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Pteropus livingstonii and Pteropus seychellensis comorensis are endemic fruit bat species that are among the most threatened animals in the Comoros archipelago. Both species are pollinators and seed dispersers of native and cultivated plants and are thus of crucial importance for the regeneration of natural forests as well as for cultivated plantations. However, these species are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures and face one of the highest rates of natural habitat loss reported worldwide. Yet little is known about the population genetic structure of these two species, making it difficult to define relevant conservation strategies. In this study, we investigated for the two flying fox species (1) the level of genetic diversity within islands, as well as across the archipelago and (2) the genetic structure between the two islands (Anjouan and Mohéli) for P. livingstonii and between the four islands of the archipelago (Anjouan, Mohéli, Grande Comore and Mayotte) for P. s. comorensis using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. The results revealed contrasting patterns of genetic structure, with P. s. comorensis showing low genetic structure between islands, whereas P. livingstonii exhibited high levels of inter-island genetic differentiation. Overall, the genetic analyses showed low genetic diversity for both species. These contrasting genetic patterns may be the result of different dispersal patterns and the populations’ evolutionary histories. Our findings lead us to suggest that in terms of conservation strategy, the two populations of P. livingstonii (on Anjouan and Mohéli islands) should be considered as two separate management units. We recommend focusing conservation efforts on the Anjouan population, which is the largest, exhibits the highest genetic diversity, and suffers the greatest anthropogenic pressure. As for P. s. comorensis, its four populations could be considered as a single unit for conservation management purposes. For this species, we recommend protecting roosting trees to reduce population disturbance.  相似文献   

Disease risk mapping is important for predicting and mitigating impacts of bat-borne viruses, including Hendra virus (Paramyxoviridae:Henipavirus), that can spillover to domestic animals and thence to humans. We produced two models to estimate areas at potential risk of HeV spillover explained by the climatic suitability for its flying fox reservoir hosts, Pteropus alecto and P. conspicillatus. We included additional climatic variables that might affect spillover risk through other biological processes (such as bat or horse behaviour, plant phenology and bat foraging habitat). Models were fit with a Poisson point process model and a log-Gaussian Cox process. In response to climate change, risk expanded southwards due to an expansion of P. alecto suitable habitat, which increased the number of horses at risk by 175–260% (110,000–165,000). In the northern limits of the current distribution, spillover risk was highly uncertain because of model extrapolation to novel climatic conditions. The extent of areas at risk of spillover from P. conspicillatus was predicted shrink. Due to a likely expansion of P. alecto into these areas, it could replace P. conspicillatus as the main HeV reservoir. We recommend: (1) HeV monitoring in bats, (2) enhancing HeV prevention in horses in areas predicted to be at risk, (3) investigate and develop mitigation strategies for areas that could experience reservoir host replacements.  相似文献   

Many forest-dwelling bats spend their diurnal inactivity period in tree cavities. During this time bats can save energy through heterothermy. A heterothermic response (torpor) is characterized by a lowered body temperature, reduced metabolic rate, and reduction of other physiological processes, and can be influenced by the microclimatic conditions of roost cavities. The thermal and physical characteristics of roosts used by the sympatric, ecologically, and morphologically similar bat species Myotis bechsteinii, M. nattereri, and Plecotus auritus were compared. These three species differ in their heterothermic behavior, with the lowest skin temperatures observed for P. auritus. Therefore, we hypothesized that roosts occupied by the three species should differ in roost characteristics and microclimatic conditions, whereby P. auritus should select colder and thermally less stable roosts. The results showed that horizontal depth of the cavity, diameter of the roost tree, and microclimatic conditions within roosts differed among species. Roosts of P. auritus had the lowest horizontal depth, lowest thermal stability, and lowest mean minimum roost temperatures. Height of the roost, diameter of the roost tree, and vertical depth were also shown to influence microclimatic conditions. With increasing diameter of the tree and increasing horizontal depth, mean minimum roost temperature increased and thermal stability improved. Furthermore, with ascending height above ground insulation and mean roost temperatures increased. Our results imply that species such as P. auritus, which use pronounced torpor as a primary energy saving strategy, prefer colder cavities that support their heterothermic strategy.  相似文献   

