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Abstract. Recently established forests are commonly characterized by an impoverished understorey. Restoration is mostly based on spontaneous secondary succession, but little is known about the time period needed to achieve a community species pool with species composition equal to that of ancient forests. Vegetation in transects of 197 plots in 13 recent forest stands contiguous to the Meerdaalwoud ancient forest complex was surveyed. The recent forest stands ranged in age from 36 to 132 yr. The community species pool was described with an ecological, functional and phytosociological approach and based on groups derived from a CCA. Differences in community species pool between age classes of recent forest stands were analysed. During establishment of a new forest competitive species, forest edge species and species with high Ellenberg values for light and nitrogen and a more persistent seed bank will dominate the understorey. After 90 yr of succession the cover by these species decreases and reaches equal values to ancient forest after ca. 105 yr. A large number of forest species will be able to colonize the forest in less than 90 yr. Some typical forest species, however, have very low colonization rates and still have low cover in recent forest more than 105 yr old, so that complete restoration of the understorey requires a time period of over a century. Anthropogenic introduction of forest plant species may reduce the time required for ancient forest vegetation equality.  相似文献   

The clearing of natural vegetation for agriculture has reduced the capacity of natural systems to provide ecosystem functions. Ecological restoration can restore desirable ecosystem functions, such as creating habitat for animal conservation and carbon sequestration as woody biomass. In order to maintain these beneficial ecosystem functions, restoration projects need to mature into self‐perpetuating communities. Here we compared the ecological attributes of two types of restoration, “active” tree plantings with “passive” natural forest regeneration (“natural regrowth”) to existing remnant vegetation in a cleared agricultural landscape. Specifically, we measured differences between forest categories in factors that may predict future restoration failure or ecosystem collapse: aboveground plant biomass and biomass accrual over time (for regrowing stands), plant density and size class distributions, and diversity of functional groups based on seed dispersal and growth strategy traits. We found that natural regrowth and planted forests were similar in many ecological characteristics, including biomass accrual. Despite this, planted stands contained fewer tree recruit and shrub individuals, which may be due to limited recruitment in plantings. If this continues, these forests may be at risk of collapsing into nonforest states after mature trees senesce. Lower shrub density and richness of mid‐story trees may lead to lower structural complexity in planting plots, and alongside lower richness of fleshy‐fruited plant species may reduce animal resources and animal use of the restored stand. In our study region, natural regrowth may result in restored woodland communities with greater conservation and carbon mitigation value.  相似文献   

We describe forest landscape transformations during the last two millennia in the Italian peninsula by analyzing local (Rieti basin – Lago Lungo) and regional (RF93-30 Adriatic Sea) sediment cores. We identify a dynamic forest ecosystem through paleoecologic reconstruction and consider potential interventions for effective restoration of the most ancient, least disturbed forest ecosystem. The most degraded ecosystems in consequence of human activities were hygrophilous (wet) and mesic forests. In the Rieti Basin, degraded forest ecosystems on mountain slopes are undergoing some degree of forest succession and have less need of restoration. However, management plans for biodiversity, ecosystem services and resources conservation are needed to achieve more sustainable development. In Rieti, the paleoecological investigation revealed a dramatic decrease of deciduous wet and mesic tree taxa through time due to human landscape transformation. The starting point for restoration of a Mediterranean forest ecosystem that preserves natural biodiversity and associated ecosystem services requires recreating some portion of the floodplain wetland ecological niche. Once floodplain forest ecological niche has been recreated, the original ecosystem composed of Alnus, Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia spp., Carpinus betulus and Acer spp., all species which today are rare, should be planted on the basis of microsite characteristics and tree autoecology.  相似文献   

