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In addition to forward undulatory swimming, Gymnarchus niloticus can swim via undulations of the dorsal fin while the body axis remains straight; furthermore, it swims forward and backward in a similar way, which indicates that the undulation of the dorsal fin can simultaneously provide bidirectional propulsive and maneuvering forces with the help of the tail fin. A high-resolution Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) imaging camera system is used to record kinematics of steady swimming as well as maneuvering in G. niloticus. Based on experimental data, this paper discusses the kinematics (cruising speed, wave speed, cycle frequency, amplitude, lateral displacement) of forward as well as backward swimming and maneuvering. During forward swimming, the propulsive force is generated mainly by undulations of the dorsal fin while the body axis remains straight. The kinematic parameters (wave speed, wavelength, cycle frequency, amplitude) have statistically significant correlations with cruising speed. In addition, the yaw at the head is minimal during steady swimming. From experimental data, the maximal lateral displacement of head is not more than 1% of the body length, while the maximal lateral displacement of the whole body is not more than 5% of the body length. Another important feature is that G. niloticus swims backwards using an undulatory mechanism that resembles the forward undulatory swimming mechanism. In backward swimming, the increase of lateral displacement of the head is comparatively significant; the amplitude profiles of the propulsive wave along the dorsal fin are significantly different from those in forward swimming. When G. niloticus does fast maneuvering, its body is first bent into either a C shape or an S shape, then it is rapidly unwound in a travelling wave fashion. It rarely maneuvers without the help of the tail fin and body bending.  相似文献   

Gymnarchus niloticus, a typical freshwater fish, swims by undulations of a long-based dorsal fin aided by the two pectoral fins, while commonly it holds its body rigid and straight. The long flexible dorsal fin is the main propulsor of G niloticus; it has also considerable influence on the streamline profile. This paper proposes a CFD approach to validate that the natural arrangement of the propulsive dorsal fin is optimal. Using morphological data and a smoothness-keeping algorithm, the dorsal fin is ‘virtually' moved forward and backward with several displacements from the natural location. For each case, we reconstruct geometry, generate CFD grids, and calculate the pressure, viscous and total drag coefficients respectively. The results show that the pressure and total drag coefficients increase whether the dorsal fin is displaced forward or backward, and that greater displacement from its original position leads to greater pressure and total drag coefficients. This suggests that the natural position of the dorsal fin is significant for maintaining the fish's streamline profile and reducing drag.  相似文献   

花椰菜自交系主要形态性状的主成分分析和聚类分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对54个花椰菜自交系材料进行主成分分析和聚类分析研究,以期为花椰菜育种中亲本选配提供帮助。结果表明:在主成分分析中,选取方差累积贡献率为70.024%的前6个主成分来评价花椰菜自交系资源;现球期、采收期、叶长、叶宽、株高、花球纵径、花球横径、球重、球形、球紧实度、叶色、蜡粉、内叶数、始花期和株幅是花椰菜亲本选择的主要形态指标。进一步通过系统聚类,将54个花椰菜自交系分为3类:第Ⅰ类表现为早熟、株幅小、叶片狭窄、蜡粉较少、球重和紧实度中等;第Ⅱ类表现为中熟、株幅中等、叶片灰绿、蜡粉较厚和花球半圆紧实且重;第Ⅲ类表现为晚熟、株幅大、株形高、叶片宽阔、蜡粉中等和花球扁圆。3个类群自交系性状之间的差异较为明显,有利于杂交育种亲本材料的选择。  相似文献   

洞庭青鲫形态性状遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为查明洞庭青鲫(Carassius auratusTungting)原种亲本种质的纯度,进行亲本、子一代之间形态学性状遗传传递规律的分析,测定了从北民湖引入的洞庭青鲫原种亲本27尾和子一代32尾,对其7项可比性状和可数性状进行统计分析,计算出各性状的均值、标准差、变异系数。对亲子之间各性状的综合差异性进行卡方检测。结果表明:亲子之间各性状的均值比较接近但子代比亲本平均多一片侧线鳞;各性状的变异系数,亲本和子代接近,且子代多数性状的变异系数小于亲本;卡方值为0.0172,说明亲子之间各性状的综合评定无显著差异。洞庭青鲫亲子间各性状统计分析说明,子一代不仅没有性状分离现象,而且基因有进一步纯化的趋势。由此推论:北民湖洞庭青鲫原种种群的纯度较高。  相似文献   

