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We present results of theoretical studies of the variants of the monomeric teal fluorescent protein from Clavularia coral (mTFP1) which present promising members from the GFP family. Predictions of quantum chemical approaches including density functional theory and semiempirical approximations are presented for the model systems which mimic the chromophores in different environments. We describe the excitation energy spectrum of the cyan mTFP1 fluorescent protein with the original chromophore and with chromophore mutants Tyr67His and Tyr67Trp.  相似文献   

A two-intein purification system was developed for the affinity purification of GFPmut3*, a mutant of green fluorescent protein. The GFPmut3* was sandwiched between two self-cleaving inteins. This approach avoided the loss of the target protein which may result from in vivo cleavage of a single intein tag. The presence of N- and C-terminal chitin-binding domains allowed the affinity purification by a single-affinity chitin column. After the fusion protein was expressed and immobilized on the affinity column, self-cleavage of the inteins was sequentially induced to release the GFPmut3*. The yield was 2.41 mg from 1 l of bacterial culture. Assays revealed that the purity was up to 98% of the total protein. The fluorescence and circular dichroism spectrum of GFPmut3* demonstrated that the purified protein retains the correctly folded structure and function.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) containing a self-coded chromophore has been applied in protein trafficking and folding, gene expression, and as sensors in living cells. While the “cycle3” mutation denoted as C3 mutation (F99S/M153T/V163A) offers the ability to increase GFP fluorescence at 37 °C, it is not clear whether such mutations will also be able to assist the folding and formation of the chromophore upon the addition of metal ion binding sites. Here, we investigate in both bacterial and mammalian systems, the effect of C2 (M153T/V163A) and C3 (F99S/M153T/V163A) mutations on the folding of enhanced GFP (EGFP, includes F64L/S65T) and its variants engineered with two types of Ca2+ binding sites: (1) a designed discontinuous Ca2+ binding site and (2) a grafted continuous Ca2+ binding motif. We show that, for the constructed EGFP variants, the C2 mutation is sufficient to facilitate the production of fluorescence in both bacterial and mammalian cells. Further addition of the mutation F99S decreases the folding efficiency of these variants although a similar effect is not detectable for EGFP, likely due to the already greatly enhanced mutation F64L/S65T from the original GFP, which hastens the chromophore formation. The extinction coefficient and quantum yield of purified proteins of each construct were also examined to compare the effects of both C2 and C3 mutations on protein spectroscopic properties. Our quantitative analyses of the effect of C2 and C3 mutations on the folding and formation of GFP chromophore that undergoes different folding trajectories in bacterial versus mammalian cells provide insights into the development of fluorescent protein-based analytical sensors.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) and homologous proteins possess a unique pathway of chromophore formation based on autocatalytic modification of their own amino acid residues. Green-to-red photoconvertible fluorescent protein Kaede carries His-Tyr-Gly chromophore-forming triad. Here, we describe synthesis of Kaede red chromophore (2-[(1E)-2-(5-imidazolyl)ethenyl]-4-(p-hydroxybenzylidene)-5-imidazolone) and its analogs that can be potentially formed by natural amino acid residues. Chromophores corresponding to the following tripeptides were obtained: His-Tyr-Gly, Trp-Tyr-Gly, Phe-Trp-Gly, Tyr-Trp-Gly, Asn-Tyr-Gly, Phe-Tyr-Gly, and Tyr-Tyr-Gly. In basic conditions they fluoresced red with relatively high quantum yield (up to 0.017 for Trp-derived compounds). The most red-shifted absorption peak at 595 nm was found for the chromophore Trp-Tyr-Gly in basic DMSO. Surprisingly, in basic DMF non-aromatic Asn-derived chromophore Asn-Tyr-Gly demonstrated the most red-shifted emission maximum at 642 nm. Thus, Asn residue may be a promising substituent, which can potentially diversify posttranslational chemistry in GFP-like proteins.  相似文献   

