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Maternal separation may induce a depressive state in infant macaques. However, this does not occur in all macaque species. From present hypotheses, it may be predicted that infants belonging to a species characterized by open and tolerant social relationships should not develop severe depressive symptoms. Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) stand as such a species. The goal of the study was to verify that the infant’s reaction to mother loss is related to the social environment. The mothers of eight 5- to 9-month-old infants were removed during 6-day experimental periods. Infants’ behavior was characterized by a mild initial protest stage, followed by a slight decrease in activity during later maternal separation, and quick recovery after the mother’s return. No despair stage occurred. During separation, group members compensated for mother’s absence by cradling the infants. That social networks determine the intensity of the infant’s response to separation has far-reaching implications with regard to the meaning of depression occurrence within social networks.  相似文献   

The degree of intergradation between two species of Sulawesi macaques,Macaca tonkeana andM. hecki, was studied by examining the diagnostic external characteristics of more than 100 monkeys kept as pets by natives. Two possible hybrid monkeys were found and both originated from the borderland between the two species, located in the most proximal region of the northern peninsula of Sulawesi. The previously postulated wide area of integradation between the two species at the possible contact zone was, however, not recognized, and typical examples oftonkeana orhecki were found to be present on the two sides of a narrow “hybrid” zone which was defined by direct observations. Furthermore, despite considerable individual variations, we were able to allocate most monkeys to one or other of the species. Each of ten external characteristics of the members of both species more or less encompassed the individual variations, but may undergo changes with the development of the monkeys. The mechanisms of reproduction of hybrid monkeys and the maintenance of differences between the species are discussed.  相似文献   

The behavioral and adrenocortical responses of rhesus macaque mothers to a series of four consecutive 4-day separations from their 5-month old infants in an unfamiliar environment were examined. A biphasic behavioral response to separation was observed, with passive behavior, locomotion, and vocalization highest on Day 1 of separation, and self-directed behaviors and environmental exploration peaking during Days 2–4. Stereotyped locomotion increased, and passive behavior decreased, across successive weeks of separation. The rhesus mothers exhibited substantial cortisol elevations one and two hours postseparation, with cortisol decreasing on the fourth day of separation. The cortisol response was strongest during the first week of separation, but robust elevations occurred in response to repeated separations. No signs of behavioral depression were observed. The results indicate that infant separation combined with removal to a novel environment can be a potent stressor for rhesus macaque mothers.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of social partners on food processing and drinking techniques in a semifree-ranging group of Tonkean macaques. In a first study, immature subjects observed their mothers repeateadly eating unfamiliar fruits. They were subsequently allowed to consume the same fruits. We found no evidence for social learning when comparing the technical variants used by the mother and her offspring. In a second study, we recorded the techniques displayed by the monkeys while drinking and eating familiar food. We compared the technical variants used by the members of two different maternal lineages. Whereas a majority of techniques did not differ between lineages, some variants were peculiar to each of them, this effect was independent from age. The results indicate that the possibility of technique transmission should not be excluded among macaques.  相似文献   

A group of six unrelated female pigtail macaques,Macaca nemestrina, of the same age, was studied in captivity over a period of five years. The animals were observed under six different situations, following changes in the social composition of the group. The following social interactions were recorded: withdrawal, attack, threat, presentation, mount, and grooming. Although behavioural rates varied for each period, their distribution network was remarkably consistent. Each subject could be assigned a rank, which remained stable over the six periods. From an analysis of the number of dyads in which one of the two animal significantly performed both paired behaviours more than the other animal (external validity), behaviours clustered into two main groups: (1) attacks, threats, and withdrawals; and (2) mounts, presentations, and grooming. Quantitative methods were performed to standardize the degree in which linearity, stability, reciprocity, and idiosyncrasy of the interactions under study may account for social variability. When considering these properties, the behaviours clustered in the same two groups (“agonistic” and “affinitive”). A method to describe the dominance style ofMacaca nemestrina was proposed, which can easily be replicated for comparisons with females of other primate species and in different conditions.  相似文献   

Hematological values and parasitological fauna of free-rangingMacaca hecki and the hybrid group betweenM. hecki/M. tonkeana of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, were investigated. The hematological values, especially the red cell number (RBC), were lower than those of other macaque species, indicating that Sulawesi macaques are slightly anemic. Several parasites including Plasmodium sp., trombiculid mites, andTrichuris trichiura were identified. Although infection by Plasmodium was observed with considerable frequency, no clear relationship between its infection and the occurrence of anemia was found. Trombiculid mites and eggs ofAnatrichosoma sp. were detected in foci of the ears of most monkeys. The infection with a trombiculid mite is the first recorded occurrence in free-ranging wild Sulawesi macaques. Gastrointestinal parasites were identified from their eggs in fecal samples, where five species of nematoda and one trematoda species were found.  相似文献   

In this study we compared mother-female infant interactions between primiparous and multiparous laboratory-born (F1) cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in individual cages at Tsukuba Primate Center (TPC), Japan, during the first 14 weeks of infant life. We also compared interactions between multiparousF1 mothers and their female infants with those between wild-born mothers and their female infants when mothers and their infants were housed in the same individual cages. PrimiparousF1 mothers showed significantly higher values for contact with and holding of their infants than multiparousF1 mothers. The primiparousF1 mothers also tended to behave aggressively toward their infants when the latter did not show any obviously irritating behaviors. Thus, the primiparousF1 mothers seemed to be inconsistent in terms of maternal behavior. Compared with multiparous wild-born mothers, multiparousF1 mothers moved more frequently, held their infants less frequently and acted aggressively toward their infants less frequently. However, infants ofF1 mothers, as well as infants of wild-born mothers, interacted with their mothers through approaching and playful contact with them. These findings indicate that the attitude of multiparousF1 mothers toward their infants was relatively passive. Possible reasons for the passive maternal style of multiparousF1 mothers are discussed.  相似文献   

