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In callitrichid primates, reproduction is usually restricted to a single female per group. Reproductive rate is high and the occurrence of a postpartum estrus can lead to simultaneous lactation and pregnancy. In contrast, nonreproductive females often show ovarian inactivity. However, most studies on callitrichid reproductive physiology have been conducted in captivity, where conditions differ considerably from those in the wild, so that reproductive conditions may be strongly modified. Using fecal estrogen and progestogen measurements to monitor female reproductive status in 2 groups of wild moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax), we examined 1) whether reproductive females in free-ranging groups also show postpartum estrus and 2) whether nonreproductive females demonstrate signs of ovarian activity. In both reproductive females, clear changes in the excretion pattern of progestogen and estrogen metabolites over time in combination with information on parturition dates allowed us to differentiate between pregnancy, a period of postpartum ovarian inactivity lasting for 54 and 64–82 days, and a period of ovarian activity before conception. Nonreproductive females demonstrated temporal fluctuations in hormone concentrations and absolute hormone levels that were similar to ones in the breeding females during the phase of ovarian activity. The results suggest that, in contrast to most captive female tamarins, reproductive females in wild groups of moustached tamarins do not have a postpartum estrus and that nonreproductive females show ovarian activity despite the presence of a breeding female. We therefore conclude that findings from captivity should be only carefully compared to the situation in the wild.  相似文献   

The "ram effect" (RE) is an inexpensive technique that allows farmers to obtain out-of-season lambs. Five hundred and ninety-six Corriedale ewes were used in three experiments to determine the effectiveness of different medroxyprogesterone (MAP) treatments associated with the ram effect during the nonbreeding season. The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term (6-day) MAP priming. We obtained similar results in estrus incidence and fertility after using MAP sponges for 6, 9, and 13 days. In the second experiment, we compared the effect of sponges containing 20, 40, or 60 mg of MAP used in 6-day priming. Estrous behavior and fertility were not affected by dosage. In the third experiment, 2.5mg of MAP was administered in single treatments 0, 1, 3, or 5 days before the introduction of the rams. Medroxyprogesterone administration 1, 3, or 5 days before the introduction of the rams concentrated estrus in ewes 17 to 20 days later.  相似文献   

The possible effect of fenchlorphos, 0-0-dimethy1-0-(2.4.5-trichlorophenyl) phosphorothioate, upon the reproductive endocrinology in blue foxes (Alopex lagopus) was investigated. Five females were administered fenchlorphos orally at a dose of 100 mg/kg daily from 10 days before oestrus and up to the 21st day of gestation. This dose represents the therapeutic dose for the treatment of sarcoptic mange. Blood samples were collected for the analyses of progesterone, oestradiol-17β and luteinizing hormone (LH) in plasma. The vixens were ovario-hysterectomized on day 23, except 1 animal in the control group which was operated on day 17. Additionally, sperm quality and mating performance in 3 male blue foxes, which were administered 100 mg/kg fenchlorphos daily during the first 3 weeks of the mating season, were examined. Pregnancy was recorded in 2 medicated and 4 control animals. No pathological changes were observed in the uterus and the ovaries. The plasma concentrations of the hormones were similar to those obtained from the control group. No evidence of any disturbances concerning spermatogenesis in the males was observed. However, their libido appeared to be reduced. None of the males achieved a mating during and after the period of medication.  相似文献   

The ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) plays an important role in normal ovarian physiology. During each reproductive cycle, the OSE takes part in the cyclical ovulatory ruptures and repair. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunolocalization of nerve growth factor (NGF) and its receptors, tyrosine kinase A (TrkA) and p75, in the OSE cells of the wild ground squirrels during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. There were marked variations in ovarian weight and size between the breeding and the nonbreeding seasons. Histologically, cuboidal cells and squamous cells were identified in the OSE of both seasons. Yet, stronger immunostaining of NGF, TrkA and p75 were observed in cuboidal cells and squamous cells in the breeding season as compared to the nonbreeding season. In addition, plasma gonadotropin concentrations were higher in the breeding season than in the nonbreeding season, suggesting that the expression patterns of NGF, TrkA and p75 in the OSE were correlated with changes in plasma gonadotropins. These findings suggested that NGF and its receptor TrkA and p75 may be involved in the regulation of seasonal changes in the OSE of wild ground squirrel.  相似文献   

