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铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aerugionsa)的外排泵系统RND是它产生耐重金属离子胁迫的一个重要原因。阐述了编码RND外排泵czcCBA基因的作用机制,以期为下一步工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

生物膜(biofilm,BF)是细菌为了适应生存环境的需要而形成的与浮游细胞相对应的生存形式,是细菌生来具有的本领。不同的细菌形成生物膜的能力是不同的,铜绿假单胞菌极易形成生物膜,临床许多生物医学材料相关感染和某些慢性顽固性感染性疾病都与之密切相关,在生物膜中的细菌不仅耐抗生素还可耐抗体的杀菌作用,危害性严重。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌超微结构观察佳木斯医学院附一院感染科154002高庆伟郭丽曼齐淑芳邱守义佳木斯医学院微生态学教研室杨景云华西医科大学传染科黄安华曹钟梁雷秉钧PA做为呼吸道感染的重要条件致病菌,广泛分布于自然界,亦常存在于上呼吸道、肠道、皮肤等处。可以通过...  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌多重耐药基因的筛选及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究铜绿假单胞菌中与耐药性相关的基因.[方法]筛选转座突变体文库中对多种抗菌药物敏感的突变体,通过随机PCR、核苷酸测序及序列比对确定突变体中转座子的插入位点及其破坏的基因.[结果]筛选得到2株对多种抗菌药物敏感的突变体,其中被破坏的基因分别为功能未知的新基因PA2580和PA2800.[结论]PA2580和PA2800可能分别通过参与细胞氧化还原作用和细胞壁合成进而与铜绿假单胞菌耐药性相关.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌耐药性相关基因的筛选及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铜绿假单胞菌在人体内能引起严重的感染. 由于铜绿假单胞菌高水平的内在性和获得性耐药性, 使其引起的感染难以治愈. 为解决该问题, 弄清病原菌抗生素抗性的分子机制是一个关键. 本实验构建了含有17000个铜绿假单胞菌转座突变株文库, 并在LB固体平板上, 用7种抗生素在最小抑制浓度(MIC)和1/2MIC条件下, 筛选抗生素抗性发生变化的突变株. 结果确定了43株转座突变株, 每个突变株对至少一种抗生素的敏感性表现出增加3倍或降低1/2的表型. 通过随机PCR和DNA测序, 确定了这些铜绿假单胞菌突变体中转座子在基因组上的插入位点, 确定了被破坏的基因. 其中, 9个是已知的与抗生素抗性相关基因, 包括mexI, mexB和mexR; 24个是以前未知与抗性相关的基因, 包括一个菌毛合成基因pilY1, 这个菌毛合成基因的破坏导致菌株对羧苄青霉素的MIC增加了128倍. 此外, 43个基因中有12个是功能完全未知的基因. 这些基因的筛选鉴定有助于了解铜绿假单胞菌中抗生素抗性的产生机制, 这些基因或许可成为控制或扭转抗生素抗性的作用靶点.  相似文献   

【目的】研究铜绿假单胞菌弹性蛋白水解能力相关基因。【方法】应用人工Mu转座技术构建铜绿假单胞菌野生型菌株PA68的转座突变文库,从2000多个突变子中筛选得到4株弹性蛋白水解能力改变的突变子,并通过克隆及测序获得转座子插入位点侧翼的序列。将铜绿假单胞菌弹性蛋白酶结构基因lasB的转录启始区序列整合入载体pDN19lacΩ并将该重组质粒电转化入野生型菌株PA68及4个突变株中,对报告基因在不同菌株中的表达水平进行测定。【结果】发现4个突变株中Mu转座子分别插入lasA、galU、xcpZ和ptsP 4个基因。ptsP基因失活的突变株中,lasB基因的转录水平是野生型菌株的7%,xcpZ和lasA基因的失活使lasB基因的转录水平分别降低为野生株的54%和75%,galU基因的插入失活使lasB基因的转录上升了1倍。【结论】推测ptsP和galU基因很可能直接或间接地调控着弹性蛋白酶的生物合成。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌泳动能力相关新基因的筛选及鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从Mu转座突变子文库中经过表型筛选,得到12株泳动(Swimming motility)能力缺陷的突变子,经Mu转座子插入位点的确认、基因克隆及测序分析发现其中10个突变子中Mu转座子分别插入到10个不同的与鞭毛运动和功能相关的基因中,2个突变子中Mu转座子插入到功能未知的新基因(PA2950和PA5022)中,电镜观察结果表明这2个突变株均具有完整的鞭毛,初步推测这2个基因可能是参与鞭毛泳动的能量代谢、趋化作用或信息传递的新基因。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌分型研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
铜绿假单胞菌(特别是多重耐药菌株)是引起医院内感染,甚至大规模暴发流行的重要条件致病菌,本文对铜绿假单胞菌流行病学研究常用的两种分型方法(表型分型法及基因分型法)的研究现况和进展进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