庐山森林景观格局变化的长期动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁艳艳  周年兴  谢慧玮  蒋铭萍 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7807-7818
在以植被格局为基础的森林景观动态分析中,可通过森林演替推断景观格局的动态变化以及相应的景观生态过程。运用空间直观景观模型LANDIS,以庐山风景区为案例地,模拟森林植被在未来300 a的自然演替动态,在此基础上选取斑块面积比、聚集度、分维数、多样性指数和均匀度指数等景观格局指数,分析森林景观格局随森林演替的动态变化。结果表明:(1)阔叶林树种的绝对优势地位保证其斑块面积比呈现持续增长的稳定趋势,森林植被将朝着地带性常绿阔叶林方向演替;(2)景观聚集度特征方面,阔叶林树种在前150 a缓慢增长,而后150 a保持相对稳定,杉木林一直保持平稳,毛竹林在整个模拟阶段一直在不断下降直至演替结束;(3)各优势树种植被斑块的分维数都保持在1-1.1之间,说明各景观斑块的边缘相对较规则且变化较小;(4)景观多样性指数呈现出先上升后缓慢下降的趋势,而均匀度指数则呈现出先下降后上升再缓慢下降的变化态势。景观格局指数的变化特征与植被向顶极群落演替的趋势相吻合,该模拟结果可运用到庐山森林景观的管理实践中。从长远来看,应该继续实行严格的封山育林政策。  相似文献   

For centuries, Fennoscandian wooded meadows and woodland pastures (Habitats Directive habitat types *6530 and 9070 respectively) covered large areas of Northern Europe. In the Twentieth Century, abandonment-driven encroachment has led to the wooded grasslands changing into what may be considered as old-growth deciduous forests. The present paper examined whether the present stand structure and the composition of three contrasting functional groups (herbaceous layer vascular plants, epiphytic bryophytes, and earthworms) could serve as indicators of the historic origin of the forest patches, i.e. to what extent changes in ecological conditions in overgrown woodlands have shifted towards broad-leaved forests with ancient trees. Indicators were tested for the objective of restoration planning of habitat quality, i.e. whether semi-open woodlands could be restored or if it would be more appropriate to preserve them as broad-leaved forests. The study was carried out by comparing the composition of ancient forest cores, forest edges and overgrown wooded grasslands. The land use history of sample sites was examined from historical topographical maps and aerial photos.The results showed that as long as 60 years after abandonment, parts of the studied forests still retained some light-demanding plant species characteristic of historical wooded grasslands. The composition of earthworm communities was similar in all of the studied historical forest groups. Only some of the stand structure characteristics and epiphytic mosses indicated that there were differences between ancient forest cores and overgrown wooded grasslands. We conclude that the combination of various functional indicators should be used in the evaluation of successional woodlands for habitat restoration.  相似文献   

自然演替过程中铜尾矿土壤酶活性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜陵矿区堆放了大量不同时期的铜尾矿,形成大量铜尾矿废弃地,其中的大部分铜尾矿废弃地处于自然生态恢复状态。并形成典型的原生演替系列。为探讨废弃地自然生态恢复中不同演替阶段植物群落变化与土壤酶活性变化的关系,对铜陵3处不同时期弃置的尾矿废弃地进行了调查。随着自然生态系统演替的进行,尾矿中土壤酶活性逐步提高,维管植物群落下尾矿中土壤酶活性〉隐花植物结皮下尾矿中土壤酶活性〉裸地处土壤酶活性;位于植物群落下的尾矿废弃地中脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶的活性从表层至下层逐渐降低。不同植物群落对尾矿中土壤酶活性影响有很大差异,位于木贼群落下的尾矿中几种土壤酶的活性高于位于白茅群落和中华结缕草群落下的尾矿中酶的活性。相关分析表明,土壤酶活性与有机质、总N表现出显著的正相关。  相似文献   