Low‐frequency traffic noise that leads to acoustic masking of vocalizations may cause birds to alter the frequencies or other components of their vocalizations in order to be heard by conspecifics and others. Altering parts of a vocalization may result in poorer vocal performance or the message contained in the vocalization being received incorrectly. During the winters of 2011–2012 and 2012–2013, we recorded and measured the ‘chick‐a‐dee’ call of Black‐capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) and the ‘po‐ta‐to‐chip’ call of American Goldfinches (Spinus tristis) to determine whether components of the calls produced in areas of high traffic noise and low traffic noise differed in any way. We found that both chickadee and goldfinch calls had higher minimum frequencies in areas with high traffic‐noise than in low traffic‐noise areas. The maximum frequencies showed no differences in either species' calls. This suggests that chickadees and goldfinches alter the part of their calls that are acoustically masked by traffic noise in effort to better transmit the vocalization. These differences suggest that increasing anthropogenic noise may influence avian communication and that noise management should be included in conservation planning.  相似文献   

在发情期,对动物行为时间分配和活动节律的认识将有助于濒危动物繁育质量的提高。大熊猫为季节性单次发情动物,雄性发情期可持续30 d左右,而雌性大熊猫为几天至十几天,高峰期仅为1~3 d,且有与雄性不同步发情的现象。因此,进行发情期行为学方面的研究则显得尤为重要。采用瞬时扫描取样法和全事件记录法,于2013年3月1日—4月30日对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地的8只发情期大熊猫进行行为时间变化和活动节律研究,每只每周记录2 d数据。结果表明:休息行为是发情期最主要的行为方式(雄性约46%,雌性约53%),其次是摄食和运动行为,而探究、求适和发情行为则较少,发情行为主要出现在00∶00—03∶00、09∶00—11∶00和15∶00—17∶00等3个时段,可配对交配;发情期雌雄个体在休息、求适、运动和发情行为上的差异有高度统计学意义(P<0.01),在探究行为上的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而在摄食行为上的差异则无统计学意义;且发情、探究行为与运动行为呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。对发情期圈养大熊猫昼夜活动行为的研究将为大熊猫的人工繁育及其配种提供行为学方面的理论依据。  相似文献   

基于2006年4月—2018年6月四川老君山国家级自然保护区四川山鹧鸪Arborophila rufipectus固定样点监测数据,对四川山鹧鸪栖息地利用及变化进行了分析,结果显示:(1)不同年间四川山鹧鸪对样点的利用率存在差异,2006—2012年对样点的利用频次呈现下降趋势,2012年后呈现上升趋势;(2)利用样点的平均海拔为1 580 m±183 m,年间差异不大,总体保持稳定;(3)对人工林的利用频次最低,2006—2012年对原始林和次生林的利用偏好不明显,2012年之后对原始林的利用率大于次生林;(4)高频利用的生境具有海拔较高、坡度较小、灌丛盖度和竹丛盖度较大、且为原始林的特点。高海拔区域的原始林是保护区需要重点加强保护的区域;加强对低海拔区域人类活动的管控,促进次生林恢复,同时加强对人工林的改造,促进人工林林下灌丛和竹丛生长,将有利于保护区内四川山鹧鸪的栖息与繁衍。  相似文献   

对怀孕山羊妊娠后期进行关键营养素(蛋白、能量)限制,试验分为3个组:对照组、蛋白限制组和能量限制组,考察母羊妊娠后期营养限制对羔羊肉质及肉质相关基因表达量的影响.研究发现:1)母羊妊娠后期营养限制对羔羊背肌肉色、pH值以及滴水损失均没有显著影响(P>0.05);2)母羊妊娠后期营养限制对羔羊肉质3个相关基因(心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶)的相对表达量影响较大,对于心脏型脂肪酸结合蛋白基因来说,蛋白限制组基因相对表达量极显著(P<0.01)低于另外两个组;而对于超氧物歧化酶基因和过氧化氢酶基因来说,能量限制组分别显著(P<0.05)高于与极显著(P<0.01)高于对照组和蛋白限制组.试验表明,对母羊妊娠后期进行营养限制,不论是对其蛋白限制或者能量限制,均对羔羊肉品质及相关基因造成了一定的影响.  相似文献   

