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An echiuroid species, Urechis unicinctus, was surveyed for Hox genes using polymerase chain reaction with homeobox-specific degenerate primers. We identified nine distinct homeodomain-containing gene fragments. These nine fragments were classified by comparative analysis. This analysis revealed that this echiuroid possessed at least three Hox genes from the anterior group, five from the central group, and one from the posterior group.Sung-Jin and Dae-Hee Lee contributed equally to this work.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated previously that nuclear proteins in Xenopus oocytes are synthesized in the cytoplasm and maintained in a cellular pool. The present study was performed to determine if any portion of this pool is associated specifically with the nuclear envelope. This was accomplished by first micro-injecting oocytes with [3H]leucine; at various times after injection, nuclear envelope and nucleoplasmic fractions were run on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. In this way labeled polypeptides available in the envelope fraction could be compared to polypeptides which were subsequently incorporated into the nucleoplasm. No evidence was obtained that the nuclear protein pool is associated with the envelope.  相似文献   

Oocyte cytosol, containing maturation-promoting factor activity, induces a twofold increase in the rate of protein synthesis as well as inducing germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) when microinjected into Xenopus oocytes. In the current study, it is shown that the cytosol activity responsible for inducing the increase in protein synthesis can be separated from the activity that induces GVBD in recipient oocytes.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine if nuclear proteins are preferentially synthesized in the vicinity of the nucleus, a factor which could facilitate nucleocytoplasmic exchange. Using Xenopus oocytes, animal and vegetal hemispheres were separated by bisecting the cells in paraffin oil. It was initially established that protein synthesis is not affected by the bisecting procedure. To determine if nuclear protein synthesis is restricted to the animal hemisphere (which contains the nucleus), vegetal halves and enucleated animal halves were injected with [3H]leucine and incubated in oil for 90 min. The labeled cell halves were then fused with unlabeled, nucleated animal hemispheres that had been previously injected with puromycin in amounts sufficient to prevent further protein synthesis. Thus, labeled polypeptides which subsequently entered the nuclei were synthesized before fusion. Three hours after fusion, the nuclei were isolated, run on two-dimensional gels, and fluorographed. Approximately 200 labeled nuclear polypeptides were compared, and only 2 were synthesized in significantly different amounts in the animal and vegetal hemispheres. The results indicate that nuclear protein synthesis is not restricted to the cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary Development of lethal translucida pupae is under normal conditions predominantly blocked in the early pupal stages. Imaginal differentiation, though almost exclusively restricted to the head and thorax, is exhibited in only 20–30% of the individuals.When ltr pupae are subjected to pure oxygen both the frequency and the intensity of imaginal differentiation is strongly increased. Then 60–70% of the pupae shows metamorphosis of the head and thorax, whereas abdominal differentiations could be observed in about 20%.The minimal time during which the pupae must be kept in oxygen, to give a maximum percentage of metamorphosing individuals in air, is 100–120 hours for differentiations of the head and thorax and about 140 hours for those of the abdomen.These experimental results suggest that part of the incomplete metamorphosis in homozygous ltr pupae is due to an insufficient supply of oxygen.The differentiation of normal eye implants within non-metamorphosed ltr pupae showed that the reaction capacity of the imaginal tissues in the ltr/ltr genotype is also significantly weakened.In the discussion of the results, our data have been related to those of Chen on lowered oxygen consumption in ltr pupae. It seems probable that in those ltr pupae showing metamorphosis of the head and thorax, a better oxygen supply existed already from the time of puparium formation.With 6 text-figures.This work was started in 1949 in the Institute of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy of the University of Zurich.  相似文献   

