the basis of their testicular development. However, passage migrants showed higher variation in gonadal size than local breeders, which could relate to the differences in migratory distance and hence reproductive timing.  相似文献   

The increasing intensity of farming of meadows is supposed to be the major cause for strong declines of many meadow breeding birds. The whinchat, Saxicola rubetra, a Palaearctic migratory bird, is an indicator species of open grassland farmed at a low intensity. Originally widespread throughout Switzerland, it is now restricted to mountain and subalpine grassland. We document the changes in meadow cultivation in subalpine farmland from 1988 to 2002, and the breeding performance and density of the whinchat. We explored the impact of habitat degradation on the population dynamics of this meadow bird. The cultivation of hay meadows changed markedly within the 15 years: the onset of mowing was shifted forward by about 20 days, and farmers applied new techniques such as silage and irrigation. This shift was more pronounced in the favourable farmland in the valley bottom (Pradellas) than on the slopes (Vnà). The percentage of successful whinchat broods, ranging from 5% to 78% in different years, strongly depended on mowing date on both sites. In spite of earlier mowing, birds did not change their time schedule of breeding. Breeding success in Pradellas was too low to compensate for mortality (sink population), but because of immigration the number of breeding pairs did not decrease untill 2000. Population size may therefore be a misleading indicator of local population viability. Based on the breeding schedule of whinchats at different altitudes, we recommend mowing dates in agreement with the reproductive cycle of ground nesting meadow birds.  相似文献   

Aprostocetus vaquitarum (Wolcott) causes 78–91 percent mortality to eggs of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.), under field conditions in southern Florida. In the laboratory, A. vaquitarum was reared on D. abbreviatus eggs at 25 °C, a photoperiod of 12:12 (L:D) and with abundant hosts, A. vaquitarum adult females lived around 15 days. Oviposition was significantly affected by the age of the host egg mass. Egg masses aged 0- to 3-day-old were accepted significantly better than those aged 4–6 days. The mean number of eggs deposited per female was around 53, with extreme values of 124 and 19 eggs per female. Using these data in combination with the sex ratio observed in the field (0.16) and the duration of the preimaginal stages, rm (0.168–0142 day−1), T (22.39–22.89 days), and R0 (43.03–25.81 females per female) were calculated.  相似文献   

Two species associated with the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex, G. circinata (the cause of pitch canker in pines) and G. subglutinans (avirulent on pine), were found to have limited interfertility in hybrid crosses. MAT idiomorphs, polymorphisms in the histone H3 gene, vegetative compatibility, and virulence phenotypes were used to verify recombination. The MAT idiomorphs appeared to be assorting independently, but the histone H3 haplotype was disproportionately represented by that of the G. subglutinans parent. Ninety-eight percent (45/46) of the progeny tested were vegetatively incompatible with both parents. All F1 progeny were avirulent to pine, but a wide range of virulence was restored through a backcross to the virulent parent (G. circinata). Attempts at hybrid crosses using other isolate combinations were rarely successful (1/26). This limited interfertility supports retention of G. circinata and G. subglutinans as separate species, but offers opportunities to characterize the inheritance of virulence to pine.  相似文献   

