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Tumor cell invasion and metastasis are often associated with matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), among which MMP-2 and MMP-9 are of central importance. We previously showed that H-Ras, but not N-Ras, induced invasion of MCF10A human breast epithelial cells in which the enhanced expression of MMP-2 was involved. MMP-2 is produced as a latent pro-MMP-2 (72 kDa) to be activated resulting the 62 kDa active MMP-2. The present study investigated if H-Ras and/or N-Ras induces pro-MMP-2 activation of MCF10A cells when cultured in two-dimensional gel of type I collagen. Type I collagen induced activation of pro-MMP-2 only in H-Ras MCF10A cells but not in N-Ras MCF10A cells. Induction of active MMP-2 by type I collagen was suppressed by blocking integrin alpha2, indicating the involvement of integrin signaling in pro-MMP-2 activation. Membrane-type (MT)1-MMP and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2 were up-regulated by H-Ras but not by N-Ras in the type I collagen-coated gel, suggesting that H-Ras-specific up-regulation of MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 may lead to the activation of pro-MMP-2. Since acquisition of pro-MMP-2 activation can be associated with increased malignant progression, these results may help understanding the mechanisms for the cell surface matrix-degrading potential which will be crucial to the prognosis and therapy of breast cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

A tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2)-independent mechanism for generating the first activational cleavage of pro-matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) was identified in membrane type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP)-transfected MCF-7 cells and confirmed in TIMP-2-deficient fibroblasts. In contrast, the second MMP-2-activational step was found to be TIMP-2 dependent in both systems. MMP-2 hemopexin C-terminal domain was found to be critical for the first step processing, confirming a need for membrane tethering. We propose that the intermediate species of MMP-2 forms the well-established trimolecular complex (MT1-MMP/TIMP-2/MMP-2) for further TIMP-2-dependent autocatalytic cleavage to the fully active species. This alternate mechanism may supplement the traditional TIMP-2-mediated first step mechanism.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) is unique as it is the only member of the TIMP family that is involved in the cellular activation of promatrix metalloproteinase-2 (pro-MMP-2) by virtue of forming a trimolecular complex with membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) on the cell surface. TIMP-4 is similar in structure to TIMP-2 but is unable to support the activation of the proenzyme. Several reports have highlighted the importance of the TIMP-2 C-terminal domain in the pro-MMP-2 activation complex; however, very little is known about the role of the extended AB loop of TIMP-2 in this mechanism even though it has been shown to interact with MT1-MMP. In this study we show by mutagenesis and kinetic analysis that it is possible to transfer the MT1-MMP binding affinity of the TIMP-2 AB loop to TIMP-4 but that its transplantation into TIMP-4 does not endow the inhibitor with pro-MMP-2 activating activity. However, transfer of both the AB loop and C-terminal domain of TIMP-2 to TIMP-4 generates a mutant that can activate pro-MMP-2 and so demonstrates that both these regions of TIMP-2 are important for the activation process.  相似文献   

Differential roles of TIMP-4 and TIMP-2 in pro-MMP-2 activation by MT1-MMP   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are specific inhibitors of MMP enzymatic activity. However, TIMP-2 can promote the activation of pro-MMP-2 by MT1-MMP. This process is mediated by the formation of a complex between MT1-MMP, TIMP-2, and pro-MMP-2. Binding of TIMP-2 to active MT1-MMP also inhibits the autocatalytic turnover of MT1-MMP on the cell surface. Thus, under certain conditions, TIMP-2 is a positive regulator of MMP activity. TIMP-4, a close homologue of TIMP-2 also binds to pro-MMP-2 and can potentially participate in pro-MMP-2 activation. We coexpressed MT1-MMP with TIMP-4 and investigated its ability to support pro-MMP-2 activation. TIMP-4, unlike TIMP-2, does not promote pro-MMP-2 activation by MT1-MMP. However, TIMP-4 binds to MT1-MMP inhibiting its autocatalytic processing. When coexpressed with TIMP-2, TIMP-4 competitively reduced pro-MMP-2 activation by MT1-MMP. A balance between TIMP-2 and TIMP-4 may be a critical factor in determining the degradative potential of cells in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Primary CD8+ T cell (T(CD8+)) responses to viruses are directed toward multiple Ags and shaped by both the level of Ag presentation and the underlying Ag-specific T(CD8+) repertoire. The relative importance of these factors in deciding the hierarchy of T(CD8+) responses and how they are influenced by the immunoproteasome are not well understood. Using an influenza infection model in mice deficient in various immunoproteasome subunits, we observe that Ag presentation and T(CD8+) repertoire are altered in an epitope-specific and immunoproteasome subunit-dependent manner. More importantly, we find that the level of Ag presentation and the extent of the underlying repertoire can work either alone or in concert to determine definitively the magnitude of the individual T(CD8+) responses and hence the overall T(CD8+) hierarchy. Together, these results provide a clearer understanding of how immunodominance hierarchies are established.  相似文献   