对16个供试弯孢分离株根据其分生孢子的形态进行分类,其中12个为新月弯孢(Curvularia luna-ta),其余4个是画眉草弯孢(C.eragrostidis)。对这些分离株基因组DNA进行RAPD分析发现,一些分属于两种不同弯孢菌的分离株间比同种弯孢的分离株间具有更近的遗传距离,即具有更近的亲缘关系。因此,根据弯孢菌的形态分类和利用RAPD标记的分类结果存在不一致现象。  相似文献   

硒是人体必需的微量元素之一,具有抗肿瘤、防衰老、防辐射和增强机体免疫力等多种功能。近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,各种各样的富硒产品及富硒保健品走进了我们的生活,硒的形态测定越来越受到人们广泛的关注。本文对目前主要检测硒形态的两种方法—原子荧光法(AFS)和电感耦合等离子质体谱法(ICP-MS)在食品、水果蔬菜、富硒保健品、生物样品等方面的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Summary To evaluate the role of competition in structuring communities, we conducted morphological analyses on the surviving species of passerine birds that were successfully introduced to the Hawaiian islands. Forty-nine species have been introduced a total of 111 times to five of the six main islands. There have been 33 extinctions. Our analyses were done at two separate organizational levels: all species introduced to an island; and all forest-dwelling species. If competition determines which species can coexist, and the intensity of competition is correlated with morphological similarity, then the surviving species should be overdispersed in morphological space. Further, sets of surviving species that coexist should be regularly positioned in morphological space. At the island-wide organizational level, the surviving species were neither overdispersed nor regularly positioned in morphological space. However, at the forest-wide level the surviving species were not only highly overdispersed, they were also regularly positioned when compared to randomly assembled communities.  相似文献   

Laelapinae mites are involved in transmission of microbial diseases between wildlife and humans, with an impact on public health. In this study, 5 mite members in the subfamily Laelapinae (laelapin mites; LM) were morphologically identified by light microscopy, and the phylogenetic relationship of LM was analyzed in combination with the sequence information of part of the LM cytochrome oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene. The morphological identification revealed that 5 mites belonged to the genera Laelaps and Haemolaelaps, respectively. Sequence analysis showed that the ratio of non-synonymous mutation rate to synonymous mutation rate of LM was less than 1, indicating that the LM cox1 gene had undergone purifying selection. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Laelapinae is a monophyletic group. The genera Haemolaelaps and Hyperlaelaps did not separated into distinct clades but clustered together with species of the genus Laelaps. Our morphological and molecular analyses to describe the phylogenetic relationships among different genera and species of Laelapinae provide a reference for the improvement and revision of the LM taxonomy system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Several domains of large subunit rRNA from nine trichomonad species have been sequenced. Molecular phylogenies obtained with parsimony and distance methods demonstrate the trichomonads are a monophyletic group which branches very early in the eukaryotic tree. the topology of the trees is in general agreement with traditional views on evolutionary and systematic relationships of trichomonads. A clear dichotomy is noted between the subfamily Trichomonadinae and the subfamily Tritrichomonadinae. In the latter subfamily, a second division separates the " Tritrichomonas muris -type" species from the " Tritrichomonas augusta -type" ones. Previous evolutionary schemes in which the Monocercomonadidae were regarded as the most "primitive" and the Trichomonadidae as more "evolved" are not in agreement with our molecular data. the emergence of Monocercomonas and Hypotrichomonas at the base of the Tritrichomonas lineage suggests a secondary loss of some cytoskeletal structures, the costa and undulating membrane in these genera. This is corroborated by the early branching position of Trichomitus. which possesses a costa and an undulating membrane and has usually been placed among the Trichomonadidae on the basis of cytological characters. A cladistic analysis was applied to the available morphological characters in order to produce a hierarchical grouping of the taxa reflecting their morphological diversity. Supplementary key words. Evolution, molecular phylogeny, morphological cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

