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The fish populations of an industrial river in South Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The River Sirhowy, a trout river of the Ebbw System in south-east Wales still subject to sporadically high levels of suspended solids derived from the coal mining industry, was investigated over a three year period to assess its importance in the recolonization of a fishless river, the Ebbw Fawr, which is expected to recover from the effects of steelworks effluents discharged near its headwaters. Eight species of fish were recorded. Spawning areas for brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) were limited by industrial and urban developments and the discharge of suspended solids. Small numbers of native trout were produced in the system and the growth of these fish was poor in the main river, confirming the need for regular stocking. Movements of stocked trout were limited except in the lower reaches of the river where the presence of a native population, high levels of suspended solids and flash floods may have increased the numbers of fish moving into the recovering Ebbw Fawr.  相似文献   

Spatial synchrony in population dynamics has been identified in most taxonomic groups. Numerous studies have reported varying levels of spatial synchrony among closely‐related species, suggesting that species' characteristics may play a role in determining the level of synchrony. However, few studies have attempted to relate this synchrony to the ecological characteristics and/or life‐history traits of species. Yet, as to some extent the extinction risk may be related to synchrony patterns, identifying a link between species' characteristics and spatial synchrony is crucial, and would help us to define effective conservation planning. Here, we investigated whether species attributes and temperature synchrony (i.e. a proxy of the Moran effect) account for the differences in spatial population synchrony observed in 27 stream fish species in France. After measuring and testing the level of synchrony for each species, we performed a comparative analysis to detect the phylogenetic signal of these levels, and to construct various multi‐predictor models with species traits and temperature synchrony as covariates, while taking phylogenetic relatedness into account. We then performed model averaging on selected models to take model uncertainty into account in our parameter estimates. Fifteen of the 27 species displayed a significant level of synchrony. Synchrony was weak, but highly variable between species, and was not conserved across the phylogeny. We found that some species' characteristics significantly influenced synchrony levels. Indeed, the average model indicated that species associated with greater dispersal abilities, lower thermal tolerance, and opportunistic strategy displayed a higher degree of synchrony. These findings indicate that phylogeny and spatial temperature synchrony do not provide information pertinent for explaining the variations in species' synchrony levels, whereas the dispersal abilities, the life‐history strategies and the upper thermal tolerance limits of species do appear to be quite reliable predictors of synchrony levels.  相似文献   

Summary A fauna of small invertebrates in a perennial algal turf habitat showed marked seasonal fluctuations in abundance. These were characterised by a summer (December) peak in the abundance of gammarid amphipods and an autumn (April) peak in polychaete densities. Invertebrate abundance was lowest during the period February–March which coincided with an influx of very high densities of juveniles (0+ year class) of the sparid fish Chrysophrys auratus. Both juvenile C. auratus and also the mullid Upeneichthys porosus achieved their highest densities over coralline turf areas and fed on the associated invertebrates. Gammarid amphipods constituted the main food items of each species. All these observations suggested a key role of fish predators in determining the observed seasonal patterns of invertebrate abundance.This hypothesis was investigated by the use of replicated fish exclusion shields and cages which excluded both species from the algal turf and also permitted an assessment of Upeneichthys porosus feeding in the absence of Chrysophrys auratus. The experiment ran from November until June and covered the period of invertebrate and fish abundance changes. Little evidence of a fish predation effect on either the densities of or the timing of abundance peaks of the invertebrate fauna was detected. Sediment analysis of the cage and control experimental sites revealed no evidence of a cage effect on the microhabitat. It is suggested that seasonal changes in the abundance of invertebrates occurs independently of the high densities of predatory fish recorded in this habitat.  相似文献   

