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张华 《生命世界》2009,(5):111-111
21世纪的今天,人们对教育日益重视,科学技术的发展,使得课堂教学手段不断进步,各种各样先进的教学仪器,如实物投影仪、多媒体设备等相继走进了课堂。在学校日常教学过程中这些高科技产品充分展示了其巨大的优越性,因此也受到人们的青睐,多媒体教学等现代化的教学手段已经被越来越多的教师广泛使用。尽管这些高科技产品所起的作用是毋庸置疑的,但是简笔画作为传统的、比较经典的教学形式,在生物课堂教学中仍有其独特的、不可替代的作用,它所体现的直观性是其他教学仪器无可比拟的,因此也可以弥补现代化教学设备的不足。  相似文献   

网络教学有许多优势,但在实际应用中常存在一些问题,如学生进入网络后,很难在其中去其糟粕,取其精华,学习把握不住其方向,在其中空耗费较多时光,未能获得满意的学习成果,怎么办呢?为此,笔者在教学中尝试应用了“学案导学”法,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

王辉 《生命世界》2010,(4):92-93
<正>人类已经进入信息技术时代,人们随时随地置身于数字化、网络化、智能化的环境,信息技术渗透到社会的各个领域,尤其是信息技术在教育中的广泛应用使教育技术显示了前所未有的巨大变化。作为一名普通的人民教师经常使用的信息技术是  相似文献   

刘健 《生物学通报》2003,38(9):26-28
提高学生的生物科学素养是生物新课程的基本理念之一。在课堂教学中 ,教师要设计和实施一些科学探究活动帮助学生理解科学探究、发展科学探究的技能、提高生物科学素养。通过实际的教学实践发现 ,初一年级的学生经过 1年的探究性学习后 ,往往能够熟记科学探究的一般过程、按部就班地设计或完成探究 ,但却把探究当作一种模式化的程序 ,并不能很好地理解科学探究、理解科学的本质。教师对活动内容的选择很大程度上决定着活动的效果。课堂上的探究活动可以来源于教科书、来源于生活中的问题 ,或是改编于经典科学实验 ,但有一点是肯定的 ,学生关…  相似文献   

案例教学法因其目的性、针对性和时效性强的特点,越来越多地运用于高校课堂教学。在微生物学教学实践中,可以根据教学内容需要,引入相关内容如经典实验、社会热点、科学史实等作为案例。通过课前精心选编案例、课堂上有效引导学生,教师能够充分发挥案例教学在培养学生发现、认识并解决问题的能力以及启发科学思维等方面的作用。与此同时,教师应避免案例教学流于形式等问题。  相似文献   

CBL是不同于传统讲授式教学的新型教学模式,通过案例设计和分析完成学习目标,强调以学生为主体。我校近年来在组织学与胚胎学教学中运用案例式教学模式,受到学生的欢迎和认可,取得了良好的教学效果,显著提高学生自主学习、自主思考能力、创新思维能力和分析解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

计算机网络技术是一门理论性很强的课程,它结合通信技术与计算机技术等学科为一体,为满足社会对应用型人才的需求和以应用型人才为培养目标的高校,应强化实践环节教学,优化晦涩的理论教学。本文就是以实践项目作为理论教学的载体的基础上,引入辩论法教学模式,将计算机理论与实践有机结合,提高学生的综合操控能力。  相似文献   

刘姣 《生物学通报》2010,45(12):29-32
从创设经典的案例入手,采用案例分析逐层展开教学。通过学生的主体参与将内环境、神经调节以及体液调节的过程和机理落到实处,实现了和谐高效教学。  相似文献   

以"生态工程的基本原理"这个核心知识为联结点,采用案例教学模式,师生同建具有自我生长活力的知识网络系统,以此为基础借助一定的情境,促进学习的迁移、知识的理解和问题的解决;并通过教学反思,形成"实践理论"。  相似文献   

初中思想品德活动教学是新课改的要求,体现了以人为本的理念,符合科学发展观,可以使学生在活动中更好地获得知识、感悟人生和提升思想道德水准。初中思想品德教学具有鲜明的时代特色,时代为主题,开展内容多样化的教学,将学生的行为与生活紧密联系,使初中思想品德教学活动能够在实际中得到应用,更好地规范学生行为和思想。  相似文献   