目的研究外源绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,简称GFP)基因在BALB/c绿色荧光裸鼠主要器官组织中的表达及其差异。方法小动物成像系统和RT-PCR方法检测GFP的组织分布以及荧光表达水平情况。结果经活体荧光影像系统观察及PCR方法检测发现GFP可以在裸鼠多个器官组织中表达,其中在胰腺、心脏、全脑、皮肤、睾丸中表达量较高。结论外源绿色荧光蛋白可以在模型动物体内成功表达且稳定遗传,其中在胰腺组织中高表达。  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a novel method for the detection of conformational changes in proteins, which is predicated on the reconstitution of split green fluorescent protein (GFP). We employed fluorescence complementation assays for the monitoring of the conformationally altered proteins. In particular, we used maltose binding protein (MBP) as a model protein, as MBP undergoes a characteristic hinge-twist movement upon substrate binding. The common feature of this approach is that GFP, as a reporter protein, splits into two non-fluorescent fragments, which are genetically fused to the N- and C-termini of MBP. Upon binding to maltose, the chromophores move closer together, resulting in the generation of fluorescence. This split GFP method also involves the reconstitution of GFP, which is determined via observations of the degree to which fluorescence intensity is restored. As a result, reconstituted GFP has been observed to generate fluorescence upon maltose binding in vitro, thereby allowing for the direct detection of changes in fluorescence intensity in response to maltose, in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. Our findings showed that the fluorescence complementation assay can be used to monitor the conformational alterations of a target protein, and this ability may prove useful in a number of scientific and medical applications.  相似文献   

We investigated the applicability of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria as a reporter for gene expression in an extremely halophilic organism: Halobacterium salinarum. Two recombinant GFPs were fused with bacteriorhodopsin, a typical membrane protein of H. salinarum. These fusion proteins preserved the intrinsic functions of each component, bacteriorhodopsin and GFP, were expressed in H. salinarum under conditions with an extremely high salt concentration, and were proved to be properly localized in its plasma membrane. These results suggest that GFP could be used as a versatile reporter of gene expression in H. salinarum for investigations of various halophilic membrane proteins, such as sensory rhodopsin or phoborhodopsin.  相似文献   

ZM13 is a pollen-specific maize gene which is expressed in the late stages of pollen development. We wished to utilize the ZM13 promoter to examine the expression of a synthetic green fluorescent protein (SGFP) in germinating pollen. The usefulness of the SGFP expression product is that its appearance and distribution can be monitored non-destructively in vivo. A plasmid containing the SGFP coding region under the control of the ZM13 promoter was constructed and then transiently transformed into pollen of Tradescantia paludosa and Nicotiana tabacum by the use of microprojectile bombardment. The expression of the green fluorescent protein was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy using a fluorescein filter. Expression began about 3 h post-bombardment, and all parts of the pollen grain and tube fluoresced. High levels of fluorescence were observed for several days following treatment. Received: 15 February 1998 / Revision accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

Ethyl 4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) methylidene- 2-methyl-5-oxoimidazolacetate (HBMIA) is a model chromophore of green fluorescent protein. The electronic structure of HBMIA in aqueous solution phase is studied using a hybrid method of quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics, RISM-SCF-SEDD. The solvatochromic shift is correctly reproduced by the present computations.  相似文献   

Combination of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy (TPE) has been used increasingly to study dynamic biochemical events within living cells, sometimes even in vivo. However, the high photon flux required in TPE may lead to higher-order photobleaching within the focal volume, which would introduce misinterpretation about the fine biochemical events. Here we first studied the high-order photobleaching rate of GFP inside live cells by measuring the dependence of the photobleaching rate on the excitation power. The photobleaching rate under one- and two-photon excitation increased with 1-power and 4-power of the incident intensity, respectively, implying the excitation photons might interact with excited fluorophore molecules and increase the probability of photobleaching. These results suggest that in applications where two-photon imaging of GFP is used to study dynamic molecular process, photobleaching may ruin the imaging results and attention should be paid in interpreting the imaging results.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out to study the conformational rearrangement induced by deprotonation of the fluorescent chromophore in GFP, as well as the associated changes in the hydrogen-bonding network. For both the structures with either a neutral or an anionic chromophore, it was found that the beta-barrel was stable and rigid, and the conformation of the chromophore was consistent with the available x-ray structure. The conformational change in Thr203 due to deprotonation was also found to be consistent with the three-state isomerization model. Although GFP is highly fluorescent, denatured-GFP is nonfluorescent, indicating that the environment of the protein plays an important role in its fluorescence behavior. Our MD simulations, which explore the effect of the protein shell on the conformation of the chromophore, find the flexibility of the central chromophore to be significantly restricted due to the rigid nature of the protein shell. The hydrogen-bonding between the chromophore and neighboring residues was also shown to contribute to the chromophore rigidity. In addition to the MD studies, quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) ONIOM calculations were carried out to investigate the effect of the beta-barrel on the internal rotation in the chromophore. Along with providing quantitative values for torsional rotation barriers about the bridging bond in the chromophore, the ONIOM calculations also validate our MD force field parameters.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been widely used as a molecular marker in modern biological research. Before the recent report of one GFP gene in Branchiostoma floridae, GFP family members were cloned only from other two groups of species: Cnidaria and Copepoda. Here we describe the complete GFP gene repertoire of B. floridae which includes 13 functional genes and 2 pseudogenes, representing the largest GFP family found so far. Coupling with nine other GFP sequences from another two species of genus Branchiostoma and the sequences from Cnidaria and Copepoda, we made a deep-level phylogenetic analysis for GFP genes in cephalochordates and found: 1) GFP genes have experienced a divergent evolution in cephalochordates; 2) all amphioxus GFP genes form four main clades on the tree which had diverged before the radiation of the last common ancestor of all extant cephalochordates; 3) GFP genes in amphioxus shared a common ancestor with that in Copepoda rather than being derived from horizontal gene transfer, which indicates that our ancestor was derived from a fluorescent organism and lost this ability after its separation from Cephalochordata, and also makes GFP a rare gene which has a rather unusual evolutionary path. In addition, we also provided evidence indicating that GFP genes have evolved divergent functions by specializing their expression profile, and different fluorescent spectra by changing their emission peaks. These findings spark two interesting issues: what are GFP in vivo functions in cephalochordates and why they are lost in other examined deuterostomes?  相似文献   

