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The two freshwater sponges Ephydatia fluviatilis and Ephydatia mülleri belong to the widespread Spongillidae family. Their morphological tracts are very similar and can be distinguished mainly on the basis of their gemmuloscleres. However, when gemmules are absent it is essential to have an unambiguous species attribution for a population genetic study based on fresh tissues and historical collections. This article reports a simple Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis, applied to DNA extracted from both gemmules and fresh tissues in order to discriminate between the two congeneric E. fluviatilis and E. mülleri. Such a biomolecular method is based on the discriminative enzymes’ digestion of each of the three amplified fragments 5.8S-ITS2-28S, D3 domain of the 28S subunit and COI. Two restriction enzymes were tested for a 620–642 bp fragment of 5.8S-ITS2-28S and for a 342 bp fragment of the D3 domain of the 28S, one restriction enzyme was tested for a 681 bp fragment codifying for COI. Obtained digestion patterns were diagnostic for each of the two species, providing a relatively simple, fast and cheap method for species attribution compared to sequencing. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Dana Bernátová 《Biologia》2008,63(2):175-176
The paper brings information on an isolated occurrence and morphological characters of Carex × involuta and C. juncella populations in the Vel’ká Fatra Mts. Their presence has been known neither from the territory of Slovakia nor from the whole Western Carpathians till now.  相似文献   

We undertook a field study to determine whether comb cell size affects the reproductive behavior of Varroa destructor under natural conditions. We examined the effect of brood cell width on the reproductive behavior of V. destructor in honey bee colonies, under natural conditions. Drone and worker brood combs were sampled from 11 colonies of Apis mellifera. A Pearson correlation test and a Tukey test were used to determine whether mite reproduction rate varied with brood cell width. Generalized additive model analysis showed that infestation rate increased positively and linearly with the width of worker and drone cells. The reproduction rate for viable mother mites was 0.96 viable female descendants per original invading female. No significant correlation was observed between brood cell width and number of offspring of V. destructor. Infertile mother mites were more frequent in narrower brood cells.  相似文献   

The lipase Lip2 of the edible basidiomycete, Pleurotus sapidus, is an extracellular enzyme capable of hydrolysing xanthophyll esters with high efficiency. The gene encoding Lip2 was expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10 using the gene III signal sequence to accumulate proteins in the periplasmatic space. The heterologous expression under control of the araBAD promoter led to the high level production of recombinant protein, mainly as inclusion bodies, but partially in a soluble and active form. A fusion with a C-terminal His tag was used for purification and immunochemical detection of the target protein. This is the first example of a heterologous expression and periplasmatic accumulation of a catalytically active lipase from a basidiomycete fungus.  相似文献   

The sustainable development of miscanthus as a bioenergy feedstock requires optimizing its fertilizer inputs and, therefore, determining its nitrogen (N) requirements. The ‘critical nitrogen dilution curve’ is a powerful tool to characterize such N requirements; it relates the N concentration ([N]) in aboveground organs to their biomass, defining two domains depending on whether the N factor limits biomass growth or not. We aimed to develop such a tool in miscanthus. Using a rhizome N depletion strategy with green cutting pre-treatment over several years before the start of the experiment, we grew, in 2014, two cultivated species, Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) and Miscanthus sinensis (Msin), at four fertilizer levels (0, 80, 160 and 240 kg N ha?1). We found a strong nitrogen fertilization effect. The shoot [N] decreased as the aboveground biomass increased in both species and in all of the treatments. [N] was strongly correlated with leaf/stem biomass ratio. The N treatments enabled the identification of the observed critical points, i.e. points with the maximum biomass (W) and the lowest [N], on each measurement date. These points could be fitted to the following critical dilution curve that was common between M×g and Msin: N concentration (Nc) (critical [N], g N kg?1) = 27.0 W ?0.48 when W > 1 t ha?1 and Nc = 27.0 when W ≤ 1. This curve was validated by literature data, separated into N-limited or not-limited conditions. The similarity of the curves between the two species was due to compensation between leaf/stem biomass ratio and [N] in the stems. This curve is helpful to diagnose the crop N status and define the optimal fertilizer requirements of miscanthus crops.  相似文献   