The vegetation of a forest-steppe region in Hustain Nuruu, Mongolia, was studied by a phytocoenological approach. Eleven plant communities were recognized, comprising four steppe communities, two meadow communities, a tussock grassland, two shrub communities, a scrub community and a woodland community. The botanical and ecological characteristics of the different communities are discussed, with reference to the existing classification of Mongolian plant communities. Analysis of the present data indicates that a refinement or extension of the classification system is desirable, especially concerning the steppe(-related) communities. Discussion of the relative distribution of steppe and forest reveals that in the relatively dry location of Hustain Nuruu grassland and shrubland dominate the natural vegetation (88% of the area). Forest covers ca. 5% of the area, it is limited to sites where ground water is within rooting depth: north slopes above 1400 m (Betula platyphylla woodland) and along erosion gullies (fragmentary Ulmus pumila gallery woodland). Under natural conditions forest cover might reach 12%, but it is speculated that wild ungulates could maintain its extension at a lower level. The importance of forest is greater in forest-steppe regions with higher rainfall, but the factors determining the distribution of grassland and forest are expected to be similar.  相似文献   

In the low-lying parts of The Netherlands peat-cutting in the past resulted in many large and small lakes. The larger ones were often reclaimed and turned into arable land. In smaller ones a process of secondary succession led to the establishment of reed and sedge fens. Due to changes in the management many of the still existing fens have been left over to natural developments over the last decades. Here succession rapidly led to woodland communities. These woodlands are initially often dominated by Salix species, soon followed by Alnus glutinosa and Betula pubescens. In species composition these young woodlands are closely related to the Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae. There are, however, considerable differences in species composition. This woodland type as found in the western parts of The Netherlands was also recognized in relevés from Belgium, western Germany and Norfolk in the UK. As it also differs in ecological conditions from the brooks and rivulets accompanying forms of the Alnion glutinosae elsewhere in western Europe, it is here proposed to treat these communities as a separate community-type within the Alnion glutinosae.  相似文献   

Simultaneously with increasing afforestation efforts in western Europe, among conservationists the consciousness is growing that protecting areas to conserve biodiversity will not be sufficient in the long term, and that also the ecological restoration of more or less severely altered areas will be necessary. The probability that recently established forest stands develop towards their ecological reference (i.e. ancient forest) depends largely on the possibility of the target species to colonize them. We focused on the colonization ability of forest plant species and particularly on so-called ancient forest plant species. Major constraints for ecological forest restoration are the spatial characteristics of the target site (isolation, shape and area), imposing dispersal limitations, and in the duration and intensity of the historical land use, leading to changes in habitat characteristics influencing recruitment probability. We reviewed the ecological literature with respect to these constraints and conclude that it takes at least a century to restore the understorey layer of recent forests, even when the target stand is adjacent to a well-developed ancient forest. Both recruitment and dispersal limitation of the target species are responsible for this. Newly established forests should therefore be situated at a minimal distance of the ancient forest source. In other cases, forest plant species will not be able to colonize the newly established forest on a measurable time scale and artificial introduction of forest plant species can be taken into consideration. The negative effects of habitat characteristics, and mainly high soil nutrient values in the recent forest stand can be mitigated by soil nutrient lowering measures. Disturbances in the recent forest should be minimized to maintain a high canopy closure level, preventing light demanding, high competitive species from establishing a stable population. An additional negative consequence of soil disturbances is that it stimulates germination of species from the soil seed bank, which is mainly composed of highly competitive or ruderal species.  相似文献   

This paper considers the contribution of pollen analysis to conservation strategies aimed at restoring planted ancient woodland. Pollen and charcoal data are presented from organic deposits located adjacent to the Wentwood, a large planted ancient woodland in southeast Wales. Knowledge of the ecosystems preceding conifer planting can assist in restoring ancient woodlands by placing fragmented surviving ancient woodland habitats in a broader ecological, historical and cultural context. These habitats derive largely from secondary woodland that regenerated in the 3rd–5th centuries a.d. following large-scale clearance of Quercus-Corylus woodland during the Romano-British period. Woodland regeneration favoured Fraxinus and Betula. Wood pasture and common land dominated the Wentwood during the medieval period until the enclosures of the 17th century. Surviving ancient woodland habitats contain an important Fagus component that probably reflects an earlier phase of planting preceding conifer planting in the 1880s. It is recommended that restoration measures should not aim to recreate static landscapes or woodland that existed under natural conditions. Very few habitats within the Wentwood can be considered wholly natural because of the long history of human impact. In these circumstances, restoration should focus on restoring those elements of the cultural landscape that are of most benefit to a range of flora and fauna, whilst taking into account factors that present significant issues for future conservation management, such as the adverse effects from projected climate change.  相似文献   