Several modifications of a wild-type green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene were combined into a single construct, driven by the ubi-1 promoter and intron region, and transformed into maize. Green fluorescence, indicative of GFP expression, was observed in stably transformed callus as well as in leaves and roots of regenerated plants and their progeny. Cell wall autofluorescence made GFP expression difficult to observe in sections of leaves and roots. However, staining sections with toluidine blue allowed detection of GFP in transgenic tissue. Bright GFP fluorescence was observed in approximately 50% of the pollen of transgenic plants. These results suggest that GFP can be used as a reporter gene in transgenic maize; however, further modification, i.e., to alter the emission spectra, would increase its utility. Received: 17 December 1997 / Revision received: 6 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

Membrane-based bioanalytical devices for metal determination using green fluorescent protein as the sensor molecule may be a useful future biomimetic material. However, in order to develop such a device, it is necessary first to understand the interaction of the protein with lipid membranes. Thus we have investigated the interaction between chimeric cadmium-binding green fluorescent proteins (CdBPGFPs) and lipid monolayers, using a film-balance technique complemented with epifluorescence microscopy. The binding avidity was monitored from the surface pressure vs. area isotherms or from the measured increase in the lateral pressure upon injection of the chimeric CdBPGFPs beneath the lipid monolayer. Increased fluidization as well as expansion of the surface area were shown to depend on the concentration of the CdBPGFPs. The kinetics of the protein-induced increase in lateral pressure was found to be biphasic. The chimeric CdBPGFPs possessed high affinity to the 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) monolayer with a dissociation constant of Kd=10–8M. Epifluorescence measurements showed that this affinity is due to the presence of the Cd-binding peptide, which caused the GFP to incorporate preferentially to the liquid phase and defect part of the rigid domain at low interfacial pressure. At high compression, the Cd-binding peptide could neither incorporate nor remain in the lipid core. However, specific orientation of the chimeric CdBPGFPs underneath the air–water interface was achieved, even under high surface pressure, when the proteins were applied to the metal-chelating lipid-containing surfaces. This specific binding could be controlled reversibly by the addition of metal ions or metal chelator. The reversible binding of the chimeric CdBPGFPs to metal-chelating lipids provided a potential approach for immobilization, orientation and lateral organization of a protein at the membrane interface. Furthermore, the feasibility of applying the chelator lipids for the codetermination of metal ions with specific ligands was also revealed. Our finding clearly demonstrates that a strong interaction, particularly with fluid lipid domains, could potentially be used for sensor development in the future.Abbreviations GFP green fluorescent protein - CdBPGFPs cadmium-binding green fluorescent protein - DPPC 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - AAS atomic absorption spectrometry - Cd2+ cadmium (II) - Zn2+ zinc (II) - Cu2+ copper (II) - Ni2+ nickel (II) - E. coli Escherichia coli - NTA-DOGS 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-(N-(5-amino-1-carboxypentyl iminodiacetic acid) succinyl) - His6GFP hexahistidine green fluorescent protein - CdBP4GFP four-repeat cadmium-binding peptide green fluorescent protein - His6CdBP4GFP hexahistidine four-repeat cadmium-binding peptide green fluorescent protein - IMAC immobilized-metal-affinity chromatography - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - mN/m millinewton per metre - le liquid expanded - lc liquid condensed - PE phosphatidyl ethanolamine - PI phosphatidyl inositol - NTA nitrilotriacetic acid - EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - RESA ring-infected erythrocyte surface antigen - CdBP cadmium-binding peptide  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has a chromophore that forms autocatalytically within the folded protein. Although many studies have focused on the precise mechanism of chromophore maturation, little is known about the kinetics of de novo chromophore maturation. Here we present a simple and efficient method for examining the de novo kinetics. GFP with an immature chromophore was synthesized in a reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system under anaerobic conditions. Chromophore maturation was initiated by rapid dilution in an air-saturated maturation buffer, and the time course of fluorescence development was monitored. Comparison of the de novo maturation rates in various GFP variants revealed that some folding mutations near the chromophore promoted rapid chromophore maturation and that the accumulation of mutations could reduce the maturation rate. Our method will contribute to the design of rapidly maturing fluorescent proteins with improved characteristics for real-time monitoring of cellular events.  相似文献   

