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Coiled-coil proteins are assemblies of two to four α-helices that pack together in a parallel or anti-parallel fashion. Coiled-coil structures can confer a variety of functional capabilities, which include enabling proteins, such as myosin, to function in the contractile apparatus of muscle and non-muscle cells. The TlpA protein encoded by the virulence plasmid of Salmonella is an α-helical protein that forms an elongated coiled-coil homodimer. A number of studies have clearly established the role of TlpA as a temperature-sensing gene regulator, however the potential use of a TlpA in a thermo-sensor application outside of the organism has not been exploited. In this paper, we demonstrate that TlpA has several characteristics that are common with α-helical coiled-coils and its thermal folding and unfolding is reversible and rapid. TlpA is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature. We have also compared the heat-stability of TlpA with other structurally similar proteins. Using a folding reporter, in which TlpA is expressed as a C-terminal fusion with green fluorescent protein (GFP), we were able to use fluorescence as an indicator of folding and unfolding of the fusion protein. Our results on the rapid conformational changes inherent in TlpA support the previous findings and we present here preliminary data on the use of a GFP-TlpA fusion protein as temperature sensor.  相似文献   

N E Zhou  B Y Zhu  C M Kay  R S Hodges 《Biopolymers》1992,32(4):419-426
We have designed de novo a two-stranded alpha-helical coiled-coil which consists of two identical 35-residue polypeptide chains arranged in a parallel and in-register alignment. Their structure is stabilized by interchain hydrophobic interactions from hydrophobes at positions "a" and "d" of a repeating heptad sequence. The formation and stability of the coiled-coil is dependent on peptide concentration due to the monomer-dimer equilibrium. In contrast, that coiled-coil containing an inter-helical disulfide bond does not show any concentration dependence in the guanidine hydrochloride denaturation experiments as expected. Replacement of one large hydrophobic Leu residue in each chain with Ala significantly decreases coiled-coil stability in both the reduced and oxidized coiled-coils [decreases in transition midpoint of 1.6M (2.3-0.7) and 2.4M (5.3-2.9), respectively]. A large pH dependence on coiled-coil stability is observed over the pH range 4 to 7 (transition midpoints at pH 4, 5, 5.5, 6 and 7 were 3.8, 3.2, 2.0, 1.2 and 0.7M, respectively). The increasing stability with decreasing pH correlates with the protonation of the Glu acid side-chains and reduction of intrachain repulsions between Glu-Glu side-chains in positions i, i + 3 or i, i + 4 along each alpha-helix of the coiled-coil. In addition, coiled-coil stability increases with increasing ionic strength.  相似文献   

We describe the electron microscopy of a crystalline assembly of an alpha-helical coiled-coil protein extracted from the ootheca of the praying mantis. Electron diffraction patterns of unstained crystals show crystal lattice sampling of the coiled-coil molecular transform to a resolution beyond 1.5 A. Using a "spot-scan" method of electron imaging, micrographs of unstained crystals have been obtained that visibly diffract laser light from crystal spacings as small as 4.3 A. A projection map was calculated to 4 A using electron diffraction amplitudes and phases from computer-processed images. The projection map clearly shows modulations in density arising from the 5.1 A alpha-helical repeat, the first time this type of modulation has been revealed by electron microscopy. The crystals have p2 plane group symmetry with a = 92.4 A, b = 150.7 A, y = 92.4 degrees. Examination of tilted specimens shows that c is approximately 18 A, indicating that the unit cell is only one molecule thick. A preliminary interpretation shows tightly packed molecules some 400 A long lying with their long axes in the plane of the projection. The molecules have a coiled-coil configuration for most of their length. The possible modes of packing of the molecules in three dimensions are discussed.  相似文献   

The parasitic flagellate Giardia is the source of a filamentous protein, giardin, which binds to microtubules. The primary sequence of one giardin chain has been decoded from the base sequences of cDNAs isolated by antibody screens of a library constructed in the expression vector lambda gt11. The amino acid sequence favours a continuous alpha-helical fold for the protein without any inserts of a non-helical character. Analysis of apolar residue positions revealed 35 repeating heptads consistent with coiled-coil structure. This conformation relates giardin to the alpha-type fibrous proteins (k-m-e-f class) like tropomyosin and myosin (also found in Giardia). The giardin sequence has a regular series of skip residues like those at certain positions in the rod section of nematode myosin where the internal apolar seam of the coiled coil is shifted on the helix surface. The skips divide the giardin coil into quasi-equivalent structural segments about 4 nm in length, which might be domains for combining with tubulin subunits in the microtubule surface lattice.  相似文献   