Abstract: Noninvasive survey methods based on analyzing DNA extracted from feces can be useful for carnivores that are difficult to study by other methods. Changes in fecal deposition patterns associated with reproduction in kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis) might affect results of such surveys. We used a trained dog to collect fresh scats on 2-km transects in the home ranges of 11 radiocollared female kit foxes in January, February, and March 2008 and determined sex of the individual that deposited the scats by amplifying the zinc finger protein gene. Female foxes give birth in mid-February to mid-March. We found a similar number of scats each month. In January, the sex ratio of the scats was not different from the expected 1:1. However, in February there were almost 2 male scats for every female scat and in March there were >8 male scats for every female scat. Comparing March to January, there were more male scats on all 11 transects and fewer female scats on 10 of 11 transects. Around the time pups are born, both sexes appear to show changes in fecal deposition patterns that make it easier to find male scats and harder to find female scats. Effects of these changes on survey results will vary depending on the purpose and design of the survey. Surveys to determine distribution and relative abundance would probably not be negatively affected by these changes. However, if surveys to estimate abundance are conducted during the reproductive season, they could result in an underestimate of population size unless the increased heterogeneity in scat detectability is taken into account.  相似文献   

To assist captive breeding of the endangered red-shanked douc langur (Pygathrix nemaeus), basic knowledge on female reproductive physiology is important. We aimed 1) to characterize the pattern of fecal estrogens and progestogens during the ovarian cycle and 2) to use the information to provide reliable data on ovarian cycle characteristics. Moreover, we examined the potential impact of a change in group composition on ovarian activity and adrenal function, the latter being measured by fecal glucocorticoid excretion. We collected fecal samples during 2 mo from 5 adult females of 3 groups under undisturbed conditions and from the same 5 adult females and 2 juvenile females and 2 adult males during 3 mo during which there were changes in housing and group composition. During the undisturbed period, measurement of fecal 5-P-3OH, a major progesterone metabolite, and total estrogens revealed in all adult females a cyclic pattern, from which we documented a cycle length of 26.4 ± 1.8 days, comprising a follicular phase of 13.1 ± 2.9 days and a luteal phase of 14.8 ± 1.2 days. In contrast, during the period of social changes, 3 of the 5 females showed clear signs of cycle irregularity as indicated by extended follicular phases, abbreviated luteal phases and/or anovulation. Moreover, the period of social changes was associated with an overall significant elevation in fecal glucocorticoid excretion. Our data provide the first detailed information on the endocrine characterization of the ovarian cycle in Pygathrix nemaeus and suggest that social changes have the potential to impair ovarian function, likely as a result of increased activation of the HPA-axis due to stressful situations. However, because of relatively small sample size, particularly concerning the latter finding, more data are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of peatlands as a major store of sequestered carbon and the role of fungi in releasing sequestered C, we know little about the community structure of fungi in peatlands. We investigated these across a gradient of naturally regenerating peatland vegetation using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone libraries of fragments of the fungal rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Significant changes in the fungal community structure of peat samples at different stages of regeneration were observed, which relate to the composition of the vegetation recolonizing these sites. Cloning and sequence analysis also demonstrated a potential shift in the relative abundance of the main fungal phyla. Some of the clones identified to genus level were highly related to fungi known to play a role in the degradation of plant litter or wood in similar ecosystems and/or form mycorrhizal associations. In addition, several fungal isolates highly related to peat clones were obtained, and their enzymic capacity to degrade structural plant tissues was assessed. Together, these results suggest that the fungal community composition of peat may be an important indicator of the status of regeneration and potential carbon sequestration of cutover peatlands.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that social cooperation among kin may evolve even in birds with extensive dispersal. In such cases, maintaining kinship during dispersal is essential to the subsequent expression of kin cooperation. This hypothesis has not been examined for most bird species. We addressed it in the ground tit (Parus humilis), a passerine where kin frequently interact in terms of cooperative polygamy and extra‐pair mating despite fast annual turnover of the breeding population. Pedigree and genotype data showed that while groups varied in composition throughout the non‐breeding season due to continual individual emigration and immigration, they always contained kin coalitions consisting of either local or immigrant individuals of different age and sexes. The first‐order kin coalitions, according to the information from local individuals, stemmed from single‐family lineages (siblings and their parents), and the lower‐order ones from neighbouring, related family lineages that merged after fledging. It was probable that immigrants had formed kin coalitions in similar ways before dispersing. Groups broke up in the breeding season. Pairing between unrelated individuals from different coalitions within a group was more likely, whereas related individuals from the same coalition tended to nest near each other. The resulting fine‐scale population genetic structure is expected to facilitate breeding interactions among kin. Our findings give clues to understanding the evolution of social cooperation in relation to dispersal.  相似文献   

