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Sulphate-reducing bacteria isolated from submerged soil samples of paddy fields effectively precipitated copper from aqueous solution with maximum effect (75%) at 25 ppm Cu2+. As the copper concentration was increased to 100 ppm, precipitation efficiency decreased significantly. The use of bacteria to precipitate heavy metal ions from aqueous effluents is discussed.  相似文献   

Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) method was applied to the differentiation of 15 (soil and intestinal) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strains. The primer M 13, which is a core sequence of phage M 13, was found to be appropriate for the differentiation of isolates of this species. The analysis revealed characteristic band patterns for all of the examined strains of which two soil strains (DV-7 and DV-8) showed identical DNA fingerprints. According to Jaccard's coefficient, the soil bacterial group as well as intestinal bacterial group formed two different clusters. Furthermore, the soil strains showed greater variability than the intestinal isolates. Based on the AP-PCR fingerprints D. desulfuricans strains were differentiated depending on their origin. This study demonstrates that the typing method AP-PCR can be useful in epidemiologic investigations as a rapid and valuable tool for differentiation of the strains of D. desulfuricans species.  相似文献   

Antisera have been developed against the wholecell antigens of Desulfovibrio africanus Benghazi and Walvis Bay, D. vulgaris Hildenborough, D. salexigens British Guiana, D. gigas, and D. desulfuricans Essex 6. An enzymelinked immunoadsorption assay (ELISA) was developed to measure the reaction of these antisera with the homologous and heterologous antigens. The ELISA method demonstrated a reaction between pre-immune sera and cells of D. africanus, D. gigas and D. desulfuricans, suggesting the presence of a lectin-like substance on these cell surfaces. Extensive cross-reactions were seen between the antisera and heterologous cells, suggesting the sharing of a number of surface antigens amongst the Desulfovibrio. However, the pattern of these cross-reactions was different from that observed for an ELISA reaction developed for the cytochrome c3 from various Desulfovibrio.Abbreviation ELISA enzyme-linked immunoadsorption assay  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough wild type and its hyn1, hyd and hmc mutants, lacking genes for periplasmic [NiFe] hydrogenase-1, periplasmic [FeFe] hydrogenase or the transmembrane high molecular weight cytochrome (Hmc) complex, respectively, were able to reduce Fe(III) chelated with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), but not insoluble ferric oxide, with lactate as the electron donor. The rate and extent of Fe(III)-NTA reduction followed the order hyn = WT > hmc >> hyd, suggesting that reduction of soluble Fe(III) is a periplasmic process that requires the presence of periplasmic [FeFe] hydrogenase. Reduction of Fe(III)-NTA was not coupled to cell growth. In fact cell concentrations declined when D. vulgaris was incubated with Fe(III)-NTA as the only electron acceptor. Wild type and mutant cells reducing a limiting concentration of sulfate (2 mM), reduced Fe(III)-NTA with similar rates. However, these were similarly incapable of catalyzing subsequent lactate-dependent reduction of Fe(III)-NTA to completion. Periplasmic reduction of Fe(III)-NTA appeared to inhibit the productive, sulfate-reducing metabolism of D. vulgaris, possibly because it prevents the cycling of reducing equivalents needed to achieve a net bioenergetic benefit.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of the reduction of Cr(VI) by resting cell suspensions of Desulfovibrio vulgaris ATCC 29579 and a new isolate, Desulfovibrio sp. (`Oz7') was studied using lactate as the electron donor at 30 °C. The apparent K m (K m app) and V max with respect to Cr(VI) reduction was compared for both strains. Desulfovibio sp. `Oz7' had a K m app of 90 M (threefold lower than that of D. vulgaris ATCC 29579) and a V max of 120 nmol h–1 mg–1 biomass dry wt (approx. 30% lower than for the reference strain). The potential of the new isolate for bioremediation of Cr(VI) wastewaters is discussed.  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough is a well-studied sulfate reducer that can reduce heavy metals and radionuclides [e.g., Cr(VI) and U(VI)]. Cultures grown in a defined medium had a lag period of approximately 30 h when exposed to 0.05 mM Cr(VI). Substrate analyses revealed that although Cr(VI) was reduced within the first 5 h, growth was not observed for an additional 20 h. The growth lag could be explained by a decline in cell viability; however, during this time small amounts of lactate were still utilized without sulfate reduction or acetate formation. Approximately 40 h after Cr exposure (0.05 mM), sulfate reduction occurred concurrently with the accumulation of acetate. Similar amounts of hydrogen were produced by Cr-exposed cells compared to control cells, and lactate was not converted to glycogen during non-growth conditions. D. vulgaris cells treated with a reducing agent and then exposed to Cr(VI) still experienced a growth lag, but the addition of ascorbate at the time of Cr(VI) addition prevented the lag period. In addition, cells grown on pyruvate displayed more tolerance to Cr(VI) compared to lactate-grown cells. These results indicated that D. vulgaris utilized lactate during Cr(VI) exposure without the reduction of sulfate or production of acetate, and that ascorbate and pyruvate could protect D. vulgaris cells from Cr(VI)/Cr(III) toxicity. J.D. Wall and M.W. Fields are both affiliated to the Virtual Institute of Microbial Stress and Survival (). M.E. Clark and S.B. Thieman contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The degradation of l-alanine by three strains of sulfate-reducing bacteria that can grow with l-alanine as an energy source was investigated. In Desulfotomaculum ruminis and most likely also in two marine Desulfovibrio strains alanine is converted to pyruvate via an NAD-dependent alanine dehydrogenase. D. ruminis contained high activities of soluble NADH and NADPH dehydrogenases. In the marine strains the activities were much lower and the NADH dehydrogenase was partly associated with the membrane fraction.  相似文献   