Peristenus digoneutis Loan and Peristenus stygicus Loan, parasitoids of the European tarnished plant bug Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, are established in the United States for biological control of native North American Lygus species, and are being considered for deliberate release in Canada. High lifetime fecundity of parasitoids is considered a desirable attribute of biological control agents and therefore, an understanding of parasitoid reproductive biology is required. In the present study, the potential lifetime fecundity of both agents was compared under laboratory conditions to estimate the potential impact of Peristenus species on Lygus. Synovigenic P. digoneutis and P. stygicus females oviposited most actively in the first two weeks of their lifetime, with a maximum average daily oviposition rate after five days. The maximum number of eggs laid per day was 83 eggs for P. stygicus, and 36 eggs for P. digoneutis. P. digoneutis has an average potential lifetime fecundity of 385 ± 35 SE eggs produced over 22 ± 3 SE days. In contrast, P. stygicus females have a 50% higher mean potential lifetime fecundity reaching 782 ± 65 SE eggs over 28 ± 1 SE days. A positive correlation between lifetime fecundity and body size was found only for P. stygicus, and both species showed a significant relationship between lifetime fecundity and oviposition period. The present study demonstrates that the fecundity of P. digoneutis and P. stygicus is considerably higher than previously reported. Based on these findings, P. stygicus appears to be the most effective biological control agent for Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) when only fecundity is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Summary  A new genus, Cleistesiopsis, was segregated from Cleistes based on morphological and molecular characteristics, and two new species of Cleistes: C. batistana and C. elongata, both occurring in the Brazilian Central Plateau (Central-Western Brazil), are described and illustrated. Furthermore, a key to genera currently recognised within Pogonieae is presented.
Resumo  Um novo gênero, Cleistesiopsis, é segregado de Cleistes com base em caracteres morfológicos e moleculares, e duas novas espécies de Cleistes: C. batistana e C. elongata, que ocorrem no Planalto Central, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil, s?o descritas e ilustradas. Além disso, uma chave para os gêneros que atualmente comp?em a tribo Pogonieae é apresentada.

Summary The Cy transposable element system is composed of two genetically defined elements: an rcy receptor element inserted at the Bronze-1 locus; and an independently segregating regulatory element, Cy. The Cy system is not functionally homologous to any of the non-Mutator transposable element systems. Evidence is presented that supports a relationship between the Cy system and the family of Mu1-homologous transposable elements that are responsible for the Mutator phenomenon. Although related, Cy elements and the Mu1-homologous elements are not identical; Cy is inherited in a near-Mendelian fashion, in contrast to the non-Mendelian inheritance of the Mu1-homologous elements.  相似文献   

邹武  王渌  赖童  朱祥福  陈伏生  曾菊平 《生态学报》2022,42(5):1889-1900
生境保护是维持生物多样性的基本途径,南方山地阔叶林维系着当地的生物多样性热点,而由于保护覆盖不足,保护效果亟待提高。以典型山地阔叶林树种木莲(Manglietia fordiana)为例,通过大尺度采集发生点,预测适生分布,获知影响其适生分布的关键因子。同时,以九连山种群进行案例研究,调查地方尺度下木莲植株的发生,了解其在山地地形、植被类型的选择特征。用MaxEnt构建最佳模型预测适生区,结果显示木莲适生区主体位于中国南部、西南部山地(如戴云山、南岭、罗霄山、武夷山等),向北延至大别山南坡,向西达横断山脉。木莲适生分布主要受最干月降水量(bio14,贡献率34.6%)、海拔高度(19.2%)、温度季节性变化标准差(bio4,15.6%)、最暖季降水量(bio18,12.0%)、最冷月最低温度(bio6,7.0%)影响,其60%适生概率范围或生态位bio14为30-55mm、海拔为400-1500m、bio18为500-800mm等。在适生区基础上,叠加考虑阔叶林分布,并选择其偏好海拔高度(>700m)提取获得木莲优先保护区,经与现有自然保护区叠加分析后,进行空缺识别,结果显示优先区保护覆盖为4.1%-6.0%,而高适生区保护覆盖也<10%(占比8.03%),覆盖比重较低。而沿<400m、400-700m、>700m海拔梯度显示>700m区域保护比重(8.7%)明显高于400-700m (4.4%)与<400(2.3%)组,说明前期保护区设计基本遵从优先区保护原则,能有效保护木莲高适生区。同样的,九连山保护区案例显示,当地木莲51.4%高适宜生境受到核心区的严格保护。研究结果表明,仍需在黄山-天目山区、苗岭东段、高黎贡山北段与南段、中越边界山区与广东西南山区6个空缺提高保护覆盖,通过建立新的自然保护区,优化当前保护网络,提高山地阔叶林的整体保护水平。  相似文献   