The presence of β-lactamases in Y. enterocolitica has been reported to vary with serovars, biovars and geographical origin of the isolates. An understanding of the β-lactamases in other related species is important for an overall perception of antibiotic resistance in yersiniae. The objective of this work was to study the characteristics of β-lactamases and their genes in strains of Y. intermedia and Y. frederiksenii, isolated from clinical and non-clinical sources in India.  相似文献   

We studied heterologous expression of xylanase 11A gene of Chaetomium thermophilum in Pichia pastoris and characterized the thermostable nature of the purified gene product. For this purpose, the xylanase 11A gene of C. thermophilum was cloned in P. pastoris GS115 under the control of AOX1 promoter. The maximum extracellular activity of recombinant xylanase (xyn698: gene with intron) was 15.6 U ml−1 while that of recombinant without intron (xyn669) was 1.26 U ml−1 after 96 h growth. The gene product was purified apparently to homogeneity level. The optimum temperature of pure recombinant xylanase activity was 70°C and the enzyme retained its 40.57% activity after incubation at 80°C for 10 min. It exhibited quite lower demand of activation energy, enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, entropy, and xylan binding energy during substrate hydrolysis than that required by that of the donor, thus indicating its thermostable nature. pH-dependent catalysis showed that it was quite stable in a pH range of 5.5–8.5. This revealed that gene was successfully processed in Ppastoris and remained heat stable and may qualify for its potential use in paper and pulp and animal feed applications.  相似文献   

White-rot fungi that are efficient lignin degraders responsible for its turnover in nature have appeared twice in the center of biotechnological research — first, when the lignin degradation process started being systematically investigated and major enzyme activities and mechanisms involved were described, and second, when the huge remediation potential of these organisms was established. Originally, Phanerochaete chrysosporium became a model organism, characterized by a secondary metabolism regulatory pattern triggered by nutrient (mostly nitrogen) limitation. Last decade brought evidence of more varied regulatory patterns in white-rot fungi when ligninolytic enzymes were also abundantly synthesized under conditions of nitrogen sufficiency. Gradually, research was focused on other species, among them Irpex lacteus showing a remarkable pollutant toxicity resistance and biodegradation efficiency. Systematic research has built up knowledge of biochemistry and biotechnological applicability of this fungus, stressing the need to critically summarize and estimate these scattered data. The review attempts to evaluate the information on I. lacteus focusing on various enzyme activities and bioremediation of organopollutants in water and soil environments, with the aim of mediating this knowledge to a broader microbiological audience.  相似文献   

Tea waste (TW) was investigated as a new supplement for substrate mixtures in Ganoderma lucidum cultivation. The effects of sawdust (S) based substrates supplemented with TW at the various levels (75S:25TW, 80S:20TW, 85S:15TW, and 90S:10TW) and Ganoderma lucidum strains on yield, biological efficiency (BE) and the chemical composition of fruiting bodies were determined in solid-state fermentation. Significant differences were found among substrates regarding yield and BE, while yield and BE of the strains were not different. The substrate formulations producing highest yield and BE were 80S:20TW (87.98 g/kg substrate and 34.90%) and 75S:25TW (82.30 g/kg substrate and 31%). Yield and BE of substrates containing TW were generally higher than that of the control (80sawdust:18wheat bran:1sucrose:1 CaCO3). Nitrogen, potassium, iron, and manganese contents and C:N ratios of substrates were strongly correlated with yield. BE showed positive and significant correlations with potassium, iron and manganese. Moisture content, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc contents of the fruiting bodies were affected by both strain and substrate. It was concluded that TW can be used as a supplement for substrate preparation in G. lucidum cultivation.  相似文献   