The protein content of various size follicles was measured in Fundulus heteroclitus and indicated four phases of increase relative to follicle volume: Phases I (previtellogenic; estimated to be less than 0.01 mg/mm3), II (vitellogenic; 0.20 mg/mm3), III (early maturation; 0.03 mg/mm3), and IV (late maturation; 0 mg/mm3). A pronounced and rapid size increase occurs during maturation due to hydration, but protein uptake, which was also documented cytologically, contributes to about 16% of the volume increment during early maturation. Protein incorporation appears to stop abruptly at the time of germinal vesicle breakdown, most likely reflecting an altered physiological state of the oocyte. SDS-polacrylamide gel electrophoretic patterns of various size follicles indicated that five major protein bands (molecular weights = 122, 103, 45, 26, and 20 k) accumulate during vitellogenesis and presumably are proteolytically derived from a 200-kDa vitellogenin precursor. During maturation, the 122- and 45-kDa proteins disappear and several new, lower molecular weight bands appear. Proteolysis of specific yolk proteins may thus help generate part of the osmotic pressure gradient required for water uptake during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The role of primordial yolk platelets (PYPs) in the transport of the yolk precursor vitellogenin to the yolk platelets in Xenopus laevis oocytes has been demonstrated by electron microscopic autoradiography. Within 20 min after exposure of the oocyte to 3H-labeled-vitellogenin, silver grains are associated with small PYPs which are formed by the fusion of endosomes. At 40 min after incorporation of 3H-labeled vitellogenin, autoradiographic silver grains are associated with larger PYPs and with the superficial layer of yolk platelets. Thus, the results demonstrate that PYPs are an intermediate in the transport of vitellogenin from endosomes to yolk platelets. These observations are consonant with the general hypothesis that vitellogenin first associates (binds?) with the plasma membrane, then is incorporated by endocytosis into endosomes which fuse to form PYPs, and finally the contents of the PYPs are eventually deposited into yolk platelets.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeled oocyte proteins were found to have a maximum average half-life of 73 h. In general, larger peptides underwent degradation at a faster rate than smaller peptides. In this respect, oocytes are similar to most other cells. Microinjected 125I-labeled bovine serum albumin (BSA) was degraded over a 40 h period with a half-life of 20–30 h, regardless of the method of protein labeling, culture medium employed, size of oocyte microinjected, or hormonal history of the oocyte. The last two results, if applicable to oocyte proteins in general, imply that protein catabolism is constant throughout the later stages of oogenesis and that growth is primarily regulated by a stimulation of anabolism. Individual proteins microinjected into oocytes undergo rates of degradation consistent with turnover rates obtained in other systems. Sequestered 125I-labeled BSA is only partially (40%) degraded, which indicates that, unlike microinjected 125I-labeled BSA, it has access to a cytoplasmic compartment (yolk platelets?) within which it is relatively stable.  相似文献   

李新  张月超  刘芳华 《微生物学报》2020,60(7):1401-1412
【目的】探究以单环刺螠为代表的海洋环节动物肠道中电活性微生物的存在情况,并表征其生理学及电化学特性。【方法】采用平板划线法、16S rRNA基因测序技术分离纯化菌株并进行菌株鉴定。利用扫描电镜表征菌株形态。高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)检测其无氧呼吸底物氧化及产物生成情况。通过菲啰嗪和甲醛肟显色法检测菌株的异化Fe(Ⅲ)和Mn(Ⅳ)还原能力。借助单室微生物燃料电池(single-chamber microbial fuel cells,SCMFCs)及循环伏安法检测菌株的电化学活性。【结果】从单环刺螠肠道中成功分离得到了一株兼性厌氧菌,16S rRNA基因序列比对结果显示该菌株与Shewanellamarisflavi的相似性达99.93%。扫描电镜结果显示其为杆状,长约2μm,宽度约为0.5μm。HPLC检测结果表明,该菌能以乳酸钠为电子供体,富马酸为电子受体进行无氧呼吸并伴随代谢产物乙酸钠和琥珀酸产生。菲啰嗪和甲醛肟显色法结果证实,该菌具有异化铁、锰还原能力。单室MFCs检测结果发现该菌的最大电流输出密度为146 mA/m2,循环伏安法检测结果显示该菌在0.14 V和–0.51 V位置处分别存在氧化峰和还原峰。【结论】本研究结果证实以单环刺螠为代表的海洋环节动物肠道中存在以Shewanella marisflavi UU-3-2为代表的电活性微生物。表明电化学活性微生物在海洋环节动物肠道中广泛存在。  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1665-1672
A human autoantiserum (5051) directed against pericentriolar material (PCM) was used to study the distribution of microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) in the oocyte and during the first cell cycle of mouse development. In oocytes, the PCM was found not only at the poles of the barrel-shaped metaphase II spindle but also at many discrete loci around the cytoplasm near the cell cortex. The spindle poles were also composed of several PCM foci. In metaphase-arrested eggs only the PCM foci located near the chromosomes acted as MTOCs. However, after reduction of the critical concentration for tubulin polymerization by taxol, the cytoplasmic PCM foci were also found to be associated with nucleation of microtubules. After fertilization the cortical PCM foci remained in a peripheral position until the end of the S phase, when they appeared to migrate centrally towards the pronuclei. At prometaphase of the first mitotic division, numerous MTOCs were found around the two sets of chromosomes; these MTOCs then aligned to form two bands on either side of the metaphase plate of the first mitosis.  相似文献   

Summary Butadiene diepoxide (DEB) was used to induce reverse mutations in anad-3A mutant ofNeurospora crassa. It was found that the mutagenic action of DEB continued when the twice washed and resuspended conidia were left standing in water at room temperature. The after-effect can be prevented if the conidia are kept stirred by shaking or gaseous bubbling for 4–5 hours. The after-effect does not develop if the conidia are plated immediately after washing, or if they are kept at 0–4°C until plating. The experimental data indicate that the after-effect is caused by traces of DEB, or by mutagenic reaction products of DEB, which are not readily removed by the ordinary washing procedure, but which may be removed by diffusion from the cells when these are kept suspended for a prolonged period.With 3 Figures in the Text  相似文献   