In Con8 rat mammary epithelial tumor cells, the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone stimulates transepithelial electrical resistance (TER), promotes the remodeling of apical junctions, and down-regulates the level of fascin, an actin-bundling protein that can bind to beta-catenin. We have previously shown that ectopic expression of fascin prevented the glucocorticoid-mediated recruitment of tight junction and adherens junction proteins to the site of cell-cell contact. Here we demonstrate that exogenous treatment or constitutive production of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) ablated the dexamethasone down-regulation of the fascin protein level and disrupted the dexamethasone-induced remodeling of the apical junction and stimulation of the monolayer TER. The response to TGF-alpha was polarized in that basolateral, but not apical, exposure to this growth factor coordinately reversed the steroid control of fascin production and tight junction formation. Expression of dominant negative RasN17 or treatment with the PD098059 MEK inhibitor abolished or attenuated the TGF-alpha disruptive effects on TER, junction remodeling, and fascin protein levels. Our results implicate the regulation of fascin protein levels as a target of cross-talk between the Ras-dependent growth factor signaling and glucocorticoid signaling pathways that controls tight junction dynamics in mammary epithelial tumor cells. We propose that reversing the down-regulation of fascin is critical for the ability of TGF-alpha to disrupt the glucocorticoid-induced remodeling of the apical junction that leads to tight junction formation.  相似文献   

We evaluated cellular mechanisms involved in the activation pathway of matrix prometalloproteinase-2 (pro-MMP-2), an enzyme implicated in the malignant progression of many tumor types. Membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) cleaves the N-terminal prodomain of pro-MMP-2 thus generating the activation intermediate that then matures into the fully active enzyme of MMP-2. Our results provide evidence on how a collaboration between MT1-MMP and integrin alphavbeta3 promotes more efficient activation and specific, transient docking of the activation intermediate and, further, the mature, active enzyme of MMP-2 at discrete regions of cells. We show that coexpression of MT1-MMP and integrin alphavbeta3 in MCF7 breast carcinoma cells specifically enhances in trans autocatalytic maturation of MMP-2. The association of MMP-2's C-terminal hemopexin-like domain with those molecules of integrin alphavbeta3 which are proximal to MT1-MMP facilitates MMP-2 maturation. Vitronectin, a specific ligand of integrin alphavbeta3, competitively blocked the integrin-dependent maturation of MMP-2. Immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation studies supported clustering of MT1-MMP and integrin alphavbeta3 at discrete regions of the cell surface. Evidently, the identified mechanisms appear to be instrumental to clustering active MMP-2 directly at the invadopodia and invasive front of alphavbeta3-expressing cells or in their close vicinity, thereby accelerating tumor cell locomotion.  相似文献   

We previously reported that CS (chondroitin sulfate) GAG (glycosaminoglycan), expressed on MCSP (melanoma-specific CS proteoglycan), is important for regulating MT3-MMP [membrane-type 3 MMP (matrix metalloproteinase)]-mediated human melanoma invasion and gelatinolytic activity in vitro. In the present study, we sought to determine if CS can directly enhance MT3-MMP-mediated activation of pro-MMP-2. Co-immunoprecipitation studies suggest that MCSP forms a complex with MT3-MMP and MMP-2 on melanoma cell surface. When melanoma cells were treated with betaDX (p-nitro-beta-D-xylopyranoside) to inhibit coupling of CS on the core protein, both active form and proform of MMP-2 were no longer co-immunoprecipitated with either MCSP or MT3-MMP, suggesting a model in which CS directly binds to MMP-2 and presents the gelatinase to MT3-MMP to be activated. By using recombinant proteins, we determined that MT3-MMP directly activates pro-MMP-2 and that this activation requires the interaction of the C-terminal domain of pro-MMP-2 with MT3-MMP. Activation of pro-MMP-2 by suboptimal concentrations of MT3-MMP is also significantly enhanced in the presence of excess C4S (chondroitin 4-sulfate), whereas C6S (chondroitin 6-sulfate) or low-molecular-mass hyaluronan was ineffective. Affinity chromatography studies using CS isolated from aggrecan indicate that the catalytic domain of MT3-MMP and the C-terminal domain of MMP-2 directly bind to the GAG. Thus the direct binding of pro-MMP-2 with CS through the C-domain would present the catalytic domain of pro-MMP-2 to MT3-MMP, which facilitates the generation of the active form of MMP-2. These results suggest that C4S, which is expressed on tumour cell surface, can function to bind to pro-MMP-2 and facilitate its activation by MT3-MMP-expressing tumour cells to enhance invasion and metastasis.  相似文献   

