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An immunologic approach to the understanding of the physiologic disposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M Weiner 《Life sciences》1973,13(11):1473-1481



Pulmonary fibrosis is a progressive disease with only few treatment options available at the moment. Recently, the nucleoside uridine has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects in different animal models, e.g. in acute lung injury or bronchial asthma.


Therefore, we investigated the influence of uridine supplementation on inflammation and fibrosis in the classical bleomycin model. Male C57BL/6 mice received an intratracheal injection of bleomycin on day 0 and were treated intraperitoneally with uridine or vehicle. The degree of inflammation and fibrosis was assessed at different time points.


Uridine administration resulted in attenuated inflammation, as demonstrated by reduced leukocytes and pro-inflammatory cytokines in the broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid. Furthermore, collagen deposition in the lung interstitium was also reduced by uridine supplementation. Similar results were obtained in a model in which animals received repeated intraperitoneal bleomycin injections. In addition uridine inhibited collagen and TGF-ß synthesis by primary lung fibroblasts, the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by human lung epithelial cells, as well as the production of reactive oxygen species by human neutrophils.


In summary, we were able to show that uridine has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic properties. As uridine supplementation has been shown to be well tolerated and safe in humans, this might be a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of fibrotic lung diseases.  相似文献   

Large radiation doses to the lung can cause early death from cardiopulmonary insufficiency resulting from radiation pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis. A model for early death following inhalation of insoluble radioactive particles is propose. The model is based on three assumptions: (1) early death results from damage to a cluster of cells from a large number of cell clusters at risk, (2) the dose that causes early death depends on how the radiation is delivered in time and (3) the cell clusters at risk to damage are equally sensitive ro radiation. Results from asymptotic theory of extreme values, along with biophysical considerations, suggest that the cumultive distribution function for the absorbed radiation dose to the production of pulmonary injury sufficient to cause early death is best estimated by the third asymptotic distribution without a threshold. This distribution function is identical to the Weibull cumulative distribution function. Data for Beagle dogs after inhaling relatively insoluble forms of alpha- or beta-gamma-emitting particles are shown to support the Weibull model.  相似文献   

The authors suggest a simple method of obtaining erythrocytic antigen in considerable amounts. This antigen is of stromal origin, contains from 10 to 20% protein, and is relatively homogenous. With the concentration of from 1 to 50 microgram by protein the preparation represents a transparent solution; with greater concentrations the antigen is white, turbid, but is well dissolved and convenient for administration to the animals. In case of a single administration without any adjuvants the antigen is highly immunogenic in low doses by protein. To the optimal immunizing dose of erythrocytes (5 X 10(8)) correspond about 100 microgram of the antigen by protein. The primary response to the antigen is similar to the response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). It is exceedingly effective for the formation of immunological memory. The level of secondary responses in the adoptive transfer to all the EAG doses always exceeded the secondary response to SRBC. By adding EAG into agar during the local hemolysis in gel test determined the avidity of the antibodies synthesized at various periods of the immune response to SRBC.  相似文献   

Oxygen-derived free radicals produced by phagocytes have been postulated to contribute to lung tissue damage occurring during diffuse lung diseases (DLD). The two-dimensional electrophoretic (2-DE) analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) protein composition revealed different protein profiles in sarcoidosis (S), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and systemic sclerosis (SSc) with a significant increase of low molecular weight proteins in IPF. Some of these proteins are involved in antioxidant processes. The aims of this report were to analyse the oxidative stress occurring in patients with DLD through determination of BAL protein carbonyl content and to identify target proteins of oxidation by a proteomic approach (2-DE combined with immunoblotting with specific antibodies for carbonyl groups). Carbonylated proteins detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were increased in BAL of patients with S, IPF and SSc compared to healthy controls with a significant difference for S and IPF. The proteomic approach to the analysis of BAL revealed that protein carbonylation was a process involving specific carbonylation-sensitive proteins and that in IPF a greater number of proteins target of oxidation were present. In conclusion, to our knowledge, this is the first report providing a database of proteins target of oxidation in BAL of patients with sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and systemic sclerosis.  相似文献   

Rats fed a carbonyl iron-supplemented diet for 4-15 months were studied for iron content and morphologic changes in the liver, spleen, intestinal mucosa, pancreas and heart. All organs had an increased iron content measured by atomic absorption, with the highest concentrations in the liver and spleen. The periportal distribution of stored iron in the liver was similar to that in human hemochromatosis. In animals treated beyond 6 months Kupffer cells and sinusoidal lining cells also showed cytosiderosis. Electron microscopy provided information on ferritin and hemosiderin content and distribution within parenchymal and sinusoidal cells of the liver but no excessive fibrosis was found. Except for the spleen, the other organs showed less iron deposition. Iron-filled lysosomes (siderosomes) were found in macrophages in the intestinal lamina propria and pancreas, as well as in enterocytes, pancreatic acinar cells and heart muscle cells. Heavily iron-laden siderosomes had increased membrane instability which was demonstrated both morphologically and by measurements of latent lysosomal enzyme activities. Even though cirrhosis was not found, the distribution pattern of accumulated storage iron and lysosomal lability indicated that the carbonyl iron-fed rat is a suitable experimental model for human hemochromatosis.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae O1, biotype El Tor, accumulates inorganic polyphosphate (poly P) principally as large clusters of granules. Poly P kinase (PPK), the enzyme that synthesizes poly P from ATP, is encoded by the ppk gene, which has been cloned from V. cholerae, overexpressed, and knocked out by insertion-deletion mutagenesis. The predicted amino acid sequence of PPK is 701 residues (81.6 kDa), with 64% identity to that of Escherichia coli, which it resembles biochemically. As in E. coli, ppk is part of an operon with ppx, the gene that encodes exopolyphosphatase (PPX). However, unlike in E. coli, PPX activity was not detected in cell extracts of wild-type V. cholerae. The ppk null mutant of V. cholerae has diminished adaptation to high concentrations of calcium in the medium as well as motility and abiotic surface attachment.  相似文献   

