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Hay meadows are an important component of the alpine landscape, which evolved over millennia of human activities. When traditionally managed, hay meadows support a rich flora and are recognized for high species diversity. However, both intensification and abandonment can lead to a loss of biodiversity in this vegetation. In this paper, the focus was on the hay meadows where Narcissus radiiflorus Salisb. forms white mosaic carpets during the blooming period. This vegetation was studied through 26 phytosociological relevés, taken in the Venetian Pre-Alps and outer Dolomites (Northern Italy). Relevés were numerically classified and analysed in their relationships with site conditions. Moreover, diversity metrics were calculated for detecting the conservation status of hay meadows subjected to different types of disturbance. The results showed that poet’s daffodils’ dominance brings together hay meadows showing a substantial range of floristic and ecologic variation and that part of the stands dominated by Narcissus radiiflorus could be referred to a habitat type regarded as prioritary for nature conservation. Moreover, management-related variations in functional diversity suggested that the best practice recommended for conservation and restoration of this habitat is the continuation of traditional late mowing. This practice will allow preserving both biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services.  相似文献   

Questions: Which factors influence the persistence of vascular grassland plants in long‐abandoned (at least 50 yr) arable fields and meadows? What might be the implications of current levels of species richness on abandoned arable fields and meadows for future restoration? Location: Forested highlands of Kilsbergen, south central Sweden. Methods: The abundance of all vascular plant species was investigated in three habitat types: former arable fields, hay meadows and outlands (pastures) at 27 farms, abandoned for either approximately 50 yr or 90 yr. Time since abandonment, tree cover, soil depth, degree of soil podsol development, size of the infield area and two measures of connectivity were used as predictors for species richness and species composition. Results: Former outland had denser tree cover, fewer species and fewer grassland species than former arable fields and hay meadows, irrespective of time since abandonment. Former hay meadows and arable fields with a longer time since abandonment were less rich in species, more wooded and had greater podsolization than meadows and fields abandoned at a later stage. Species richness was higher in hay meadows and arable fields at farms with larger infield area and deeper soils compared with farms with smaller infield area and shallower soils. The greatest richness of species and most open habitat were former arable fields at larger farms abandoned 50 yr before the study. Former arable fields had the highest number of grassland species. Conclusion: After 50 yr of abandonment, former arable fields were the most important remnant habitats for grassland species and may be a more promising target for restoration than formerly managed grasslands.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper were to find the effects of artificial fertilizer, intensive cultivation and abandonment with afforestation on species composition of traditional meadows at a broad scale, and to describe the ecological variation of different meadow communities. The flora of 21 traditionally managed hay meadows was compared with that of 52 artificially fertilized hay meadows, 28 intensively cultivated grasslands and 29 afforested grasslands by means of classification. Predictors for differences in species composition were tested using multiple regression analyses with associated Monte Carlo permutation tests. Habitat diversity and Ellenberg N were the most important predictors for differences in species composition of traditional meadows. High habitat diversity was associated with maximum occurrences of all kinds of meadow species (high-productive, generalist, low-productive, habitat specialist, regionally rare, vulnerable and orchid species). These meadows are therefore of high conservation value. Traditional meadows contained also some nitrophilous species that dominate artificially fertilized meadows, but in small populations. Artificially fertilized meadows supported the generalist and productive subset of the species from traditional meadows. Thus, artificially fertilized meadows are of low conservation value. As regionally rare and vulnerable species were only recorded at sites with no use of artificial fertilizer, its application should be avoided whenever the aim is to recreate or maintain semi-natural grasslands of high conservation value. Regionally rare and vulnerable meadow species were not recorded in afforested sites, suggesting that afforestation of traditional meadows may have similar negative effects for the traditional meadow flora as the use of artificial fertilizer.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification is an important driver of biodiversity decline. Regarding grassland ecosystems, traditionally managed hay meadows, as opposed to highly productive silage grassland, are often of high conservation value. Here, we compare spider assemblages among five grassland management regimes along an intensification gradient, ranging from long-term fallows (not farmed for ≥ 30 years) via traditionally managed hay meadows to high-intensity silage grassland. Humid long-term fallows harboured highest species richness and diversity, and their assemblages differed strongly from other management regimes. There was surprisingly little variation though among different types of hay meadows and silage grassland. We also included environmental parameters and land-cover types in the surroundings of study sites, indicating that spider assemblages were most strongly shaped by fallow-related parameters and the proportion of forests. The high spider diversity on fallows may result from their undisturbed vegetation structure, while management, regardless of frequency, may have detrimental effects. Our results demonstrate the high importance of unmanaged areas even in regions with an overall low land-use intensity, such as grassland ecosystems. We thus recommend the inclusion of temporal grassland fallows (unmanaged for 3-5 years) in agri-environmental schemes to increase landscape heterogeneity and preserve spider diversity.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification and loss of semi-natural grassland have contributed to biodiversity decline, including pollinator species, in pastures around the world. To reverse the decline, agri-environmental schemes have been implemented, varying widely in effectiveness. In addition, many countries, including the Netherlands, have established nature reserves in which semi-natural grasslands are restored and are often managed for specific groups of species, e.g. meadow birds or plants. The effects of such measures on insect biodiversity are not well known but recent reports on the dramatic decline of insect biomass in nature reserves have put even more attention to the impact of land use and management on biodiversity. This study compares pollinator abundance and species richness in three common semi-natural grassland management types in the Netherlands: (1) hay meadows, (2) herb-rich grasslands and (3) meadow bird grasslands. Pollinator abundance and species richness were assessed in eleven study areas, each with all three management types present. Standardized transects, insect sampling within a standard 20 min time frame and plot-based flower surveys were used in spring and summer to assess the relationships between management regime, floral abundance and diversity and pollinator communities. The results show that meadow bird grasslands have lower pollinator abundance and diversity and a less unique pollinator assemblage than both other types. Moreover, flower abundance has a positive effect on pollinator abundance and flower diversity has a positive effect on pollinator species richness. These results indicate that meadow-bird grasslands are a comparatively unfavourable habitat for bees, hoverflies and butterflies, which may be explained by a lack of flowers as well as unsuitable mowing practices. Measures benefitting both insectivorous birds and flower-visiting insects, such as rotational mowing, could remediate this imbalance.  相似文献   