Differential responses by species to modern perturbations in forest ecosystems may have undesirable impacts on plant-animal interactions. If such disruptions cause declines in a plant species without corresponding declines in a primary seed predator, the effects on the plant could be exacerbated. We examined one such interaction between Pinus albicaulis (whitebark pine), a bird-dispersed, subalpine forest species experiencing severe population declines in the northern part of its range, and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus (red squirrel), an efficient conifer seed predator, at 20 sites in two distinct ecosystems. Hypotheses about squirrel habitat preferences were tested to determine how changes in forest conditions influence habitat use and subsequent levels of predispersal cone predation. We performed habitat selection modeling and variable ranking based on Akaike’s information criterion; compared the level and variance of habitat use between two forest types (P. albicaulis dominant and mixed conifer); and modeled the relationship between P. albicaulis relative abundance and predispersal cone predation. T. hudsonicus did not demonstrate strong habitat preference for P. albicaulis, and thus, declines in the pine were not met with proportional declines in squirrel habitat use. P. albicaulis habitat variables were the least important in squirrel habitat selection. Squirrel habitat use was lower and varied more in P. albicaulis-dominant forests, and predispersal cone predation decreased linearly with increasing P. albicaulis relative abundance. In Northern Rocky Mountain sites, where P. albicaulis mortality was higher and abundance lower, squirrel predation was greater than in Central Rocky Mountain sites. In ecosystems with reduced P. albicaulis abundance, altered interactions between the squirrel and pine may lead to a lower proportion of P. albicaulis contributing to population recruitment because of reduced seed availability. Reducing the abundance of competing conifers will create suboptimal squirrel habitat, thus lowering cone predation in P. albicaulis and ensuring more seeds are available for avian dispersal.  相似文献   

The cryptic wood white Leptidea juvernica is one of a newly-discovered species complex comprising three morphologically similar species in Europe. In the British Isles, L. juvernica is absent from Great Britain, but is widespread in Ireland, where it has experienced recent declines; it is classed as a priority species in Northern Ireland. Using a mark–recapture approach, this study aims to elucidate the population and spatial ecology of L. juvernica based on a population resident on a small, suburban site and to propose conservation measures. The results demonstrated that populations of L. juvernica, even on small sites, can reach high numbers during the peak flight season. Unusually for European Pieridae, there was only weak evidence of protandry in this population, possibly reflecting weather conditions prior to the flight season. The spatial distribution and abundance of L. juvernica was associated with the distribution of its larval host-plants, as well as maintaining close proximity to south-facing habitat edges for shelter. Males had a closer association to sheltered habitat edges, whilst females were found more commonly on open ground with a shorter sward which was the preferred egg-laying habitat. Long vegetation in sheltered areas was important for roosting during periods of non-activity. These results inform conservation measures which will benefit L. juvernica; appropriate measures focus on habitat management providing a mosaic of open, semi-natural grassland interspersed with tall vegetation, scrub, and trees.  相似文献   

Actinomycete bacteria have previously been reported from reproductive structures (infructescences) of Protea (sugarbush/suikerbos) species, a niche dominated by fungi in the genera Knoxdaviesia and Sporothrix. It is probable that these taxa have symbiotic interactions, but a lack of knowledge regarding their diversity and general ecology precludes their study. We determined the diversity of actinomycetes within Protea repens inflorescence buds, open inflorescences, young and mature infructescences, and leaf litter surrounding these trees. Since the P. repens habitat is fire-prone, we also considered the potential of these bacteria to recolonise infructescences after fire. Actinomycetes were largely absent from flower buds and inflorescences but were consistently present in young and mature infructescences. Two Streptomyces spp. were the most consistent taxa recovered, one of which was also routinely isolated from leaf litter. Lower colonisation rates were evident in samples from a recently burnt site. One of the most consistent taxa isolated from older trees in the unburnt site was absent from this site. Our findings show that P. repens has a distinct community of actinomycetes dominated by a few species. These communities change over time and infructescence developmental stage, season and the age of the host population. Mature infructescences appear to be important sources of inoculum for some of the actinomycetes, seemingly disrupted by fire. Increased fire frequency limiting maturation of P. repens infructescences could thus impact future actinomycete colonisation in the landscape. Streptomyces spp. are likely to share this niche with the ophiostomatoid fungi, which merits further study regarding their interactions and mode of transfer.  相似文献   

