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Secretion of hen egg white lysozyme from Kluyveromyces lactis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hen egg white (HEW) lysozyme was correctly processed and efficiently secreted from an alternative yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis. We constructed secretion vectors using PHO5, PGK, and LAC4 promoters, and found that the highest secretion was obtained under the direction of the PGK promoter in non-selective rich medium. K. lactis secreted HEW lysozyme with two-fold higher efficiency than S. cerevisiae, estimated by using a K. lactis-S. cerevisiae shuttle vector.  相似文献   

We investigate the hydration dynamics of a small globular protein, hen egg-white lysozyme. Extensive simulations (two trajectories of 9 ns each) were carried out to identify the time-scales and mechanism of water attachment to this protein. The location of the surface and integral water molecules in lysozyme was also investigated. Three peculiar temporal scales of the hydration dynamics can be discerned: two among these, with sub-nanosecond mean residence time, tau(w), are characteristic of surface hydration water; the slower time-scale (tau(w) approximately 2/3 ns) is associated with buried water molecules in hydrophilic pores and in superficial clefts. The computed tau(w) values in the two independent runs fall in a similar range and are consistent with each other, thus adding extra weight to our result. The tau(w) of surface water obtained from the two independent trajectories is 20 and 24 ps. In both simulations only three water molecules are bound to lysozyme for the entire length of the trajectories, in agreement with nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion estimates. Locations other than those identified in the protein crystal are found to be possible for these long-residing water molecules. The dynamics of the hydration water molecules observed in our simulations implies that each water molecule visits a multitude of residues during the lifetime of its bound with the protein. The number of residues seen by a single water molecule increases with the time-scale of its residence time and, on average, is equal to one only for the water molecules with shorter residence time. Thus, tau(w) values obtained from inelastic neutron scattering and based on jump-diffusion models are likely not to account for the contribution of water molecules with longer residence time.  相似文献   

To evaluate the conformation of reduced HEL, the monoclonal antibodies HyC1 and HyC2, which recognize different conformational epitopes on native hen egg lysozyme (HEL), were used, and the kinetics of their interactions with native HEL, S-1,2-dicarboxyethylated HEL (DCE-HEL), and carboxymethylated Cys6 and Cys127 HEL (CM6,127-HEL) were assessed using surface plasmon resonance. Although their association rate constants differed 105-fold, their dissociation rate constants were essentially the same, suggesting that DCE-HEL and CM6,127-HEL possess conformations similar to that of native HEL when they bind antibodies. We considered that the ratio of the association rate constant of reduced HEL to native HEL represents the proportion of the native format determinant in equilibrium. Reduction of the Cys6-Cys127 disulfide bond would transform the epitope recognized by HyC1 into a non-native conformation similar to that of DCE-HEL. We show that monoclonal antibodies provide a sensitive tool for evaluation of the structural and hydrodynamic changes of proteins.  相似文献   

The fully reduced hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL), which is a good model of random coil structure, has been converted to highly organized amyloid fibrils at low pH by adding ethanol. In the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol, the fully reduced HEWL adopts beta-sheet secondary structure at pH 4.5 and 5.0, and an alpha-to-beta transition is observed at pH 4.0. A red shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum caused by the precipitation of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol is typical of the presence of amyloid aggregation. EM reveals unbranched fibrils with a diameter of 2-5 nm and as long as 1-2 microm. The pH dependence of the initial structure of the fully reduced HEWL in the presence of 90% (v/v) ethanol suggests that Asp and His residues may play an important role.  相似文献   

Asn46Asp/Asp52Ser or Asn46Glu/Asp52Ser hen egg white lysozyme (HEL) mutant was designed by introducing the substituted catalytic residue Asp46 or Glu46, respectively, based on Venerupis philippinarum (Vp) lysozyme structure as a representative of invertebrate‐type (i‐type) lyzozyme. These mutations restored the bell‐shaped pH‐dependency of the enzyme activity from the sigmoidal pH‐dependency observed for the Asp52Ser mutant. Furthermore both lysozyme mutants possessed retaining mechanisms like Vp lysozyme and HEL. The Asn46Glu/Asp52Ser mutant, which has a shorter distance between two catalytic residues, formed a glycosyl adduct in the reaction with the N‐acetylglucosamine oligomer. Furthermore, we found the accelerated turnover through its glycosyl adduct formation and decomposition. The turnover rate estimated from the glycosyl formation and decomposition rates was only 20% of the observed hydrolysis rate of the substrate. Based on these results, we discussed the catalytic mechanism of lysozymes.  相似文献   

