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短发夹结构RNA干扰新城疫病毒的增殖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 以新城疫病毒(NDV)NP基因为标靶,构建3个细胞内表达发夹样结构小干扰RNA(shRNA)的质粒载体,在鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF)和鸡胚上进行了RNAi试验,筛选出一个有效抑制病毒复制的小分子ndv1.用阳离子脂质体转染试剂Silent-fect 将ndv1转染CEF,以不相关shRNA质粒载体HK为阴性对照,4 h后接种NDV,与对照相比,干涉组在病毒感染后3 h NP基因的表达量降低2.3倍,6 h 降低21.1倍,9 h降低9.8倍;ndv1能在48 h内完全阻断NDV在CEF中的增殖,延缓病变出现时间,减轻病变程度.将Silent-fect-ndv1混合物与NDV同时注入10日龄SPF鸡胚绒毛尿囊腔,能使105 ELD50NDV感染后17 h鸡胚尿囊液中病毒增殖量减少94.4%,使106 ELD50NDV感染后17 h鸡胚尿囊液中病毒增殖量减少62.5%.实验结果证实,在CEF中存在RNAi机制,抑制NDV NP基因的表达能有效阻断该病毒增殖,说明NP基因在NDV复制过程中起重要作用.实验结果为进一步利用RNAi技术在CEF和鸡胚中研究病毒基因组功能及筛选抗病毒小分子奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Ibaraki virus multiplied and induced cytopathic effects in primary cell cultures of bovine, sheep and hamster kidney and chick embryo, and cultures of BHK21-WI2 cells of baby hamster kidney origin and mouse fibroblastic L cells, but did not in primary cultures of horse and swine kidney cells and HeLa cell cultures. The virus was readily passaged serially in 4 to 5-day-old eggs using the yolk sac inoculation and incubation at 33.5 C. The viral growth was better in eggs incubated at 33.5 C than 37 C, and in younger eggs, with high yields in yolk, yolk sac and embryo. The virus was passaged serially in newborn mice by the intracerebral route. The virus multiplied in the brain of mice of any age, but younger mice supported better viral growth and developed encephalitis. As the age of mice increased, the morbidity and mortality became lower, no deaths being observed in 2 to 3-week-old mice. These observations in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and mice emphasize the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus. No evidence was obtained that young adult rabbits and weanling guinea pigs are susceptible to Ibaraki virus. The virus seemed to have little if any pathogenicity but infectivity of a low grade for sheep, while the virus is capable of inducing clinical illness, even severe in some instances, in cattle. This is in contrast to bluetongue virus which is highly pathogenic for sheep and much less so for cattle. Serial passages in embryonated eggs and suckling mice resulted in attenuation for cattle of Ibaraki virus.  相似文献   

Two epidemics of a new virus disease, tanapox, occurred in 1957 and 1962 among the Wapakomo tribe along the Tana River in Kenya. Several hundred people were affected by a short febrile illness with headache and prostration and the disease was characterized by a single pock-like lesion on the upper part of the body. A pox virus, unrelated to the vaccinia-variola group, has been incriminated as the causative agent. The virus has a limited host range and has been grown only in human and monkey tissue cultures, and so far the only animals that have proved susceptible in the laboratory have been monkeys. The characteristic lesions have been reproduced in a human volunteer. Histopathological and electron microscopic studies indicate that the virus belongs to the pox group, but serological tests show that it differs from other animal pox viruses, including yabapox virus of monkeys. A similar if not identical pox virus has caused epidemics in primate colonies in the U.S.A. It is suggested that tanapox is a zoonosis and that the disease is transmitted from monkeys to man in Kenya.  相似文献   