Cultured hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are known to change their morphology and function with respect to the production of extracellular matrices (ECMs) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in response to ECM components. We examined the regulatory role of the native form of type I collagen fibrils in pro-MMP-2 production and activation in cultured HSCs. Gelatin zymography of the conditioned media revealed that pro- and active form of MMP-2 was increased in the HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel but not on type I collagen-coated surface, gelatin-coated surface, type IV collagen-coated surface, or Matrigel, suggesting the importance of the native form of type I collagen fibrils in pro-MMP-2 production and activation. The induction of active MMP-2 by extracellular type I collagen was suppressed by the blocking antibody against integrin beta1 subunits, indicating the involvement of integrin signaling in pro-MMP-2 activation. RT-PCR analysis indicated that MMP-2, membrane type-1 MMP (MT1-MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) mRNA levels were elevated in HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. The increased MT1-MMP proteins were localized on the cell surface of HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. In contrast to the expression of MMP-2, HSCs showed a great decline in MMP-13 expression in HSCs cultured on type I collagen gel. These results indicate that the native fibrillar (polymerized) but not monomeric form of type I collagen induced pro-MMP-2 production and activation through MT1-MMP and TIMP-2 in cultured HSCs, suggesting an important role of HSCs in ECM remodeling in the hepatic perisinusoidal spaces.  相似文献   

Members of the membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMPs) family are dual regulators of extracellular matrix remodeling through direct degradation of extracellular matrix components and activation of other latent MMPs. However, the structural basis of this functional diversity remains poorly understood. In an attempt to dissect the structural determinants for MT-MMP function, we performed domain exchange experiments between MT1-MMP and its close relative MT3-MMP and analyzed the exchange chimeras for pro-MMP-2 activation and collagen degradation at the cellular level. Our results indicate that catalytic domains determine the pattern of pro-MMP-2 activation, whereas pexin-like domains modulate the level of activation. On the other hand, both the catalytic and pexin-like domains of MT1-MMP are required for strong collagenolysis because exchanging either domain with that of MT3-MMP yielded significantly lower activity, and the introduction of the MT1-MMP catalytic or pexin-like domain into MT3-MMP failed to generate any significant enhancement of collagenolytic activity compared with wild-type MT3-MMP. Interestingly, the cytoplasmic domain of MT1-MMP behaves as a negative regulator not only for MT1-MMP itself, but also for MT3-MMP in both pro-MMP-2 activation and collagenolysis, consistent with and extending our recent findings (Jiang, A., Lehti, K., Wang, X., Weiss, S. J., Keski-Oja, J., and Pei, D. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 13693-13698). Taken together, these results demonstrate that domains in MT-MMPs function differently toward a given substrate and thus should be targeted differentially for future therapeutic development.  相似文献   

hPAR(2) (human proteinase-activated receptor-2) is a member of the novel family of proteolytically activated GPCRs (G-protein-coupled receptors) termed PARs (proteinase-activated receptors). Previous pharmacological studies have found that activation of hPAR(2) by mast cell tryptase can be regulated by receptor N-terminal glycosylation. In order to elucidate other post-translational modifications of hPAR(2) that can regulate function, we have explored the functional role of the intracellular cysteine residue Cys(361). We have demonstrated, using autoradiography, that Cys(361) is the primary palmitoylation site of hPAR(2). The hPAR(2)C361A mutant cell line displayed greater cell-surface expression compared with the wt (wild-type)-hPAR(2)-expressing cell line. hPAR(2)C361A also showed a decreased sensitivity and efficacy (intracellular calcium signalling) towards both trypsin and SLIGKV. In stark contrast, hPAR(2)C361A triggered greater and more prolonged ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) phosphorylation compared with that of wt-hPAR(2) possibly through Gi, since pertussis toxin inhibited the ability of this receptor to activate ERK. Finally, flow cytometry was utilized to assess the rate and extent of receptor internalization following agonist challenge. hPAR(2)C361A displayed faster internalization kinetics following trypsin activation compared with wt-hPAR(2), whereas SLIGKV had a negligible effect on internalization for either receptor. In conclusion, palmitoylation plays an important role in the regulation of PAR(2) expression, agonist sensitivity, desensitization and internalization.  相似文献   