The gfp gene from Aequorea victoria, encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been expressed in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar cremoris MG1363, upon construction and introduction of plasmid pLS1GFP into this host. GFP was monitored in living cells during growth to evaluate its use in molecular and physiological studies. Quantification of the levels of GFP expressed by cultures was feasible by fluorescence spectroscopy. Phase-contrast and fluorescence microscopy allowed us to distinguish, in mixed cultures, lactococcal cells expressing GFP. Our results indicate that GFP can be used as a reporter in L. lactis.  相似文献   

Use of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) of Aequorea victoria as a reporter for protein and DNA localization has provided sensitive, new approaches for studying the organization of the bacterial cell, leading to new insights into diverse cellular processes. GFP has many characteristics that make it useful for localization studies in bacteria, primarily its ability to fluoresce when fused to target polypeptides without the addition of exogenously added substrates. As an alternative to immunofluorescence microscopy, the expression of gfp gene fusions has been used to probe the function of cellular components fundamental for DNA replication, translation, protein export, and signal transduction, that heretofore have been difficult to study in living cells. Moreover, protein and DNA localization can now be monitored in real time, revealing that several proteins important for cell division, development and sporulation are dynamically localized throughout the cell cycle. The use of additional GFP variants that permit the labeling of multiple components within the same cell, and the use of GFP for genetic screens, should continue to make this a valuable tool for addressing complex questions about the bacterial cell.  相似文献   

橙色荧光蛋白——绿色荧光蛋白GFPxm的改造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
最近报道了从大型多管水母中分离出新的gfp基因。经大肠杆菌表达并纯化出的绿色荧光蛋白 (GFPxm)具有 4 76nm的激发峰和 4 96nm的发射峰 ,但是只能在低温下成熟的缺点限制了它的应用。这里进一步报道GFPxm的 12种突变型。在大肠杆菌中的表达结果表明 ,有 7种突变型在 37℃条件下产生高的荧光强度。在 2 5、32和 37℃条件下表达 6h ,GFPxm16、GFPxm18和GFPxm19的相对荧光强度均高于增强型绿色荧光蛋白 (EGFP) ,而GFPxm16和GFPxm16 3在 4 2℃高温表达时仍能保持高的荧光强度。这 7种突变型中的 4种在哺乳动物细胞中已获得良好表达。此外 ,有 6种突变型的荧光光谱红移 ,目前所达到的最长激发峰为 5 14nm、最长发射峰为 5 2 5nm。另外有 3种突变型具有包括紫外在内的两个激发峰 ,1种突变型只有单一的紫外激发峰。首次报道具有橙色荧光的突变型OFPxm ,它的激发峰为 5 0 9nm、发射峰为 5 2 3nm。 5 2 3nm属于黄绿色 ,但肉眼看到的蛋白为橙色。OFPxm在高温下可得到高水平表达且很好地成熟 ,但是因为低的量子产率而荧光强度相对较低。  相似文献   

The green fluorescent protein (GFP) has emerged as a powerful reporter molecule for monitoring gene expression, protein localization, and protein-protein interaction. However, the detection of low concentrations of GFPs is limited by the weakness of the fluorescent signal and the low photostability. In this report, we observed the proximity of single GFPs to metallic silver nanoparticles increases its fluorescence intensity approximately 6-fold and decreases the decay time. Single protein molecules on the silvered surfaces emitted 10-fold more photons as compared to glass prior to photobleaching. The photostability of single GFP has increased to some extent. Accordingly, we observed longer duration time and suppressed blinking. The single-molecule lifetime histograms indicate the relatively heterogeneous distributions of protein mutants inside the structure.  相似文献   

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