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During differentiation of isolated Zinnia mesophyll cells into tracheary elements (TEs), lignification on TEs progresses by supply of monolignols not only from TEs themselves but also from surrounding xylem parenchyma-like cells through the culture medium. However, how lignin polymerizes from the secreted monolignols has not been resolved. In this study, we analyzed phenol compounds in culture medium with reversed-phase HPLC, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, and found 12 phenolic compounds including coniferyl alcohol and four dilignols, i.e. erythro-guaiacylglycerol-beta-coniferyl ether, threo-guaiacylglycerol-beta-coniferyl ether, dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol and pinoresinol, in the medium in which TEs were developing. Coniferyl alcohol applied to TE-inductive cultures during TE formation rapidly disappeared from the medium, and caused a sudden increase in dilignols. Addition of the dilignols promoted lignification of TEs in which monolignol biosynthesis was blocked by an inhibitor of phenylalanine anmmonia-lyase (PAL), L-alpha-aminooxy-beta-phenylpropionic acid (AOPP). These results suggested that dilignols can act as intermediates of lignin polymerization.  相似文献   

Cell wall-bound peroxidase (EC isoenzymes (P1-P5) from cells of Zinnia elegans L. that were differentiating into tracheary elements were separated and characterized to obtain information about the relationships between these isoenzymes and the biosynthesis of lignin. Fractionation of Zinnia cells by centrifugation in solutions of Percoll revealed that P1, P2, and P5 were present in differentiated tracheary elements. These peroxidase isoenzymes were separated by several column-chromatographic steps. During hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl Superose, P5 activity was separated into activities P5A and P5B. Enzymatically pure preparations of P1, P3, P5A, and P5B were finally obtained and used for the characterization of each isoenzyme. The optimum pH was 5.5–6.0 for P1, 5.0–7.5 for P3, 5.0 for P5A, and 4.0 for P5B. Each of the isoenzymes oxidized coniferyl alcohol efficiently, whereas p-coumaryl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol were poor substrates for all the isoenzymes. An absolute requirement for Ca2+ ions was demonstrated for P3. Based on these results, possible roles of peroxidase isoenzymes in the formation of lignin during the differentiation of tracheary elements are discussed.Abbreviations DAB diaminobenzidine - GTA equal proportions of 3,3-dimethylglutaric acid, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, and 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol - TE tracheary element The authors are very grateful to Professor M. Tanahashi of Gifu University for providing hydroxycinnamyl alcohols. This work was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan to H.F.  相似文献   

Tokunaga N  Uchimura N  Sato Y 《Protoplasma》2006,228(4):179-187
Summary. Gibberellin (GA) is considered an important growth regulator involved in many aspects of plant development. However, little is known about the relationship between GA and lignification. In this study, we analyzed the role of GA in tracheary element (TE) differentiation and lignification using a Zinnia elegans xylogenic culture. When gibberellic acid-3 (GA3) was exogenously supplied, a slight increase in the frequency of TE differentiation and a remarkable increase in lignin content were observed. Computer image analysis of individual TEs showed that the lignification level of each TE was significantly increased in the culture treated with GA3 compared with those of the control. In contrast, suppression of TE differentiation and lignification was observed when GA biosynthesis was inhibited by ancymidol, paclobutrazol, or uniconazole. This suppression was restored by the addition of GA3. These results suggest that GA plays an important role in TE differentiation, and even more so in lignification. When conditioned medium obtained after 120 h of control culture was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, many lignin precursors were detected. However, these lignin precursors were greatly reduced in the GA-treated culture. This result suggests that GA promotes lignification by activating the polymerization of lignin precursors. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Ehime University, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan.  相似文献   

Tracheary element (TE) differentiation is a typical example of programmed cell death (PCD) in higher plants, and maturation of TEs is completed by degradation of all cell contents. However, lignification of TEs progresses even after PCD. We investigated how and whence monolignols are supplied to TEs which have undergone PCD during differentiation of isolated Zinnia mesophyll cells into TEs. Higher densities of cell culture induced greater lignification of TEs. Whereas the continuous exchanging of culture medium suppressed lignification of TEs, further addition of coniferyl alcohol into the exchanging medium reduced the suppression of lignification. Analysis of the culture medium by HPLC and GC-MS showed that coniferyl alcohol, coniferaldehyde, and sinapyl alcohol accumulated in TE inductive culture. The concentration of coniferyl alcohol peaked at the beginning of secondary wall thickening, decreased rapidly during secondary wall thickening, then increased again. These results indicated that lignification on TEs progresses by supply of monolignols from not only TEs themselves but also surrounding xylem parenchyma-like cells through medium in vitro.  相似文献   