Replication of Ibaraki virus was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, indicating that the virus is an RNA virus. The virus was resistant to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate, sensitive to trypsin, very labile at acidic pH but stable at pH 6.4 or higher, and was resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. The virus was readily inactivated at 56 C or higher, was fairly stable at 37 C, and very stable at 4 C, while it rapidly lost infectivity when stored frozen at —20 C. The virus was readily sedimented by centrifugation at 40 000Xg for 60 min. It readily passed through membrane filters of 200 mμ pore size, passed through 100 μfilters but only with some titer loss and did not through 50 mμ filters. In these tests, the bluetongue virus used as a control behaved in the same manner as Ibaraki virus. These findings provide additional evidence for the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus which had been previously demonstrated on the basis of seasonal incidence, symptomatology and pathology of the diseases caused by these viruses and the behavior of the viruses in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. The present study, however, provided no evidence for any serological relation between these two viruses. More Information is needed to reach a final decision on the classification of Ibaraki virus, particularly regarding the morphology of the virion, the doublestrandedness of the viral RNA and other basic features.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of an acute febrile disease of cattle occurred in Japan in 1959 and 1960. Its occurrence was limited in late summer and autumn, and in Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu roughly south of 37 degrees north latitude, suggesting a close correlation of the incidence with the climatic conditions, hence a possibility of the presence of arthropod vector. The disease was characterized by fever and lesions affecting the mucous membrane and skin, musculature and vascular system. Degeneration of striated muscles was observed in the esophagus, larynx, pharynx, tongue and skeletal muscular system. Edema and hemorrhage were marked in the mouth, lips, abomasum, coronets etc., occasionally followed by degeneration of the epithelium leaving erosions or ulcerations. Severe lesions affecting the esophageal and laryngopharyngeal musculature caused deglutitive difficulty which in turn resulted in dehydration and emaciation, and occasionally in aspiration pneumonia, constituting the major causes of death of the affected animals. These findings indicate that the disease resembles bluetongue in sheep and cattle. The clinical materials obtained from natural cases induced a clinical illness when inoculated into calves, and the disease was transmitted serially in calves by intravenous inoculation of the blood obtained at the height of febrile reaction. The experimentally produced disease was clinically and pathologically indistinguishable from the natural disease.  相似文献   

The polypeptides of three paramyxoviruses (simian virus 5, Newcastle disease virus, and Sendai virus) were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Glycoproteins were identified by the use of radioactive glucosamine as a carbohydrate precursor. The protein patterns reveal similarities among the three viruses. Each virus contains at least five or six proteins, two of which are glycoproteins. Four of the proteins found in each virus share common features with corresponding proteins in the other two viruses, including similar molecular weights. These four proteins are the nucleocapsid protein (molecular weight 56,000 to 61,000), a larger glycoprotein (molecular weight 65,000 to 74,000), a smaller glycoprotein (molecular weight 53,000 to 56,000), and a major protein which is the smallest protein in each virion (molecular weight 38,000 to 41,000).  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can cause severe disease in chickens. Although NDV vaccines exist, there are frequent reports of outbreaks in vaccinated chickens. During 2009–2010, despite intense vaccination, NDV caused major outbreaks among commercial poultry farms in Indonesia. These outbreaks raised concern regarding the protective immunity of current vaccines against circulating virulent strains in Indonesia. In this study, we investigated whether a recombinant attenuated Indonesian NDV strain could provide better protection against prevalent Indonesian viruses. A reverse genetics system for the highly virulent NDV strain Banjarmasin/010/10 (Ban/010) isolated in Indonesia in 2010 was constructed. The Ban/010 virus is classified in genotype VII of class II NDV, which is genetically distinct from the commercial vaccine strains B1 and LaSota, which belong to genotype II, and shares only 89 and 87% amino acid identity for the protective antigens F and HN, respectively. A mutant virus, named Ban/AF, was developed in which the virulent F protein cleavage site motif “RRQKR↓F” was modified to an avirulent motif “GRQGR↓L” by three amino acid substitutions (underlined). The Ban/AF vaccine virus did not produce syncytia or plaques in cell culture, even in the presence of added protease. Pathogenicity tests showed that Ban/AF was completely avirulent. Ban/AF replicated efficiently during 10 consecutive passages in chickens and remained genetically stable. Serological analysis showed that Ban/AF induced higher neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers against the prevalent viruses than the commercial vaccines B1 or LaSota. Both Ban/AF and commercial vaccines provided protection against clinical disease and mortality after challenge with virulent NDV strain Ban/010 (genotype VII) or GB Texas (genotype II). However, Ban/AF significantly reduced challenge virus shedding from the vaccinated birds compared to B1 vaccine. These results suggest that Ban/AF can provide better protection than commercial vaccines and is a promising vaccine candidate against NDV strains circulating in Indonesia.  相似文献   