基于翻转课堂理论,结合以问题为基础的学习(Problem-based learning,PBL)教学法的"问题设置"、"问题解决"等特点与优势,构建了适用于实验操作类课程的教学模式,并以"水体疑遭粪便污染"这一实际问题作为情景进行的综合设计性实验为例,对高等教育环境相关本科专业基础课程"环境生物学实验"进行了创新性教学设计和实践。该教学模式通过课前准备、课中实施和课后反馈3个过程对实际问题进行分析和解决。课前准备包括教学团队针对实际问题设置若干相关实验场景,制作和搜集相应教学视频等教学资源,安排学生学习和完成任务;课中实施时教师直接指导学生进行实验操作,强调观察和记录实验现象,提出问题引导学生思考;课后反馈为学生提交实验结果与讨论、完成巩固练习和反馈问题等。实践表明,该教学模式在一线教学中行之有效,能取得较好的教学效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

李远婷  安登第 《微生物学通报》2019,46(12):3491-3496
翻转课堂教学模式将知识传递的过程放在课前,因此在课堂上学生可以通过完成多种多样的交互活动实现对知识的内化。之前我们以"玩课网"平台对免疫学知识在课前传递进行了实践,已确保学生能高质量完成课前自学任务,本文主要研究免疫学课堂活动的设计、实施及评价。这种"教师为主导,学生为主体"的教学模式,不仅培养了学生的自主学习能力,而且实现了教育目标从识记、理解等初级阶段到应用、分析、评价、创造等高级阶段的转化。  相似文献   


The flipped classroom is a teaching innovation in which instructional content is delivered out of the classroom, often via videos, and the class period is used for application of the course material. While the popularity of the flipped classroom is growing exponentially, its benefits have not been extensively studied. In this study we compared three semesters of an undergraduate Genetics course that was non-flipped, but included a significant amount of active learning, to three semesters of a flipped course with the same content. Student exam performance was not statistically different between the active non-flipped and the flipped courses, suggesting that the benefits of the flipped environment may be similar to those achieved via active learning. We also examined student attitudes toward the flipped classroom, and found 56% of students were satisfied, 39% were dissatisfied, and 5% were neutral toward the flipped classroom. Our survey revealed that the clearest defining characteristic of dissatisfied students was not a dislike of classroom active learning activities. Rather, dissatisfied students disproportionately disliked, and had difficulty learning the course material, from videos.  相似文献   

岳莉茹 《生物学杂志》2010,27(5):111-112
总结了利用创设问题情景在"神经调节的基本方式"一课的教学设计和体会。初一学生生活阅历较少,思维较简单,课堂上提出的问题范围不要过大,不要过于抽象,使学生不知从何思考,最好把问题分解成几个小问题,使问题具体化,符合学生的认知规律,利于学生思维的发展;学生的思维发展是有层次性的,教师作为学生学习活动的组织者、促进者,面对不同的学生同一问题需要教师具备灵活多变的问题策略,循序渐进的引导学生分析问题、解决问题;一节课创设问题情景形式要多种多样,不能就问题解决问题,要注意新旧知识的联系或者区别,知识的承上启下的作用等方面。  相似文献   

The effects of climate change and human activities on streamflow are of great importance for the water resource management, and these studies have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. In this study, we made an assessment of the annual streamflow record in the Yanhe watershed from 1960 to 2009 and analyzed the response of streamflow to changes in climate and human activities. The results indicated that the annual streamflow exhibited a decreasing trend (it decreased 41.90 mm). The main factor that influenced the annual streamflow was climate change, which can be seen to inform the result of a decrease of 25.27 mm (60.31%). Likewise, human activities caused the streamflow to decrease by 17.04 mm (40.67%). Finally, the mean effect of vegetation on the annual streamflow was approximately 104.84 mm. Moreover, the presence of vegetation had stronger effects on the streamflow in wetter years.  相似文献   

This study deals with two range-extending brown algae from Tahitian coral reefs, Sargassum mangarevense and Turbinaria ornata; their alginate properties, mannitol and phenolic contents, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities were determined. Turbinaria ornata showed the richest alginate content with the highest extraction yield (19.2 ± 1.3% dw). Their alginates also exhibited the highest viscosity (50 ± 18 mPa.s), but the M:G ratios (mannuronic acid to glucuronic acid) of alginates (1.25–1.42) were similar in both species. Alginate yield displayed spatial variations, but no significant seasonal changes. The highest mannitol content was found in S. mangarevense (12.2 ± 2.1% dw) during the austral winter. With respect to other tropical Fucales, both algae exhibited also a high phenolic content (2.45–2.85% dw) with significant spatio-temporal variations. Furthermore, high antioxidant activity and activity against Staphylococcus aureus were also detected in extracts. According to these preliminary results, these two range-extending algae are of key interest in numerous industrial areas.  相似文献   

