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In the mast cell, a well-developed array of microtubules is centered around the centrioles. Complete loss of microtubules is observed when mast cells are treated with 10(-5) M colchicine for 4 h at 37 degrees C. The loss of ultrastructurally evident microtubules is associated with a marked change in the shape of mast cells from spheroids to highly irregular, frequently elongated forms with eccentric nuclei. In colchicine-treated cells the association of nucleus, Golgi apparatus, and centrioles is also lost. Mast cells exposed to 10(-5) M colchicine for 4 h at 37 degrees C retain 80% of their capacity to release histamine when stimulated by polymyxin B. Exocytosis is evident in stimulated cells pretreated with colchicine and lacking identifiable microtubules. When the conditions of exposure of mast cells to colchicine are varied with respect to the concentration of colchicine, the length of exposure, and the temperature of exposure, dissociation between deformation of cell shape and inhibition of histamine secretion is observed. These observations indicate that microtubules are not essential for mast cell histamine release and bring into question the assumption that the inhibitory effect of colchicine on mast cell secretion depends on interference with microtubule integrity.  相似文献   

The function of contractile system of microtubules on the mechanism of mast cell exocytosis by using colchicine, a depolymerizing alkaloid of the microtubular system, has been studied. The response of histamine release and 45Ca-uptake in isolated rat mast cells treated with colchicine has been determined. The incubation of mast cells in the presence of 10(-8)-10(-3) M colchicine slightly inhibits histamine secretion induced by the stimulant concentration 50 micrograms/ml of compound 48/80 (35 +/- 5%). Similarly colchicine does not significantly affect histamine values spontaneously elicited in unstimulated mast cells; the percentages of secretion are never greater than 10%. However, high doses of this alkaloid are found to markedly inhibit entry of calcium ions into the cell. These results suggest that microtubules do not participate in the secretory process of mast cells, although they significantly decrease calcium uptake. The microtubules might be connected to the membrane, so that the depolymerization of this contractile system could damage the membrane structures through which Ca2+ is transported.  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum against rat plasma fibronectin induced histamine release in isolated rat peritoneal mast cells. Immunofluorescence revealed fibronectin on the mast cells in rat mesentery and on the surface of the isolated mast cells. Mast cells adhered to collagen-coated dishes. This cellular adherence was inhibited by the addition of anti-fibronectin. Fibronectin on the surface of mast cells may play a role of attachment of the cells to collagenous connective tissues.  相似文献   

The effects of incubation of rat anterior pituitary cells in monolayer culture with 10(-6) M colchicine have been investigated during time-intervals extending from 1 to 96 hours. Prolactin release, as measured by radioimmunoassay, was rapidly inhibited by colchicine, this inhibition being accompanied by increased cellular prolactin content for up to 24 hours of treatment and followed by decreased values of cellular prolactin concentration at later time-intervals. Immunocytochemical localization showed an increased positive reaction for prolactin up to 24 hours after colchicine treatment, whereas transmission electron microscopy demonstrated, in parallel, an increased number of intracellular prolactin secretory granules during the same interval. Longer periods of treatment (24-96 hours) resulted in the appearance of more lysosomes, autophagic vacuoles and microfilaments in the cells, whereas the number of Golgi elements was decreased. Following four hours of colchicine treatment and at later stages, microtubules could no longer be observed in the sections. Scanning electron microscopic data showed that colchicine treatment induced dramatic changes in the cell surface morphology: at short time intervals (4 and 8 hours), the number of microvilli decreased and the cell surface became folded, whereas, later, "bleb"-like protrusions of variable dimensions partially covered the cell surface and seemed to be released from it. These data show a good correlation between secretory activity of prolactin-producing cells and morphological changes induced by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Colchicine administered to adult rats at a dosage of 0.5 mg/100 g of body weight effected a disorganization of the Golgi apparatus in pancreatic acinar cells. The results obtained after various