T Demura  H Fukuda 《Plant physiology》1993,103(3):815-821
Mesophyll cells isolated mechanically from leaves of Zinnia elegans L. cv Canary bird differentiate into tracheary elements (TE) semisynchronously and at high frequency. Using this system, three cDNA clones, TED2 to TED4, whose corresponding mRNAs were expressed in a close association with tracheary element differentiation, were isolated by differential screening of a lambda gt11 cDNA library. The library was prepared using poly(A)+ RNA from cells cultured in a TE-induced medium for 48 h prior to morphological changes, including secondary cell-wall thickenings and autolysis. Northern analysis indicated that mRNAs corresponding to the clones were expressed preferentially in cells differentiating into TEs prior to the morphological changes. The expression of the mRNAs was found not to be induced by alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid or benzyladenine solely and not to be associated directly with cell division. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of TED4 showed that the cDNA contains an open reading frame of 285 bp, encoding a polypeptide comprising 95 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 10.0 kD. A homology search of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of TED4 with several data bases revealed a significant similarity to those of the barley aleurone-specific clone B11E, which was isolated as an aleurone-specific cDNA from 20-d postanthesis grain.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanism of lignification during tracheary element (TE) differentiation using a Zinnia elegans xylogenic culture. In the process, we isolated ZPO-C , a peroxidase gene of Z. elegans that is expressed specifically in differentiating TEs. ZPO-C is suggested to be involved in lignification of Z. elegans TEs in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, a peroxidase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana ( AtPrx66 ), which is homologous to ZPO-C , was identified. The expression profile and functions of the gene in planta remain to be investigated. In this study, we performed promoter :: β-glucuronidase (GUS) assays to investigate the expression profiles and functions of the ZPO-C -like peroxidases in A. thaliana . We generated transgenic A. thaliana lines carrying AtPrx66, AtPrx47 or AtPrx64 (peroxidases showing high sequence similarity to AtPrx66 ) promoter :: GUS reporter gene fusions. The GUS activities of AtPrx66, AtPrx47 and AtPrx64 promoter :: GUS lines were arranged concentrically from the center to the periphery in the roots of seedlings. Furthermore, histochemical GUS assays using inflorescence stems showed that AtPrx66, AtPrx47 and AtPrx64 promoter-driven GUS were mainly expressed in the differentiating vessels, xylem parenchyma and sclerenchyma, respectively. These results suggest that the gene expressions of these three peroxidases, which showed high sequence similarity to one another, are differentially regulated in various tissues and organs. In addition, our results suggest that while AtPrx66 and AtPrx47 are associated with lignification of vessels, AtPrx64 is associated with lignification of sclerenchyma.  相似文献   

Tracheary elements differentiated from isolated Zinnia: mesophyll cells were observed at various times of culture under a scanning electron microscope. Perforation occurred on the primary wall at one of the longitudinal ends in single tracheary elements. In double tracheary elements, which both of two cells derived from a single cell differentiated into, the pore opened on the primary walls both at the junction of the two tracheary elements and at a longitudinal end of one of the two tracheary elements. These results suggest not only that a single tracheary element has its own program to form a perforation at one end without being affected by neighboring cells, but also that isolated cells indeed hold some traces of polarity and cell-cell communication.  相似文献   

Twenty-four serovars of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were screened by polymerase chain reaction to detect the presence of vegetative insecticidal protein gene (vip)-like sequences by using vip3Aa1-specific primers. vip-like gene sequences were identified in eight serovars. These genes were cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence of the vip3Aa14 gene from Bacillus thuringiensis tolworthi showed considerable differences as compared to those of Vips reported so far. The vip3Aa14 gene from Bt tolwarthi was expressed in Escherichia coli using expression vector pET29a. The expressed Vip3Aa14 protein was found in cytosolic supernatant as well as pellet fraction, but the protein was more abundant in the cytosolic supernatant fraction. Both full-length and truncated (devoid of signal sequence) Vips were highly toxic to the larvae of Spodoptera litura and Plutella xylostella. Truncation of Vip3Aa14 protein at N-terminus did not affect its insecticidal activity.  相似文献   



The exocrine pancreas is composed of a branched network of ducts connected to acini. They are lined by a monolayered epithelium that derives from the endoderm and is surrounded by mesoderm-derived mesenchyme. The morphogenic mechanisms by which the ductal network is established as well as the signaling pathways involved in this process are poorly understood.


By morphological analyzis of wild-type and mutant mouse embryos and using cultured embryonic explants we investigated how epithelial morphogenesis takes place and is regulated by chemokine signaling. Pancreas ontogenesis displayed a sequence of two opposite epithelial transitions. During the first transition, the monolayered and polarized endodermal cells give rise to tissue buds composed of a mass of non polarized epithelial cells. During the second transition the buds reorganize into branched and polarized epithelial monolayers that further differentiate into tubulo-acinar glands. We found that the second epithelial transition is controlled by the chemokine Stromal cell-Derived Factor (SDF)-1. The latter is expressed by the mesenchyme, whereas its receptor CXCR4 is expressed by the epithelium. Reorganization of cultured pancreatic buds into monolayered epithelia was blocked in the presence of AMD3100, a SDF-1 antagonist. Analyzis of sdf1 and cxcr4 knockout embryos at the stage of the second epithelial transition revealed transient defective morphogenesis of the ventral and dorsal pancreas. Reorganization of a globular mass of epithelial cells in polarized monolayers is also observed during submandibular glands development. We found that SDF-1 and CXCR4 are expressed in this organ and that AMD3100 treatment of submandibular gland explants blocks its branching morphogenesis.