Natural rehabilitation of stream fish populations in an Illinois catchment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 An extreme drought in 1988 dried first- and second-order streams in the Salt Fork basin (1190 km2) in east-central Illinois. This event provided a natural experiment in which the natural rehabilitation of fish populations could be measured in the whole catchment following resumption of stream flows.
  • 2 Fish were sampled before, during, and after the drought (1987–1990) throughout the basin (eighty-eight samples in July-September) using methods of known efficiency. Analyses of covariance [using log (distance from source) as the covariate] indicated no significant differences (P>0.2) of biomass or species richness between pre-drought and post-drought samples from sites desiccated during 1988 or among pre-drought, drought, and post-drought years among samples from perennial Streams. Therefore, recovery occurred within 1 year, but there was no indication of increased biomass or species richness in permanent streams resulting from fish moving down or remaining downstream during the drought.
  • 3 Fish biomass per unit length of stream segment was modelled as a power function of distance of the segment from the source of each stream to estimate changes in biomass of the whole catchment. Before and subsequent to the drought, 90.0t of fish occupied the total 729km of stream length in the basin, compared with 74.61 in the drought year. Although, the drought affected 80% of total stream length, fish biomass was reduced by only 17% in the drought year because only the lower-order streams were desiccated and their normal biomass density was lower than in perennial streams.
  • 4 In conclusion, it is expected that no expenditure on stocking fish would be necessary in restoration projects on these lower-order, surface runoff streams, providing that they are connected to permanently flowing streams that contain a full complement of species.

Macroinvertebrates were collected from riffles at 104 sites in upland Wales during April and July 1984. Species assemblages were ordinated by DECORANA, classified by TWINSPAN and related to stream chemistry and other environmental factors using correlation and multiple discriminant analysis. DECORANA axis 1 was most strongly correlated with pH and aluminium concentration whilst axis 2 correlated with stream gradient and flow. Four TWINSPAN site groups established in each season were also principally related to pH and aluminium concentration, and reflected overall taxon-richness; differences between groups were most apparent during spring, when catchment forest cover and taxon-richness were also related. A dichotomous key based on indicator species was established for each season with the coleopteran Hydraena gracilis Germar and the Ephemeroptera, including Baetis rhodani Pictet, important indicators at Level 1. We propose that these indicator systems may be used for the rapid detection and assessment of acid waters throughout Wales, and that the methodology is applicable generally.  相似文献   

Stelzer  Robert S.  Shupryt  Mike  Pillsbury  Robert W. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(7):1625-1643
Hydrobiologia - Groundwater withdrawal has increased on multiple continents which poses risks for groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Few studies have simultaneously evaluated how multiple...  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed in an upland stream to determine the effects of the frequency of physical disturbance on the relationship between an abundant glossosomatid trichopteran (Agapetus monticolus; Banks) and the epilithon upon which it feeds. Artificial cobbles with an established epilithic community were tumbled either every 1, 2 or 4 weeks. The first experiment failed to detect any significant effects of rock tumbling on the abundance of A. monticolus or the epilithon: a result due to several spates. The first experiment did reveal that disturbances may disrupt the ability of A. monticolus to locate patches of abundant food. The second experiment found that although the abundance of A. monticolus was not affected by the disturbances, periphyton abundance was significantly reduced. Increasing the frequency of disturbance did not magnify this effect. Comparisons of these results with other studies of disturbance in streams indicate that the effects of disturbance on herbivory may be highly variable. A variety of factors, such as the relative resistances of the herbivores and the epilithon, need to be examined before the effects of disturbances on lotic herbivorous interactions can be completely understood.  相似文献   