The localization of hydrogenase protein in Desulfovibrio gigas cells grown either in lactate-sulfate or hydrogen-sulfate media, has been investigated by subcellular fractionation with immunoblotting and by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Subcellular fractionation experiments suggest that no integral membrane-bound hydrogenase is present in D. gigas. About 40% of the hydrogenase activity could be extracted by treatment of D. gigas cells with Tris-EDTA buffer. The rest of the soluble hydrogenase activity (50%) was found in the soluble fraction which was obtained after disruption of Tris-EDTA extracted cells and high speed centrifugation. Both soluble hydrogenase fractions purified to homogeneity showed identical molecular properties including the N-terminal aminoacid sequences of their large and small subunits. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the proteins of the subcellular fractions revealed a single band of hydrogenase activity exhibiting the same mobility as purified D. gigas hydrogenase. Western blotting carried out on these subcellular fractions revealed crossreactivity with the antibodies raised against (NiFe) hydrogenase. The lack of crossreactivity with antibodies against (FE) or (NiFeSe) hydrogenases, indicated that only (NiFe) type hydrogenase is present in D. gigas.Immunocytolocalization in ultrathin frozen sections of D. gigas cells grown either in lactate-sulfate, pyruvate-sulfate or hydrogen-sulfate media showed only a (NiFe) hydrogenase located in the periplasmic space. The bioenergetics of D. gigas are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunoadsorption assay (ELISA) was developed for cytochrome c3 using antisera to the cytochromes fromDesulfovibrio africanus Benghazi, Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough andDesulfovibrio salexigens British Guiana. The ELISA system was used to test for cross-reactions between these antisera and the heterologous antigens. In contrast to previous experiments using the Ouchterlony technique, all of the cytochromes c3 tested exhibited some degree of cross-reaction. Considerable variation was seen in cross-reactions for cytochromes c3 from differing strains ofD. desulfuricans. This observation raises questions about the taxonomic relatedness of these strains. No cross-reaction was seen with eukaryotic cytochrome c or withD. vulgaris cytochrome c553. The data demonstrate that cytochrome c3 is capable of undergoing nonprecipitating cross-reactions, and thus may not be as immunologically unique as was once thought.Abbreviations ELISA Enzyme-linked immunoadsorption assay  相似文献   

Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough contains a family of genes for methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). Here we report the complete sequence of the gene for Desulfovibrio chemoreceptor H (dcrH). The deduced amino acid sequence of DcrH protein, which has an enlarged N-terminal, ligand binding domain, indicates a structure similar to that of other MCPs. Comparison of the sequences for DcrA, determined earlier, and DcrH indicated that similarity is essentially limited to the C-terminal excitation region. The dcr gene family differs, in this respect, from mcp gene families in other eubacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis), where MCPs share significant homology throughout their C-terminal signal transduction domains. This may point to an ancient evolutionary origin of the dcr gene family, which is widely distributed throughout the genus Desulfovibrio. The evolutionary origin of mcp genes was traced by comparing nucleotide sequences for the excitation region that is common to all MCPs. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences for thirty mcp genes from nine eubacterial and one archaebacterial species suggested that multiplication of mcp genes has occurred at least twice since the eubacteria diverged from the archaebacteria.Nucleotide accession number: The nucleotide sequence reported in this paper has been entered into GenBank under accession number U30319. Phone: 403-220-6388. Fax: 403-289-9311. Electronic mail address: voordouw@acs.ucalgary.ca.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory sulfite reductase (DsrAB) of the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough is an 22 tetramer of 180 kDa, encoded by the dsr operon. In addition to the dsrA and dsrB genes, this operon contains a gene (dsrD) encoding a protein of only 78 amino acids. Although, the function of DsrD is currently unknown, the presence of a dsrD gene has been demonstrated in a variety of sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea. DsrD was expressed in Escherichia coli at a very high level and purified to homogeneity. Protein blotting experiments, using antisera raised against purified DsrD, demonstrated that it is expressed constitutively in D. vulgaris and does not copurify with DsrAB. Spectroscopic analysis of DsrD indicated that it does not bind either sulfite or sulfide, the substrate and product, respectively of the reaction catalyzed by DsrAB. Thus, although the conservation of this protein and its demonstrated presence in D. vulgaris, suggest an essential function in dissimilatory sulfite reduction, this function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Sulfate reducing bacteria of the Desulfovibrio genus are considered anaerobes, in spite of the fact that they are frequently isolated close to oxic habitats. However, until now, growth in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen was not reported for members of this genus. This work shows for the first time that the sulfate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 is able to grow in the presence of nearly atmospheric oxygen levels. In addition, the activity and expression profile of several key enzymes was analyzed under different oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