In conclusion, our data show that the primitive pancreatic ductal network, which is lined by a monolayered and polarized epithelium, forms by remodeling of a globular mass of non polarized epithelial cells. Our data also suggest that SDF-1 controls the branching morphogenesis of several exocrine tissues.  相似文献   

By differential cDNA cloning coupled with Xenopus oocyte expression screening, we isolated a cDNA encoding a novel protein, termed 'hepassocin', the expression of which is upregulated in the regenerating rat liver. The cDNA contained a single open reading frame encoding a protein of 314 amino acids (ca. 34 kDa), including 24 amino acids of signal sequence. The protein expressed from the cDNA in Verots cells had activity to stimulate DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocytes and was of 66 kDa or 34 kDa, under non-reducing or reducing conditions, respectively. Using an affinity column conjugated with the antibody raised against a peptide in a hydrophilic region, we purified hepassocin from the rat liver: it had a DNA synthesis-stimulating activity in hepatocytes. The hepassocin obtained here was 66 kDa, and the 34 kDa protein obtained under reducing conditions contained five cysteine residues, indicating that hepassocin is active as a homodimer. Northern blot analysis revealed that hepassocin mRNA (1.4 kb in length) occurred only in the liver, and in situ hybridization studies revealed its presence in parenchymal hepatocytes but not in endothelial cells. Furthermore, the expression of hepassocin mRNA was upregulated during compensatory hyperplasia after partial hepatectomy and regeneration after galactosamine treatment in the rat liver. These results suggest that hepassocin plays an important role in stimulating liver cell growth, through an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Changes in the enzymatic activity of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and in the expression of a gene for CAD during tracheary element (TE) differentiation were investigated in cultures of single cells isolated from the mesophyll of zinnia (Zinnia elegans). In cultures in which TE differentiation was induced (TE-inductive cultures), CAD activity increased from h 36 after the start of culture (12 h before the start of thickening of the secondary cell wall) and peaked at h 72, when lignin was actively being deposited. In control cultures in which TE differentiation was not induced, CAD activity remained at a very low level for 5 d. Some isoforms of CAD were detected only in the TE-inductive cultures by native gel electrophoresis and subsequent staining for CAD activity. A cDNA clone for CAD, ZCAD1, was isolated from Z. elegans using a cDNA clone for CAD from Aralia cordata as the probe. RNA gel-blot analysis revealed that in the TE-inductive cultures the level of ZCAD1 mRNA increased from h 36 and peaked at h 48 to 60. No such increases were observed in control cultures. These results indicated that both the gene expression and the activity of CAD are strictly regulated, in association with lignification, during TE differentiation in Z. elegans.  相似文献   

A novel dehydrin gene designated as Cbcor29 was cloned from Capsella bursa-pastoris by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and genome walker technique. The full-length cDNA of Cbcor29 was 1101 bp long with a 783 bp open reading frame (ORF), encoding a putative protein of 261 amino acids. Like other dehydrin proteins, CbCOR29 contained a high percentage of charged and polar amino acids, in which Cys and Trp amino acids were absent. In addition, the predicted CbCOR29 protein possesses three conserved repeats of the characterized Lys-rich domains (K-segments), and a Ser-rich domain (S-segment) prior to the first Lys-rich domain, which presented a typical SK3 structure of dehydrins. Analysis of Cbcor29 genomic DNA revealed that it contains 2 exons and 1 intron, which is a typical character of dehydrin genes. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis also showed that the sequence of CbCOR29 has high homology with other dehydrin proteins, especially with cor47 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the expression of Cbcor29 can be induced by exposure to drought, low temperature, NaCl, and exogenous ABA treatment. Our study led to the conclusion that the Cbcor29 gene is a new member of the dehydrin gene family and might exert functions in responsiveness to drought, cold, and salt in Capsella bursa-pastoris. Published in Russian in Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2006, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 52–60. The article was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

A novel dehydrin gene designated as Cbcor29 was cloned from Capsella bursa-pastoris by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and genome walker technique. The full-length cDNA of Cbcor29 was 1101 bp long with a 783 bp open reading frame (ORF), encoding a putative protein of 261 amino acids. Like other dehydrin proteins, CbCOR29 contained a high percentage of charged and polar amino acids, in which Cys and Trp amino acids were absent. Besides, predicted CbCOR29 protein possesses three conserved repeats of the characterized Lys-rich domains (K-segments), and a Ser-rich domain (S-segment) prior to the first Lys-rich domain, which presented a typical SK3 structure of dehydrins. Analysis of Cbcor29 genomic DNA revealed that it contained 2 exons and 1 intron, which was a typical character of dehydrin genes. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis also showed that the sequence of CbCOR29 had high homology with other dehydrin proteins, especially with cor47 from Arabidopsis thaliana. Moreover, semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the expression of Cbcor29 could be induced by exposure to drought, low-temperature, NaCl and exogenous ABA treatment respectively. Our study implied that the Cbcor29 gene was a new member of the dehydrin gene family and might exert functions in drought-, cold- and salt- responsiveness in Capsella bursa-pastoris.  相似文献   

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