Oestrogen receptor determinations were done in metastatic breast cancer tissue of patients with advanced breast cancer. In 37 patients with progressive disease evaluation of the response to endocrine treatment was possible, following the criteria of the E.O.R.T.C. Co-operative Breast Cancer Group. In 20 patients with receptor-negative tumours two objective remissions were noted; in 17 patients with receptor-positive tumours 14 objective remissions were seen. There seems to be a striking correlation between the presence or absence of oestrogen receptor in tumour tissue and the clinical response to hormonal therapy.  相似文献   

In the spermatozoa of Asterias amurensis , patterns of changes in the respiratory rate and motility following dilution of dry sperm in sea water varied among batches and were classified into three types. The type I spermatozoa were immotile and exhibited quite low respiratory rate. Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid made the type I spermatozoa motile and elevated their respiratory rate. The type II spermatozoa were also immotile and the respiratory rate remained quite low for about 5 min after the dilution. Thereafter, they spontaneously became motile and the respiratory rate increased. The type III spermatozoa became motile upon their dilution and exhibited high respiratory rate. Differences in the motility and respiratory rate of spermatozoa among batches probably result from degree of their maturation. In moving spermatozoa, the ADP and AMP levels increased at the expense of ATP. 2,4-Dinitrophenol elevated the respiratory rate only in immotile spermatozoa, which showed a high ATP level and quite low ADP level, but did not made them motile. Oligomycin inhibited the respiration of both motile and immotile spermatozoa. Probably, the respiratory rate is made low by a shortage of ADP in immotile spermatozoa and is enhanced by ADP production due to the initiation of their movement.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥除术中不同止血方法对卵巢良性囊肿患者应激反应、卵巢功能以及T细胞亚群的影响.方法:选取我院于2017年1月~2019年1月间接收的80例卵巢良性囊肿患者,根据随机数字表法分为A组(n=40)和B组(n=40),A组患者术中采用双极电凝止血,B组患者术中采用缝合止血,比较两组患者卵巢功能[卵泡...  相似文献   

The effects of drought and the diurnal changes in photosynthetic electron transport were studied in non-nodulated plants of Casuarina equisetifolia. The induction of fluorescence showed a slightly higher I step in water-stressed than control plants, and the time from the start of irradiation to the P step of induction was significantly shortened by drought. The quantum efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) in the dark-adapted state (Fv/Fm) was generally not affected by drought, whereas it decreased during the central hours of the day. The decrease in quantum yield of PS2 electron transport (2) in water-stressed plants was associated with decreases in the photochemical efficiency of open (oxidised) PS2 centres (Fv'/Fm') and increases in non-photochemical quenching (qN) rather than with increased closure of PS2 centres (lowered photochemical quenching, qP). In contrast, the changes in quantum yield of electron transport during the day were related to changes in qP rather than in Fv'/Fm'. When chlorophyll fluorescence was measured at the same irradiance during the day, a greater qN was observed at the end of the drying cycle than after watering, and early and late in the photoperiod than in the central hours of the day. The greater qN at the beginning and end of the day did not prevent an increase in energy not used photochemically nor dissipated non-photochemically. Drought did not affect this excess of photon energy.  相似文献   