Three new laminin fragments, E8, E9 and 25K with mol. wt. 50 000-280 000, were prepared from a limited elastase digest of laminin and from tissue extracts. They were similar with respect to their rod-like structure, a high alpha-helix content, the assembly from two chain segments and immunological cross-reactivity. Two of the fragments (E8 and E9) possess in addition globular domains which lack alpha-helices. Chemical, immunological and physical data together with sequence analysis strongly indicate that the alpha-helical segments are assembled in coiled-coil structures which are located in the rod of the long arm of laminin. These data give new insights into the overall structure of the protein.  相似文献   

The dimerization specificity of the light meromyosin (LMM) domain of chicken neonatal and adult myosin isoforms was analyzed by metal chelation chromatography. Our results show that neonatal and adult LMMs associate preferentially, although not exclusively, as homodimeric coiled-coils. Using chimeric LMM constructs combining neonatal and adult sequences, we observed that a stretch of 183 amino acids of sequence identity at the N terminus of the LMM was sufficient to allow the adult LMM to dimerize in a non-selective manner. In contrast, sequence identity in the remaining C-terminal 465 amino acids had only a modest effect on the dimerization selectivity of the adult isoform. Sequence identity at the N terminus also promoted dimerization of the neonatal LMM to a greater degree than sequence identity at the C terminus. However, the N terminus had only a partial effect on the dimerization specificity of the neonatal sequence, and residues distributed throughout the LMM were capable of affecting dimerization selectivity of this isoform. These results indicated that dimerization preference of the neonatal and adult isoforms was affected to a different extent by sequence identity at a given region of the LMM.  相似文献   

The 14.4-kDa hexon-associated protein IX (pIX) acts as a cement in the capsids of primate adenoviruses and confers a thermostable phenotype. Here we show that deletion of amino acids 100 to 114 of adenovirus type 5 pIX, which eliminates the conserved coiled-coil domain, impairs its capacity to self-associate. However, pIXDelta100-114 is efficiently incorporated into the viral capsid, and the resulting virions are thermostable. Deletion of the central alanine-rich domain, as in pIXDelta60-72, does not impair self-association, incorporation into the capsid, or the thermostable phenotype. These data demonstrate, first, that the self-association of pIX is dispensable for its incorporation into the capsid and generation of the thermostability phenotype and, second, that the increased thermostability results from pIX monomers binding to different hexon capsomers rather than capsid stabilization by pIX multimers.  相似文献   

To examine how a short secondary structural element derived from a native protein folds when in a different protein environment, we inserted an 11-residue beta-sheet segment (cassette) from human immunoglobulin fold, Fab new, into an alpha-helical coiled-coil host protein (cassette holder). This de novo design protein model, the structural cassette mutagenesis (SCM) model, allows us to study protein folding principles involving both short- and long-range interactions that affect secondary structure stability and conformation. In this study, we address whether the insertion of this beta-sheet cassette into the alpha-helical coiled-coil protein would result in conformational change nucleated by the long-range tertiary stabilization of the coiled-coil, therefore overriding the local propensity of the cassette to form beta-sheet, observed in its native immunoglobulin fold. The results showed that not only did the nucleating helices of the coiled-coil on either end of the cassette fail to nucleate the beta-sheet cassette to fold with an alpha-helical conformation, but also the entire chimeric protein became a random coil. We identified two determinants in this cassette that prevented coiled-coil formation: (1) a tandem dipeptide NN motif at the N-terminal of the beta-sheet cassette, and (2) the hydrophilic Ser residue, which would be buried in the hydrophobic core if the coiled-coil structure were to fold. By amino acid substitution of these helix disruptive residues, that is, either the replacement of the NN motif with high helical propensity Ala residues or the substitution of Ser with Leu to enhance hydrophobicity, we were able to convert the random coil chimeric protein into a fully folded alpha-helical coiled-coil. We hypothesized that this NN motif is a "secondary structural specificity determinant" which is very selective for one type of secondary structure and may prevent neighboring residues from adopting an alternate protein fold. These sequences with secondary structural specificity determinants have very strong local propensity to fold into a specific secondary structure and may affect overall protein folding by acting as a folding initiation site.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human lung surfactant protein D (hSP-D) belongs to the collectin family of C-type lectins and participates in the innate immune surveillance against microorganisms in the lung through recognition of carbohydrate ligands present on the surface of pathogens. The involvement of this protein in innate immunity and the allergic response make it the subject of much interest. RESULTS: We have determined the crystal structure of a trimeric fragment of hSP-D at 2.3 A resolution. The structure comprises an alpha-helical coiled-coil and three carbohydrate-recognition domains (CRDs). An interesting deviation from symmetry was found in the projection of a single tyrosine sidechain into the centre of the coiled-coil; the asymmetry of this residue influences the orientation of one of the adjacent CRDs. The cleft between the three CRDs presents a large positively charged surface. CONCLUSIONS: The fold of the CRD of hSP-D is similar to that of the mannan-binding protein (MBP), but its orientation relative to the alpha-helical coiled-coil region differs somewhat to that seen in the MBP structure. The novel central packing of the tyrosine sidechain within the coiled-coil and the resulting asymmetric orientation of the CRDs has unexpected functional implications. The positively charged surface might facilitate binding to negatively charged structures, such as lipopolysaccharides.  相似文献   

