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The concentrations, distribution, possible sources, and potential risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface soils were studied in Kunming, which is situated in a lake basin of the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau. 15 PAHs were analyzed in 40 surface soil samples (0–5 cm layer) collected from six types of land uses in the Kunming urban area. Meanwhile, the potential sources of PAHs in surface soils of Kunming were investigated by PAH composition ratios, isomer ratios, and principal component analysis (PCA). The total concentrations of 15 PAHs ranged from 101.64 to 6,208.25 ng/g (dry weight basis). The concentrations in different land uses increased in an order as: green space (541.43 ng/g) < education area (756.49 ng/g) < business area (810.17 ng/g) < residential area (1,034.36 ng/g) < industrial area (1,166.79 ng/g) < roadside greens (2,146.76 ng/g). The results of sources identification suggested that PAHs in surface soils of the Kunming urban area were greatly affected by combustion activities which came mainly from coal combustion and vehicular traffic. In addition, the toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) were used to estimate benzo[a]pyrene-equivalent concentration in surface soils of Kunming, and the risk level of PAHs in Kunming's urban surface soils was low as a whole.  相似文献   

The fate of terrestrially-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is important to carbon (C) cycling in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, and recent evidence suggests that climate warming is influencing DOC dynamics in northern ecosystems. To understand what determines the fate of terrestrial DOC, it is essential to quantify the chemical nature and potential biodegradability of this DOC. We examined DOC chemical characteristics and biodegradability collected from soil pore waters and dominant vegetation species in four boreal black spruce forest sites in Alaska spanning a range of hydrologic regimes and permafrost extents (Well Drained, Moderately Well Drained, Poorly Drained, and Thermokarst Wetlands). DOC chemistry was characterized using fractionation, UV–Vis absorbance, and fluorescence measurements. Potential biodegradability was assessed by incubating the samples and measuring CO2 production over 1 month. Soil pore water DOC from all sites was dominated by hydrophobic acids and was highly aromatic, whereas the chemical composition of vegetation leachate DOC varied significantly with species. There was no seasonal variability in soil pore water DOC chemical characteristics or biodegradability; however, DOC collected from the Poorly Drained site was significantly less biodegradable than DOC from the other three sites (6% loss vs. 13–15% loss). The biodegradability of vegetation-derived DOC ranged from 10 to 90% loss, and was strongly correlated with hydrophilic DOC content. Vegetation such as Sphagnum moss and feathermosses yielded DOC that was quickly metabolized and respired. In contrast, the DOC leached from vegetation such as black spruce was moderately recalcitrant. Changes in DOC chemical characteristics that occurred during microbial metabolism of DOC were quantified using fractionation and fluorescence. The chemical characteristics and biodegradability of DOC in soil pore waters were most similar to the moderately recalcitrant vegetation leachates, and to the microbially altered DOC from all vegetation leachates.  相似文献   

China has recently made available hourly air pollution data from over 1500 sites, including airborne particulate matter (PM), SO2, NO2, and O3. We apply Kriging interpolation to four months of data to derive pollution maps for eastern China. Consistent with prior findings, the greatest pollution occurs in the east, but significant levels are widespread across northern and central China and are not limited to major cities or geologic basins. Sources of pollution are widespread, but are particularly intense in a northeast corridor that extends from near Shanghai to north of Beijing. During our analysis period, 92% of the population of China experienced >120 hours of unhealthy air (US EPA standard), and 38% experienced average concentrations that were unhealthy. China’s population-weighted average exposure to PM2.5 was 52 μg/m3. The observed air pollution is calculated to contribute to 1.6 million deaths/year in China [0.7–2.2 million deaths/year at 95% confidence], roughly 17% of all deaths in China.  相似文献   

