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The purpose of this review article is to investigate the usefulness of different types of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies of electrified vehicles to provide robust and relevant stakeholder information. It presents synthesized conclusions based on 79 papers. Another objective is to search for explanations to divergence and “complexity” of results found by other overviewing papers in the research field, and to compile methodological learnings. The hypothesis was that such divergence could be explained by differences in goal and scope definitions of the reviewed LCA studies.


The review has set special attention to the goal and scope formulation of all included studies. First, completeness and clarity have been assessed in view of the ISO standard’s (ISO 2006a, b) recommendation for goal definition. Secondly, studies have been categorized based on technical and methodological scope, and searched for coherent conclusions.

Results and discussion

Comprehensive goal formulation according to the ISO standard (ISO 2006a, b) is absent in most reviewed studies. Few give any account of the time scope, indicating the temporal validity of results and conclusions. Furthermore, most studies focus on today’s electric vehicle technology, which is under strong development. Consequently, there is a lack of future time perspective, e.g., to advances in material processing, manufacturing of parts, and changes in electricity production. Nevertheless, robust assessment conclusions may still be identified. Most obvious is that electricity production is the main cause of environmental impact for externally chargeable vehicles. If, and only if, the charging electricity has very low emissions of fossil carbon, electric vehicles can reach their full potential in mitigating global warming. Consequently, it is surprising that almost no studies make this stipulation a main conclusion and try to convey it as a clear message to relevant stakeholders. Also, obtaining resources can be observed as a key area for future research. In mining, leakage of toxic substances from mine tailings has been highlighted. Efficient recycling, which is often assumed in LCA studies of electrified vehicles, may reduce demand for virgin resources and production energy. However, its realization remains a future challenge.


LCA studies with clearly stated purposes and time scope are key to stakeholder lessons and guidance. It is also necessary for quality assurance. LCA practitioners studying hybrid and electric vehicles are strongly recommended to provide comprehensive and clear goal and scope formulation in line with the ISO standard (ISO 2006a, b).  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of hybrid and electric vehicles—a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


A literature review is undertaken to understand how well existing studies of the environmental impacts of hybrid and electric vehicles (EV) address the full life cycle of these technologies. Results of studies are synthesized to compare the global warming potential (GWP) of different EV and internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) options. Other impacts are compared; however, data availability limits the extent to which this could be accomplished.


We define what should be included in a complete, state-of-the-art environmental assessment of hybrid and electric vehicles considering components and life cycle stages, emission categories, impact categories, and resource use and compare the content of 51 environmental assessments of hybrid and electric vehicles to our definition. Impact assessment results associated with full life cycle inventories (LCI) are compared for GWP as well as emissions of other pollutants. GWP results by life cycle stage and key parameters are extracted and used to perform a meta-analysis quantifying the impacts of vehicle options.


Few studies provide a full LCI for EVs together with assessment of multiple impacts. Research has focused on well to wheel studies comparing fossil fuel and electricity use as the use phase has been seen to dominate the life cycle of vehicles. Only very recently have studies begun to better address production impacts. Apart from batteries, very few studies provide transparent LCIs of other key EV drivetrain components. Estimates of EV energy use in the literature span a wide range, 0.10?C0.24?kWh/km. Similarly, battery and vehicle lifetime plays an important role in results, yet lifetime assumptions range between 150,000?C300,000?km. CO2 and GWP are the most frequently reported results. Compiled results suggest the GWP of EVs powered by coal electricity falls between small and large conventional vehicles while EVs powered by natural gas or low-carbon energy sources perform better than the most efficient ICEVs. EV results in regions dependant on coal electricity demonstrated a trend toward increased SO x emissions compared to fuel use by ICEVs.


Moving forward research should focus on providing consensus around a transparent inventory for production of electric vehicles, appropriate electricity grid mix assumptions, the implications of EV adoption on the existing grid, and means of comparing vehicle on the basis of common driving and charging patterns. Although EVs appear to demonstrate decreases in GWP compared to conventional ICEVs, high efficiency ICEVs and grid-independent hybrid electric vehicles perform better than EVs using coal-fired electricity.  相似文献   

Fish provide a wonderful opportunity to explore processes that shape and select cognitive ability. In this presentation, I will illustrate three aspects of work that my colleagues and I have used to investigate fish learning and memory over the last decade. First, I will discuss how comparing different populations sampled from contrasting habitats allows differences in cognitive ability to be related to the evolutionary ecology of the fish. I will use examples that have investigated how differences in learning ability between populations of the same species can arise. Here, the examples will be taken from the ubiquitous three‐spined stickleback, and a Panamanian poecilid, Brachyraphis .
The second approach has used fish cognition as a tool to quantify behaviour to enable assessment of different aspects of fish welfare. For example, the recent work investigating pain perception in trout required the use of a learning task to quantify how fish behaviour was modified after noxious stimulation. Ways in which these, and similar, processes can be used in future studies of fish welfare will be discussed.
The final part of the presentation will consider recent work that addresses the problems of releasing hatchery‐reared fish for restocking purposes. Although a common practice, most of the hatchery‐reared fish die shortly after they are released. Much of the observed mortality apparently stems from the fishes' inexperience with a variable environment. Experiments with juvenile cod and brown trout suggest that both age, and the early rearing environment, have profound effects on fish learning and behaviour. I will discuss how simple modifications to current rearing practices may have large beneficial effects on the post‐release survival of hatchery‐reared fish.  相似文献   