双组分系统是存在于原核和少部分真核生物细胞中的信号转导系统,主要由组氨酸蛋白激酶和反应调节蛋白组成,通过感应外界环境信号、信号输入、磷酸基团传递、信号输出等环节调节基因表达,使细胞能更加适应环境变化。铜绿假单胞菌为条件致病菌,其双组分系统构成多样、功能复杂且参与介导耐药性产生,因此铜绿假单胞菌的双组分系统日益引起人们关注。本文对铜绿假单胞菌双组分系统的组成、信号转导机制、种类、研究方法及其临床意义进行了综述。  相似文献   

Scoring of the results of RAPD analysis using gel electrophoresis imposes a constraint on throughput. To circumvent this barrier, dot-blot hybridization was substituted for electrophoresis. Arbitrarily amplified fragments from barley and wheat genomic DNA were labelled and used as probes for the identification of identical fragments in subsequent amplification reactions. None of the twelve fragments used as probes exhibited significant levels of croos-hybridization to other fragments amplified by the same arbitrary primer. The strength of the hybridization signal facilitates more accurate and more sensitive detection of diagnostic fragments than gel electrophoresis. In addition, the defined spatial orientation (microtitre dish format) of the ± results provide an excellent format for automated data collection. The use of dot blot hybridization to analyse PCR products well decrease the cost and time requirements of marker-assisted selection. This technique will also facilitate the rapid application of PCR-based maps.  相似文献   

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) caused by microscopic algae present a threat to human health, ecosystem, fishery, tourism, and aquaculture worldwide. HAB warning and monitoring projects require a simple and rapid method for accurate parallel identification of causative algae. This study presents a useful method for simultaneous detection of harmful algae by multiple PCR coupled with reverse dot blot hybridization (MPCRDBH). A variety of probes, including positive, negative, and specific, were first developed by sequencing and consequent sequence analysis of large subunit rDNA D1–D2 from target species and used for specificity test by blot hybridization. The MPCRDBH assay mainly included five steps: (1) microalgal DNA isolation; (2) amplification and labeling of target DNA by multiple PCR; (3) probe tailing and fixation onto positively charged nylon membrane; (4) reverse dot blot hybridization; and (5) hybridization signal recognition by naked eyes. The reverse dot blot hybridization conditions were optimized, and the appropriate parameters were as follows: ultraviolet cross-linking time, 0.5 min; probe density, 2 μM; Dig-labeled PCR product density, 200 ng; hybridization time and temperature, 2 h and 42 °C; and washing time and temperature, 2 × 5 min and 47 °C. Sensitivity tests showed that MPCRDBH demonstrated a detection limit of 0.6 cell. MPCRDBH recovered all target species and was not affected by background DNA. MPCRDBH also demonstrated a stable detection performance for fixative (acidic Lugol's solution)-preserved samples over 30 d using simulated field samples. MPCRDBH applicability was assessed and proven effective for parallel detection of target microalgae in the field samples. The developed MPCRDBH exhibited a simple membrane-based DNA array preparation and hybridization signal recognition compared with other current DNA arrays. The assay presented in this study is specific and sensitive for parallel detection of microalgae, with stable performance. Therefore, this assay is promising for field monitoring of natural samples.  相似文献   

反相斑点杂交法对解脲脲原体分型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究以聚合酶链反应为基础的快速检测与鉴定解脲脲原体基因型的方法。方法选择2003年11月至2005年11月在中山大学附属第二医院门诊就诊的有外阴阴道炎症状和体征的患者601例,设为病例组,同期无自觉症状的正常体检人群306例,设为对照组,分别取宫颈分泌物待检测。将解脲脲原体不同基因型的特异探针固定在硝酸纤维素膜上,临床标本按常规方法提取解脲脲原体DNA,采用生物素标记的解脲脲原体特异通用引物PCR扩增DNA,然后分别与解脲脲原体不同基因型特异探针杂交、显色。结果病例组解脲脲原体阳性421例占70.0%,对照组解脲脲原体阳性126例占41.2%。病例组中单型别感染的U.parvum占65.4%,其中1型、3型、6型和14型分别占28.8%、43.3%、26.0%和1.9%,U.urealyticum占18.4%;对照组中单型别感染的U.parvum占79.3%,其中1型、3型、6型和14型分别占63.2%、21.1%、15.7%和0.0%,U.urealyticum占13.8%。18例阳性标本随机DNA测序鉴定,均为相应的解脲脲原体基因型。结论U.parvum群,尤其是其中的1、3、6型别是正常人群携带的可能性较大,U.urealyticum则有可能和1型起协同作用或独自导致疾病。用反相斑点杂交进行解脲脲原体基因分型,方法简单、实用,适用于临床。  相似文献   