Secondary forests are increasingly important components of human-modified landscapes in the tropics. Successional pathways, however, can vary enormously across and within landscapes, with divergent regrowth rates, vegetation structure and species composition. While climatic and edaphic conditions drive variations across regions, land-use history plays a central role in driving alternative successional pathways within human-modified landscapes. How land use affects succession depends on its intensity, spatial extent, frequency, duration and management practices, and is mediated by a complex combination of mechanisms acting on different ecosystem components and at different spatial and temporal scales. We review the literature aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying the long-lasting effects of land use on tropical forest succession and to discuss its implications for forest restoration. We organize it following a framework based on the hierarchical model of succession and ecological filtering theory. This review shows that our knowledge is mostly derived from studies in Neotropical forests regenerating after abandonment of shifting cultivation or pasture systems. Vegetation is the ecological component assessed most often. Little is known regarding how the recovery of belowground processes and microbiota communities is affected by previous land-use history. In published studies, land-use history has been mostly characterized by type, without discrimination of intensity, extent, duration or frequency. We compile and discuss the metrics used to describe land-use history, aiming to facilitate future studies. The literature shows that (i) species availability to succession is affected by transformations in the landscape that affect dispersal, and by management practices and seed predation, which affect the composition and diversity of propagules on site. Once a species successfully reaches an abandoned field, its establishment and performance are dependent on resistance to management practices, tolerance to (modified) soil conditions, herbivory, competition with weeds and invasive species, and facilitation by remnant trees. (ii) Structural and compositional divergences at early stages of succession remain for decades, suggesting that early communities play an important role in governing further ecosystem functioning and processes during succession. Management interventions at early stages could help enhance recovery rates and manipulate successional pathways. (iii) The combination of local and landscape conditions defines the limitations to succession and therefore the potential for natural regeneration to restore ecosystem properties effectively. The knowledge summarized here could enable the identification of conditions in which natural regeneration could efficiently promote forest restoration, and where specific management practices are required to foster succession. Finally, characterization of the landscape context and previous land-use history is essential to understand the limitations to succession and therefore to define cost-effective restoration strategies. Advancing knowledge on these two aspects is key for finding generalizable relations that will increase the predictability of succession and the efficiency of forest restoration under different landscape contexts.  相似文献   

Ecological Theory and Community Restoration Ecology   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Community ecological theory may play an important role in the development of a science of restoration ecology. Not only will the practice of restoration benefit from an increased focus on theory, but basic research in community ecology will also benefit. We pose several major thematic questions that are relevant to restoration from the perspective of community ecological theory and, for each, identify specific areas that are in critical need of further research to advance the science of restoration ecology. We ask, what are appropriate restoration endpoints from a community ecology perspective? The problem of measuring restoration at the community level, particularly given the high amount of variability inherent in most natural communities, is not easy, and may require a focus on restoration of community function (e.g., trophic structure) rather than a focus on the restoration of particular species. We ask, what are the benefits and limitations of using species composition or biodiversity measures as endpoints in restoration ecology? Since reestablishing all native species may rarely be possible, research is needed on the relationship between species richness and community stability of restored sites and on functional redundancy among species in regional colonist “pools.” Efforts targeted at restoring system function must take into account the role of individual species, particularly if some species play a disproportionate role in processing material or are strong interactors. We ask, is restoration of habitat a sufficient approach to reestablish species and function? Many untested assumptions concerning the relationship between physical habitat structure and restoration ecology are being made in practical restoration efforts. We need rigorous testing of these assumptions, particularly to determine how generally they apply to different taxa and habitats. We ask, to what extent can empirical and theoretical work on community succession and dispersal contribute to restoration ecology? We distinguish systems in which succession theory may be broadly applicable from those in which it is probably not. If community development is highly predictable, it may be feasible to manipulate natural succession processes to accelerate restoration. We close by stressing that the science of restoration ecology is so intertwined with basic ecological theory that practical restoration efforts should rely heavily on what is known from theoretical and empirical research on how communities develop and are structured over time.  相似文献   