In recent years abandonment of traditional management of mountain grasslands has been observed throughout Central Europe. However, the impact of abandonment on vegetation of mountain grasslands is still unclear. In this study it was hypothesized that the cessation of traditional management of mesic mountain meadows causes changes in their species composition and a decrease in the biodiversity. In total, 260 plots were established in the Sudetes (SW Poland) on meadows with regular annual mowing, meadows with irregular mowing management, and abandoned meadows. Relevés (5 × 5 m) were performed, and the habitat properties were determined using Ellenberg indicator values. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the various ways of extensive management have an influence on species richness. The lowest species richness was observed on the irregularly managed meadows, while higher species numbers were found on the abandoned and regular managed meadows. The majority of patches on abandoned meadows exhibited degradation through the expansion of Solidago gigantea, Solidago canadensis, Lupinus polyphyllus, Heracleum sosnovsky, Calamagrostis epigejos, Deschampsia flexuosa, Festuca rubra and Hypericum maculatum. Meadows subjected to different management practices differed significantly in Ellenberg indicator values. The abandoned meadows had the highest values of the light index (L) and nitrogen availability (N), whereas the highest values of soil moisture (F) were noted on the irregularly managed meadows. The degradation of mountain mesic meadows requires regular mowing management, which stops ecological succession and preserves their high biodiversity.  相似文献   

Question: How does species composition change in traditionally managed meadows after mowing has ceased, and in abandoned meadows after re‐introduction of mowing? Are there differences in the dynamics of dry and moderately wet meadows? Location: Zázrivá‐Ple?ivá (19°11′N, 49°16′E), north‐western Slovakia, western Carpathians. Methods: Pairs of experimental plots (mown and unmown) were established to replicate each combination of dry/wet and traditionally managed/abandoned meadows. Changes in species composition were studied over 5 years. The data on changes in species composition was analysed by constrained and unconstrained ordinations, and visualized using Principal Response Curves. Results: Species composition of newly abandoned wet grasslands was changing towards the corresponding long‐abandoned plots even in the first year of abandonment. Similarly, newly established restoration mowing in abandoned dry grasslands rapidly shifted the stand species composition towards that of traditionally managed ones. Nevertheless, 4 year after reintroduction of mowing, the species composition of the restored plots was still far from the target composition. The effect of mowing in abandoned wet grasslands and abandonment in dry grasslands was much less pronounced and slower. Conclusions: Moisture regime is a very important factor determining the management needs of various grassland types. Wet grasslands are much more sensitive to abandonment, with a rapid degradation rate and limited possibilities for restoration, which can be extremely slow. Even in the dry grasslands, that quickly responded to restoration mowing, restoration is a long‐term process.  相似文献   