Estimating occupancy patterns and identifying vegetation characteristics that influence the presence of butterfly species are essential approaches needed for determining how habitat changes may affect butterfly populations in the future. The montane butterfly species, Parnassius clodius, was investigated to identify patterns of occupancy relating to habitat variables in Grand Teton National Park and Bridger-Teton National Forest, Wyoming, United States. A series of presence–absence surveys were conducted in 2013 in 41 mesic to xeric montane meadows that were considered suitable habitat for P. clodius during their flight season (June–July) to estimate occupancy (ψ) and detection probability (p). According to the null constant parameter model, P. clodius had high occupancy of ψ?=?0.78?±?0.07 SE and detection probability of p?=?0.75?±?0.04 SE. In models testing covariates, the most important habitat indicator for the occupancy of P. clodius was a strong negative association with big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata; β = ??21.39?±?21.10 SE) and lupine (Lupinus spp.; β?=???20.03?±?21.24 SE). While P. clodius was found at a high proportion of meadows surveyed, the presence of A. tridentata may limit their distribution within montane meadows at a landscape scale because A. tridentata dominates a large percentage of the montane meadows in our study area. Future climate scenarios predicted for high elevations globally could cause habitat shifts and put populations of P. clodius and similar non-migratory butterfly populations at risk.  相似文献   

Although endophytic fungi are ubiquitous in plants, their full range of ecological effects has yet to be characterized, particularly in non-agronomic systems. In this study, we compared the responses of two congeneric bluegrass species to flooding. Both plant species co-occur in subalpine zones of the Rocky Mountains. Marsh bluegrass (Poa leptocoma) commonly hosts a vertically transmitted fungal endophyte (Epichloë sp.) and naturally grows in wetter conditions than does nodding bluegrass (Poa reflexa), which lacks an epichloid endophyte. We investigated the novel hypothesis that endophyte symbiosis promotes host fitness under flooded conditions, contributing to niche differentiation between the two bluegrass species. We used a factorial greenhouse experiment to test whether endophyte presence improved survival, growth, or reproduction of P. leptocoma under flooded versus non-flooded edaphic conditions by experimentally removing the endophyte from half of the plants. We compared P. leptocoma responses to those of the endophyte-free congener. In contrast to expectations generated from the natural distributions of the two plant species, endophyte presence was more beneficial to P. leptocoma under ambient soil moisture than under flooding. Increased benefits of symbiosis in drier soils are consistent with studies of other grass endophytes. Flooded soils also unexpectedly improved the growth of P. reflexa more than that of the wet habitat specialist, P. leptocoma. While our results demonstrate an overall benefit of fungal symbiosis in this system, ecological factors other than flooding per se likely underlie the observed geographical distributions of these congeneric grasses in nature.  相似文献   

The southeastern United States (U.S.) has experienced dynamic climatic changes over the past several million years that have impacted species distributions. In many cases, contiguous ranges were fragmented and a lack of gene flow between allopatric populations led to genetic divergence and speciation. The Southern Red-backed Salamander, Plethodon serratus, inhabits four widely disjunct regions of the southeastern U.S.: the southern Appalachian Mountains, the Ozark Plateau, the Ouachita Mountains, and the Southern Tertiary Uplands of central Louisiana. We integrated phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (1399 base pairs) with ecological niche modeling to test the hypothesis that climate fluctuations during the Pleistocene drove the isolation and divergence of disjunct populations of P. serratus. Appalachian, Ozark, and Louisiana populations each formed well-supported clades in our phylogeny. Ouachita Mountain populations sorted into two geographically distinct clades; one Ouachita clade was sister to the Louisiana clade whereas the other Ouachita clade grouped with the Appalachian and Ozark clades but relationships were unresolved. Plethodon serratus diverged from its sister taxon, P. sherando, ~5.4 million years ago (Ma), and lineage diversification within P. serratus occurred ~1.9–0.6 Ma (Pleistocene). Ecological niche models showed that the four geographic isolates of P. serratus are currently separated by unsuitable habitat, but the species was likely more continuously distributed during the colder climates of the Pleistocene. Our results support the hypothesis that climate-induced environmental changes during the Pleistocene played a dominant role in driving isolation and divergence of disjunct populations of P. serratus.  相似文献   