The present state of restoration ecology is far away from Bradshaw’s “acid test for ecology.” The conclusions drawn from the series of papers in this issue and from the Jena workshop suggest some directions in which the field may progress. More attention must be paid to the degraded state, which should be evaluated by its specific features and carefully analyzed before any restoration plan is laid down. Restoration goals have to be realistic, which includes the appreciation of globally changing conditions, resulting in a paradigm‐shift toward “forward‐restoration.” Basically, the transition from the degraded state conditions to the target state is a kind of succession that is manipulated by the application of goal‐orientated and system‐specific disturbances. Whenever possible, restorationists should step back and make use of naturally occurring succession, which requires a sophisticated restoration strategy, involving flexible management responses, multiple alternative target states, robust measurements for the restoration progress, and careful long‐term monitoring. The unique feature of restoration ecology is the involvement of socioeconomic decisions, and conceptual frameworks for ecological restoration have to implement the specific links to natural succession. To bridge the gap between ecological theory and on the ground restoration, it is essential that restoration practice is translated into the vocabulary and thinking of basic ecology. If all these aspects are integrated, ecological restoration as an application—and restoration ecology as an applied science—may develop into an acid test for our understanding of interactions between people and their environment, rather than for pure ecology.  相似文献   

With the rapidly expanding ecological footprint of agriculture, the design of farmed landscapes will play an increasingly important role for both carbon storage and biodiversity protection. Carbon and biodiversity can be enhanced by integrating natural habitats into agricultural lands, but a key question is whether benefits are maximized by including many small features throughout the landscape (‘land‐sharing’ agriculture) or a few large contiguous blocks alongside intensive farmland (‘land‐sparing’ agriculture). In this study, we are the first to integrate carbon storage alongside multi‐taxa biodiversity assessments to compare land‐sparing and land‐sharing frameworks. We do so by sampling carbon stocks and biodiversity (birds and dung beetles) in landscapes containing agriculture and forest within the Colombian Chocó‐Andes, a zone of high global conservation priority. We show that woodland fragments embedded within a matrix of cattle pasture hold less carbon per unit area than contiguous primary or advanced secondary forests (>15 years). Farmland sites also support less diverse bird and dung beetle communities than contiguous forests, even when farmland retains high levels of woodland habitat cover. Landscape simulations based on these data suggest that land‐sparing strategies would be more beneficial for both carbon storage and biodiversity than land‐sharing strategies across a range of production levels. Biodiversity benefits of land‐sparing are predicted to be similar whether spared lands protect primary or advanced secondary forests, owing to the close similarity of bird and dung beetle communities between the two forest classes. Land‐sparing schemes that encourage the protection and regeneration of natural forest blocks thus provide a synergy between carbon and biodiversity conservation, and represent a promising strategy for reducing the negative impacts of agriculture on tropical ecosystems. However, further studies examining a wider range of ecosystem services will be necessary to fully understand the links between land‐allocation strategies and long‐term ecosystem service provision.  相似文献   