Gonatocerus ashmeadi is a common and seemingly widespread egg parasitoid of Homalodisca coagulata, the glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS). Location records for G. ashmeadi indicate its natural range to be the southeastern USA and northeastern Mexico (which coincides with the presumed native range of GWSS), and possibly southern and central California (CA) (the adventive range of GWSS). The purpose of our work was to determine whether G. ashmeadi in the USA and northeastern Mexico is one species or a complex of reproductively incompatible sibling species. We used three approaches to determine the species identity of different G. ashmeadi populations: (1) reassessment of key morphological features using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine if subtle morphological differences exist between G. ashmeadi populations which could indicate species differences; (2) to determine if molecular differences exist between G. ashmeadi populations collected from different regions by comparing mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA sequences; (3) mating compatibility studies to determine if different populations of G. ashmeadi are reproductively isolated, or if mating occurs, whether offspring are viable thereby defining species groups on the basis of successful interbreeding. Results from these three areas (morphology, DNA sequences, and reproductive compatibility) have been evaluated collectively; leading us to the conclusion that G. ashmeadi as it is currently viewed is a valid species and not an aggregate of morphologically indistinguishable cryptic species.  相似文献   

Experiments conducted in West Java, Indonesia investigated the developmental biology and reproductive behavior of two sympatric soybean pod borers, Etiella zinckenella Treitschke and E. hobsoni Butler (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). It was determined that: (1) significant interspecific differences occurred between the egg, larval, pupal and total egg-to-adult developmental periods of laboratory raised E. zinckenella and E. hobsoni; (2) the pre-pupal and total egg-to-adult development periods of female E. zinckenella were significantly shorter than for males; (3) the longevity of virgin female E. zinckenella was significantly longer than that of virgin males, or virgin male and female E. hobsoni; (4) interspecific differences occurred in the female: male sex-ratios of laboratory raised adults; (5) peak mating for both species occurred on the second night after eclosion; (6) interspecific differences occurred in the temporal distribution of calling and mating behaviors; (7) repeated mating was observed for both species at a very low frequency; (8) interspecific mating did not occur; (9) female E. zinckenella were significantly more fecund than E. hobsoni; (10) the duration in copulo of E. zinckenella was significantly longer than that of E. hobsoni; and (11) wingtraps baited with virgin females caught only conspecific males, and reduced numbers of males were captured in traps simultaneously baited with virgin females of both species. This study demonstrates distinct biological differences and reproductive isolation between the two Etiella spp.  相似文献   

The expected outcome of weed control in natural systems is that the decline of a dominant weed will result in an increase in diversity of the plant community but this has seldom been tested. Here we evaluate the response of the plant community following the decline of diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa) in six different pastures at White Lake, BC, Canada over five years. This period followed the establishment, spread and high levels of attack by the introduced European weevil, Larinus minutus, as part of a biological control program. Knapweed declined immediately before and during the study period, but, contrary to expectations, the species richness and diversity of the rangeland plant community did not increase. The absolute cover of native and introduced forbs and grasses increased following knapweed decline, but only the introduced grasses showed a consistent increase in cover relative to the other life-forms. However, unlike in other studies, the native plants dominated the study site. We conclude that the changes in plant communities following successful biological control are variable among programs and that the impact of replacement species must be evaluated in assessing the success of ecological restoration programs that use biological control to manage an undesirable weed.  相似文献   

Verification of Pleurotus eryngii strains was assessed using ITS sequence analysis and RAPD fingerprinting. Sequence analysis of the ITS1–5.8S rDNA–ITS2 region of 24 strains of Pleurotus sp., which consisted of 22 strains of P. eryngii and the control strains P. ostreatus and P. ferulae, demonstrated that the DNA regions share mostly 99 % sequence identity, indicating that sequence-based analysis is not applicable for the verification of closely related mushroom strains. To verify the mushroom strains using RAPD, we amplified DNA fragments from the total cellular DNA of 24 mushroom strains with 18 different random primers, yielding 538 distinct DNA fragments ranging from 200–4000 bp. Analysis of the DNA fragment pattern showed that the 22 P. eryngii strains were clearly distinguished from the control strains P. ostreatus and P. ferulae, and could be categorized into five subgroups. Subsequent physiological studies on the development of fruiting bodies demonstrated the close correlation of the RAPD-based grouping with the phenotypical characteristics of mushroom fruiting bodies.  相似文献   

