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The temperatures of nine flowing waters in southern England   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The authors analyse water temperatures in seven streams and two watercress beds in southern England, and examine some of the biological implications.  相似文献   

Ice dynamics is an important factor affecting vegetation in high‐altitude and high‐latitude streams and rivers. During the last few decades, knowledge about ice in streams and rivers has increased significantly and a respectable body of literature is now available. Here we review the literature on how ice dynamics influence riparian and aquatic vegetation. Traditionally, plant ecologists have focused their studies on the summer period, largely ignoring the fact that processes during winter also impact vegetation dynamics. For example, the freeze‐up period in early winter may result in extensive formation of underwater ice that can restructure the channel, obstruct flow, and cause flooding and thus formation of more ice. In midwinter, slow‐flowing reaches develop a surface‐ice cover that accumulates snow, protecting habitats under the ice from formation of underwater ice but also reducing underwater light, thus suppressing photosynthesis. Towards the end of winter, ice breaks up and moves downstream. During this transport, ice floes can jam up and cause floods and major erosion. The magnitudes of the floods and their erosive power mainly depend on the size of the watercourse, also resulting in different degrees of disturbance to the vegetation. Vegetation responds both physically and physiologically to ice dynamics. Physical action involves the erosive force of moving ice and damage caused by ground frost, whereas physiological effects – mostly cell damage – happen as a result of plants freezing into the ice. On a community level, large magnitudes of ice dynamics seem to favour species richness, but can be detrimental for individual plants. Human impacts, such as flow regulation, channelisation, agriculturalisation and water pollution have modified ice dynamics; further changes are expected as a result of current and predicted future climate change. Human impacts and climate change can both favour and disfavour riverine vegetation dynamics. Restoration of streams and rivers may mitigate some effects of anticipated climate change on ice and vegetation dynamics by, for example, slowing down flows and increasing water depth, thus reducing the potential for massive formation of underwater ice.  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of inland waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The conservation and sustainable use of freshwater resources is of global importance. Microorganisms are not only the most abundant organisms in natural freshwater systems, but are also key players in ecological processes controlling water quality. Detailed knowledge of the diversity and function of microorganisms dwelling in freshwater habitats is an essential prerequisite for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. Freshwater systems are inhabited by microbial communities that are indigenous to this habitat type and usually do not occur in marine systems, saline inland waters and terrestrial habitats. Despite recent advances in the characterization of the diversity of freshwater microorganisms, knowledge essential for a holistic understanding of their ecological roles is still lacking.  相似文献   

This study provides the first environmental risk assessment (ERA) for zearalenone (ZEN), the only known mycoestrogen, based on a broad-scale investigation on its occurrence in rivers and creeks from Portugal. Water sample filtration and immunoaffinity columns (IAC) clean-up followed by liquid chromatograph with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS n ) provided an analytical method with good analytical performance. ZEN levels were determined for seven Portuguese rivers and one creek, during two different seasons, in a total of 38 samples collected upstream wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Overall, 23.7% were contaminated with ZEN at levels ranging between 5.6 and 82.6 ng/L. The highest concentration was observed during spring, although no statistically significant differences were observed between spring and autumn sampling campaigns. The potential ecotoxicological risk from ZEN to different trophic levels of aquatic organisms was evaluated by means of risk quotients (RQs) calculation. Although all the RQs obtained were lower than 1, our results confirm that ZEN is a relatively frequent contaminant in flowing waters in Portugal and might contribute to the overall estrogenic activity in the environment.  相似文献   

Indicator valences, taking into account the regional features of the middle and lower Volga River basin of water quality classes for the benthofauna of lowland rivers, are calculated. The lists of 450 species that can be used to indicate pollution are given. An advanced method of estimating bioindication factors of bottom organisms is used. The results of calculations can be used for the quality intercalibration of the surface water of lotic systems.  相似文献   

During the drilling process and transport of crude oil, water mixes with the petroleum. At oil terminals, the water settles to the bottom of storage tanks. This drainage water is contaminated with emulsified oil and water-soluble hydrocarbons and must be treated before it can be released into the environment. In this study, we tested the efficiency of a continuous flow, two-stage bioreactor for treating drainage water from an Israeli oil terminal. The bioreactor removed all of the ammonia, 93% of the sulfide and converted 90% of the total organic carbon (TOC) into carbon dioxide. SYBR Gold staining indicated that reactor 1 contained 1.7 × 108 bacteria and 3.7 × 108 phages per millilitre, and reactor 2 contained 1.3 × 108 bacteria and 1.7 × 109 phages per millilitre. The unexpectedly high mineralization of TOC and high concentration of phage in reactor 2 support the concept of a phage-driven microbial loop in the bioremediation of the drainage water. In general, application of this concept in bioremediation of contaminated water has the potential to increase the efficiency of processes.  相似文献   