Total mercury concentrations (THg) in lake and stream sediments generally decrease with wet-area coverage (AW) per upslope basin area (AB). This was determined by delineating the wet-area component of 12,653 basins above as many sediment-sampling locations of the Geological Survey of Canada. These locations represent four climate regions (maritime, boreal, arctic, alpine) comprising six stream and six lake study areas. The dependence of sediment THg on AW/AB was examined by dividing the 0 < AW/AB < 1 range into 40 equal segments, and obtaining the mean sediment THg value for each segment. The results were evaluated by way of regression analysis using the following equation: mean sediment THg = a (1 ? AW/AB)b + c AW/AB, with a, b and c as area-specific coefficients. The “a” and “c” coefficients could – in part – be inferred from bedrock type, annual atmospheric Hg deposition, and mean monthly air temperatures, and mean annual precipitation. Both “a” and “c” increased with increasing atmospheric Hg deposition for lake sediments. For stream sediments, only “a” did so. The geogenic influence on the THg variations per study area was addressed through multiple regression analyses, using sediment concentrations of other heavy elements and organic matter as independent variables.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale permeable biobarrier exhibited high removal efficiencies of benzene at inlet concentrations of 0.4 to 35.1?mg/L and with a limited supply of dissolved oxygen. The supplied oxygen was less than the demand for a complete aerobic oxidation of benzene. Stainless steel pieces or granulated peat moss were used as packing material for microbial support in the biobarrier. Removal efficiencies ranged from 63.9% to 99.9% in the stainless steel-packed biobarrier and from 70.4% to 97.2% in the peat moss-packed biobarrier, while benzene elimination rate changed from 0.2 to 10.4?mg/L-d and from 0.1 to 3.7?mg/L-d in the two biobarriers, respectively. The consumption of sulfate and the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria suggested the contribution of anaerobic metabolism in the biodegradation of benzene. The biodegradation of benzene under microaerophilic conditions (defined as dissolved oxygen concentrations <2?mg/L) was demonstrated during independent batch experiments. The maximum specific rate of benzene biodegradation with concentrations of 22.0 to 65.9?mg/L under microaero-philic conditions was 2.6 mg/mg biomass-d.  相似文献   

Concentration, source, and ecological risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in 22 stations from surface sediments in the areas of anthropogenic pollution in the Klang Strait (Malaysia). The total PAH level in the Klang Strait sediment was 994.02±918.1 µg/kg dw. The highest concentration was observed in stations near the coastline and mouth of the Klang River. These locations were dominated by high molecular weight PAHs. The results showed both pyrogenic and petrogenic sources are main sources of PAHs. Further analyses indicated that PAHs primarily originated from pyrogenic sources (coal combustion and vehicular emissions), with significant contribution from petroleum inputs. Regarding ecological risk estimation, only station 13 was moderately polluted, the rest of the stations suffered rare or slight adverse biological effects with PAH exposure in surface sediment, suggesting that PAHs are not considered as contaminants of concern in the Klang Strait.  相似文献   

An integrated field and laboratory study was conducted to quantify the effect of environmental determinants on the activity of sulfate reducers in a freshwater aquifer contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC). Within the contaminated zone, PHC-supported in␣situ sulfate reduction rates varied from 11.58±3.12 to 636±53 nmol cm−3 d−1 and a linear increase (R 2=0.98) in reduction rate was observed with increasing in situ sulfate concentrations suggesting sulfate limitation. Half-saturation concentration (K s) for sulfate reduction coupled to PHC mineralization was determined for the first time. At two different sites within the␣aquifer, maximum sulfate reduction rate under␣non-limiting conditions (R max) was 5,000 nmol cm−3 d−1, whereas the retrieved K s values were 3.5 and 7.5 mM, respectively. The K s values are the highest ever reported from a natural environment. Furthermore, the K s values were significantly higher than in situ sulfate concentrations confirming sulfate limited growth. On addition of lactate and formate, sulfate reduction rate increased indicating that reactivity and bioavailability of organic substrate may also have played a role in rate inhibition in certain parts of the aquifer. Experiments with sulfide amendments show statistically minor decrease in sulfate reduction rates on addition of sulfide and analogous increase in sulfide toxicity with increasing sulfide concentrations (0.5–10 mM) was not apparent.  相似文献   

A study was designed to (a) identify sources and sinks of N in the maize (Zea mays L.) shoot, by estimating net N fluxes for each of seven parts of the shoot, (b) determine effects of N entering the plant upon fluxes of N absorbed before reproductive growth, and (c) determine the effects of the opaque-2 gene on N fluxes in the maize shoot during early reproductive growth. Plants of a maize hybrid (Pioneer 3369A) and its opaque-2 counterpart (Pioneer L3369) were grown in a greenhouse using nutrient solution/sand culture, with NO3 as the N source during the vegetative growth phase. Beginning at the time of pollination, the same nutrient regime was continued, except that some plants received no N, and others received 3.75 millimolar 15N as NO3-N.

Stalk and leaves were found to be primary N sources for the grain, while shank, husk, and cob acted first as N sinks, then as N sources during reproductive growth. Net fluxes of N for each plant part were estimated by calculating the first derivatives of regression equations used to fit data for N contents of each plant part as functions of time. All parts of the shoot were sinks for exogenous N (absorbed after pollination). Thirty-six days after pollination, the grain contained 60% endogenous N (absorbed before pollination) when 3.75 millimolar NO3-N was supplied after pollination. Rates of total N influx to the grain were identical whether or not N was supplied in the nutrient solution during reproductive growth. At 36 days after pollination, less N had accumulated in the grain of the opaque-2 genotype, but otherwise there were no differences in N contents or dry weights of the shoots due to the opaque-2 gene. Absence of N from the rooting medium significantly affected N fluxes throughout the shoot during reproductive growth, but there were no detectable effects of the opaque-2 gene on N fluxes in parts of the plant other than the grain.