Autism is a developmental disability causing learning and memory disorder. The heart of the search for a cure for this syndrome is the need to understand dendrite branch patterning, a process crucial for proper synaptic transmission. Due to the association of snapin with the SNARE complex and its role in synaptic transmission it is reported as a potential drug target for autism therapies. We wish to impart the noesis of the 3D structure of the snapin protein, and in this chase we predict the native structure from its sequence of amino acid residues using the classical Comparative protein structure modeling methods. The predicted protein model can be of great assistance in understanding the structural insights, which is necessary to understand the protein function. Understanding the interactions between snapin and SNARE complex is crucial in studying its role in the neurotransmitter release process. We also presented a computational model that shows the interaction between the snapin and SNAP-25 protein, a part of the larger SNARE complex.  相似文献   

We have studied the oligomerization of an alpha-helical coiled-coil using as an example a peptide corresponding to the C-terminal domain of cartilage matrix protein. By replacing one arginine residue, which forms an interchain ionic interaction with a glutamic acid residue, with glutamine, we found that this peptide assembles into a homotetramer at neutral pH in contrast to the native molecule which forms homotrimers. At acidic and basic pH, however, we again observed the trimer conformation. Another arginine, which is probably involved in an intrachain salt bridge, has no effect on the assembly. Our data demonstrate that besides the specific distribution of hydrophobic residues, interchain ionic interactions can be crucial in modulating the association behavior of alpha-helical coiled-coil domains.  相似文献   

Receptor-adhesive modular proteins are nongenetic proteins designed to contain ligand, spacer, coil, and linker modules and to interact strongly with integrins or other types of cell-surface receptors. We have designed, chemically synthesized, and characterized a 39-residue peptide chain having a 6-residue ligand module (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-Pro-) for adherence to Arg-Gly-Asp-binding integrin receptors, a 3-residue spacer module (-Gly-Tyr-Gly-) for flexibility, and a 30-residue coil module [-(Arg-Ile-Glu-Ala-Ile-Glu-Ala) 4-Arg-Cys-NH2] containing four 7-residue repeats for dimerization. This chain was designed to form a 78-residue noncovalent dimer (P39) by folding the coils of two chains into an alpha-helical coiled coil through hydrophobic interaction of eight pairs of Ile residues. Air oxidation of P39 gave P78, a 78-residue covalent dimer having a disulfide bridge linking its C termini. Raman spectroscopy indicated that both synthetic proteins have high alpha-helical content. Ultraviolet circular dichroic spectroscopy indicated that both dimers contain stable alpha-helical coiled coils. Its C-terminal disulfide bridge renders P78 significantly more stable than P39 to thermal denaturation or denaturation by urea. The coiled coil of P39 was 30% unfolded near 55 degrees C and half-unfolded in 8 M urea, while that of P78 was 30% unfolded only near 85 degrees C. These studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using these ligand, spacer, and coil modules to construct the designed coiled-coil proteins P39 and P78, a stage in the nanometric engineering of receptor-adhesive modular proteins.  相似文献   

The yeast DNA-binding protein GCN4 forms a homo-dimer through a self-complementary coiled-coil interface. In this article, we describe how such coiled-coils might be bistable and, through Molecular Dynamics computations on the GCN4 coiled coil, we show that the coiled coil can indeed switch between the two states by a pathway in which there is a progressive "flipping" of consecutive steps along the interface. We discuss the general implications of potentially bistable coiled-coil interfaces for allosteric signal-transmission mechanisms along homo-dimeric coiled coils and for the packing of helices in globular proteins.  相似文献   