Grasslands are often managed with different intensities in the European Alps. Studies have shown that a medium management can benefit plant and animal biodiversity in these ecosystems. However, in recent decades abandonment of extensively managed meadows is an ongoing global challenge. Syrphids (hoverflies) have been recognized as a threatened group due to environmental drivers, and these managed grasslands provide preferred habitats for them. Yet, at what extent syrphids respond to grassland management strategies is little known. We investigated whether abandonment of managed mountain meadows (mown once a year, no fertilizer use) affects syrphid abundance, richness and species assemblages. Moreover, the influence of plant richness, flower frequency and surrounding landscape on syrphids were assessed. Four managed meadows were compared with four abandoned meadows in a mountainous region in Austria. Adult syrphids were sampled over two consecutive years (June and August 2015–2016) by sweep netting using line transects and observation plots. Syrphid abundance was significantly higher in managed than abandoned meadows and increased with increasing plant richness and flower frequency across management types. Management and sampling time also significantly affected syrphid species assemblages. Syrphid richness and abundance were not influenced by surrounding landscape. We conclude that both abandoned and managed meadows provide important habitat types for syrphids. Therefore, efforts should be made to maintain both managed and abandoned meadows in order to protect syrphid species within mountainous landscapes.  相似文献   

Plant diversity declines with recent land use changes in European Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Against a background of increasing land use intensification on favorable agricultural areas and land abandonment on less arable areas in the Alps, the aim of this investigation was to detect whether and how 10 differently used types of grassland can be distinguished by site factors, plant species composition, and biodiversity. By using a very large number of vegetation surveys (936) that were widely distributed in the Central Alps, site parameters and species composition of the different land use types were compared by discriminant analyses and various biodiversity indices. Results showed that land use is a significant factor affecting the development of different grassland communities with site factors playing a subordinate, yet important role. The 10 land use types studied can be clearly differentiated from one another by single species as well as by species composition. Our study found that the number of plant communities along with the number of species decreases constantly and significantly with increasing land use intensity and on abandoned land. For example, on average, extensively used meadows have more than three times as many species as intensively used meadows. Further, the most even distribution of species (Evenness index) is reached in intensively used meadows, whereas on pastures and abandoned land, some species become dominant forcing other species to recede. The results confirm that due to current trends in agriculture, such as land abandonment and land use intensification, plant diversity in the Alps is decreasing considerably.  相似文献   

Calcareous grasslands represent local hotspots of biodiversity in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. They support a great number of rare species which are adapted to these xerothermic habitats. Due to massive changes in land use, calcareous grasslands have become a rare habitat type and their conservation has been given a high priority in the habitats directive of the European Union. It is well known that grassland management may affect biodiversity substantially. However, the quality of calcareous grasslands is also influenced by abiotic conditions, such as aspect (i.e. sun exposure), which affects the local mesoclimate. We studied the combined effects of aspect and grassland management on Orthoptera diversity on 16 sites in Central Germany, in an unbalanced crossed design with three factors: aspect, management type and management intensity. For both response variables (diversity and abundance) we obtained a similar pattern. South-facing pastures maintained a greater diversity than north-facing pastures, but both had a greater diversity than extensively used meadows. Intensively used meadows maintained the lowest diversity and abundances. A multivariate analysis revealed that the abundance of rare Orthoptera species correlated with bare ground cover and forb cover, both of which were greatest at south-facing pastures. Our results suggest that grazing is a more suitable management for maintaining a high biodiversity in calcareous grasslands than mowing. Moreover, the mesoclimate (in this studied measured by its surrogate: aspect) is a crucial factor determining species richness and needs to be considered in reserve planning.  相似文献   