利用低能氩离子作为诱变源诱变拟南芥种子,选用诱变剂量为1.5×1017ions/cm2,30 keV的能量。在其M2群体中根据有无果荚及其果荚是否异常,筛选出tc243不育突变体。用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下观察拟南芥部分雄性不育材料小孢子发育过程和各时期的花形态特征,分析雄性不育的原因。从花表型上分析导致雄性不育的原因有三个方面:(1)柱头伸长过快;(2)花药生长过慢;(3)花药开裂晚。从小孢子发生的细胞形态学观察表明花粉败育主要发生在小孢子四分体时期,此时绒毡层正常,小部分四分体正常,大部分四分体外面的的胼胝体过早降解释放游离小孢子,此时的绒毡层还没解体不能提供小孢子发育所需要的营养物质,使过早释放的小孢子不能正常发育,导致最后形成大量没有活力的花粉粒。  相似文献   

广东省柑橘炭疽病病原菌的形态与分子鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
炭疽病是柑橘的主要真菌性病害之一。2007年春,广东省德庆县名优柑橘品种贡柑炭疽病暴发流行。为了明确该县及广东省其他地区柑橘炭疽病菌的种类,为防治提供依据,对采集自广东省6个地区柑橘属10个栽培品种上的炭疽病样本进行病原菌分离,共获得柑橘炭疽病菌单孢菌株75株,对其中10株代表性的菌株进行了种类鉴定。通过培养性状和形态学特征观测、核糖体DNA(rDNA)内转录间区(ITS)序列分析、ITS区特异性引物PCR检测和系统发育关系比较等方面的研究,结果表明:10个柑橘炭疽病菌菌株均为盘长孢状刺盘孢Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,未发现国际上其他国家报道的严重危害柑橘花器和幼果部位的柑橘花后落果病病原菌——尖刺盘孢C.acutatum。  相似文献   

濒危植物夏蜡梅花的形态变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
顾婧婧  金则新  熊能 《植物研究》2010,30(4):461-467
研究了不同地理位置的3个夏蜡梅自然种群间以及种群内花部形态变异,并对3个种群进行聚类分析。结果表明:夏蜡梅花部表型性状在种群间和种群内都存在一定程度的变异;各性状总的平均变异系数在6.293(内瓣长)~46.90(花柄长)之间,种群间总的平均变异系数在13.430(DMS)~15.720 8(DLS),因此认为夏蜡梅花的表型性状无论是在物种水平还是在种群水平都具有较丰富的表型多样性,其中又以大雷山种群最高;单因素方差分析显示:部分指标分化显著或极显著,13个指标在种群内的变异占了总变异的82.9%,这说明夏蜡梅种群内变异是表型变异的主要来源,由此可以推测遗传上的多样性是形成夏蜡梅花部形态变异的主导因素;种群间平均变异组分占了17.1%,表明花部形态在种群间存在一定程度的表型分化;聚类分析显示距离较近的大明山种群和龙须山种群先聚在一起,表型差异与地理距离之间存在显著正相关,经分析认为微生境的异质性和种群隔离以及遗传漂变均可能导致夏蜡梅种群间的表型分化;相关性分析显示部分性状之间存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   