Recent DNA sequence analyses indicated that Nigrosabulum globosum is a cleistothecial representative of the Bionectriaceae in the Hypocreales, but morphological characters supporting this relationship are unknown. Using light and electron microscopy we followed the development of the ascomata of this species, from the formation of gametangia through to the development of mature ascospores, and observed a series of characters that confirmed its hypocrealean affinities. These included the formation of a gel-filled centrum during early stages of ascoma development, the subsequent appearance of hyaline peridial tissue enclosed within a layer we interpret as representing a melanized uniloculate stroma, apically derived paraphyses, and an ascogenous system that gives rise to asci that were both cylindrical to clavate and globose. Ascospores, previously reported to be smooth, were ornamented with a honeycomb-like reticulum and were able to germinate within the ascoma. The carbonaceous outer (stromatic) walls of the mature, grit-like cleistothecia indicate possible resistance to UV radiation and desiccation. Furthermore, the complement of germinated ascospores would enable mature ascomata to function as propagules that could quickly initiate new growth when transferred to fresh substrate. Our reexamination of N. globosum also provides data that support the hypothesized close relationship with other bionectriaceous, cleistothecial coprophiles, i.e., species of Hapsidospora, and Bulbithecium in particular.  相似文献   

The impact of a biocontrol agent spreading from a point source on crop–weed interactions was modeled. The model encompassed: (i) severity of crop–weed competition as affected by a rust pathogen, (ii) velocity of spread of the rust pathogen, and (iii) density of infected plants introduced in the weed population as starting points (inoculum sources) for an epidemic. The model was parameterized for a study system encompassing the crop Daucus carota (carrot), the weed Senecio vulgaris (common groundsel), and its antagonist Puccinia lagenophorae. The parameters of (i) were estimated in a greenhouse study using a response-surface design. Estimates of the parameter of (ii) were obtained from the literature. The density of infected plants (iii) was varied to simulate crop loss as function of density. Simulations were run for various densities of the weed and various velocities of rust pathogen spread. The results of the simulations indicated a crop-loss ranging from 5 to 10% at levels of relatively weak D. carotaS. vulgaris competition. Density of inoculum sources and velocity of P. lagenophorae spread had only minor effects on crop loss. In contrast, density of inoculum sources and velocity of spread had major effects on crop loss at levels of intermediate (range of 10–35% loss) and severe competition (range of 30–70% loss). The results are discussed both with respect to biological control of S. vulgaris using P. lagenophorae as biocontrol agent and as a general model describing the impact of the spatial dynamics of a pathogen (natural enemy) on plant competition.  相似文献   

Population and reproductive biology of Uca thayeri Rathbun, 1900 were studied for the first time in a tropical mangrove. Absolute density, sex ratio, population structure, handedness, breeding season and fecundity were investigated. Seven transects were delimited in a mangrove area of the Pacoti River, Northeast of Brazil (3° 43′ 02″ S/38° 32′ 35″ W). On each transect, ten 0.25 m2 squares were sampled on a monthly basis during low tide periods from September 2003 to August 2004. A total of 483 crabs were obtained, of which 250 were males, 219 non-ovigerous females, and 14 ovigerous females. The U. thayeri population presented bi-modal size frequency distribution, with males and non-ovigerous females not differing significantly size-wise. Ovigerous females were larger than males and non-ovigerous females. The overall sex ratio (1:1.07) did not differ significantly from the expected 1:1 proportion. The major cheliped was the right one in 50% of the males. The observed density was of 8.5 individuals/m2, with the specimens being found mostly in shaded areas. Ovigerous females were found in 5 months of the year, coinciding with the rainy season, suggesting that the population of U. thayeri presents seasonal reproductive events. Juvenile crabs were more abundant during the dry period, while larger crabs were found mainly during the rainy period. The fecundity of the studied population was much smaller than that of subtropical populations of this species. The regression analysis shows that the number of eggs increases linearly with the increase of carapace width.  相似文献   