Land-use change and homogenization of the landscape are severe threats to butterfly diversity. The break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to land abandonment on very large scales. This study aims at assessing the impact of the ongoing abandonment of traditionally managed grasslands and subsequent vegetation succession on butterflies in Western Siberia, a species-rich area with butterfly communities similar to those of Central and Eastern European grasslands. 20 mown and 20 abandoned grasslands were surveyed using Distance Sampling methods in summer 2015. We recorded 997 individuals from 44 species, pooled over two sampling events. An indicator species analysis and detrended correspondence analysis revealed that communities likely underwent changes in species composition during succession, and that habitat specialization decreased. In contrast to previous studies we found no evidence of early stages of abandonment being more species-rich than mown meadows. On unmanaged grasslands litter cover and litter depth were significantly higher than on mown grasslands. Half of the abandoned sites were riparian meadows. The dynamics and ecological characteristics of the floodplain had a stronger influence on community composition than land use. This study shows that structural heterogeneity and lepidopteran diversity of the vast, but understudied, Western Siberian grasslands are driven by mechanic and natural disturbance. Conservation should aim at responding to trends of abandonment and actively maintaining a mosaic with grasslands of different successional stages.  相似文献   

Conflicts between biodiversity conservation and human activities are becoming increasingly apparent in all European landscapes. The intensification of agricultural and silvicultural practices, land abandonment and other land uses such as recreation and hunting are all potential threats to biodiversity that can lead to conflicts between stakeholder livelihoods and biodiversity conservation. To address the global decline in biodiversity there is, therefore, a need to identify the drivers responsible for conflicts between human activities and the conservation of European biodiversity and to promote the management of these conflicts. Here, the drivers of biodiversity conflicts are analysed in a European context for five habitat types: agricultural landscapes, forests, grasslands, uplands and freshwater habitats. A multi- disciplinary approach to conflict management is described, with active stakeholder involvement at every stage of conflict identification and management as well as a range of other approaches including stakeholder dialogue and education, consumer education, improvement of political and legislative frameworks, financial incentives, and planning infrastructure.  相似文献   

Land‐use intensification is a major driver of local species extinction and homogenization. Temperate grasslands, managed at low intensities over centuries harbored a high species diversity, which is increasingly threatened by the management intensification over the last decades. This includes key taxa like ants. However, the underlying mechanisms leading to a decrease in ant abundance and species richness as well as changes in functional community composition are not well understood. We sampled ants on 110 grassland plots in three regions in Germany. The sampled grasslands are used as meadows or pastures, being mown, grazed or fertilized at different intensities. We analyzed the effect of the different aspects of land use on ant species richness, functional trait spaces, and community composition by using a multimodel inference approach and structural equation models. Overall, we found 31 ant species belonging to 8 genera, mostly open habitat specialists. Ant species richness, functional trait space of communities, and abundance of nests decreased with increasing land‐use intensity. The land‐use practice most harmful to ants was mowing, followed by heavy grazing by cattle. Fertilization did not strongly affect ant species richness. Grazing by sheep increased the ant species richness. The effect of mowing differed between species and was strongly negative for Formica species while Myrmica and common Lasius species were less affected. Rare species occurred mainly in plots managed at low intensity. Our results show that mowing less often or later in the season would retain a higher ant species richness—similarly to most other grassland taxa. The transformation from (sheep) pastures to intensively managed meadows and especially mowing directly affects ants via the destruction of nests and indirectly via loss of grassland heterogeneity (reduced plant species richness) and increased soil moisture by shading of fast‐growing plant species.  相似文献   