Since the introduction of human assisted reproduction, oocyte cryopreservation has been regarded as an attractive option to capitalize the reproductive potential of surplus oocytes and preserve female fertility. However, for two decades the endeavor to store oocytes has been limited by the not yet optimized methodologies, with the consequence of poor clinical outcome or of uncertain reproducibility. Vitrification has been developed as the promising technology of cryopreservation even if slow freezing remains a suitable choice. Nevertheless, the insufficiency of clinical and correlated multidisciplinary data is still stirring controversy on the impact of this technique on oocyte integrity. Morphological studies may actually provide a great insight in this debate. Phase contrast microscopy and other light microscopy techniques, including cytochemistry, provided substantial morpho-functional data on cryopreserved oocyte, but are unable to unraveling fine structural changes. The ultrastructural damage is one of the most adverse events associated with cryopreservation, as an effect of cryo-protectant toxicity, ice crystal formation and osmotic stress. Surprisingly, transmission electron microsco py has attracted only limited attention in the field of cryopreservation. In this review, the subcellular structure of human mature oocytes following vitrification is discussed at the light of most relevant ultrastructural studies.Key words: oocyte, MII, vitrification, ultrastructure, TEM, human.  相似文献   

1-Methyladenine, which has been previously shown to be the hormone responsible for meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes, triggers parthenogenetic activation when applied to matured starfish oocytes after emission of the second polar body and formation of the pronucleus. In Marthasterias glacialis and Asterias rubens oocytes parthenogenetic activation includes elevation of a fertilization membrane, cleavage and the formation of normal bipinnaria larvae. Activation is likely to result from 1-methyladenine interaction with the category of stereospecific membrane receptors involved in meiosis reinitiation, since structural requirements of this compound are identical for both biological responses. Appearance of oocyte responsiveness to 1-MeAde after, but not before emission of the second polar body cannot be accounted for by their increased sensitivity to intracellular Ca2+ at that time, although it is shown that Ca2+ mediates hormone effect in inducing parthenogenetic activation. Pretreatment of immature oocytes with the free hormone in excess strongly inhibits the 1-methyladenine-induced parthenogenetic activation of the oocytes when they have completed maturation.It is suggested that reappearance of 1-MeAde sensitivity when oocytes form a pronucleus depends either upon recruitment or new receptor units or on the reactivation of pre-existing inactivated receptors at this stage of oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Summary An amber mutation has been induced in the gene rpsA (which codes fo ribosomal protein S1) of Escherichia coli K-12 strain in the presence of an amber suppressor (supD) and mutations sueA, sueB and sueC that additively enhance the efficiency of suppression. That the amber mutation has occurred in the gene rpsA was confirmed by complementation with a plasmid which carried the wild-type allele of rpsA. The mutation is lethal in the absence of an amber suppressor, indicating that ribosomal protein S1 is indispensable to E. coli.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from stage 3 (about half-grown) oocytes of Xenopus laevis exhibit a DNA synthetic rate in vitro of 2.35 ± 0.28 pg/oocyte/h. Similarly, stage 6 (full-grown) oocyte mitochondria synthesize DNA (mtDNA) at 0.28 ± 0.02 pg/oocyte/h. By comparison, the rate of mtDNA synthesis by intact stage 6 oocytes following microinjection of [3H]-dTTP was calculated to be 0.43 ± 0.08 pg/oocyte/h, indicating that the observed in vitro rates may represent minimum values. Measurements of DNA polymerase activity associated with mitochondria isolated from stage 3 oocytes are almost three times those recorded with stage 6 oocyte mitochondria. It appears that active replication of complete mtDNA molecules, which accompanies accumulation of mitochondria by the egg, is terminated midway through oogenesis.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported the oocyte damage in mice during vitrification; however, little has been known about the protective role that antifreeze protein 3 (Afp3) plays on their cellular structure and function during vitrification. In order to observe the extracellular cryo-protective role of Afp3, four groups were divided randomly. The observations were made for changes in cytoskeleton, expression of the related genes before and after vitrification, and also for changes in the in vitro developmental potential of oocytes. The outcomes were as follows: (i) microtubules, actin filaments and chromosomal integrity were more intact in the vitrification group supplemented with additional Afp3 compared to the vitrification group. In the fresh control group and the group with additional cryoprotectant containing ethylene glycol (EG), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) and sucrose, the organelles were more intact than the other two vitrification groups. (ii) Real-time PCR analysis revealed that the relative quantification of mitotic arrest deficient 2 (Mad2) and centromere protein E (Cenp-e) were significantly higher in the vitrification group with additional Afp3, the fresh control group and the one group with additional cryoprotectant, in comparison to the vitrification group. On the contrary, the expression of cold inducible RNA-binding protein (Cirbp) and kinesin-5 motor protein (Eg5) were up-regulated in the vitrification group compared to the remaining groups. (iii) The fertilization rate and the recovery rate in the fresh control group and the group with additional cryoprotectant were higher than the other two vitrification groups; furthermore, the recovery rate and the fertilization rate in the vitrification group with Afp3 were higher than the vitrification group. However, the blastocyst formation rate in all the four groups showed no statistical significance. In conclusion, Afp3 plays a positive role in the structure and function of mice oocytes in vitrification.  相似文献   

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