periods of treatment (10 min to 6 h) showed (a) changes in all components of the Golgi complex, and (b) occurrence of large vacuoles that predominated in cytoplasmic areas outside the Golgi region. The alterations in Golgi stacks concerned elements of the proximal and distal side: (a) accumulation of transport vesicles, (b) formation of small, polymorphic secretion granules, and (c) alterations in the cytochemical localization of enzymes and reaction product after osmification. Transport vesicles accumulated and accompanied short, dilated cisternae, which lack mostly the reaction products of thiamine pyrophosphatase, inosine diphosphatase, and acid phosphatase, and osmium deposits after prolonged osmification. After 4 to 6 h of treatment, accumulated transport vesicles occupied extensive cellular areas; stacked cisternae were not demonstrable in these regions. The changes on the distal Golgi side included GERL elements: condensing vacuoles were diminished; they were substituted by small, polymorphic zymogen granules, which appeared to be formed by distal Golgi cisternae and by rigid lamellae. Unusually extended coated regions covered condensing vacuoles, rigid lamellae, and polymorphic secretion granules. A cytochemical distinction between Golgi components and GERL was possible neither in controls nor after colchicine treatment. The cytochemical alterations in Golgi components were demonstrable 20-30 min following administration of colchicine; at 45 min, initial morphological changes--augmentation of transport vesicles and formation of polymorphic zymogen granules--became apparent. 20 min after administration of colchicine, conspicuous groups of large vacuoles occurred. They were located mostly in distinct fields between cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, and were accompanied by small osmium--reactive vesicles. Stacked cisternae were not demonstrable in these fields. Vacuoles and vesicles were devoid of reaction products of thiamine pyrophosphatase, inosine diphosphatase, and acid phosphatase. The results provide evidence that formation of stacked Golgi cisternae is impaired after colchicine treatment. The colchicine--induced disintegration of the Golgi complex suggests a regulatory function of microtubules in the organization of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The effects of colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization, on the maintenance of steady state binding of insulin to isolated hepatocytes was studied. Colchicine (10?5M) produced a 35–45% decrease in binding in presence of insulin (10?8M) at 37°C. This decrease in binding was time and temperature dependent. The decrease was also dependent on the amount of insulin bound to the cell. The results suggest that colchicine may prevent the maintenance of steady state binding of insulin by impairing transfer of newly synthesized or recycled receptor from within the cell to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The shape changes of peritoneal rat mast cells induced by colchicine are completely inhibited by trifluoperazine (10(-4) M), known to inhibit calmodulin, and by EDTA (2 X 10(-3) M). Promethazine and chlorpromazine increase these modifications up to 10(-4) M and inhibit them at higher concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of colchicine on plasma elimination and biliary excretion of indocyanine green (ICG) and sulfobromophthalein (BSP) in rats were examined. Elimination of two different doses of ICG (6 mg and 20 mg/kg body weight) from plasma was significantly delayed when rats were treated with colchicine (3 mg/kg body weight) 3 h prior to the administration of the dye. On the other hand, disappearance of BSP (100 mg/kg) from plasma was not influenced by colchicine. The fact that the difference in the ICG elimination from plasma between colchicine-treated and saline-treated rats was minimal in the early period (i.e., 2 min after administration of the dye), but evident after its half-life (i.e., 10 min, when 6 mg/kg body weight of ICG was given), suggested that colchicine mainly affected the hepatocellular transport of ICG rather than the uptake of the dye by hepatocytes. Colchicine also significantly reduced the excretion of ICG (6 mg and 20 mg/kg) into bile but did not alter that of BSP (100 mg and 200 mg/kg). On the other hand, the same amount of lumicolchicine (3 mg/kg) did not have any effect on the biliary excretion of ICG. These results suggested that ICG is transported through hepatocytes into bile with the aid of the cytoplasmic microtubular system, whereas BSP is handled by hepatocytes in a different way.  相似文献   