1. The composition of freshwater invertebrate assemblages at a location is determined by a range of physico‐chemical and biotic factors in the local environment, as well as larger‐scale spatial factors such as sources of recruits. We assessed the relative importance of the species composition of local neighbourhoods and proximal environmental factors on the composition of invertebrate assemblages. 2. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled at 188 running‐water sites in the catchment of the River Rede, north‐east England. A total of 176 species were recorded. 3. Environmental data, in the form of 13 biotic and abiotic measurements that described stream physical structure, aquatic vegetation and water characteristics, were recorded for each site. Detrended correspondence analysis was then used to simplify nine of these stream environmental variables to create an index of stream structure. 4. The species composition of the invertebrate assemblages was related to the environmental variables, using an information theoretic approach. The impact of the species composition of neighbouring sites on each site was determined using Moran's I and autoregressive modelling techniques. 5. Species composition was primarily associated with water pH and stream structure. The importance of the species composition of neighbouring sites in determining local species assemblages differed markedly between taxa. The autoregressive component was low for Coleoptera, intermediate for Trichoptera and Plecoptera, and high for Ephemeroptera. 6. We hypothesise that the observed differences in the autoregressive component amongst these orders reflects variation in their dispersal abilities from neighbouring sites.  相似文献   

1. Invertebrate stream drift was sampled bimonthly in the Acheron River, Victoria, Australia, over a period of 18 months. Replicated hourly samples were collected over a 25-h period on each sampling date. A total of 194 taxa were identified in the drift. However, total drift density was dominated by few taxa. 2. Some evidence was obtained for a seasonal pattern in drift: this was most pronounced in relative abundances of individual taxa and the composition of the drift, rather than in total drift densities. Most of the commonly collected taxa reflected the seasonal pattern of total drift. However, some of the common taxa did not. 3. A small number of taxa showed behavioral drift, with a nocturnal increase in drift densities. One species of ‘Baetis’ drifted in high densities over short periods of time around dusk and dawn. It did not drift in higher densities during the night than during the day. The results emphasize the need for drift studies to be more rigorously designed than is typically the case.  相似文献   

The breakdown of buried leaves (Eucalyptus viminalis) was investigated using surface-placed and buried leaf packs in a riffle of the Acheron River, Victoria. Leaf packs buried to a depth of 10 cm were rapidly colonized by invertebrates, with the total numbers of individuals and species exceeding those on surface leaf packs. A larger proportion of leaves in buried leaf packs was grazed in comparison with those on the surface, with the intensity of grazing also being higher for leaves in buried packs. Both surface and buried leaf packs broke down rapidly with no significant difference in weight loss with time. The high level of breakdown of buried E. viminalis leaf litter observed in this study suggests that the hyporheos of Australian headwater streams may significantly contribute to the decomposition of particulate organic matter.  相似文献   

Drift as a low-energy cost means of migration may enable stream invertebrates to leave risky habitats or to escape after encountering a predator. While the control of the diurnal patterns of invertebrate drift activity by fish predators has received considerable interest, it remains unclear whether benthivorous fish reduce or increase drift activity. We performed a large-scale field experiment in a second-order stream to test if invertebrate drift was controlled by two benthivorous fish species (gudgeon Gobio gobio and stone loach Barbatula barbatula). An almost fishless reference reach was compared with a reach stocked with gudgeon and loach, and density and structure of the invertebrate communities in the benthos and in the drift were quantified in both reaches. The presence of gudgeon and stone loach reduced the nocturnal drift of larvae of the mayfly Baetis rhodani significantly, in contrast to the findings of most previous studies that fish predators induced higher night-time drift. Both drift density and relative drift activity of B. rhodani were lower at the fish reach during the study period that spanned 3 years. Total invertebrate drift was not reduced, by contrast, possibly due to differences in vulnerability to predation or mobility between the common invertebrate taxa. For instance, Chironomidae only showed a slight reduction in drift activity at the fish reach, and Oligochaeta showed no reduction at all. Although benthic community composition was similar at both reaches, drift composition differed significantly between reaches, implying that these differences were caused by behavioural changes of the invertebrates rather than by preferential fish consumption. The direction and intensity of changes in the drift activity of stream invertebrates in response to the presence of benthivorous fish may depend on the extent to which invertebrate taxa can control their drifting behaviour (i.e. active versus passive drift). We conclude that invertebrate drift is not always a mechanism of active escape from fish predators in natural streams, especially when benthos-feeding fish are present.  相似文献   