Forty-seven birds (M/F = 33/14) with natural outbreak dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) of right ventricle (RV) and 33 birds with artificially cool-induced DCM hearts were studied. Clinically, 20 severe and 13 mild DCM cases were induced during five weeks and the peak morbidity was in the 2nd week. The progressive dilatation of RV and hypokinesis of septum was shown by echocardiography. At autopsy, the ratio of heart weights to the body weights was increased, the ratio of RV weight to the total ventricle significantly increased, especially in the severe DCM cases (P < 0.05). The RV was dilated and the wall thickness was increased and finally both RV and left ventricle (LV) were markedly dilated and the septum became thinner. The struts, weave and coil demonstrated by silver impregnation stain were fragmented, dissociated and overstretched. The promatrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-2, -9 and active MMP-2 were markedly increased in natural outbreak DCM cases, especially in the RV (P < 0.05). The proMMP-2 and active MMP-2 was increased in the cool induced DCM cases, especially in the RV of severe DCM (P < 0.05). These indicated that both the natural outbreak and the artificially induced DCM of broiler chickens are ideal DCM animal models.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of binding and internalization of 125I-platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) demonstrate that up to 15% of membrane-associated radioactivity is internalized within 2 minutes after warming to 37 degrees C in a variety of cell types. The T 1/2 for internalization is approximately 20 minutes. The T 1/2 for the subsequent appearance of degradation products in the culture medium is between 60-90 minutes following initiation of internalization. Internalization and lysosomal association of 125I-PDGF were confirmed by EM autoradiography. Quantitative studies using PDGF adsorbed to colloidal gold (gold-PDGF) demonstrate that 17% of the cell-associated sites are along coated regions of the plasma membrane (1.0 sites/micron), while 82% are associated with noncoated membrane (0.2 sites/micron). There is a significant redistribution of the gold-PDGF complexes upon warming. Within 1-2 minutes at 37 degrees C, gold particles are found within endocytic vesicles, endosomes (0.09-0.3 micron diameter), and lysosomes (greater than 0.2 micron diameter). At this time the vesicle/endosome compartment comprises 15% of the total sites and contains 0.9 sites per micron2 of surface area. The lysosomes account for 8% of the total sites and contain 0.8 sites per micron2 of surface area. Simultaneously, there is an increase in the number of gold-PDGF binding sites within coated-pits (1.6 sites/micron, 18% of the total sites) and a decrease along noncoated regions of the membrane (0.11 sites/micron, 58% of the total sites). After 15 minutes at 37 degrees C, 26% of the total sites (1.4 sites/micron2) are highly concentrated within lysosomes, while sites in the vesicle/endosome compartment remain constant. At the same time, binding sites within coated pits decrease substantially (0.5 sites/micron, 4% of the total sites), while the number of sites along noncoated regions of the membrane remain constant. Gold-PDGF was not observed associated with the Golgi complex at any time up to 120 minutes following warming. We conclude that gold-PDGF is processed via both receptor-mediated and nonspecific endocytosis and follows an intracellular pathway comparable to that followed by some other protein ligands.  相似文献   

This work describes the metabonomic study of a biochemical modification in vivo induced by high dose of hydrocortisone, which led to a unique pathologic condition similar to the 'kidney deficiency syndromes', an early stage of obesity and diabetes in traditional Chinese medicine. The methodology of the metabonomic approach consisted of GC/MS and multivariate statistical technique for the establishment of urine metabolic patterns of the treatment rats. In the study, 24-h urine was collected pre-dose and at days 1, 3, 7, and 10 post-dose after rats were injected with hydrocortisone at 1.5 mg/100 g. The acquired data were transferred into Matlab to be processed using principal components analysis (PCA). The results indicated that clear and consistent biochemical changes following hydrocortisone intervention under controlled conditions could be identified using chemometric analysis. The work suggests that this metabonomic approach could be used as a potentially powerful tool to investigate the biochemical changes of certain physiopathologic conditions such as metabolic syndrome, as an early diagnostic means.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the type of immune response (Th1, Th2) and protein composition of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of patients with sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Flow cytometry analysis of intracellular cytokines revealed different patterns: in IPF and SSc Th2 profiles were predominant, whereas in sarcoidosis Th1 prevailed. The proteomic analysis of BAL fluid (BALF) showed that there were quantitative differences between the three diseases. These were more evident between sarcoidosis and IPF, confirming our previous observations, whereas SSc had an intermediate profile between the two, however with some peculiarities. Comparison of BALF protein maps, constructed with the same quantity of total proteins, enabled us to identify the main profiles of the three diseases: an increase in plasma protein prevalent in sarcoidosis and also present in SSc, though for fewer proteins with respect to IPF and a greater abundance of low molecular weight proteins, mainly locally produced, in IPF. These findings are in line with the different pathogenesis of these diseases: IPF is considered a prevalently fibrotic disorder limited to the lung, with intense local production of functionally different proteins, whereas sarcoidosis and SSc are systemic immunoinflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

The conidiospore of Curvularia geniculata was observed in the bronchial washings of a patient who subsequently developed pulmonary aspergillosis. Curvularia geniculata was grown in culture and used in experiments in mice to explore its possible role as a disease causing agent. The fungus, after intraperitoneal injection, produced granulomas in the liver and spleen. Studies on the pathogenicity of this fungus in mice produced similar lesions to those observed in the human case. A comparison of the lesions in the patient's lung and in the animal experimental model is presented.  相似文献   

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