The plant plasma membrane contains redox proteins able to mediate a trans-membrane electron flow. This electron flow might be responsible for the generation of the active oxygen species observed as a reaction to pathogen attack or stress. Vitamin K1 could be identified as a possible lipid soluble electron carrier in plant plasma membrane preparations. Such a function would be analogous to coenzyme Q in animal plasma membranes. What we are going to outline in this contribution is a concept of how the electron transport system of the plant plasma membrane could interact with quinones, thus contributing to the metabolism of free radicals in plants.  相似文献   

Gene-by-gene and traditional biochemical approaches continue to reveal surprising molecular features in the archaeal domain. In addition, the complete sequencing of several archaeal genomes has further confirmed the phenotypic coherence of these micro-organisms at the molecular level. Nevertheless, the phylogeny of Archaea and the nature of the last universal common ancestor are still matters for debate.  相似文献   

How our brain is wired and subsequently generates functional output, ranging from sensing and locomotion to emotion, decision-making and learning and memory, remains poorly understood. Dys-regulation of these processes can lead to neurodegenerative, as well as neuro-psychiatric, disorders. Molecular genetic together with behavioral analyses in model organisms identify genes involved in the formation of neuronal circuits, the execution of behavior and mechanisms involved in neuro-pathogenesis. In this review I will discuss the current progress and future potential for study in a newly established vertebrate model organism for genetics, the zebrafish Danio rerio . Where available, schemes and results of genetic screens will be reviewed concerning the sensory, motor and neuromodulatory monoamine systems. Genetic analyses in zebrafish have the potential to provide important insights into the relationship between genes, neuronal circuits and behavior in normal as well as diseased states.  相似文献   

Formation of the vertebrate skeleton and the proper functions of bony and cartilaginous elements are determined by extracellular, cell surface and intracellular molecules. Genetic and biochemical analyses of human heritable skeletal disorders as well as the generation of knockout mice provide useful tools to identify the key players of mammalian skeletogenesis. This review summarises our recent work with transgenic animals carrying ablated genes for cartilage extracellular matrix proteins. Some of these mice exhibit a lethal phenotype associated with severe skeletal defects (type II collagen-null, perlecan-null), whereas others show mild (type IX collagen-null) or no skeletal abnormalities (matrilin-1-null, fibromodulin-null, tenascin-C-null). The appropriate human genetic disorders are discussed and contrasted with the knockout mice phenotypes.  相似文献   

Climate change can affect plant–pollinator interactions in a variety of ways, but much of the research attention has focused on whether independent shifts in phenology will alter temporal overlap between plants and pollinators. Here I review the research on plant–pollinator mismatch, assessing the potential for observational and experimental approaches to address particular aspects of the problem. Recent, primarily observational studies suggest that phenologies of co‐occurring plants and pollinators tend to respond similarly to environmental cues, but that nevertheless, certain pairs of interacting species are showing independent shifts in phenology. Only in a few cases, however, have these independent shifts been shown to affect population vital rates (specifically, seed production by plants) but this largely reflects a lack of research. Compared to the few long‐term studies of pollination in natural plant populations, experimental manipulations of phenology have yielded relatively optimistic conclusions about effects of phenological shifts on plant reproduction, and I discuss how issues of scale and frequency‐dependence in pollinator behaviour affect the interpretation of these ‘temporal transplant’ experiments. Comparable research on the impacts of mismatch on pollinator populations is so far lacking, but both observational studies and focused experiments have the potential to improve our forecasts of pollinator responses to changing phenologies. Finally, while there is now evidence that plant–pollinator mismatch can affect seed production by plants, it is still unclear whether this phenological impact will be the primary way in which climate change affects plant–pollinator interactions. It would be useful to test the direct effects of changing climate on pollinator population persistence, and to compare the importance of phenological mismatch with other threats to pollination.  相似文献   

Kaufman JS  Cooper RS 《Aging cell》2008,7(4):448-450
The advent of molecular technology that can be applied across large population samples has added – rather than reduced – complexity in the analysis of the intertwined effects of social history and heritable factors on health outcomes. The report by Hunt et al . in this issue of Aging Cell provides an example of the promises and dilemmas associated with this increased complexity.  相似文献   



This article introduces the special issue “LCA of nutrition and food consumption” and 14 papers selected from the Ninth LCA Food Conference in San Francisco in October 2014.