葱属植物棱叶薤的形态性状与核型特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新疆不同地理位置分布的葱属植物棱叶薤的形态性状以及核型特征进行了研究,结果表明:鳞茎、株型、叶形等43个形态性状在3个棱叶薤居群之间不存在差异,而株芽、叶色、叶长、单株叶片数、小花数目、花序高度、花葶长度等19个性状在3个棱叶薤居群之间存在显著或极显著差异。采集自乌鲁木齐红旗水库居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=2x=16=12m+4sm;塔城阿西尔乡巴尔鲁克山居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=3x=24=18m+3sm+3st;裕民巴旦杏保护区居群的棱叶薤的核型公式是2n=4x=32=28m(4SAT)﹢4sm。棱叶薤居群内形态性状和倍性稳定,居群间存在形态性状分化,同时还存在二倍体、三倍体、四倍体的倍性分化。居群间染色体结构组成和相对长度组成也存在差异。核型类型均为2A型。  相似文献   

Ten measurements, taken from each of 700 shells or four biologically distinct shallow marine gastropod species, were used to define the appropriate phenotypes in multidimensional space. Canonical discriminant analysis was performed on the data and a set of allocatory rules was derived. These allocatory rules, derived from extant specimens, were than applied to 644 fossil specimens of three of these biological species. Fossil individuals occupy the appropriate phenotypic space as defined by their modern descendants. The variation of fossil sample means about the modern means is illustrated. This variation is in the form of oscillations around the modern mean values and is correlated with climate. The distinction between taxonomic and biological species is discussed. The results of a number of previous studies are re-examined in the light of this discussion. It is argued that biological groupings can only be reliably determined when the appropriate data are available for extant organisms. Extant organisms, which have good fossil records, should therefore from the basis of paleontological evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

对内蒙古中东部草原分布的克氏针茅进行了种群内和种群间的形态差异分析。结果表明:(1)种群内不同的形态性状存在不同程度的差异;(2)种群间生殖枝中的一部分形态性状以及营养枝高度和营养枝干重均存在较大差异;(3)每穗小花数、每穗籽粒数、每穗小穗数、生殖枝高、穗干重、生殖枝干重、每穗种子重、种子重/生殖枝重比等性状的变化趋势相同,均表现为随生境条件变差而增加,即在生殖上投入增加以增大适合度;(4)主成分分析表明穗长、种子重/生殖枝重比、每穗小花数、每穗籽粒数、生殖枝高、基盘长、第二芒柱长、营养枝高、千粒重、芒针长是不同种群差异的主要指标。这些形态性状的差异可以看作克氏针茅对不同生境的适应性表现。  相似文献   

通过测定、计算获得40个切花菊品种叶片的6个定性分级性状及叶片的长宽比、尖削度、裂片长宽比、裂片开张度等14个叶形结构参数。以6个定性分级性状为变量,用聚类法选取叶形相似性大的18个切花菊品种,通过多元判别分析法对18个品种叶片的形态结构参数进行数值化鉴别。结果表明,18个叶形相似的品种多元判别的平均拟合率为88.28%,达到了判别品种的目的。说明根据叶形的测量数据能对切花菊品种进行有效鉴别。  相似文献   

扁蓿豆不同分布区野生居群形态多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合数量统计分析对扁蓿豆14个居群的14项形态特征进行了研究,结果表明:除叶长、荚果长、荚果宽、荚果形状、种子长和千粒重以外,其余形态性状在居群间或居群内都表现显著差异;以14个形态性状为基础的聚类分析将所研究的14个居群分为4类;主成分分析结果显示株高、叶面积、花序结荚数、花序种子数和种子宽等5个性状是造成扁蓿豆表型差异的主要因素.  相似文献   