Samples of invertebrates were taken in two seasons (October and April) over 5 years in a trout stream in Belgium. Diversity, total benthic invertebrate density, and densities of 27 of 34 taxa tested showed significant differences between years. Significant seasonal effects and interactions were observed in 18 and 7 taxa respectively. The most common pattern of between-year variation was related to hydrological events (flooding) which caused low densities for many species. Most species recovered rapidly, but the recovery of some predators seemed to show a delay of one year. The amphipod Gammarus fossarum appeared to respond positively to flooding as well as to certain post-flood conditions. A significant positive correlation between mortality and the logarithm of initial density was obtained for 6 of 11 species tested. The relationships between mortality and abiotic factors such as water temperature, mean and maximum water level, were very poor. A hierarchy of environmental factors in the regulation of stream macroinvertebrate populations is suggested with: (1) exceptional abiotic events acting in a density-independent manner; and (2) biotic factors that may account for density-dependent regulation.  相似文献   

Many aspects of the colonization history of a disturbed site can influence the development of a biological community. Initial colonization is known to play a significant role in community development because of the facilitative or inhibitory effects that `pioneer' species can have on subsequently arriving taxa. We performed an experiment to assess how initial colonization by two species of benthic invertebrates (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) might influence the development of stream faunal assemblages. Substrate baskets initially colonized by either Hydropsyche depravata or Ceratopsyche bronta were placed alongside control baskets in a recently flooded stream. After baskets had colonized for 30 days, we found that species composition in treatment baskets was identical to that in control baskets, indicating that the caddisfly taxa had no selective effects on colonization of other macroinvertebrate species. We did, however, find that C. bronta facilitated the recruitment of all species in the colonist pool leading to greater overall abundance and biomass of macroinvertebrates in the final assemblages. In contrast, H. depravata had no effect on the abundance or biomass of colonizing invertebrates. The differential effects of these two taxa on abundance and biomass may have been related to differences in microhabitat complexity created by the construction of their retreats and catchnets. The results of this study support the growing recognition that colonization history does influence the structure of lotic communities, but they also suggest that even closely related taxa can play different roles as initial colonists in community development.  相似文献   

Divergent natural selection acting in different habitats may build up barriers to gene flow and initiate speciation. This speciation continuum can range from weak or no divergence to strong genetic differentiation between populations. Here, we focus on the early phases of adaptive divergence in the East African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, which occurs in both Lake Tanganyika (LT) and inflowing rivers. We first assessed the population structure and morphological differences in A. burtoni from southern LT. We then focused on four lake–stream systems and quantified body shape, ecologically relevant traits (gill raker and lower pharyngeal jaw) as well as stomach contents. Our study revealed the presence of several divergent lake–stream populations that rest at different stages of the speciation continuum, but show the same morphological and ecological trajectories along the lake–stream gradient. Lake fish have higher bodies, a more superior mouth position, longer gill rakers and more slender pharyngeal jaws, and they show a plant/algae and zooplankton‐biased diet, whereas stream fish feed more on snails, insects and plant seeds. A test for reproductive isolation between closely related lake and stream populations did not detect population‐assortative mating. Analyses of F1 offspring reared under common garden conditions indicate that the detected differences in body shape and gill raker length do not constitute pure plastic responses to different environmental conditions, but also have a genetic basis. Taken together, the A. burtoni lake–stream system constitutes a new model to study the factors that enhance and constrain progress towards speciation in cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