The destabilizing effect of electrostatic repulsions on protein stability has been studied by using synthetic two-stranded alpha-helical coiled-coils as a model system. The native coiled-coil consists of two identical 35-residue polypeptide chains with a heptad repeat QgVaGbAcLdQeKf and a Cys residue at position 2 to allow formation of an interchain disulfide bridge. This peptide, designed to contain no intrahelical or interhelical electrostatic interactions, forms a stable coiled-coil structure at 20 degrees C in benign medium (50 mM KCl, 25 mM PO4, pH 7) with a [urea]1/2 value of 6.1 M. Four mutant coiled-coils were designed to contain one or two Glu substitutions for Gln per polypeptide chain. The resulting coiled-coils contained potential i to i' + 5 Glu-Glu interchain repulsions (denoted as peptide E2(15,20)), i to i' + 2 Glu-Glu interchain repulsions (denoted E2(20,22)), or no interchain ionic interactions (denoted E2(13,22) and E1(20)). The stabilities of the coiled-coils were determined by measuring the ellipticities at 222 nm as a function of urea or guanidine hydrochloride concentration at 20 degrees C in the presence and absence of an interchain disulfide bridge. At pH 7, in the presence of urea, the stabilities of E2(13,22) and E2(20,22) were identical suggesting that the potential i to i' + 2 interchain Glu-Glu repulsion in the E2(20,22) coiled-coil does not occur. In contrast, the mutant E2(15,20) is substantially less stable than E2(13,22) or E2(15,20) by 0.9 kcal/mol due to the presence of two i to i' + 5 interchain Glu-Glu repulsions, which destabilize the coiled-coil by 0.45 kcal/mol each. At pH 3 the coiled-coils were found to increase in stability as the number of Glu substitutions were increased. This, combined with reversed-phase HPLC results at pH 7 and pH 2, supports the conclusion that the protonated Glu side chains present at low pH are significantly more hydrophobic than Gln side chains which are in turn more hydrophobic than the ionized Glu side chains present at neutral pH. The protonated Glu residues increase the hydrophobicity of the coiled-coil interface leading to higher coiled-coil stability. The guanidine hydrochloride results at pH 7 show similar stabilities between the native and mutant coiled-coils indicating that guanidine hydrochloride masks electrostatic repulsions due to its ionic nature and that Glu and Gln in the e and g positions of the heptad repeat have very similar effects on coiled-coil stability in the presence of GdnHCl.  相似文献   

An alpha-helical coiled-coil structure is one of the basic structural units in proteins. Hydrophilic residues at the hydrophobic positions in the coiled-coil structure play important roles in structures and functions of natural proteins. We reported here a peptide that formed a triple stranded alpha-helical coiled-coil showing the pH-dependent structural change. The peptide was designed to have two His residues at the hydrophobic positions of the center of the coiled-coil structure. The peptide folded into a triple stranded coiled-coil at neutral pH, while it unfolded at acidic pH. This construct is useful to create a protein that the structure or function is controlled by pH.  相似文献   

The coiled coil is a common structural motif found both as the dominant structure in fibrous proteins and as an oligomerization domain in a variety of cytoskeletal and extracellular matrix proteins. Coiled-coils typically consist of two to four helices that are supercoiled around one another in either parallel or antiparallel orientations. In the past few years our knowledge of the structure and specificity of coiled coil interactions has increased, allowing the de novo design and preparation of coiled-coils with well-defined structure and specificity. Indeed, the design and synthesis of a peptide that binds specifically to a single coiled-coil-containing protein, adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) has been reported. We have optimized solid-phase synthesis techniques to produce a modified form of the anti-APC peptide that contains a biotin moiety specifically placed so as to allow selective orientation onto the surface of a biosensor or affinity support. These peptide surfaces have been used to both monitor and purify APC and APC complexes from cellular extracts.  相似文献   

Concentrative uptake of osmoprotectants via transporter ProP contributes to the rehydration of Escherichia coli cells that encounter high osmolality media. A member of the major facilitator superfamily, ProP is activated by osmotic upshifts in whole bacteria, in cytoplasmic membrane vesicles and in proteoliposomes prepared with the purified protein. Soluble protein ProQ is also required for full osmotic activation of ProP in vivo. ProP is differentiated from structural and functional homologues by its osmotic activation and its C-terminal extension, which is predicted to form an alpha-helical coiled-coil. A synthetic polypeptide corresponding to the C-terminus of ProP (ProP-p) formed a dimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil. A derivative of transporter ProP lacking 26 C-terminal amino acids was expressed but inactive. A derivative harbouring amino acid changes K460I, Y467I and H495I (each at the core, coiled-coil 'a' position) required a larger osmotic upshift for activation than did the wild type transporter. The same changes extended, stabilized and altered the oligomeric state of the coiled-coil formed by ProP-p. Amino acid change R488I (also at the 'a' position) further increased the magnitude of the osmotic upshift required to activate ProP, reduced the activity attained and rendered ProP activation transient. Unexpectedly, replacement R488I destabilized the coiled-coil formed by ProP-p. The activity and osmotic activation of ProP were even more strongly attenuated by helix-destabilizing change I474P. These data demonstrate that the carboxyl terminal domain of ProP can form a homodimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil with unusual properties. They implicate the C-terminal domain in the osmotic activation of ProP.  相似文献   

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