Out of more than 380 species of damselfish, only three lack a pelagic larval phase, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, that ranges from the Philippines to the Great Barrier Reef, and two species in the genus Altrichthys, A. azurelineatus and A. curatus, that are restricted to the Calamian Archipelago (Palawan province) in the Philippines. Therefore in a very restricted geographic area, northern Palawan, Philippines, all three species co-occur. The goal of this study was to fill a knowledge gap about the ecology of Altrichthys, where very little is currently known. Using census and behavioral approaches at 14 sites on six islands, we were able to identify adult densities, nest densities, nesting habitat preference, and brood behavior and abundance. We found that densities were very high (more than 17 individuals/100 m2 for one species) and A. azurelineatus may be displacing A. curatus at deeper depths where habitat seems of higher quality. Only one out of 14 surveyed sites contained only one species, Altrichthys curatus. Different habitat use and feeding behavior suggest that niche partitioning may play an important role in the life history of these sympatric species.  相似文献   

The invasive Clethra arborea has a dual-role in the diet of the Azores bullfinch, a critically endangered bird species endemic to the island of São Miguel (Azores, Portugal). This is a crucial winter food resource but it lowers the availability of native laurel forest species that compose most of the bird’s diet throughout the year. The removal of this and other invasive alien species is part of current laurel forest habitat restoration programmes, disregarding the impact on the Azores bullfinch population. In order to evaluate the first responses of the Azores bullfinch to habitat restoration, we studied bird diet, foraging behaviour, food availability and habitat occupancy in managed (without C. arborea) and control areas. Significant increases in the availability of native food resources in managed areas were noticeable in the diet, particularly the intake of Ilex perado ssp. azorica and Prunus lusitanica ssp. azorica flower buds. In most of the studied months birds heavily used and foraged in managed over control areas. The one exception was in December, when a resource-gap occurred in managed areas, which may be overcome in the short-term due to re-establishment of native plants following removal of invasive aliens.  相似文献   

In the UK, four out of 18 bat species are listed on the EU Habitats Directive, including the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), and their population status is closely monitored by visiting known roosts. R. hipposideros predominantly form maternity roosts in buildings, but roosts are impermanent features in the landscape and their distribution changes as bats form new roosts and abandon others. Locating new roosts requires intensive surveys which are challenging and inefficient. In this study, we provide a novel model-based strategy to identify potential R. hipposideros maternity roost sites that can be used to monitor bat populations. First, we model potential maternity roost habitat using record centre data on roost locations across Wales, Great Britain. We then constrain the area identified from modelling using record centre data on locations of bats in areas with no known roosts. We used two variable selection methods and three pseudo-absence data sets (random background points, random points in buildings and target group selection of mammal records) to produce six habitat suitability models. The three pseudo-absence data sets produced different habitat suitability maps, demonstrating the influence of pseudo-absence selection on species distribution models. The six models were combined using weighted mean average to produce an ensemble model that performed better than individual models and that indicated high levels of congruence in areas predicted to have high habitat suitability for maternity roosts. Our model revealed an extensive area (6523 km2; 31% of the area of Wales) containing 18,051 buildings in suitable habitat. Using record centre data on bat activity outside commuting range from known roosts reduced the potential survey area to 133 km2 (0.6% of the area of Wales) and 207 buildings. Our modelling outputs can be used to direct volunteers and bat surveyors in more targeted and efficient searches.  相似文献   