三种养殖模式下日本鳗鲡养成品的形质差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随机选取池塘专养(M1)、日本沼虾套养(M2)以及水库放养(M3)3种养殖模式下培育的肛长为(25.91±3.26) cm的日本鳗鲡作为研究材料,比较了不同养殖模式下日本鳗鲡的形质指标,并采用聚类分析、主成分分析和判别分析等方法研究了3种养殖模式日本鳗鲡养成品的差异.结果表明:在所涉21项生物学指标和23项形质评价指数中,M1与M2之间具显著差异的分别为15项和14项,M1与M3之间具显著差异的分别为19项和18项,M2与M3之间具显著差异的分别为11项和8项;M1-M2、M1-M3、M2-M3之间的欧氏距离依次为1.433、3.516和2.167,均具显著差异;经主成分分析,提取到的5个特征值均大于1的主成分,累计贡献率达82.1%,其中第1主成分和第2主成分依次为与体型相关的肥瘦因子和与摄食行为相关的运动因子,后3个主成分为与营养状况有关的消化吸收因子,仅通过第1主成分便可较清晰地将3种养殖模式试验对象分开;采用逐步判别法,以判别贡献率较大的体宽/肛长、体长/肛长、净体积系数、鳔体积系数和肝系数为自变量,所建Fisher分类函数方程组可清晰区分3种模式的养殖群体,其判别准确率和综合判别准确率均为100%.  相似文献   

濒危植物缙云卫矛果实、种子形态分化研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对缙云卫矛7个天然种群的果实、种子形态进行研究,测量果实和种子的数量、长度、宽度、重量等22项形态学指标。结果显示:果实、种子的形态性状在种群内和种群间均存在一定程度的变异,种群间变异系数平均值从0.750(种子数/序)到0.062(种子整体形态,长/宽),相比之下种子整体形态最为稳定。在种群水平上,果实、种子的形态性状有一定程度的分化,但不与种群间的地理距离远近相关联。形态分化与环境因子的灰色关联度分析表明,在所研究的环境因子中,没有发现一单一因子对其形态分化起绝对主导作用,不同环境因子对同一性状所起作用不同,且同一环境因子对不同性状的影响效应也有差异。潜在的主导因子是土壤中的全钾含量、土壤厚度以及土壤pH。  相似文献   

水稻抗旱性鉴定的形态指标   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
随着全球水资源的日益匮乏和旱灾的日趋严重,水资源短缺正成为制约我国农业发展的重要因素。培育抗旱栽培稻品种并实现水稻旱种,不但可较大程度地节约水资源,且有利于稳产增产、节约能源和减少环境污染,故栽培稻抗旱性研究作为稻作科学研究的重要课题显得愈来愈重要。水稻抗旱性机制较为复杂,国内外学者提出了一系列与抗旱性有关的形态、发育、生理与生化等的鉴定方法与指标,且有的已利用分子标记对一些指标进行了基因定位;但因大多数指标与产量的关系尚不甚清楚,致使有些指标在抗旱性研究中的应用价值受到质疑。本研究以旱作和淹水试验为处理,采用模糊隶属函数分析,以穗颈节粗为指标进行水稻抗旱性的单因子间接评定和以穗颈节粗、单本株有效穗、实粒数/穗、谷粒宽或结实率为指标进行水稻抗旱性的综合间接评定。以认同的采用产量抗旱系数(旱作下产量与淹水下产量之比)为鉴定指标的直接评定为依据,对上述两种间接评定的结果进行判别分析,从而验证试验中被采用指标和方法的准确性和可靠性。结果表明,以旱作穗颈节粗为指标的水稻抗旱性单一间接评定与以产量抗旱系数为指标的水稻抗旱性直接评定的吻合度为88.2%~100.0%,达极显著水平,即穗颈节粗可作为水稻抗旱性鉴定与评价的单一间接评定指标;且吻合度随品种类型而变,其中以籼型杂交稻的评定为最高(100.0%),其次是常规籼稻(91.7%),常规粳稻稍低(88.2%)。以旱作多个抗旱性状为指标的综合间接评定与以产量抗旱系数为指标的水稻抗旱性直接评定的吻合度均达100%,即穗颈节粗、单本株有效穗、实粒数/穗、谷粒宽和结实率可作为水稻抗旱性鉴定与评价的综合间接评定指标,且与品种类型无关。因此,旱作条件下,以穗颈节粗为指标的水稻抗旱性单一间接评定和以穗颈节粗、单本株有效穗、实粒数/穗、谷粒宽和结实率为指标的综合间接评定均是非常客观、简便易行、准确可靠和易被育种者接受的评定指标和方法,可应用于生产实践。  相似文献   

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