Previously, we have described the use of phage display to generate high affinity disulfide bond-linked T cell receptors (TCRs). The affinities of the mutant TCRs were analysed after refolding of separately expressed α and β chains from Escherichia coli inclusion bodies. This approach is only suitable for the analysis of small numbers of TCR variants. An attractive alternative would be soluble expression within the bacterial periplasm, but the generic production of TCRs within the E. coli periplasm has so far not proved successful. Here we show that functional, soluble TCR can be produced within the cytoplasm of trxB gor mutant E. coli strains, with maximum yields of 3.4 mg/l. We also investigated the effect of coexpressing the folding modulators Skp and DsbC finding that the TCR expression levels were largely unaffected by these chaperones. Importantly, we demonstrated that the amount of protein purified from 50 ml starter cultures was sufficient to show functionality of the TCR by specific antigen binding in both ELISA and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assays. This TCR production method has the potential to allow rapid and medium throughput analysis of affinity-matured TCRs selected from TCR phage display libraries.  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of leaf disc-derived callus of Codonopsis lanceolata was obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a binary vector, pYBI121, that carries the neomycin phosphotransferase (npt II) gene as a selectable marker. The green shoots recovered from agroinfected explants on selection medium (containing 0.1 mg/l α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 1 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), 100 mg/l kanamycin, and 250 mg/l cefotaxime) were rooted on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 mg/l IBA and 10 mg/l kanamycin. To optimize the transformation conditions, several factors were assessed, including the co-cultivation period, the duration of pre- and post-culture in darkness and light, the kanamycin concentration, and the Agrobacterium densities. We produced transgenic Codonopsis lanceolata overexpressing γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (γ-TMT) by this protocol. Moreover, the α-tocopherol content of the plants was enhanced by the overexpression of this gene. Bimal Kumar Ghimire and Eun Soo Seong contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Erwinia carotovora subspecies betavasculorum, also known as E. betavasculorum and Pectobacterium betavasculorum, is a soil bacterium that has the capacity to cause root rot necrosis of sugarbeets. The qualitatively different pathogenicity exhibited by the virulent E. carotovora strain and two avirulent strains, a Citrobacter sp. and an Enterobacter cloacae, was examined using digital analysis of photographic evidence of necrosis as well as for carbohydrate, ethane, and ethylene release compared with uninoculated potato tuber slices. Visual scoring of necrosis was superior to digital analysis of photographs. The release of carbohydrates and ethane from potato tuber slices inoculated with the soft rot necrosis-causing Erwinia was significantly greater than that of potato tuber slices that had not been inoculated or that had been inoculated with the nonpathogenic E. cloacae and Citrobacter sp. strains. Interestingly, ethylene production from potato slices left uninoculated or inoculated with the nonpathogenic Citrobacter strain was 5- to 10-fold higher than with potato slices inoculated with the pathogenic Erwinia strain. These findings suggest that (1) carbohydrate release might be a useful measure of the degree of pathogenesis, or relative virulence; and that (2) bacterial suppression of ethylene formation may be a critical step in root rot disease formation.  相似文献   

To facilitate molecular genetic studies of Streptomyces ambofaciens that produces spiramycin, a commercially important macrolide antibiotic used in human medicine against Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria, the conditions for the conjugal transfer of DNA from E. coli to S. ambofaciens were established using a bacteriophage ϕC31 att/int system. The transconjugation efficiency of S. ambofaciens varied with the medium used; the highest frequency was obtained on AS-1 medium containing 10 mM MgCl2 without heat treatment of the spores. In addition, by cloning and sequencing the attB site, we identified that S. ambofaciens contains a single attB site within an ORF coding for a pirin homolog, and its attB site sequence shows 100% nt identity to the sequence of S. coelicolor and S. lividans, which have the highest efficiency in transconjugation using the ϕC31 att/int system.  相似文献   

TNFalpha and TNFbeta, or linfotoxin (LTalpha), are two molecules playing an important role in inflammation. Their genes map on Chromosome 6, between the HLA class II and class I loci. Polymorphisms in, or near, TNF genes have been associated with susceptibility to several autoimmune diseases. Studies of TNF genes in celiac disease (CD) have presented contradictory results. We have assessed the role of TNFalpha and linfotoxin alpha (TNFbeta) in CD and their relative value as CD markers in addition to the presence of DQ2. The TNFA -308 polymorphism and the polymorphism at the first intron of the LTA gene were typed in CD patients and healthy controls and the results were correlated with the presence of DQ2. Significant differences were found in genotype and allele frequencies for the TNFA and LTA genes between CD patients and controls, with an increase in the presence of the TNFA*2 and LTA*1 alleles in CD patients. These differences increase when DQ2-positive CD patients and DQ2-positive controls are compared. In DQ2-positive individuals, allele 2 (A) in position -308 of the promoter of TNFA and allele 1 (G) of the NcoI RFLP in the first intron of LTA are additional risk markers for CD.  相似文献   