Lysozyme from hen egg has been reported to possess an anti-inflammatory effect. However, little is known about its detailed mechanism. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory effect of lysozyme was examined in this study. When mouse macrophage-like cell line RAW264.7 cells and mouse peritoneal macrophages were activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and then treated with lysozyme, the production of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 was significantly suppressed. The effect was induced by suppressing the gene expression levels of both cytokines. Phagocytosis activity of peritoneal macrophages was not altered by the treatment with lysozyme, suggesting that lysozyme shows the anti-inflammatory effect without inhibiting the phagocytotic response of macrophages. In addition, lysozyme inhibited phosphorylation of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and was taken up by macrophages within 1 h after treatment of the cells with lysozyme. Overall results suggest that lysozyme is taken up intracellularly and suppresses LPS-induced inflammatory responses by inhibiting JNK phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A new concept for the improvement of the downstream processing and purification is the so‐called magnetic separation. By using surface functionalized magnetic substrate particles, which selectively adsorb the target product, it can be directly separated out of a crude bioprocess stream. These methods are already used for analytical purposes, where only small amounts of functionalized particles are necessary. To apply the same concept at a larger scale, effective and economical procedures have to be provided. First, suitable process equipment has to be developed. Second, the magnetic particles have to be manufactured with a stable surface functionalization and long‐term stability for their reuse. Up to now mainly high‐gradient magnetic separation filter devices are applied for selective magnetic separation. They consist of a magnetic matrix in which the magnetic particles are trapped. In this work, a new magnetic filter is introduced that overcomes the capacity limitations of the current high‐gradient magnetic separation technology. The principle is demonstrated by selective recovery of lysozyme from hen egg white. Prior to the separation experiments magnetic beads with a strong acid cation‐exchange surface functionalization are synthesized. The separation procedure is implemented in only one unit operation. With the implementation of the displacement elution sequence lysozyme can be separated out of a hen egg white solution with a purification factor of PF=36 and a purity P=0.83.  相似文献   

Five monoclonal antibodies specific for the loop region of hen egg lysozyme were prepared by immunisation with a synthetic conjugate of a proteolytic fragment of lysozyme coupled to bovine serum albumin. Their fine specificities were investigated using a panel of variant lysozymes and peptide fragments of lysozyme in a quantitative radio-immunoassay procedure. Knowledge of the structure of hen lysozyme to high resolution and the use of computer graphics enables the localisation of the epitopes recognised by the antibodies with some precision. The antibodies were shown to define three distinct, overlapping epitopes within what was previously considered to be a single antigenic site. These results are discussed in relation to current ideas of the antigenic nature of proteins and other recent studies in which anti-protein antibodies have been elicited by immunisation with small peptides.  相似文献   

Lysozyme from hen egg white was identified as an immunoglobulin production stimulating factor (IPSF) that enhances immunoglobulin production by hybridomas and lymphocytes. The IPSF activity of lysozyme was facilitated by heat treatment. The heat treatment of lysozyme at 83 degrees C for 30 min activated its specific IPSF effect 30.0-fold compared with that of native lysozyme. The IPSF activity of lysozyme heat-treated at 83 degrees C in 4 M urea solution was enhanced 8.4-fold than that of native lysozyme. However, lysozyme that was not heated in 4 M urea solution completely lost its IPSF activity. This means that the IPSF activity of this enzyme in 4 M urea was reactivated by thermal treatment. Moreover, coexistence of 0.5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) during heating in 4 M urea solution extremely enhanced the IPSF activity up to 77.8-fold. The uptake of lysozyme by hybridoma cells was enhanced by heat denaturation in 4 M urea. The hydrophobicity of lysozyme was extremely increased by heat-treatment in 2-ME containing urea solution. It is expected from these findings that the increase in the hydrophobicity caused the enhancement of incorporation of lysozyme into target cells, and resulted in the acceleration of IgM production.  相似文献   

Evidence for nucleation in the folding of reduced hen egg lysozyme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the early intermediate products of the regeneration of lysozyme by acidifying the regeneration solution containing the partially folded products, alkylating the free sulfhydryls and digesting the proteins sequentially with pepsin and chymotrypsin. Peptide maps were produced. Results indicate that a limited number of different disulfide bonds is formed early in the regeneration. From this we conclude that a limited number of 3-dimensional structures is formed in the early stages of the refolding process, and the process is not a random search.  相似文献   

The structure of lysozyme from guinea hen egg white (GEWL), which differs from hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) by ten amino acid substitutions, was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. GEWL and HEWL were very similar to each other in their tertiary structure as judged from the profile of 1H-NMR spectra, pH titration, and an N-acetylglucosamine trisaccharide [(GlcNAc)3 binding experiment. However, we have noticed several characteristics which distinguish GEWL from HEWL. The signal of Trp 108 indole N1H of GEWL was shifted upfield by about 0.3 ppm when compared with that of HEWL, and its hydrogen exchange was faster than that of HEWL. The pKa values of Glu 35 estimated from the pH titration curve of Trp 108 indole N1H were different between GEWL and HEWL. From a careful examination of spectral changes caused by (GlcNAc)3 binding, the changes in the chemical shift values of Trp 28 C5H and Asn 59 alpha CH of GEWL were found to be slightly larger than those of HEWL. Ile 55 of HEWL is replaced by valine in GEWL. Such a replacement may affect the neighboring hydrogen bonding between the main chain C = O of Leu 56 and Trp 108 indole N1H, resulting in a change in the microenvironment of the substrate-binding site near Trp 108.  相似文献   