Lichens are very sensitive to habitat changes and their species richness is likely to decline under intensive land use. Currently, a comprehensive study analyzing lichen species richness in relation to land-use types, extending over different regions and including information on habitat variables, is missing for temperate grasslands. In three German regions we studied lichen species richness in 490 plots of 16 m2 representing different land-use types, livestock types, and habitat variables. Due to the absence of low-intensity pastures and substrates such as woody plants, deadwood and stones, there were no lichens in the 78 plots in Schorfheide-Chorin. In the two other regions, the richness of lichen species was 45 % higher in pastures than in meadows, and 77 % higher than in mown pastures, respectively. Among the pastures, the richness of all lichen species was on average 10 times higher in sheep-grazed pastures than in the ones grazed by cattle or horses. On average, the richness of all lichen species increased by 3.3 species per additional microhabitat. Furthermore, the richness of corticolous lichens increased by 1.2 species with 10 % higher cover of woody plants, lignicolous lichen species richness increased by 4.8 species with 1 % higher cover of deadwood, and saxicolous lichen species richness increased by 1.0 species with 1 % higher cover of stones. Our findings highlight the importance of low-intensity land use for lichen conservation. In particular, the degradation of grasslands rich in microhabitats and the destruction of lichen substrates by intensification, and conversion of unfertilized pastures formerly grazed at low intensity to meadows should be avoided to maintain lichen diversity.  相似文献   

Semi-natural grasslands resulting from traditional land use practices (mowing and grazing) are severely endangered throughout Europe due to the intensification of agriculture. The ecological impact of mowing and grazing on grassland butterflies was studied in eight mown meadows and eight grazed pastures under traditional animal husbandry in NW Russia and adjacent Finland. Transect count data over 3 years (1997–1999) covered a total of 48 species and 5742 individuals. The butterfly fauna was rather similar under both management forms; species richness, diversity and total abundance did not differ significantly between meadows and pastures, yet meadows were preferred by more species. In both groups, the most abundant species were Aphantopus hyperantus, Pieris napi and Thymelicus lineola. Of 37 species observed as a minimum of five individuals, Polyommatus amandus, Ochlodes sylvanus and A. hyperantus showed a significant preference for mowing management. According to the ordination, butterfly communities were affected more by the origin and age of the grassland than the present management method. Landscape factors (meadow or pasture surrounded by forests or open environments), the abundance of nectar plants and the intensity of tilling were the most important factors differentiating older grasslands from the younger ones evolved from old Finnish hay fields cultivated prior to the 1940s.  相似文献   

Seminatural grasslands provide habitats for various species and are important for biodiversity conservation. The understanding of the diverse responses of species and traits to different grassland managenient methods is therefore urgently needed. We disentangled the role of grassland management (fertilization and irrigation), vegetation structure (biomass, sward height) and plant quality (protein and fiber content) for Orthoptera communities in lowland hay meadows in Germany. We found vegetation structure to be the most important environmental category in explaining community structure of Orthoptera (species richness, total individuals, fiinctional diversity and species composition). Intensively used meadows (fertilized, irrigated, high plant biomass) were characterized by assemblages with few species, low functional diversity, and low conservation value. Thereby, the relatively moderate fertilizer inputs in our study system of up to -75 kg N/ha/year reduced functional diversity of Orthoptera, while this negative effect of fertilization was not detectable when solely considering taxonomic aspects. We found strong support for a prominent role of plant quality in shaping Orthoptera communities and especially the trait composition. Our findings demonstrate the usefulness of considering both taxonomic and functional comp on ents (functio nal diversity) in biodiversity research and we suggest a stronger involvement of plant quality measures in Orthoptera studies.  相似文献   

The response of montane and subalpine hay meadow plant and arthropod communities to the application of liquid manure and aerial irrigation – two novel, rapidly spreading management practices – remains poorly understood, which hampers the formulation of best practice management recommendations for both hay production and biodiversity preservation. In these nutrient-poor mountain grasslands, a moderate management regime could enhance overall conditions for biodiversity. This study experimentally assessed, at the site scale, among low-input montane and subalpine meadows, the short-term effects (1 year) of a moderate intensification (slurry fertilization: 26.7–53.3 kg N·ha−1·year−1; irrigation with sprinklers: 20 mm·week−1; singly or combined together) on plant species richness, vegetation structure, hay production, and arthropod abundance and biomass in the inner European Alps (Valais, SW Switzerland). Results show that (1) montane and subalpine hay meadow ecological communities respond very rapidly to an intensification of management practices; (2) on a short-term basis, a moderate intensification of very low-input hay meadows has positive effects on plant species richness, vegetation structure, hay production, and arthropod abundance and biomass; (3) vegetation structure is likely to be the key factor limiting arthropod abundance and biomass. Our ongoing experiments will in the longer term identify which level of management intensity achieves an optimal balance between biodiversity and hay production.  相似文献   