This study was done to determine the concentration of PAHs in urban soil of Delhi (India). Surface top soil (up to 10 cm depth) samples were collected from four different sampling sites including industrial, roadside, residential, and agricultural areas of Delhi and 16 USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were evaluated. Total PAH concentrations at industrial, roadside, residential, and agricultural sites were 11.46 ± 8.39, 6.96 ± 4.82, 2.12 ± 1.12, and 1.55 ± 1.07 mg/kg (dry weight), respectively, with 3–7 times greater concentrations in industrial and roadside soils than that in residential and agricultural soils. The PAH pattern was dominated by 4- and 5-ring PAHs (contributing >50% to the total PAHs) at industrial and roadside sites with greater concentration of fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[ghi]perylene, and pyrene, whereas, residential and agricultural sites showed a predominance of low molecular weight 2- and 3-ring PAHs (fluoranthene, acenaphthene, naphthalene, chrysene, and anthracene). Isomeric pair ratios suggested biomass combustion and fossil fuel emissions as the main sources of PAHs. The toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) showed that carcinogenic potency (benzo[a]pyrene-equivalent concentration (B[a]Peq) of PAH load in industrial and roadside soils was ~10 and ~6 times greater than the agricultural soil.  相似文献   

Aranda Tay Swee Eng, an orchid hybrid with monopodial growthhabit, has a highly integrated source-sink assimilate partitioningpattern. The current inflorescence receives assimilate frommany rather than a few leaves, the vegetative apical shoot competeswith the inflorescence for assimilate supply in the upper shoot,and the fully-expanded leaves themselves constitute a majorsink for assimilate. Implications of these findings for improvementof harvestable yield in monopodial orchids are discussed. Aranda Tay Swee Eng, monopodial orchids, assimilate partitioning, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil samples collected from Midway Atoll and evaluate their potential risks to human health. The total concentrations of 16 PAHs ranged from 3.55 to 3200 µg kg−1 with a mean concentration of 198 µg kg−1. Higher molecular weight PAHs (4–6 ring PAHs) dominated the PAH profiles, accounting for 83.3% of total PAH mass. PAH diagnostic ratio analysis indicated that primary sources of PAHs in Midway Atoll could be combustion. The benzo[a]pyrene equivalent concentration (BaPeq) in most of the study area (86.5%) was less than 40 µg kg−1 BaPeq and total incremental lifetime cancer risks of PAHs ranged from 1.00×10−10 to 9.20×10−6 with a median value of 1.24×10−7, indicating a minor carcinogenic risk of PAHs in Midway Atoll.  相似文献   

Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha–1 y–1). Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha–1 y–1 below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha–1 y–1 between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experiments to quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3). The dominance of NO3 relative to the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3 is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Mountain fens found in western North America have sequestered atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) for millennia, provide important habitat for wildlife, and serve as refugia for...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to prepare Se/Zn-enriched probiotics and investigate their effect on blood Se and Zn concentrations, blood antioxidant capacities, and intestinal microflora in canine. The preparation was performed in a single-factor experiment. The optimal culture conditions were as follows: the initial concentrations of Se4+ and Zn2+ were 5 and 150 µg/ml, respectively; the inoculation volume was 5%; and the liquid volume of the medium was 50 ml in a 250-ml flask. The medium was then cultured at 32°C for 36 h. The biomass of the final product was 26.83 g/l, organic Se concentration was 173.35 µg/g, organic Zn concentration was 4.38 mg/g, Candida utilis biomass was 8.69 lg colony-forming units (CFU)/ml, and Lactobacillus biomass was 9.61 lg CFU/ml. In vivo, 20 indigenous dogs were randomly assigned to two dietary treatment groups for a 35-day study and fed a basal diet or a diet supplemented with 2.0 g of Se/Zn-enriched probiotics. Blood and fecal samples were collected on days 0, 15, and 30 of the experiment. Compared with the control group, the blood Se concentration; the blood Zn concentration; the activities of glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and total antioxidant capacity in the blood; and the amount of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the feces increased in the supplemented group during the period of supplementation (P?<?0.01), while malondialdehyde level in the blood and the amounts of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, and Enterococcus in the feces decreased in the supplemented group (P?<?0.01).  相似文献   

