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Summary The migration of radiolabeled intravenously injected B lymphocytes through thymus-dependent areas was studied in lymphoid organs of mice with experimentally defined T cell domains (B cell-deprived mice or T mice). In the spleen, B cells were found to enter the peri-arteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS) by two routes: (i) via the marginal zone, and (ii) via reticulin sheaths surrounding terminal arterioles. B cells migrated through the peripheral and central PALS and initiated the formation of primary follicles in the peripheral PALS 6 h after injection. Distinct primary follicles were noted at 18 h after injection of the labeled B cells. After 24 h small numbers of labeled cells were also noted in the efferent lymphatic vessels of the spleen.The reconstitution of B cell compartments in the mesenteric lymph node was delayed compared to the spleen. B cells entered the nodal stroma across the wall of high endothelial venules in the paracortex and by 6 h were found scattered throughout the paracortex. Isolated clusters of a few labeled cells were noted in the outer cortex at 18 h after cell transfer. Defined primary nodules were seen only 24 h after reconstitution. A minority of labeled cells was found at 24 h in the cortico-medullary junctions and in medullary cords.The present study shows that B lymphocytes traverse T cell domains on their way to their own specific B cell compartments. The immunological significance of this particular migration route is discussed in view of data on the cellular cooperation of B cells, T cells and macrophages during the humoral immune response.  相似文献   

The distribution of genotoxic factors in various organs of mice treated orally with methylazoxymethanol-beta-D-glycoside (cycasin) was investigated using the DNA-repair host mediated assay. Indicator of genotoxic activity was a pair of streptomycin dependent Escherichia coli strains differing vastly in DNA repair capacity; uvrB/recA vs. uvr+/rec+. The animal-mediated assays were performed by injecting mixtures of the two strains i.v. and orally into mice, which were subsequently treated with the test chemical and from which the differential survival of the indicator bacteria present in several organs was determined. The same strains and selection procedures were also used for assessing the DNA-damaging activity in vitro. In the animal-mediated assays in which cycasin was applied orally, significant effects were observed at doses of 100 and 500 mg/kg body weight. The organ distribution of genotoxic factors in the host animal was as follows: the highest genotoxic activity was observed in the liver, followed by intestine and stomach; a clear effect was also observed in the kidneys and, to a lower extent, in the blood stream and in the lungs at the highest dose administered (500 mg/kg body weight). Under in vitro conditions a marginal genotoxic effect was observed even in the absence of liver homogenate, indicating that the test compound is possible activated (hydrolysed) by the E. coli cells. Therefore the genotoxic activity of cycasin observed in the gastrointestinal tract was not unexpected, since the substance was applied orally, thereby exposing the indicator bacteria in these organs to high levels of unmetabolised compound, especially in the stomach. In the intestine members of the microbial flora probably contribute to the metabolic activation of the test compound. The occurrence of genotoxic factors remote from the gastrointestinal tract shows that the present compound or active metabolites thereof penetrate through the intestinal barrier. The extraordinarily high genotoxic activity observed in the liver suggests that the compound is additionally activated in this organ. In compliance with previous in vitro findings this second activation step might lead to the formation of the highly reactive aldehydic form of methylazoxymethanol (MAMAL) mediated by dehydrogenases. Comparison with carcinogenicity studies indicates a good correlation between the distribution of genotoxic effects as determined in the present studies and the localisation of tumors in various organs of rodents treated with cycasin.  相似文献   

The influence of a radiosensitizer, metronidazole, on the free thymidine content of blood serum of irradiated mice was studied in aerobic and hypoxic conditions. A heated metronidazole solution (1 mg/g) was administered intraperitoneally 30 min before irradiation of animals with a dose of 3 Gy. Thymidine concentration in blood serum was determined by the radioimmunological technique. The influence of metronidazole on the level of thymidinemia was only noted in the animals exposed under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure (3.5 mo) of mice to cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or a cadmium-lead mixture at a concentration of 1 ppm in drinking water induced a highly significant inhibition of antibody response to human serum. The highest immunosuppression (84.4%) was induced by the Cd-Pb mixture, whereas Cd caused the lowest immunosuppression (53.6%). The body burden of Cd and Pb in various organs was investigated in the four groups of mice by atomic absorption spectrometry. The highest level of Cd was found in the kidney of the Cd-treated group, and the highest level of Pb was found in the liver of the Pb- and Cd-Pb-treated groups. It is concluded that when mice are exposed concurrently to Cd and Pb, they develop synergistic immunosuppression. Analysis of Cd levels using atomic absorption spectrometry revealed that it was distributed in the following order: kidney > liver > spleen > heart, whereas Pb was distributed in the following order: liver > kidney > spleen > heart.  相似文献   

The origin of fibroblast-like cells of the capsule around a foreign body in the spleen, liver, peritoneal cavity, subcutaneous connective tissue of mice, the localization of cells-precursors, their proliferative potencies and the ability to migrate through blood were studied using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. Precursors of the inflammation focus cells (irrespective of localization) reproduce intensively outside the limits of intraorganic connective tissue, supposedly, in hemopoietic organs of the bone marrow type and migrate, through the blood channel, into tissues (inflammation foci), where they terminate their differentiation.  相似文献   

The role of humoral immunity to Schistosoma mansoni infection in C57BL/6J mice was examined by employing a passive transfer system. Sera from highly resistant mice that had been exposed to two or three immunizations with 50-kilorad-gamma-irradiated cercariae were tested for their ability to transfer protection against S. mansoni challenge. All five batches of serum tested were observed to have protective activity. Immune serum recipients exhibited statistically significant reductions in challenge worm burdens of 20 to 50% compared with recipients of normal serum or no serum. The most consistent level of resistance was obtained when immune serum was administered several days post-challenge, i.e., at a time coincident with schistosomulum residence in the lungs. Furthermore, it was shown that the protective activity in immune serum was associated with factors that bind to staphylococcal protein A and that are precipitated by 50% ammonium sulfate; thus it appears that the protective factors in immune serum are IgG antibodies.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (CP) biosynthesis in various organs of the rat was studied. It was found that the translation products of postmitochondrial extracts of various organs of the rat contain immunoreactive polypeptides of CP. In respect of proteolytic fragments formed during the digestion with staphylococcal protease V8, these polypeptides do not differ from one another. At the same time, in Golgi vesicles of the kidney, brain and liver the mature molecular forms of CP differ not only by their molecular properties, but also by the number of CP isoforms. For example, the organs which do not secrete CP, contain only one isoform of CP. The secreted form of CP was found to be tissue-nonspecific. The third molecular form of CP found in the liver has no counterparts in the other organs. Immunochemical analysis of mature forms of CP isolated from liver Golgi vesicles provided additional evidence in favour of molecular heterogeneity of CP secreted by the liver. The mechanism of production of multiple molecular forms of CP and their roles in copper metabolism are postulated.  相似文献   

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