目的建立一种基于尼龙膜的反向斑点杂交法,用于检测乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)基本核心启动子区(BCP)A1762T/G1764A突变。方法根据我国HBV主要流行的基因型为B和C,从GenBank上查出4种HBVBCP序列。利用在线工具ClustalW进行比对,针对该突变位点设计引物和检测探针。探针经合成和修饰后点在带正电的尼龙膜上。将反向斑点杂交法结合地高辛检测试剂盒用于检测A1762T/G1764A突变,以测序法确定该区域序列的标本为检测对象。结果反向斑点杂交法分别检测5例A1762/G1764病毒株、2例T1762/G1764病毒株、5例A1762/A1764病毒株和4例T1762/A1764病毒株,结果与测序完全相同。结论应用本方法可以快速、准确地HBV相关的热点突变。  相似文献   

Abstract A rapid method for a reliable and simultaneous identification of different lactic acid bacteria in fermented food has been developed. Various 16S and 23S rRNA-targeted, species-specific oligonucleotides were applied as capture probes in a non-radioactive reverse dot blot hybridization. A simple and fast DNA extraction method in combination with in vitro amplification of rRNA gene fragments enables the direct detection of typical starter organisms without any preceding enrichment or cultivation steps. Various lactic acid bacteria occurring in cheese, yogurt, sausages, sauerkraut and sourdough could be identified at the species level within 1 day.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, the use of synthetic oligonucleotides and functional analogs thereof as a possibly general means of controlling genetic expression has received widespread attention. Following a brief overview of some of the basic principles and strategies for this approach, attention is focused here on summarizing some recent reports of in vitro and, in particular, in vivo investigations in various animal models using phosphorothioate analogs of 2′-deoxyoligo-nucleotides. In view of these findings, which include studies related to neurobiology, this field should find significant utility in applications of the antisense method for controlling genetic expression.  相似文献   



Cystic fibrosis (CF) respiratory epithelia are characterized by a defect Cl? secretion and an increased Na+ absorption through epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC). The present study aimed to find an effective inhibitor of human ENaC with respect to replacing amiloride therapy for CF patients. Therefore, we developed specific antisense oligonucleotides (AON) that efficiently suppress Na+ hyperabsorption by inhibiting the expression of the α‐ENaC subunit.


We heterologously expressed ENaC in oocytes of Xenopus laevis for mass screening of AON. Additionally, primary cultures of human nasal epithelia were transfected with AON and were used for Ussing chamber experiments, as well as biochemical and fluorescence optical analyses.


Screening of several AON by co‐injection or sequential microinjection of AON and ENaC mRNA in X. laevis oocytes led to a sustained decrease in amiloride‐sensitive current and conductance. Using primary cultures of human nasal epithelia, we show that AON effectively suppress amiloride‐sensitive Na+ absorption mediated by ENaC in CF and non‐CF tissues. In western blot experiments, it could be shown that the amount of ENaC protein is effectively reduced after AON transfection.


Our data comprise an initial step towards a preclinical test with AON to reduce Na+ hyperabsorption in CF epithelia. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Despite the broad use of morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MO) to knockdown gene function in zebrafish embryos, the efficiency of this method has not been successfully assessed, particularly in the cases of translation-blocking MOs. In our current study, we describe a luciferase assay-based system that can monitor the MO knockdown levels in zebrafish by the use of a fusion reporter construct containing the 5'-mRNA sequence of the gene of interest and the luciferase coding sequence. The decrease in luciferase activity in zebrafish embryos that have been coinjected with this reporter RNA construct and a MO that targets the gene of interest correlated well with the level of inhibition of the corresponding endogenous protein synthesis, and also with the appearance of a knockdown phenotype. This indicates the usefulness of our method. We have also found that MOs can exert considerable knockdown effects upon unintended gene targets if 15 bases or longer of contiguous homology exists between these genes and the 25-base MO in question. Our quantitative assessment method also reveals, however, that an effective and specific knockdown can be achieved when employing a strategy that takes advantage of the synergistic effect of double MOs used at low levels.  相似文献   

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