The transformation of 3-chlorobenzoate (3CB) and acetate at initial concentrations in the wide range of 10 nM to 16 mM was studied in batch experiments with Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. Transformation rates of 3CB at millimolar concentrations could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics (K(infm), 0.13 mM; V(infmax), 24 nmol (middot) mg of protein(sup-1) (middot) min(sup-1)). Experiments with nanomolar and low micromolar concentrations of 3CB indicated the possible existence of two different transformation systems for 3CB. The first transformation system operated above 1 (mu)M 3CB, with an apparent threshold concentration of 0.50 (plusmn) 0.11 (mu)M. A second transformation system operated below 1 (mu)M 3CB and showed first-order kinetics (rate constant, 0.076 liter (middot) g of protein(sup-1) (middot) min(sup-1)), with no threshold concentration in the nanomolar range. A residual substrate concentration, as has been reported for some other Pseudomonas strains, could not be detected for 3CB (detection limit, 1.0 nM) in batch incubations with Pseudomonas sp. strain B13. The addition of various concentrations of acetate as a second, easily degradable substrate neither affected the transformation kinetics of 3CB nor induced a detectable residual substrate concentration. Acetate alone also showed no residual concentration (detection limit, 0.5 nM). The results presented indicate that the concentration limits for substrate conversion obtained by extrapolation from kinetic data at higher substrate concentrations may underestimate the true conversion capacity of a microbial culture.  相似文献   

Sinks and sources of methylmercury in a boreal catchment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A simple, catchment-scale, cascade model was used toassess the importance of sinks and sources ofmethylmercury (MeHg) in a boreal catchment thatcontains a forested upland, a lowland peatland and asmall lake. The three compartment model was run usingrealistic flow rates and atmospheric loading of MeHg,and the model was constrained by observedconcentrations of MeHg in each compartment. Assumingno internal sinks and sources of MeHg, modelledcatchment yields showed reasonable agreement withfield observation, but the predicted internal MeHgconcentrations in each compartment were implausible. Only when sources and sinks of MeHg are added to thethree compartments do MeHg-pool concentrations fallinto the range of those measured in the field. Tomaintain both catchment-scale and compartment-scalecontinuity, the upland and peatland were net sourcesof MeHg (0.0007 and 0.1065 mg ha-1 d-1respectively), and the lake a net sink (-0.2215 mgha-1 d-1). These source/sink rates are 1.73,259 and -539 times the input of MeHg via wetprecipitation input for the modelled ice-free season. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the volume ofrunoff delivered to the peatland by the upland area,peatland size and porewater MeHg concentration in thepeatland are important controls on catchment MeHgyield, and that contemporary atmospheric deposition ofMeHg is insignificant compared to the sources of MeHgwithin the catchment.  相似文献   

Paul C. Griffin  L. Scott Mills 《Oikos》2009,118(10):1487-1498
A full understanding of population dynamics of wide-ranging animals should account for the effects that movement and habitat use have on individual contributions to population growth or decline. Quantifying the per-capita, habitat-specific contribution to population growth can clarify the value of different patch types, and help to differentiate population sources from population sinks. Snowshoe hares, Lepus americanus , routinely use various habitat types in the landscapes they inhabit in the contiguous US, where managing forests for high snowshoe hare density is a priority for conservation of Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis . We estimated density and demographic rates via mark–recapture live trapping and radio-telemetry within four forest stand structure (FSS) types at three study areas within heterogeneous managed forests in western Montana. We found support for known fate survival models with time-varying individual covariates representing the proportion of locations in each of the FSS types, with survival rates decreasing as use of open young and open mature FSS types increased. The per-capita contribution to overall population growth increased with use of the dense mature or dense young FSS types and decreased with use of the open young or open mature FSS types, and relatively high levels of immigration appear to be necessary to sustain hares in the open FSS types. Our results support a conceptual model for snowshoe hares in the southern range in which sink habitats (open areas) prevent the buildup of high hare densities. More broadly, we use this system to develop a novel approach to quantify demographic sources and sinks for animals making routine movements through complex fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed for 136 indoor dust samples collected from Guizhou province, southwest of China. The ∑18PAHs concentrations ranged from 2.18 μg•g-1 to 14.20 μg•g-1 with the mean value of 6.78 μg•g-1. The highest Σ18PAHs concentration was found in dust samples from orefields, followed by city, town and village. Moreover, the mean concentration of Σ18PAHs in indoor dust was at least 10% higher than that of outdoors. The 4–6 rings PAHs, contributing more than 70% of ∑18PAHs, were the dominant species. PAHs ratios, principal component analysis with multiple linear regression (PCA-MLR) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) were applied to evaluate the possible sources. Two major origins of PAHs in indoor dust were identified as vehicle emissions and coal combustion. The mean incremental lifetime cancer risk (ILCR) due to human exposure to indoor dust PAHs in city, town, village and orefield of Guizhou province, China was 6.14×10−6, 5.00×10−6, 3.08×10−6, 6.02×10−6 for children and 5.92×10−6, 4.83×10−6, 2.97×10−6, 5.81×10−6 for adults, respectively.  相似文献   

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