Treatment with monocrotaline causes pulmonary hypertension in rats. This results in severe pressure overload-induced hypertrophy of the right ventricles, whilst the normally loaded left ventricles do not hypertrophy. Both ventricles are affected by enhanced neuroendocrine stimulation in this model. We analyzed in this model load-induced and catecholamine-induced changes of right and left ventricular proteome by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, tryptic in-gel digest, and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. All analyzed animals showed right ventricular hypertrophy without signs of heart failure. Changes of 27 proteins in the right and 21 proteins in the left ventricular myocardium were found. Given the hemodynamic features of this animal model, proteome changes restricted to the right ventricle are caused by pressure overload. We describe for the first time a potentially novel pathway (BRAP2/BRCA1) that is involved in myocardial hypertrophy. Furthermore, we demonstrate that increased afterload-induced hypertrophy leads to striking changes in the energy metabolism with down-regulation of pyruvate dehydrogenase (subunit beta E1), isocitrate dehydrogenase, succinyl coenzyme A ligase, NADH dehydrogenase, ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase, and propionyl coenzyme A carboxylase. These changes go in parallel with alterations of the thin filament proteome (troponin T, tropomyosin), probably associated with Ca(2+) sensitization of the myofilaments. In contrast, neurohumoral stimulation of the left ventricle increases the abundance of proteins relevant for energy metabolism. This study represents the first in-depth analysis of global proteome alterations in a controlled animal model of pressure overload-induced myocardial hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) mediates the endocytic clearance of various proteinases and proteinase.inhibitor complexes, including thrombospondin (TSP)-dependent endocytosis of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 (or gelatinase A), a key effector of extracellular matrix remodeling and cancer progression. However, the zymogen of MMP-2 (pro-MMP-2) mostly occurs in tissues as a complex with the tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP-2). Here we show that clearance of the pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 complex is also mediated by LRP, because addition of receptor-associated protein (RAP), a natural LRP ligand antagonist, inhibited endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of (125)I-pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2. Both TIMP-2 and the pro-MMP-2 collagen-binding domain independently competed for endocytosis of (125)I-pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 complex. Surface plasmon resonance studies indicated that pro-MMP-2, TIMP-2, and pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 directly interact with LRP in the absence of TSP. LRP-mediated endocytic clearance of (125)I-pro-MMP-2 was inhibited by anti-TSP antibodies and accelerated upon complexing with TSP-1, but these treatments had no effect on (125)I-pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 uptake. This implies that mechanisms of clearance by LRP of pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 complex are different. Interestingly, RAP did not inhibit binding of (125)I-pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 to the cell surface. We conclude that clearance of pro-MMP-2.TIMP-2 complex is a TSP-independent two-step process, involving (i) initial binding to the cell membrane in a RAP-insensitive manner and (ii) subsequent LRP-dependent (RAP-sensitive) internalization and degradation.  相似文献   

Bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSC) are avidly recruited by experimental vascularizing tumors, which implies that they must respond to tumor-derived growth factor cues. In fact, BMSC chemotaxis and cell survival are regulated, in part, by the membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), an MMP also involved in pro-MMP-2 activation and in degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Given that impaired chemotaxis was recently observed in bone marrow cells isolated from a glucose 6-phosphate transporter-deficient (G6PT-/-) mouse model, we sought to investigate the potential MT1-MMP/G6PT signaling axis in BMSC. We show that MT1-MMP-mediated activation of pro-MMP-2 by concanavalin A (ConA) correlated with an increase in the sub-G1 cell cycle phase as well as with cell necrosis, indicative of a decrease in BMSC survival. BMSC isolated from Egr-1-/- mouse or MT1-MMP gene silencing in BMSC with small interfering RNA (siMT1-MMP) antagonized both the ConA-mediated activation of pro-MMP-2 and the induction of cell necrosis. Overexpression of recombinant full-length MT1-MMP triggered necrosis and this was signaled through the cytoplasmic domain of MT1-MMP. ConA inhibited both the gene and protein expression of G6PT, while overexpression of recombinant G6PT inhibited MT1-MMP-mediated pro-MMP-2 activation but could not rescue BMSC from ConA-induced cell necrosis. Cell chemotaxis in response to the tumorigenic growth factor sphingosine 1-phosphate was significantly abrogated in siMT1-MMP BMSC and in chlorogenic acid-treated BMSC. Altogether, we provide evidence for an MT1-MMP/G6PT signaling axis that regulates BMSC survival, ECM degradation, and mobilization. This may lead to optimized clinical applications that use BMSC as a platform for the systemic delivery of therapeutic or anti-cancer recombinant proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

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