深圳南山区天然森林群落多样性及演替现状   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
对南山区5个主要天然森林群落(铁榄群落、鼠刺 降真香群落、鸭脚木群落、假苹婆群落、水翁 假苹婆群落)的组成结构及物种多样性进行分析,并与相邻的香港地区地带性森林群落(黄桐群落)作比较。结果表明,依照亚热带及南亚热带森林群落演替规律,南山区天然林处于不同的演替发育阶段:铁榄群落处于演替第3阶段;鼠刺 降真香群落处于第4阶段;其它3个群落处于第5阶段,均未达到稳定的顶极群落阶段。随着铁榄群落、鼠刺 降真香群落、鸭脚木群落、假苹婆群落、水翁 假苹婆群落这个演替序列,物种丰富度的变化规律是:先逐渐上升,到达一个峰值,再缓慢下降。Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielous均匀度指数的变化规律与物种丰富度相同,Simpson指数变化曲线与这些指数相反。但这些指数反映的结果是一致的。综合多个指数分析,鸭脚木群落物种多样性最大,即当群落中阳生性树种与中生性树种优势度相差不大时。群落具有最大的物种多样性。多样性比较结果显示,南山森林群落物种多样性大大低于香港黄桐群落。5个群落的Shannon—Wiener指数在2.04~2.953之间,明显低于黄桐群落,其Shannon—Wiener指数为4.74;Simpson指数0.1~0.268,黄桐群落为0.05;Pielous均匀度指数64.2%~74%,黄桐群落为79%。南山森林群落物种多样性水平低下的状况与长期的人类干扰有关,必须尽快采取“封山育林”等相应措施来促进群落的保护和恢复。  相似文献   

在野外调查基础上,采用TWINSPAN和DCA对小陇山林区次生林群落进行了数量分类和排序,从植物群系组成、植物群落与环境的生态关系方面,研究小陇山植被群落的分布格局,用以确定该区次生林演替,并给予合理的环境解释。结果表明:采用TWINSPAN数量分类方法,将植被划分为12个群落类型;DCA排序图明显反映出排序轴的生态意义,第一轴基本上突出反映了湿度变化,沿第一轴从左到右,湿度逐渐增大;第二轴主要表现了温度梯度,沿第二轴从下到上,温度逐渐降低;次生林的演替序列为山杨林→山杨+白桦林→锐齿栎混交林及锐齿栎纯林,其自然恢复演替以锐齿栎林为顶极群落。  相似文献   

In urban environments, woodland areas are typically fragmented and subject to invasive species encroachment, woody overgrowth, and natural succession. In response to negative impacts, conservationists and land managers have implemented restoration strategies to enhance the integrity of woodlands. Because woodland habitat is important for bats (Order Chiroptera), alterations to forest structures may affect how bats utilize forest fragments in urban environments. We evaluated relationships among restoration efforts, microhabitat characteristics and overall bat activity, and interspecific variation among bats in response to woodland characteristics. We monitored bats in nine woodland forest preserves representing various stages of restoration within the Chicago metropolitan area in 2004 and 2005. Overall bat activity was positively related to prescribed burning, invasive species removal, and small tree density (7.7‐20 cm dbh) and inversely related to shrub density and clutter at 0‐6 m heights. There was interspecific variation in response to alterations in woodland structure, with Lasiurus borealis (L. borealis) positively associated with small and medium (20.1‐33 cm) tree densities and inversely related to clutter at 0‐9 m; Myotis spp. positively associated with canopy cover, clutter at 6‐9 m, and small and medium tree densities; and Lasionycteris noctivagans (L. noctivagans) positively associated with more open forests. Eptesicus fuscus (E. fuscus) activity was not strongly associated with any measured vegetation variable. Our results demonstrate bats positively respond to some forms of woodland restoration in urban landscapes. However, species‐specific responses to vegetation differed and should be taken into consideration when developing management plans.  相似文献   