A sulfate-reducing bacterium, designated as strain R2, was isolated from wastewater of a ball-bearing manufacturing facility in Tomsk, Western Siberia. This isolate was resistant up to 800 mg Cu/l in the growth medium. By comparison, Cu-resistance of reference cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria ranged from 50 to 75 mg Cu/l. Growth experiments with strain R2 showed that Cu was an essential trace element and, on one hand, enhanced growth at concentrations up to 10 mg/l but, on the other hand, the growth rate decreased and lag-period extended at copper concentrations of >50 mg/l. Phenotypic characteristics and a 1078 bp nucleotide sequence of the 16S rDNA placed strain R2 within the genus Desulfovibrio. Desulfovibrio R2 carried at least one plasmid of approximately of 23.1 kbp. A 636 bp fragment ot the pcoR gene of the pco operon that encodes Cu resistance was amplified by PCR from plasmid DNA of strain R2. The pco genes are involved in Cu-resistance in some enteric and aerobic soil bacteria. Desulfovibrio R2 is a prospective strain for bioremediation purposes and for developing a homologous system for transformation of Cu-resistance in sulfate-reducing bacteria. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The structure of Eubacterium nodatum cell wall peptidoglycan was investigated. The peptide subunit of E. nodatum peptidoglycan has the following structure: L-Ala-D-Glu (Gly)-L-Orn-D-Ala. The carboxyl group of alanine occupying position 4 is attached to the -amino group of ornithine of an other subunit by the cross-linking bridge L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Orn. All glycine molecules are connected with the -carboxyl group of glutamic acid with the ratio being 0.5–1. The hydrolysis of E. nodatum peptidoglycan by the S. albus G enzyme proceeds primarily due to the activity of alanyl-alanine endopeptidase, ornithyl-ornithine endopeptidase, ornithyl-alanine endopeptidase, N-acetyl-muramyl-alanine amidase, N-acetylmuramidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase.  相似文献   

Chemical composition of Eubacterium alactolyticum cell wall peptidoglycan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mechanism of lysis of Eubacterium alactolyticum cell walls by Streptomyces albus G enzyme was studied. The analysis of the peptide terminal groups and peptide subunits isolated from the cell wall digest, released during solubilization of the cell walls, revealed that lytic action of S. albus G enzyme was mainly due to D-alanyl-A2pm endopeptidase, N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase, N-acetylmuramidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase. E. alactolyticum cell wall peptidoglycan is composed mainly of glucosamine, muramic acid, D-glutamic acid, L- and D-alanine, meso-diaminopimelic acid and glycine. The peptide subunit consists of L-alanyl-D-glutamyl-meso-A2pm-D-alanine. D-Alanine is connected directly with the amino group of the meso-A2pm residue of another peptide subunit. All of the L-amino groups of meso-diaminopimelic acid are involved in cross-linking.The possible structure of the peptide moiety of E. alactolyticum cell wall peptidoglycan is presented.  相似文献   