Single-read sequence analysis of the termini of eight randomly picked clones ofAshbya gossypii genomic DNA revealed seven sequences with homology toSaccharomyces cerevisiae genes (15% to 69% on the amino acid level). One of these sequences appeared to code for the carboxy-terminus of threonine synthase, the product of theS. cerevisiae THR4 gene (52.4% identity over 82 amino acids). We cloned and sequenced the complete putativeAgTHR4 gene ofA. gossypii. It comprises 512 codons, two less than theS. cerevisiae THR4 gene. Overall identity at the amino acid sequence level is 67.4%. A continuous stretch of 32 amino acids displaying complete identity between these two fungal threonine synthases presumably contains the pyridoxal phosphate attachment site. Disruption of theA. gossypii gene led to threonine auxotrophy, which could be complemented by transformation with replicating plasmids carrying theAgTHR4 gene and variousS. cerevisiae ARS elements. Using these plasmids only very weak complementation of aS. cerevisiae thr4 mutation was observed. Investigation of sequences adjacent to theAgTHR4 gene identified three additional ORFs. Surprisingly, the order and orientation of these four ORFs is conserved inA. gossypii andS. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Recent novel mixed blooms of several species of toxic raphidophytes have caused fish kills and raised health concerns in the highly eutrophic Inland Bays of Delaware, USA. The factors that control their growth and dominance are not clear, including how these multi-species HAB events can persist without competitive exclusion occurring. We compared and contrasted the relative environmental niches of sympatric Chattonella subsalsa and Heterosigma akashiwo isolates from the bays using classic Monod-type experiments. C. subsalsa grew over a temperature range from 10 to 30 °C and a salinity range of 5–30 psu, with optimal growth occurring from 20 to 30 °C and 15 to 25 psu. H. akashiwo had similar upper temperature and salinity tolerances but also lower limits, with growth occurring from 4 to 30 °C and 5 to 30 psu and optimal growth between 16 and 30 °C and 10 and 30 psu. These culture results were confirmed by field observations of bloom occurrences in the Inland Bays. Maximum nutrient-saturated growth rates (μmax) for C. subsalsa were 0.6 d−1 and half-saturation concentrations for growth (Ks) were 9 μM for nitrate, 1.5 μM for ammonium, and 0.8 μM for phosphate. μmax of H. akashiwo (0.7 d−1) was slightly higher than C. subsalsa, but Ks values were nearly an order of magnitude lower at 0.3 μM for nitrate, 0.3 μM for ammonium, and 0.2 μM for phosphate. H. akashiwo is able to grow on urea but C. subsalsa cannot, while both can use glutamic acid. Cell yield experiments at environmentally relevant levels suggested an apparent preference by C. subsalsa for ammonium as a nitrogen source, while H. akashiwo produced more biomass on nitrate. Light intensity affected both species similarly, with the same growth responses for each over a range from 100 to 600 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Factors not examined here may allow C. subsalsa to persist during multi-species blooms in the bays, despite being competitively inferior to H. akashiwo under most conditions of nutrient availability, temperature, and salinity.  相似文献   

Psilochilus modestus Barb. Rodr. is a basal epidendroid orchid occurring in both the semi-deciduous and Atlantic rain forests of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. This species presents a perfect flowering synchrony within populations, since all the mature buds of each plant open simultaneously in the morning hours of the same day. These flowers are available only for 1 day and are pollinated by several species of small solitary and social native bees. These bees exploit both pollen and nectar as a reward. The bees collecting pollen promote a higher fruit set and perform mainly self-pollination while those collecting nectar, which are less numerous, are responsible for an increase in cross-pollinations. P. modestus is self-compatible but pollinator dependent. Natural fruit set (open pollination) is low when compared with the numbers obtained under manual self- and cross-pollination. Low fruit set in natural conditions is related to deficient pollen transfer, and pollinator inefficiency seems to be the main factor. Some factors, such as the small amount of nectar produced, the low number of flowers per inflorescence and their availability for 1 day only added to the perfect flowering synchrony seem to be responsible for the increase of cross-pollinations. The offering of both pollen and nectar as a reward can represent a transitional condition in basal Epidendroideae. Based on floral morphology, reward production and pollinator behavior, the relationship of P. modestus with the basal and most derived groups within Orchidaceae is discussed.  相似文献   

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