桂南茶园土壤团聚体酶活性对植茶年限的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王晟强  张喆  叶绍明 《生态学报》2020,40(18):6532-6541
揭示桂南茶园土壤团聚体碳氮磷循环相关酶活性对植茶年限的响应机制,可为广西茶园提升土壤肥力、保障土壤健康以及促进土壤资源可持续利用奠定理论基础。以植茶年限分别8年、17年、25年和43年的南山白毛茶园土壤为研究对象,在0—20 cm土层采集原状土样,通过改良干筛法将土样分为>2 mm、1—2 mm、0.25—1 mm和<0.25 mm粒径团聚体,并测定各粒径团聚体β-葡萄糖苷酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶、蛋白酶以及酸性磷酸酶活性。不同植茶年限土壤团聚体组成以>2 mm粒径团聚体为主,其含量显著高于其他粒径团聚体,平均值为52.57%。随着植茶年限的延长,>2 mm粒径团聚体含量先升高后降低,在植茶17年时处于较高水平。茶园土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶和蛋白酶主要分布在>2 mm粒径团聚体中,其活性分别为213.09—302.18 mg kg-1 h-1、512.39—651.03 mg kg-1 h-1、47.36—58.96 mg kg-1 h-1和74.49—94.45 mg kg-1 h-1;而土壤酸性磷酸酶活性受团聚体粒径变化的影响较小。随着植茶年限的延长,土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶以及蛋白酶活性先升高后降低,在植茶17年时处于较高水平,其值分别为337.07 mg kg-1 h-1、719.48 mg kg-1 h-1、69.67 mg kg-1 h-1和112.01 mg kg-1 h-1;而土壤酸性磷酸酶活性则逐年升高。在团聚体分级过程中,各类酶活性有不同程度损失。不同植茶年限土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶、蛋白酶以及酸性磷酸酶活性的平均回收率分别为80.72%、83.53%、80.13%、78.55%以及84.60%。作为土壤酶的主要载体,>2 mm粒径团聚体的形成与稳定对于促进土壤有机碳及养分循环具有重要意义。在茶园管理中,植茶17年以后应重视土壤>2 mm粒径团聚体的崩解与破坏问题,以保障土壤质量及维持土壤有机碳及养分利用效率。  相似文献   

Developing high‐quality scientific research will be most effective if research communities with diverse skills and interests are able to share information and knowledge, are aware of the major challenges across disciplines, and can exploit economies of scale to provide robust answers and better inform policy. We evaluate opportunities and challenges facing the development of a more interactive research environment by developing an interdisciplinary synthesis of research on a single geographic region. We focus on the Amazon as it is of enormous regional and global environmental importance and faces a highly uncertain future. To take stock of existing knowledge and provide a framework for analysis we present a set of mini‐reviews from fourteen different areas of research, encompassing taxonomy, biodiversity, biogeography, vegetation dynamics, landscape ecology, earth‐atmosphere interactions, ecosystem processes, fire, deforestation dynamics, hydrology, hunting, conservation planning, livelihoods, and payments for ecosystem services. Each review highlights the current state of knowledge and identifies research priorities, including major challenges and opportunities. We show that while substantial progress is being made across many areas of scientific research, our understanding of specific issues is often dependent on knowledge from other disciplines. Accelerating the acquisition of reliable and contextualized knowledge about the fate of complex pristine and modified ecosystems is partly dependent on our ability to exploit economies of scale in shared resources and technical expertise, recognise and make explicit interconnections and feedbacks among sub‐disciplines, increase the temporal and spatial scale of existing studies, and improve the dissemination of scientific findings to policy makers and society at large. Enhancing interaction among research efforts is vital if we are to make the most of limited funds and overcome the challenges posed by addressing large‐scale interdisciplinary questions. Bringing together a diverse scientific community with a single geographic focus can help increase awareness of research questions both within and among disciplines, and reveal the opportunities that may exist for advancing acquisition of reliable knowledge. This approach could be useful for a variety of globally important scientific questions.  相似文献   

钟能政 《生物学杂志》2012,29(4):108-110
结合教学案例,提出下列策略来解决高中生物学教学中"内容多"与"课时少"矛盾:规划好模块的整体教学计划;制定详细、具体、可检测的教学目标,同时教学时要突出主要目标;设计好学生"学"的活动;处理好高中初中生物学教学和不同模块教学的衔接。  相似文献   

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