Changes in agriculture (intensification or abandonment) have resulted in a dramatical reduction of semi-natural grasslands in Central Europe in the 20th century. Recent management actions aim to restore overgrown and formerly fertilized nutrient-poor grasslands. Former land use is known to influence the present-day vegetation. Similar information is not available for animals with low dispersal ability. We investigated the effect of pasture management history over a period of 55 years on the present-day land snail diversity in 20 dry, nutrient-poor grasslands in the Swiss Jura mountains. Snails were recorded in pastures left unmanaged for 10–40 years but recently cleared from overgrowing shrubs, in pastures fertilized for 15–25 years but recently managed extensively (no fertilizer), and in pastures which have been extensively managed throughout (=control). Past shrub cover had a negative effect on the total number of snail species and the number of red-listed individuals. Former use of fertilizer reduced red-listed species and individuals and changed the snail community. Three species (Vitrina pellucida, Helicella itala and Abida secale) were found less frequently in formerly fertilized pastures than in extensive pastures. Our results show that changes in pasture use for a period of 10–40 years caused long-term alterations of the land snail fauna.  相似文献   

Land‐use and management are disturbance factors that have diverse effects on community composition and structure. In traditional rural grasslands, such as meadows and pastures, low‐intensity management is maintained to enhance biodiversity. Maintenance of road verges, in turn, creates habitat, which may complement traditional rural grasslands. To evaluate the effect of low‐intensity disturbance on insect communities, we characterized species abundance distributions (SAD) for Carabidae, Formicidae, and Heteroptera in three grassland types, which differed in management: meadows, pastures, and road verges. The shape of SAD was estimated with three parameters: abundance decay rate, dominance, and rarity. We compared the SAD shape among the grassland types and tested the effect of environmental heterogeneity (plant species richness) and disturbance intensity (trampling in pastures) on SADs. The shape of SADs did not differ among the grassland types but among the taxonomic groups instead. Abundance decay rate and dominance were larger for Formicidae, and rarity smaller, than for Carabidae and Heteroptera. For Carabidae and window‐trapped Heteroptera, rarity increased with increasing plant species richness. For Formicidae, dominance increased with trampling intensity in pastures. Although the SAD shape remained largely unchanged, the identity of the dominant species tended to vary within and among grassland types. Our study shows that for a given taxonomic group, the SAD shape is similar across habitat types with low‐intensity disturbances resulting from different management. This suggests that SADs respond primarily to the intensity of disturbance and thus could be best used in monitoring communities across strong disturbance and environmental gradients. Because taxonomic groups can inherently have different SADs, taxon‐specific SADs for undisturbed communities must be empirically documented before the SAD shape can be used as an indicator of environmental change. Because the identity of the dominant species changes from management type to another, the SAD shape alone is not an adequate monitoring tool.  相似文献   

Extensively managed and flower‐rich mountain hay meadows, hotspots of Europe''s biodiversity, are subject to environmental and climatic gradients linked to altitude. While the shift of pollinators from bee‐ to fly‐dominated communities with increasing elevation across vegetation zones is well established, the effect of highland altitudinal gradients on the community structure of pollinators within a specific habitat is poorly understood. We assessed wild bee and hoverfly communities, and their pollination service to three plant species common in mountain hay meadows, in eighteen extensively managed yellow oat grasslands (Trisetum flavescens) with an altitudinal gradient spanning approx. 300 m. Species richness and abundance of pollinators increased with elevation, but no shift between hoverflies and wild bees (mainly bumblebees) occurred. Seedset of the woodland cranesbill (Geranium sylvaticum) increased with hoverfly abundance, and seedset of the marsh thistle (Cirsium palustre) increased with wild bee abundance. Black rampion (Phyteuma nigrum) showed no significant response. The assignment of specific pollinator communities, and their response to altitude in highlands, to different plant species underlines the importance of wild bees and hoverflies as pollinators in extensive grassland systems.  相似文献   

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