The liquid–liquid extraction of protein from buffered aqueous phases using reverse micelles (RM) has been extensively researched from a fundamental point of view. However, very little effort has been expended at scaling up this process for the extraction of real fermentation broth. When real broths are used with reverse micellar phases there are major problems with emulsion formation. In this study the effect of a variety of demulsifiers on lysozyme extraction was evaluated in terms of their influence on the separating properties of the emulsion, water content (W o ), and, extraction yield and kinetics from both buffer and hen egg white. In addition, the use of a low shear contactor (a Graesser or `raining bucket') was assessed in terms of its suitability as a RM contactor. It was found that most of the demulsifiers reduced the settling time of the emulsion, and enhanced the yield and kinetics of lysozyme extraction from hen egg white. It was hypothesised that this was due to the demulsifier displacing the lysozyme from the interface and preventing the protein unfolding and precipitating. This effect was found to depend on both the generic type of demulsifier, and its concentration.  相似文献   

Tritium-hydrogen isotope exchange techniques have been employed to study the effect of tri-N-acetylglucosamine binding on the conformational dynamics of hen egg white lysozyme. Numerical Laplace inversion of the data provides exchange rate probability density functions that reveal three overlapping peaks for both the free enzyme and (GlcNAc)3-enzyme complex. Binding of (GlcNAc)3 decreases the exchange rates of all protons to some extent with by far the largest effect being observed for the slow exchanging protons. These have been located, by comparison with neutron diffraction results (Mason, S. A., Bentley, G. A., and McIntyre, G. J. (1984) in Neutrons in Biology (Schoenborn, B. P., ed) pp. 323-334, Plenum Press, New York), within the beta-sheet structure and on helices (8-13), (28-34), and (89-97), that define the edges of the so-called "hydrophobic box" in lysozyme. The regions of the protein that are most affected by binding (GlcNAc)3, as revealed by hydrogen exchange, are found to be quite distinct from the regions observed to undergo conformational changes by x-ray diffraction. Most of these segments of the protein are located at some distance from the (GlcNAc)3-binding site itself. Two segments (the beta-sheet and helix (28-34)) are closely associated with the two active-site carboxylate groups. These results suggest that exchange-stable regions having strong, highly organized hydrogen bonding may have an important role in catalytic function and the differential propagation of conformational and dynamic perturbations caused by ligand binding at distant sites on the protein.  相似文献   

Mutant human lysozymes (Ile56Thr & Asp67His) have been reported to form amyloid deposits in the viscera. From the standpoint of understanding the mechanism of amyloid formation, we searched for conditions of amyloid formation in vitro using hen egg lysozyme, which has been extensively studied from a physicochemical standpoint. It was found that the circular dichroism spectra in the far-ultraviolet region of the hen egg lysozyme changed to those characteristic of a beta-structure from the native alpha-helix rich spectrum in 90% ethanol solution. When the concentration of protein was increased to 10 mg/mL, the protein solution formed a gel in the presence of 90% ethanol, and precipitated on further addition of 10 mM NaCl. The precipitates were examined by electron microscopy, their ability to bind Congo red, and X-ray diffraction to determine whether amyloid fibrils were formed in the precipitates. Electron micrographs displayed unbranched protofilament with a diameter of approximately 70 A. The peak point of the difference spectrum for the Congo red binding assay was 541 nm, which is characteristic of amyloid fibrils. The X-ray diffraction pattern showed a sharp and intense diffraction ring at 4.7 A, a reflection that arises from the interstrand spacing in beta-sheets. These results indicate that the precipitates of hen egg lysozyme are amyloid protofilament, and that the amyloid protofilament formation of hen egg lysozyme closely follows upon the destruction of the helical and tertiary structures.  相似文献   

This work characterized the binding of an RNA aptamer recognizing hen egg white lysozyme, as well as a literature-reported single-stranded DNA analog of sequence identical to the original RNA aptamer, using fluorescence anisotropy, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and analytical ultracentrifugation. The polyanionic DNA aptamer analog is selective for lysozyme even over cationic cytochrome c and has been reported to be successfully used in biosensing applications. The association however, is predominantly of electrostatic character, strongly salt-sensitive and entropically-driven, in contrast to previously described enthalpically-driven antibody-lysozyme and DNA aptamer-VEGF interactions. With a moderate selectivity for their target, high salt-sensitivity along with fast association and dissociation behavior, these molecules might serve as pseudo-affinity ligands for biomolecular separations.  相似文献   

NaCl-induced aggregation of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was monitored by NMR spectroscopy. Small, but significant, changes induced by salt addition in TOCSY spectra were attributed to the effect of local reorganization of protein backbone upon ion binding. Salt-induced variations in HN and H alpha chemical shifts were mapped on the HEWL 3D structure which allowed the construction of a scheme of the spatial localization of potential ion binding sites. It was found that in a 0.5 M NaCl solution six chloride anions and at least one sodium cation are bound to preferred sites on the HEWL surface.  相似文献   

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