The distribution of the allochthonous crab Percnon gibbesi and its relationships with other benthic invertebrate species was assessed inside the marine reserve of Cabo de Palos—Islas Hormigas (Mediterranean sea, Spain) and neighbouring non-protected sites. Although a significant spatial variability was detected at finer spatial scale, there was no influence of protection measures or insularity on the abundance of P. gibbesi. The presence of small holes, encrusting algae and low slope favour the colonization success of this crustacean, and the spatial distribution of these habitat features could explain the observed pattern. The abundance of P. gibbesi was similar to that of native crab species; however, a non-significant negative relationship between the abundance of P. gibbesi and native crabs (Pachygrapsus marmoratus and Eriphia verrucosa), urchins (Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus) and a snail (Phorcus turbinatus) was observed. This work highlights the importance of monitoring alien crab population densities taking structural habitat and other potentially influential factors into account and the likely effect of this alien species on the native ones.  相似文献   



Bat-borne virus surveillance is necessary for determining inter-species transmission risks and is important due to the wide-range of bat species which may harbour potential pathogens. This study aimed to monitor coronaviruses (CoVs) and paramyxoviruses (PMVs) in bats roosting in northwest Italian regions. Our investigation was focused on CoVs and PMVs due to their proven ability to switch host and their zoonotic potential. Here we provide the phylogenetic characterization of the highly conserved polymerase gene fragments.


Family-wide PCR screenings were used to test 302 bats belonging to 19 different bat species. Thirty-eight animals from 12 locations were confirmed as PCR positive, with an overall detection rate of 12.6% [95% CI: 9.3–16.8]. CoV RNA was found in 36 bats belonging to eight species, while PMV RNA in three Pipistrellus spp. Phylogenetic characterization have been obtained for 15 alpha- CoVs, 5 beta-CoVs and three PMVs; moreover one P. pipistrellus resulted co-infected with both CoV and PMV. A divergent alpha-CoV clade from Myotis nattereri SpA is also described. The compact cluster of beta-CoVs from R. ferrumequinum roosts expands the current viral sequence database, specifically for this species in Europe. To our knowledge this is the first report of CoVs in Plecotus auritus and M. oxygnathus, and of PMVs in P. kuhlii.


This study identified alpha and beta-CoVs in new bat species and in previously unsurveyed Italian regions. To our knowledge this represents the first and unique report of PMVs in Italy. The 23 new bat genetic sequences presented will expand the current molecular bat-borne virus databases. Considering the amount of novel bat-borne PMVs associated with the emergence of zoonotic infections in animals and humans in the last years, the definition of viral diversity within European bat species is needed. Performing surveillance studies within a specific geographic area can provide awareness of viral burden where bats roost in close proximity to spillover hosts, and form the basis for the appropriate control measures against potential threats for public health and optimal management of bats and their habitats.

Niche conservatism (NC) presence is a controversial question in evolutionary ecology. In Drosophila, little is known about which is the preponderant evolutionary pattern, since the adaptive radiation hypothesis first proposed by Throckmorton assumed niche divergence (ND) according to a niche occupancy scenario. Nevertheless, this hypothesis has not yet been straightforwardly tested. Our aim here was to test the role of NC patterns across evolution of American drosophilids belonging to the tripunctata and virilis-repleta lineages of the Drosophila subgenus, through measures of geographical, abiotic and biotic niche overlap and evaluations regarding the presence of phylogenetic signal or niche identity. We recovered phylogenetic signal attributable to phylogenetic niche conservatism when all species were analyzed together, but not in more restricted groups. Identity tests showed that niche equivalency was seldom rejected for the tripunctata lineage species. So, in general, neither the results for the Drosophila subgenus nor those for the tripunctata lineage support the hypothesis of an adaptive radiation. Notwithstanding, there were also several isolated cases supporting a scenario of ND, and ecological speciation was evident in some of the evaluated sister species pairs.  相似文献   