We have studied protein synthesis in cultured cells infected with the six noncytopathic (nc) mutants of the Australia-Victoria strain (AV-WT) of Newcastle disease virus and their plaque-forming revertants. Virus-specific polypeptides accumulated at 30 to 63% of wild-type levels in nc mutant-infected cells and between 66 and 175% of wild-type levels in revertant-infected cells. An exception was the L polypeptide, which accumulated in nc mutant-infected cells at only 5 to 20% of the levels found in wild-type infection. The reduced accumulation of the L polypeptide did not appear to be due to increased degradation of that polypeptide. A new polypeptide (X) accumulated instead of polypeptide P in cells infected with mutants nc4 or nc16 and in virions released from them. Peptide mapping identified X as an altered form of P. A revertant of mutant nc4 (nc4S1), which forms larger hemadsorbing spots, but still does not form plaques, accumulated P instead of the X polypeptide. Thus, a lesion in P can affect virus spread without affecting cytopathogenicity. Virions of mutant nc7 and two naturally occurring avirulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NJ LaSota and B1-Hitchner) contained polypeptides (F7 and FA, respectively) related to, but migrating more rapidly than, F0 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. As previously reported for avirulent strains, a brief treatment of nc7 virions with trypsin converted F7 to F and increased infectivity. Similarly, culturing nc7-infected cells in the presence of trypsin facilitated fusion from within and viral spread from cell to cell. A plaque-forming revertant of nc7 still accumulated F7 in virions, indicating that the lesions responsible for the F7 and noncytopathic phenotypes are genetically separable. The virulent parental strain, AV-WT, exhibited a mean embryo death time of 42 h. Both the larger-spot-forming revertant of nc4 (nc4S1) and the small-plaque-forming revertant of nc7 exhibited a decrease in mean embryo death time (increase in virulence) from 74 to 63 h. A second-step, plaque-forming revertant derived from nc4S1 (nc4S1R1) exhibited a further decrease in mean embryo death time from 63 to 44 h. The results suggest that the FA-F7 and X lesions affect the ability of virus to spread from cell to cell. In addition, these lesions appear to be genetically separable from those responsible for the noncytopathic phenotype. However, both types of lesions cause an extension of mean embryo death time and, thus, may be relevant to virulence in vivo.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV) is a nonsegmented, negative-stranded RNA virus characterized by noncytolytic persistent infection and replication in the nuclei of infected cells. To gain further insight on the intracellular trafficking of BDV components during infection, we sought to generate recombinant BDV (rBDV) encoding fluorescent fusion viral proteins. We successfully rescued a virus bearing a tetracysteine tag fused to BDV-P protein, which allowed assessment of the intracellular distribution and dynamics of BDV using real-time live imaging. In persistently infected cells, viral nuclear inclusions, representing viral factories tethered to chromatin, appeared to be extremely static and stable, contrasting with a very rapid and active trafficking of BDV components in the cytoplasm. Photobleaching (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching [FRAP] and fluorescence loss in photobleaching [FLIP]) imaging approaches revealed that BDV components were permanently and actively exchanged between cellular compartments, including within viral inclusions, albeit with a fraction of BDV-P protein not mobile in these structures, presumably due to its association with viral and/or cellular proteins. We also obtained evidence for transfer of viral material between persistently infected cells, with routing of the transferred components toward the cell nucleus. Finally, coculture experiments with noninfected cells allowed visualization of cell-to-cell BDV transmission and movement of the incoming viral material toward the nucleus. Our data demonstrate the potential of tetracysteine-tagged recombinant BDV for virus tracking during infection, which may provide novel information on the BDV life cycle and on the modalities of its interaction with the nuclear environment during viral persistence.  相似文献   

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