Literature overview

The scientific literature in the field of food LCA has increased more than ten times during the last 15 years. Nutrition has a high contribution to the total environmental impacts of consumption. Agricultural production often dominates the impacts, but its importance depends on the type of product, its production mode, transport, and processing. Local or domestic products reduce transports, but this advantage can be lost if the impacts of the raw material production are substantially increased. Diets containing less meat tend to be more environmentally friendly. Several studies concluded that respecting the dietary recommendations for a healthy diet would reduce the overall environmental impacts in the developed countries, although this is not a universal conclusion.

Contribution of this special issue

Eight papers analyze the environmental impacts of catering and in-house food consumption and impacts on sectoral and national levels; four papers presents tools and methods to better assess the impacts of nutrition and to implement the results in practical decision-making. Finally, two contributions analyze the impacts of food waste and reduction options.

Challenges for the environmental assessment of nutrition

(i) Comprehensive assessment. Most studies only analyze climate impacts, although data, methods, and tools are readily available for a more comprehensive analysis. (ii) Assessment of sustainability. The social dimension remains the weakest pillar. (iii) Data availability is still an obstacle, but significant progress has been made in recent years. (iv) Lack of harmonization of methodologies makes comparisons among studies difficult. (v) Land use. Enhanced consideration of land use impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services is required in LCA. (vi) Defining the functional unit including nutritional aspects, food security, and health needs further work. (vii) Consumer behavior. Its impacts are still little assessed. (viii) Communication of the environmental impact assessment results to stakeholders including policy-makers and consumers needs additional efforts.

Research needs and outlook

(i) Development of holistic approaches for the assessment of sustainable food systems, (ii) assessment of land use related impacts and inclusion of ecosystem services, (iii) exploration of LCA results for policy support and decision-making, (iv) investigation of food consumption patterns in developing and emerging countries, and (v) harmonization of databases.

Intracellular pathogens can manipulate host cellular pathways to create specialized organelles. These pathogen-modified vacuoles permit the survival and replication of bacterial and protozoan microorganisms inside of the host cell. By establishing an atypical organelle, intracellular pathogens present unique challenges to the host immune system. To understand pathogenesis, it is important to not only investigate how these organisms create unique subcellular compartments, but to also determine how mammalian immune systems have evolved to detect and respond to pathogens sequestered in specialized vacuoles. Recent studies have identified genes in the respiratory pathogen Legionella pneumophila that are essential for establishing a unique endoplasmic reticulum-derived organelle inside of mammalian macrophages, making this pathogen an attractive model system for investigations on host immune responses that are specific for bacteria that establish vacuoles disconnected from the endocytic pathway. This review will focus on the host immune response to Legionella and highlight areas of Legionella research that should help elucidate host strategies to combat infections by intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Porifera represent one of the only two recent nerveless and muscleless metazoan phyla. Nevertheless, sponges provide behavioral, physiological, pharmacological, morphological, and, more recently, an increasing amount of genetic evidence for a paracrine pre-nervous integration system. Although this system might be derived, it allows us to draw conclusions, on the basis of comparative data, about the origin of the nervous system sensu stricto as found in the eumetazoan phyla. The goal of the present review is to compile recent evidence on the sponge integration systems. Based on this framework, new light is also shed on the evolutionary origin of the eumetazoan synaptic nervous systems, which can be regarded to form an evolutionary biochemical continuum with the paracrine signaling system in sponges. Thus, we can assume that the evolutionary transition from a paracrine-dominated, pre-nervous system to an electrochemically dominated, primordial nervous system resulted in part from compartmentalization effects. As intermediate evolutionary stages, regionalized synapse precursor areas might have occurred within pre-nervous cells, which foreshadowed the highly organized synaptic scaffolds present in recent nerve cells of the Eumetazoa.  相似文献   

Decades of research on human fertility has presented a clear picture of how fertility varies, including its dramatic decline over the last two centuries in most parts of the world. Why fertility varies, both between and within populations, is not nearly so well understood. Fertility is a complex phenomenon, partly physiologically and partly behaviourally determined, thus an interdisciplinary approach is required to understand it. Evolutionary demographers have focused on human fertility since the 1980s. The first wave of evolutionary demographic research made major theoretical and empirical advances, investigating variation in fertility primarily in terms of fitness maximization. Research focused particularly on variation within high-fertility populations and small-scale subsistence societies and also yielded a number of hypotheses for why fitness maximization seems to break down as fertility declines during the demographic transition. A second wave of evolutionary demography research on fertility is now underway, paying much more attention to the cultural and psychological mechanisms underpinning fertility. It is also engaging with the complex, multi-causal nature of fertility variation, and with understanding fertility in complex modern and transitioning societies. Here, we summarize the history of evolutionary demographic work on human fertility, describe the current state of the field, and suggest future directions.  相似文献   

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