The plasticity in clonal architecture may enable plants to effectively respond to environmental constraints and to enhance species ecological niche breadth but its role in plant tolerance to water flow is poorly documented. The present study was carried out to determine whether the clonal architecture varies with respect to water flow in 10 species of the genus Potamogeton colonizing habitats differing by flow conditions. For these 10 species, the traits describing clonal architecture were measured on individuals sampled in natural sites and plasticity in clonal architecture was examined in a common garden growth experiment. The clonal growth architecture did not vary significantly in the species which inhabit either standing (P. lucens, P. natans, and P. pusillus) or running water (P. amblyphyllus and P. berchtoldii). However, the species inhabiting both standing as well as running waters (P. crispus, P. nodosus, P. pectinatus, P. perfoliatus, and P. wrightii) showed considerable and significant variation in clonal growth architecture across these habitats. Transplantation experiment revealed that clonal architecture observed between the plants under different conditions is plastic and not due to genetic differentiation. The present study demonstrated that plasticity in the clonal architecture may enable these species to inhabit stressful conditions of flowing water.  相似文献   

The success of the invasive Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, stems partly from its ability to exclude established crab species from preferred rocky and cobble intertidal habitat. Here, we assessed preference and competition for habitat types (cobble vs. sand) for H. sanguineus and two competitor species; the previous invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas, and the native rock crab, Cancer irroratus, in New England. In simple laboratory experiments, we paired similarly sized heterospecifics and conspecifics from each species, and also grouped combinations of C. maenas and H. sanguineus in a series of four-individual sets in order to dissect the outcome of intra- and inter-specific competition at different densities. Individually, all three species preferred cobble substrate. With paired conspecifics, H. sanguineus individuals would cohabitate in cobble, whereas C. maenas and C. irroratus individuals each excluded conspecifics from cobble. In heterospecific pairs, H. sanguineus excluded both C. maenas and C. irroratus from cobble. C. maenas and C. irroratus, were equally likely to exclude the other species, but rarely excluded H. sanguineus. In larger assemblages, H. sanguineus preferentially grouped under cobble, whereas C. maenas were more evenly distributed among habitat types. These observations demonstrate that conspecific tolerance and heterospecific competition can be effective, complementary mechanisms for overcoming invasion resistance. Such mechanisms help explain the well-studied success of H. sanguineus following its introduction into New England coastal habitats, and the resulting exclusion of preexisting crab species.  相似文献   

Invasions of non-native species are modifying global biodiversity but the ecological mechanisms underlying invasion processes are still not well understood. A degree of niche separation of non-native and sympatric native species can possibly explain the success of novel species in their new environment. In this study, we quantified experimentally and in situ the environmental niche space of caridean shrimps (native Crangon crangon and Palaemon adspersus, non-native Palaemon elegans) inhabiting the northern Baltic Sea. Field studies showed that the non-native P. elegans had wider geographical range compared to native species although the level of habitat specialization was similar in both Palaemon species. There were clear differences in shrimp habitat occupancy with P. elegans inhabiting lower salinity areas and more eutrophicated habitats compared to the native species. Consequently, the non-native shrimp has occupied large areas of the northern Baltic Sea that were previously devoid of the native shrimps. Experiments demonstrated that the non-native shrimp had higher affinity to vegetated substrates compared to native species. The study suggests that the abilities of the non-native shrimp to thrive in more stressful habitats (lower salinity, higher eutrophication), that are sub-optimal for native shrimps, plausibly explain the invasion success of P. elegans.  相似文献   

This study documents the population status and behaviour of the Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at two locations in the temperate environment of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. During the five-month study, from 14th July, 2014 to 2nd January, 2015, peak populations were observed in October, 2014 at Sallaghari (1550 individuals) and Keshar Mahal (949 individuals). The behavioural study resulted in 1130 observed events of 10 different behavioural activities at Sallaghari and 1158 events of the same activities at Keshar Mahal. Sleeping, grooming, wing spreading and wing flapping were frequently observed at both study sites. The behaviour of P. giganteus is influenced by the weather and air temperature irrespective of hours of the day and date of observation. Habitat destruction, lack of food, pollution and misconception were the major threats to P. giganteus perceived by local people in course of interviews. Knowledge regarding the population size and behaviours of wildlife species is essential to understand the conservation needs for the survival and management of wild animals and their habitat. This study provides baseline information for two populations of Indian flying fox (P. giganteus) in Kathmandu Valley Nepal.  相似文献   

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