R. G. Death 《Oecologia》1996,108(3):567-576
The effect of disturbance history on the recovery of benthic invertebrate communities following disturbance was investigated in four streams in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. Two of the streams had a history of fluctuating discharge and temperature while the others did not. Recovery from disturbance was tested experimentally using baskets of cobbles, a third of which were disturbed every week for 9 weeks, a further third every 3 weeks and the final third left undisturbed. Algal biiomass, number of invertebrate taxa and total number of invertebrates all declined in baskets disturbed more frequently. Although the relative abundance of some taxa declined with time since the last disturbance, no taxa showed a significant decline in absolute abundance. However, several taxa showed marked increases in relative abundance in the less disturbed treatments particularly at the more stable sites. In contrast to the predictions of ecological theory, numbers of taxa and total invertebrates appeared to recover more quickly in the more complex communities at the stable sites. However, if these communities are considered to represent only stable communities, they do support the view that more complex communities will be more resilient. Community structure at the stable sites was also more similar between baskets in the undisturbed treatment than at the unstable sites, suggesting communities had reached a constant state more quickly. The more rapid recovery of communities measured at the stable sites may have been a consequence of experimental scale; disturbed patches were only 0.045 m2 in area and the higher densities of invertebrates at the stable sites meant a larger pool of colonists was available following each experimental disturbance. Nevertheless, ideas of stability in ecological theory and the scale of most spate events suggest this is the appropriate scale for examining community recovery. Furthermore, the larger pool of available colonists could not explain all the differences in community response, as patterns of change in community structure at the stable sites differed considerably more from those expected by purely random colonisation processes than at the unstable sites.  相似文献   

Most modelling studies of soil and surface water recovery from acidification assume a constant influence of climate over the simulation period. Given the likelihood of future climate change, and recent identification of links between climatic fluctuations and surface water trends on decadal time scales, an attempt is made to simulate a number of climate-related effects on the recovery of an acidified stream in mid-Wales. Empirical relationships were derived to model past and future variations in (i) runoff, as a function of rainfall and temperature; (ii) stream chloride concentration and sea-salt deposition, as a function of the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI); and (iii) stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, as a function of summer temperatures and sulphur deposition. Incorporating these relationships in the MAGIC dynamic model reproduced a significant part of the observed variation in streamwater chemistry. Current scenarios of rising UK temperature and NAOI, and falling rainfall and acid deposition, were used to forecast effects of climate change on soil and water recovery from acidification. Results suggest that increasing DOC would have a significant negative impact on soil recovery, with elevated organic acidity lowering soil water pH and severely depleting soil base saturation. The resulting increase in soil base cation export would, however, have a positive impact on streamwater recovery. For increased sea-salt deposition, effects are essentially the opposite; increased base cation inputs enhance the recovery of soil base saturation, but displace acidity to the stream. However, simulated effects of raising DOC considerably outweighed those of increased sea-salt deposition. It is argued that greater consideration of these, and other, climatic effects on biogeochemical cycles needs to be taken when predicting the recovery of soils and surface waters from acidification.  相似文献   

Disentangling the processes and mechanisms underlying adaptive diversification is facilitated by the comparative study of replicate population pairs that have diverged along a similar environmental gradient. Such a setting is realized in a cichlid fish from southern Lake Tanganyika, Astatotilapia burtoni, which occurs within the lake proper as well as in various affluent rivers. Previously, we demonstrated that independent lake and stream populations show similar adaptations to the two habitat regimes. However, little is known about the evolutionary and demographic history of the A. burtoni populations in question and the patterns of genome divergence among them. Here, we apply restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) to examine the evolutionary history, the population structure and genomic differentiation of lake and stream populations in A. burtoni. A phylogenetic reconstruction based on genome‐wide molecular data largely resolved the evolutionary relationships among populations, allowing us to re‐evaluate the independence of replicate lake–stream population clusters. Further, we detected a strong pattern of isolation by distance, with baseline genomic divergence increasing with geographic distance and decreasing with the level of gene flow between lake and stream populations. Genome divergence patterns were heterogeneous and inconsistent among lake‐stream population clusters, which is explained by differences in divergence times, levels of gene flow and local selection regimes. In line with the latter, we only detected consistent outlier loci when the most divergent lake–stream population pair was excluded. Several of the thus identified candidate genes have inferred functions in immune and neuronal systems and show differences in gene expression between lake and stream populations.  相似文献   

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