广西大青山南亚热带次生林演替过程的种群动态   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
该文研究了广西大青山南亚热带次生林群落经过26年的自然演替其间的种群结构变化规律。通过对主要种群类型、重要值、生态位宽度和分布格局的测定,分析了演替过程中各种群内部的消长与分布变化趋势,研究发现阳生性优势种由高集群分布变为随机分布,其生态位宽度减小,中生及阴生性树种则由随机分布逐渐变为高集群分布,生态位宽度增大。树种由32种增加到65种,35种中生及阴生树种为后期侵入种,物种多样性比较丰富;通过对现存种群的种间联结与生态位重叠进行分析,揭示了天然次生演替过程中种间关系的相互适应变化规律。原来阳生性的优势树种,如大叶栎(Castannopsis fleuryi)、大叶山楝(Aphanamixis grandifolia)等,与其它种群的生态位重叠值普遍下降,中生性种群生态位重叠值稍有增加,如柃木(Eurya nitida)、血胶树(Eberhardtia aurata)、广西拟肉豆蔻(Knema guangxiensis)等,中生偏阴生性种群生态位重叠值明显增大,其中一些种,如厚叶琼楠(Beilschmiedia percoriacea)、杨桐(Adinandra millettii)、毛黄肉楠(Actinodaphne pilosa)等,成为群落的建群种和优势种。次生群落种群之间的联结程度加强,一些种从零联结变为高度正联结或负联结,正、负联结性均变得更加紧密,高度正联结的种对占较大比例。种间联结与生态位分析结果基本一致,高度正联结的种群之间生态位重叠值较大,也反映出这些种对生境要求的一致性。次生群落由前期阳生性大叶栎群落演替为中后期中生性厚叶琼楠群落,群落接近较稳定的中生性气候顶极阶段。  相似文献   

马华  钟炳林  岳辉  曹世雄 《生态学报》2015,35(18):6148-6156
自然修复主要通过封山育林、禁止农作、禁牧禁伐措施,减少人类对环境的扰动,利用自然生态环境的自我演替能力,恢复生态环境,实现生态平衡。自然修复作为一种成本低、无污染的生态修复手段很早就受到人们重视,但关于自然修复适用范围的研究较少。为了正确认识自然修复的适用性,选择了我国南方红壤地区长期遭受严重土壤侵蚀危害的福建省长汀县为研究对象,通过对长期自然修复样地的监测资料分析,发现在坡度条件为20%—30%下,当植被覆盖度低于20%的退化阈值时,严重的土壤侵蚀引发的土壤肥力损失将导致生态系统自我退化,自然修复不仅无法改善当地的生态系统,反而会引起生态系统的进一步恶化。由此可见,自然修复并不适合所有的生态系统,当生态系统退化到一定程度时,退化生态系统必须通过人工干预来修复。因此,必须探索适合当地的生态修复模式,在生态系统退化突破阈值时,红壤丘陵区应通过恢复土壤肥力、促进自然植被覆盖度增加、综合提高生态系统健康水平。  相似文献   

云南喀斯特区域是滇桂黔岩溶石漠化重点治理区之一,探讨气候暖湿化下植物群落演替阶段的构建特征是生态恢复和森林管理可持续的关键。以气候暖湿化为背景,将喀斯特天坑作为天然“开顶式气室”,天坑南坡地下森林为群落演替顶极。联合系统发育和功能性状探讨演替序列(坑外针阔混交林,坑外常绿阔叶林,坑内常绿阔叶林)的群落构建机制。结果发现:(1)演替前期植物性状的系统发育信号较弱,叶长宽比、叶面积、叶厚度和比叶面积的系统发育信号显著,但功能性状的保守性较弱;演替后期植物性状转为趋同进化,系统发育信号均不显著。(2)演替阶段植物群落的系统发育多样性逐渐降低,并与物种丰富度显著正相关。(3)系统发育指数NRI(净亲缘指数)和NTI(最近种间亲缘指数)由小于0转为大于0,功能性状结构指数TraitSESMPD(标准化平均配对性状距离指数)和TraitSESMNTD(标准化平均最近相邻性状距离指数)均大于0。演替阶段的群落构建过程由生境过滤和物种间相互作用所主导。(4)系统发育和功能性状结构指数主要与土壤含水量、全磷和速效钾含量显著负相关。演替阶段下土壤水分和养分受限时群落趋于聚集,群落构建过程支持生态位假说。研...  相似文献   

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