Ecological effects of perturbation by drought in flowing waters   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
P. S. Lake 《Freshwater Biology》2003,48(7):1161-1172
  • 1 Knowledge of the ecology of droughts in flowing waters is scattered and fragmentary, with much of the available information being gathered opportunistically. Studies on intermittent and arid‐zone streams have provided most of the information.
  • 2 Drought in streams may be viewed as a disturbance in which water inflow, river flow and water availability fall to extremely low levels for extended periods of time. As an ecological perturbation, there is the disturbance of drought and the responses of the biota to the drought.
  • 3 Droughts can either be periodic, seasonal or supra‐seasonal events. The types of disturbance for seasonal droughts are presses and for supra‐seasonal droughts, ramps.
  • 4 In droughts, hydrological connectivity is disrupted. Such disruption range from flow reduction to complete loss of surface water and connectivity. The longitudinal patterns along streams as to where flow ceases and drying up occurs differs between streams. Three patterns are outlined: ‘downstream drying’, ‘headwater drying’ and ‘mid‐reach drying’.
  • 5 There are both direct and indirect effects of drought on stream ecosystems. Marked direct effects include loss of water, loss of habitat for aquatic organisms and loss of stream connectivity. Indirect effects include the deterioration of water quality, alteration of food resources, and changes in the strength and structure of interspecific interactions.
  • 6 Droughts have marked effects on the densities and size‐ or age‐structure of populations, on community composition and diversity, and on ecosystem processes.
  • 7 Organisms can resist the effects of drought by the use of refugia. Survival in refugia may strongly influence the capacity of the biota to recover from droughts once they break.
  • 8 Recovery by biota varies markedly between seasonal and supra‐seasonal droughts. Faunal recovery from seasonal droughts follows predictable sequences, whilst recovery from supra‐seasonal droughts varies from one case to another and may be marked by dense populations of transient species and the depletion of biota that normally occur in the streams.
  • 9 The restoration of streams must include the provision of drought refugia and the inclusion of drought in the long‐term flow regime.

Viruses and the microbial loop   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The abundance of viral-like particles in marine ecosystems ranges from <104 ml–1 to >108 ml–1. Their distribution in time and space parallels that of other biological parameters such as bacterial abundance and chlorophyll a. There is a lack of consensus between methods used to assess viral activity, i.e., rate of change in viral abundance (increase or decrease). The highest rates, 10–100 days–1, are observed in experiments with short sampling intervals (0.2–2 h), while lower rates, on the order of 1 day–1, are observed in experiments with longer sampling intervals (days). Few studies have been carried out, but viruses appear, at least in some cases, to have a significant impact on carbon and nutrient flow in microbial food webs. Viruses have also been demonstrated to exert a species specific control of both bacteria and phytoplankton populations in natural waters.  相似文献   

Components and processes in the aquatic microbial loop are compared with the composition and functioning of the soil microbial loop. Relative to their bacterial and/or fungal food sources, many of the soil water-film fauna (e.g., protozoa, nematodes) are conspicuous by low biomasses and high turnover rates of carbon and mineral nutrients. Comparisons with production and turnover rates of aerial (pore-inhabiting) fauna are made, and the highly patchy nature of soil microhabitats is shown to be similar to that of aquatic (marine) habitats.  相似文献   

A hand-operated suction sampler designed to sample benthos from fine to coarse rocky substrata in standing and flowing waters is described. The suction sampler collected a similar number of taxa but more individuals from a flowing riffle than a modified Surber sampler. A critique of the suction sampler is presented, illustrating the suitability of the sampler for quantitative studies of streams with highly variable discharge or intermittency.  相似文献   

Carbon fluxes in the microbial loop: Comments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The heterotrophic bacterial community of oceanic aggregates which mediates particle solubilization, displays features (low carbon demand and low turnover) that are difficult to reconcile with the observed high enzyme activities and cell numbers. Hypotheses are proposed to explain this discrepancy. Furthermore, production of both free and attached bacteria may have been underestimated by neglecting the ultramicrobacteria (UMB). Production of UMB may represent up to 28% of the total bacterial production.  相似文献   

Sulfide accumulation due to bacterial sulfate reduction is responsible for a number of serious problems in the oil industry. Among the strategies to control the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) is the use of nitrate, which can exhibit a variety of effects. We investigated the relevance of this approach to souring oil fields in Oklahoma and Alberta in which water flooding is used to enhance oil recovery. SRB and nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB) were enumerated in produced waters from both oil fields. In the Oklahoma field, the rates of sulfate reduction ranged from 0.05 to 0.16 μM S day−1 at the wellheads, and an order of magnitude higher at the oil–water separator. Sulfide production was greatest in the water storage tanks in the Alberta field. Microbial counts alone did not accurately reflect the potential for microbial activities. The majority of the sulfide production appeared to occur after the oil was pumped aboveground, rather than in the reservoir. Laboratory experiments showed that adding 5 and 10 mM nitrate to produced waters from the Oklahoma and Alberta oil fields, respectively, decreased the sulfide content to negligible levels and increased the numbers of NRB. This work suggests that sulfate reduction control measures can be concentrated on aboveground facilities, which will decrease the amount of sulfide reinjected into reservoirs during the disposal of oil field production waters. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 80–86. Received 30 January 2001/ Accepted in revised form 30 June 2001  相似文献   