2015年6—8月和2016年3—8月,在四川小寨子沟国家级自然保护区及周边地区,采用绝对密度调查法,对繁殖期绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii的密度进行了调查,并基于Max Ent对繁殖期绿尾虹雉的栖息地质量进行了评价。结果显示:在保护区及其周边区域内,绿尾虹雉繁殖期常活动于海拔3 500~4 100 m靠近阳坡的草甸、灌丛生境。在整个评价区域内适宜栖息地120.05 km~2,次适宜栖息地141.67 km~2;在保护区内繁殖期绿尾虹雉的平均密度为4.99只/km~2,适宜栖息地49.17 km~2,次适宜栖息地48.27 km~2,推测其种群数量为245只。放牧、资源采集等人类活动是影响绿尾虹雉种群密度的主要因子,因此在本区域的保护区网络间需要加强对人类活动的控制,限制放牧活动,以保护高海拔区域的生物多样性。  相似文献   

A slow transient electric potential change (electro-olfactogram, EOG) can be recorded through an Ag-AgCl electrode placed on the olfactory epithelium in response to stimulation with an air stream to the tissue in toads (Bufo japonicus). During the breeding season, oscillatory potential changes (OSC) superimpose on the EOG. In the present study the OSC amplitude was found to be highly correlated with the migratory behavior. Since toads track the route to and from the breeding pond using olfactory cues along the migration route, the enhanced OSC should be responsible for the breeding migration.A significant positive correlation was found between plasma gonadotropin levels and the OSC amplitude in males captured during the breeding migration. There was no significant relationship between plasma gonadotropin levels and the OSC amplitude in female toads during the breeding season, but there was a significant correlation between plasma progesterone levels and the OSC amplitude. In males, hypophysectomy just before the breeding season decreased the OSC amplitude. And testis weight was also positively correlated with the OSC amplitude in January. These results suggest that the appearance of the OSC is related to the timing of the activation of the reproductive system. However, treatment of toads with hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), testosterone, estradiol or progesterone in the non-breeding season did not induce a significant change in the OSC amplitude. Other factor or factors may be required in activation of the olfactory system of the toad in a non-reproductive stage together with the hormones of the gonadal axis.  相似文献   

虎纹蛙促性腺激素含量随年龄及季节的变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促性腺激素(GtH;或LH和FSH)在脊椎动物生殖调节中起中C作用;脑垂体和血浆GtH水平在一定程度上反映着动物体的生殖生理状态。在蛙类,对脑垂体和血浆的LH及FSH含量进行过较全面研究的,仅在牛蛙和日本蟾蜍有过报道,结果显示它们的LH和FSH的含量存在有种类差异性。虎纹蛙属中国二级保护动物,也是唯一受保护的蛙类,对其生殖生物学的基础内容进行研究具有重要的意义。 为此,本文利用放射免疫测定法,测定了虎纹蛙幼蛙和不同性腺发育阶段(季节)成蛙脑垂体与血浆的LH及FSH含量,以弄清这些激素的含量变化与年龄、季节(性腺发育阶段)变化的关系,以期为虎纹蛙的基础生殖生物学及蛙类的生殖内分泌学充实新的内容,为虎纹蛙的人工繁殖和保护提供理论依据。结果是:幼蛙血浆LH水平显著高于各期成蛙(Fig.A),血浆FSH水平显著低于成熟前期成蛙,而和其它各性腺发育阶段成蛙相当(Fig.B)。而脑垂体LH或FSH的含量显著低于各期成蛙(Fig.C&D)。这说明,幼蛙脑垂体已具有一定的合成和释放LH及FSH的能力。 成蛙脑垂体和血浆LH及FSH水平随性腺发育阶段(季节)的不同而有一定的变化:雌蛙血浆LH水平在成熟期最高,性腺再发育期最低;  相似文献   

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