Research Allergological Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and Laboratory of Pharmacology, S. Ordzhonikidze Research Chemico-Pharmaceutical Institute, Moscow. Among the tested new antihistaminic drugs (quinuclidine derivatives) quinuclidyl-3-(O-tolyl) carbinol possessed histamine releasing action (HRA) on the isolated rat mast cells. In used concentrations (up to 0.4 mmol) all phenothiazines (promethazine, phenethazine, chlorpromazine, methylene blue) had HRA. There was no correlation between the HRA and the antihistaminic activity of the tested drugs. Histamine release induced by antihistaminic drugs and a steep dose-response curve, was produced at low temperature and was not inhibited under conditions of inhibition of energy-dependent stage of 48/80-induced histamine release. It was concluded that the tested antihistaminic drugs which had HRA were non-selective histamine releasers.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the receptor subtype involved in histamine stimulation of increased cyclic AMP levels in rat mast cells with consequent impairment of anaphylactically induced mediator release, the binding of the H-1 receptor antagonist [3H] pyrilamine to mast cells was examined. Pyrilamine bound rapidly, in a saturable and reversible fashion, and with increased binding at 4°C as compared with 21°C and 37°C. [3H] Pyrilamine binding was displaced by H-1 antagonists (tripelnnamine > yrilamine ≧ iphenhydramine) > histamine > the H-2 antagonist, cimetidine. H-1 agonists displaced pyrilamine binding less efficiently than histamine but better than H-2 agonists. Rat mast cells have a single homogeneous population of low affinity (KD = 222 ± 33 nM) H-1 receptors with a Bmax of 9.7 ± 2.3 pm/106 mast cells and 5.4 ± 0.92 × 106 binding sites per mast cell. Thus, the mast cell has an H-1 type histamine receptor which is probably involved in histamine-induced cyclic AMP increases.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of colchicine on the transport of proteins in the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal tract of the rat was studied after injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) region. Colchicine, dissolved in distilled water and administered subarachnoidally, inhibited the axonal transport of labelled proteins into the neurohypophysis: the radioactivity that was recovered in neurohypophyseal TCA precipitable material was markedly decreased and hardly any radioactivity was found in the neurohypophyseal proteins which were separated by polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis.As revealed by electron microscopy the SON cell bodies showed marked changes after treatment with colchicine: a deeply folded nucleolemma; a pronounced, granular nucleolus; a dispersed chromatin; a zonal distribution of cell organelles with mitochondria and lysosomes accumulated at the periphery, crowded ribosomes, often arranged as polyribosomes and richly branching short profiles of endoplasmic reticulum filled with filamentous material forming an inner perinuclear zone separated by enlarged Golgi complexes.The profiles of elongated Herring bodies in the infundibulum were increased. The axon terminals were filled with heavily osmiophilic neurosecretory granules. The neurofilaments were slightly or moderately increased in number. No apparent changes were observed with regard to the neurotubuli in the SON neurons. The glial cells of the supraopticoneurohypophyseal tract showed reactive changes with a proliferation of filamentous elements. The biochemical and ultrastructural findings are discussed especially with respect to the mechanisms of transport and release of neurosecretory granules.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for the dispersion of mast cells from the intestinal lamina propria (LP) and epithelium of rats infected with the intestinal nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. The dispersed cells are morphologically and histochemically similar to intestinal mucosal mast cells (MMC) in situ and are distinguishable from peritoneal mast cells (PMC). MMC derived from the LP or epithelium of parasitized animals secrete histamine in response to the specific parasite antigens as well as anti-IgE. Unlike PMC, these cells are unresponsive to the basic secretagogues 48/80 and bee venom peptide 401. Similarly, bee venom peptide 401 conjugated with dansyl chloride binds to PMC and mast cells in the thymus and intestinal serosa, but not to mast cells in or derived from the intestinal LP and epithelium. Studies on PMC treated by the intestinal cell isolation procedure show that the functional characteristics of the MMC cannot be solely attributed to the isolation procedure. Thus, MMC have been isolated and shown to be morphologically, histochemically, and functionally different from PMC, as suggested by previous in vivo studies of the normal intestine.  相似文献   

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