The structure of planktic trophic chains was studied in eight lakes of European Russia and five lakes in Central Asia. The lakes differed in the level of productivity, morphometric parameters, and the type of agitation and mineralization. It is found that the microbial loop of picophototrophic organisms, bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates, infusoria, and viruses constitutes 12.3-64.7% of the total plankton biomass. Positive correlation between the biomass of microbial community and the primary production of phytoplankton is observed, whereas no relation is revealed between the share of microorganisms in the plankton biomass and the trophic status of the water body. The presence of a great number of cladocerans decreased the role of the microbial loop in the structural organization of the planktic community. Heterotrophic flagellates consuming 3-81% of daily bacterial production were the principal cause of bacteria elimination only in some of the studied water bodies.  相似文献   

Ohe T  White PA  DeMarini DM 《Mutation research》2003,534(1-2):101-112
The hanging technique using blue rayon, which specifically adsorbs mutagens with multicyclic planar structures, has the advantages over most conventional methods of not having to bring large volumes of water back to the laboratory for extraction of organic materials. Therefore, for the same effort the hanging blue rayon technique allows for the analysis of more samples from remote sites, although it has a disadvantage of not allowing quantitative analysis. In this study, the blue rayon hanging technique was used to collect organic mutagens in river waters that flow through metropolitan areas in northeastern North America. Monitoring was performed at a total of 21 sites: the Providence River system (4 sites), the Charles River (2 sites), the Potomac River (6 sites), the St. Lawrence River (5 sites), the Hudson River (3 sites), and the East River (1 site). Mutagenicity was evaluated using the Salmonella assay with strains TA98, TA100, YG1024, YG1041, and YG1042 with and without metabolic activation. The results demonstrated that strains YG1041 and YG1024 were much more sensitive than TA98 with S9 mix. Fifteen samples out of 21 were positive in YG1041 with S9 mix. Six samples gave 5000-18,400 revertants/g blue rayon equivalent. YG1042 was also much more sensitive than TA100. Eight samples were positive in YG1042 with S9 mix. The highest activity was 10,200 revertants/g blue rayon equivalent. The overall results showed that rivers flowing through major cities in North America contain frameshift-type, aromatic amine-like mutagenic activity. However, the levels of mutagenic activity in these rivers were much lower than expected based on prior analyses and calculated population-to-discharge ratios. Further research, such as detailed chemical analyses and/or simultaneous comparisons of several different adsorbents (e.g. XAD and blue rayon), will be needed to clarify the observed differences between North American blue rayon values and published values for European and Asian river systems.  相似文献   

1. Algal-community metrics were calculated for periphyton samples collected from 976 streams and rivers by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Programme during 1993–2001 to evaluate national and regional relations with water chemistry and to compare whether algal-metric values differ significantly among undeveloped and developed land-use classifications.
2. Algal metrics with significant positive correlations with nutrient concentrations included indicators of trophic condition, organic enrichment, salinity, motility and taxa richness. The relative abundance of nitrogen-fixing algae was negatively correlated with nitrogen concentrations, and the abundance of diatom species associated with high dissolved oxygen concentrations was negatively correlated with both nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Median algal-metric values and nutrient concentrations were significantly lower at undeveloped sites than those draining agricultural or urban catchments.
3. Total algal biovolume did not differ significantly among major river catchments or land-use classifications, and was only weakly correlated with nitrate (positive) and suspended-sediment (negative) concentrations. Estimates of periphyton chlorophyll a indicated an oligotrophic–mesotrophic boundary of about 21 mg m−2 and a mesotrophic–eutrophic boundary of about 55 mg m−2 based on upper and lower quartiles of the biovolume data distribution.
4. Although algal species tolerance to nutrient and organic enrichment is well documented, additional taxonomic and autecological research on sensitive, endemic algal species would further enhance water-quality assessments.  相似文献   

Du F  Xie B  Dong W  Jia B  Dong K  Liu H 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):8914-8920
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is an emerging technology in the energy and environment field. Its application is limited due to its high cost caused by the utilization of membranes and noble metal catalysts. In this paper, a membraneless MFC, with separated electrode chambers, was designed. The two separated chambers are connected via a channel and the continuous electrolyte flow from anode to cathode drives proton transfer. The proton mass transfer coefficiency in this MFC is 0.9086 cm/s, which is higher than reported MFCs with membranes, such as J-cloth and glass fiber. The maximum output voltage is 160.7 mV, with 1000 Ω resistor. Its peak power density is 24.33 mW/m3. SCOD removal efficiency can reach 90.45% via this MFC. If the connection between the two electrode chambers is blocked, the performance of MFC will decrease severely. All the above results prove the feasibility and advantages of this special MFC model.  相似文献   

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