Summary.  2H-Pyran-2-ones 1 were transformed with various hydrazines into (E)- or (Z)-α,β-didehydro-α-amino acid (DDAA) derivatives 4 (and 7) containing a highly substituted pyrazolyl moiety attached at the β-position. With heterocyclic hydrazines, the products 4 were accompanied also by decarboxylated enamines E-6. In order to separate (E/Z)-mixtures of acids, they were transformed to the corresponding methyl esters 9 and 10 by the application of diazomethane. Catalytic hydrogenation under high pressures with Pd/C as a catalyst resulted in the formation of racemic alanine derivatives 11. Received January 29, 2002 Accepted May 27, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  Dedicated with deep respect to Professor Waldemar Adam on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Acknowledgements We thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia for the financial support (P0-0503-103). Dr. B. Kralj and Dr. D. Žigon (Center for Mass Spectroscopy, “Jožef Stefan” Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia) are gratefully acknowledged for the mass measurements. Authors' address: Prof. Marijan Kočevar, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, E-mail: marijan.kocevar@uni-lj.si  相似文献   

We constructed two recombinant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in which the GPD2 gene was deleted using a one-step gene replacement method to minimize formation of glycerol and improve ethanol production. In addition, we also over-expressed the GLT1 gene by a two-step gene replacement method to overcome the redox-imbalancing problem in the genetically modified strains. The result of anaerobic batch fermentations showed that the rate of growth and glucose consumption of the KAM-5 (MATα ura3 gpd2Δ::RPT) strain were slower than the original strain, and the KAM-13 (MATα ura3 gpd2Δ::RPT P PGK -GLT1) strain, however, was indistinguishable compared to the original strain using the same criteria, as analyzed. On the other hand, when compared to the original strain, there were 32 and 38% reduction in glycerol formation for KAM-5 and KAM-13, respectively. Ethanol production increased by 8.6% for KAM-5 and 13.4% for KAM-13. Dramatic reduction in acetate and pyruvic acid was also observed in both mutants compared to the original strains. Although gene GPD2 is responsible for the glycerol synthesis, the mutant KAM-13, in which glycerol formation was substantially reduced, was able to cope and maintain osmoregulation and redox balance and have increased ethanol production under anaerobic fermentations. The result verified the proposed concept of increasing ethanol production in S. cerevisiae by genetic engineering of glycerol synthesis and over-expressing the GLT1 gene along with reconstituted nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide metabolism.  相似文献   

Much attention has been focused on the study of lactoferrin at the protein or nucleotide level in mice, humans, and cattle, but little is known about it in goats. The goat LF gene from 5' UTR to exon 17 was amplified, and the variation of g.7605C→T in 10 Chinese indigenous goat breeds was analyzed. Among the three ruminant species (cattle, sheep, and goats), the intron-exon distribution pattern was similar, and all the exons had the same length, but the length of introns varied greatly due to insertions or deletions. The frequency of allele T at g.7605C→T (50.12%) was a little higher than that of allele C (49.88%), and the genotype distribution differed greatly between goat populations. The g.7605C→T site showed higher genetic diversity in goat populations. The genetic differentiation was 0.0783, and gene flow was 2.9433 among the 10 Chinese indigenous goat populations.  相似文献   

To improve ethanol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two yeast strains were constructed. In the mutant, KAM-4, the GPD1 gene, which encodes a glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of S. cerevisiae to synthesize glycerol, was deleted. The mutant KAM-12 had the GLT1 gene (encodes glutamate synthase) placed under the PGK1 promoter while harboring the GPD1 deletion. Notably, overexpression of GLT1 by the PGK1 promoter along with GPD1 deletion resulted in a 10.8% higher ethanol production and a 25.0% lower glycerol formation compared to the wild type in anaerobic fermentations. The growth rate of KAM-4 was slightly lower than that of the wild type under the exponential phase whereas KAM-12 and the wild type were indistinguishable in the biomass concentration at the end of growth period. Meanwhile, dramatic reduction of formation of acetate and pyruvic acid was observed in all the mutants compared to the wild type.  相似文献   

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