During growth on glycerol two marine Desulfovibrio strains that can grow on an unusually broad range of substrates contained high activities of glycerol kinase, NAD(P)-independent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and the other enzymes necessary for the conversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to pyruvate. Glycerol dehydrogenase and a specific dihydroxyacetone kinase were absent. During growth on dihydroxyacetone, glycerol kinase is involved in the initial conversion of this compound to dihydroxyacetone phosphate which is then further metabolized. Some kinetic properties of the partially purified glycerol kinase were determined. The role of NAD as electron carrier in the energy metabolism during growth of these strains on glycerol and dihydroxyacetone is discussed.Glycerol also supported growth of three out of four classical Desulfovibrio strains tested. D. vulgaris strain Hildenborough grew slowly on glycerol and contained glycerol kinase, glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and enzymes for the dissimilation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate. In D. gigas which did not grow on glycerol the enzymes glycerol kinase and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase were absent in lactate-grown cells.Abbreviations DHA dihydroxyacetone - DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - G3P glycerol 3-phosphate - GAP glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - 2-PGA 2-phosphoglycerate - 2,3-DPGA 2,3-diphosphoglycerate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - DH dehydrogenase - GK glycerol kinase - DHAK dihydroxyacetone kinase - TIM triosephosphate isomerase - PGK 3-phosphoglycerate kinase - PK pyruvate kinase - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - DTT dithiotreitol - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethane sulfonic acid - PIPES piperazine-1,1-bis(2-ethane sulfonic acid) - BV2+/BV+ oxidized/reduced benzylviologen - PMS phenazine methosulfate - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,4-diphenyltetrazolium bromide  相似文献   

Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the thermal springs of Vajreshwari were investigated with combined microbiological and molecular approaches. A sulphate-reducing bacteria medium containing lactate was used for enrichment and isolation, which yielded Gram negative, rod shaped, anaerobic, non-spore forming and motile bacteria capable of reducing sulphate to sulphide. These grew at temperatures ranging from 25 to 55 °C and could use pyruvate, lactate and ethanol as electron donors. Desulfoviridin was detected in all the isolates. The partial 16S rRNA and dissimilatory sulphite reductase (DSR) gene sequences of five representative isolates revealed that the strains belonged to the sulphur reducing bacterial species Desulfovibrio vulgaris.  相似文献   

Many industrial wastes contain Cr(VI), a carcinogen and mutagen, the toxicity of which can be ameliorated by reduction to Cr(III). Microbacterium sp. NCIMB 13776 andDesulfovibrio vulgaris NCIMB 8303 reduced Cr(VI) to Cr(III) anoxically using 25 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 7), with 25 mM sodium acetate and 25 mM sodium formate as electron donors at 30 °C, under which conditions the rates of reduction of 500 M sodium chromate were 77 and 6 nmol h–1 mg dry cell wt for D. vulgaris and Microbacterium sp., respectively, these being increased to 127 and 17 nmol h–1 mg dry cell wt in the presence of 20 mM MOPS/NaOH buffer.  相似文献   

The membrane bound fumarate reductase (FRD) from the sulphate-reducer Desulfovibrio gigas was purified from cells grown on a fumarate/sulphate medium and extensively characterized. The FRD is isolated with three subunits of apparent molecular masses of 71, 31, and 22 kDa. The enzyme is capable of both fumarate reduction and succinate oxidation, exhibiting a higher specificity toward fumarate (K m for fumarate is 0.02 and for succinate 2 mM) and a reduction rate 30 times faster than that for oxidation. Studies by Visible and EPR spectroscopies allowed the identification of two B-type haems and the three iron–sulphur clusters usually found in FRDs and succinate dehydrogenases: [2Fe-2S]2+/1+ (S1), [4Fe-4S]2+/1+ (S2), and [3Fe-4S]1+/0 (S3). The apparent macroscopic reduction potentials for the metal centers, at pH 7.6, were determined by redox titrations: –45 and –175 mV for the two haems, and +20 and –140 mV for the S3 and S1 clusters, respectively. The reduction potentials of the haem groups are pH dependent, supporting the proposal that fumarate reduction is associated with formation of the membrane proton gradient. Furthermore, co-reconstitution in liposomes of D. gigas FRD, duroquinone, and D. gigas cytochrome bd shows that this system is capable of coupling succinate oxidation with oxygen reduction to water.  相似文献   

During growth of ethanol plus sulfate Desulfovibrio gigas and three other Desulfovibrio strains tested contained high NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase activities and dye-linked aldehyde dehydrogenase activities. In lactate-grown cells these activities were lower or absent. In D. gigas an NADH dehydrogenase activity was found which was higher during growth on ethanol than during growth on lactate. The NADH dehydrogenase activity appeared to consist of at least three different soluble enzymes. The aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in D. gigas was highest with benzylviologen as an acceptor and was strongly stimulated by potassium ions. Coenzyme A or phosphate dependency could not be shown, indicating that acetyl-CoA or acetyl phosphate are not intermediates in the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate.In the absence of sulfate D. gigas was able to convert ethanol to acetate by means of interspecies hydrogen transfer to a methanogen. This conversion, however, did not lead to growth of the Desulfovibrio.Abbreviations DH dehydrogenase - BV2+/BV+ oxidized/reduced benzylviologen - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - MTT 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,4-diphenyltetrazolium bromide - MV2+/MV+ oxidized/reduced methylviologen - PMS phenazine methosulfate  相似文献   

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