In a 6-week study of the social behavior of wild Sulawesi crested black macaques (Macaca nigra), we found a linear and transitive dominance hierarchy among the six adult males in one social group. Dominance rank, as determined by the direction of supplantations, correlated strongly with percentage of time near more than four neighbors, frequency of grooming received from adult females, and percentage of time with an adult female as nearest neighbor. These results suggest that high-ranking males are socially attractive. Adult females sexually solicited high-ranking males more often than low-ranking males, but frequency of copulation was not correlated with dominance rank. Frequency and intensity of aggression between males are strongly correlated with rank distance, but aggression toward females was greatest for mid-ranking males. Males of all rank displayed significantly more aggression toward sexually receptive females than toward females in other estrous states. These data indicate that male Sulawesi crested black macaques display a social organization similar to that reported for multimale groups in other macaque species rather than the egalitarian social organization described for female Sulawesi macaques.  相似文献   

This study documents age-related changes in the interactions of wild-born cynomolgus macaque mothers and their infants living in individual cages during the first 14 weeks of infant life. Body contact between mother and infant, maternal holding, and infant sucking were found to decrease, and the mothers showed an increased frequency of aggression toward their infants with age. These results were broadly similar to those reported for mother-infant interactions in other macaques living in social groups. Nevertheless, a clear difference between the present cynomolgus macaques and other macaques in social groups was apparent. The cynomolgus macaque mothers tended to permit their infants to move about freely without displaying maternal protectiveness such as restraint or retrieval, unlike other macaque mothers in social groups. Such maternal behaviors might derive from the experience of living in individual cages for many years and the relative safety of living in individual cages. The lack of maternal restraint and retrieval could be responsible for the observed sex differences in behavior: male infants moved more actively, and broke, and made contact with their mothers more frequently than did female infants. Moreover, mothers of female infants held and groomed them more frequently and were less aggressive toward them.  相似文献   

I analyzed the temporal organization of individual Japanese macaques’ (Macaca fuscata) grooming sequences in 14 mothers and 13 offspring of different age/sex classes and 4 nonkin females. I hypothesized that preceding grooming affects subsequent grooming by the same individual. Grooming bouts were likely to be terminated as the bouts became longer when females groomed nonrelatives. Moreover, the duration of first bouts was longer than that of following bouts. These effects were also seen in grooming of mothers by their offspring > 1 year old and that of adult and adolescent female offspring by their mothers. In contrast, neither the duration of first bouts nor the number of preceding bouts had much effect on the occurrence or duration of subsequent bouts in any subject.  相似文献   

Experiments on five mother-infant pairs of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata)living together in a captive group were conducted during the first 12 weeks after birth in order to assess the time at which infants begin to discriminate their own mothers from other adult females. After removal from their social group, infants exposed to their mothers and three unfamiliar adult females at a distance of 150 cm failed to orient visually toward their mothers. However, when the infants were allowed to approach the four females, they responded preferentially to their mothers during the third month of life. We concluded that by 8–12 weeks of age, infant Japanese macaques are able to discriminate between their mothers and other adult females.  相似文献   

This study compares adult and adolescent female rhesus macaques with regard to (1) characteristics of their copulatory partners, (2) their proceptive behaviors, and (3) adult male behaviors toward them during estrus. We conducted focal follows of 24 adolescent and 65 adult free-ranging estrous female rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago during two mating seasons. Compared to adult females, adolescents presented sexually to males at higher rates; copulated more frequently with rankless young male, and extra-group males; and, in one of two mating seasons, were ignored more frequently by males to whom they presented sexually. Adolescents tended to copulate with ranked, resident males at higher frequencies on days when the operational sex ratio (adult males:estrous adult females) was high. Males directed “muzzle-up” signals to adolescents at lower rates than to adults in one of two mating seasons, although this effect vanished when males who might have fathered adolescent females were excluded from analysis. Adolescents did not differ consistently from adults in strength of the correlation between proximity maintenance (dyadic Hinde's Index) and copulation rate, or in approach rate to males. Adolescent females, relative to adult females, presented sexually more to rankless young males, but did not present more to ranked, resident males. Both proximate (e.g. endocrine) and ultimate (e.g. differential fecundity; female-female mate competition) explanations may account for the reported differences between adult and adolescent female rhesus macaque sexuality.  相似文献   

Playback experiments were conducted to investigate interspecific discrimination of male loud calls in Sulawesi macaques. Loud calls of four macaque species living in Sulawesi (Macaca tonkeana, M. maurus, M. hecki, andM. nigrescens) and a control stimulus (an 8-sec frequency modulated sound) were played back to semi-free-ranging Tonkean macaques (M. tonkeana). A preliminary acoustic analysis indicated that the calls of these four species differ in some spectral and temporal features. In the playback experiments, Tonkean macaques responded in a similar manner to conspecific calls and calls of two other species,M. maurus andM. hecki. In contrast, animals responded more weakly to the call ofM. nigrescens and the control stimulus. Males responded more strongly than females to all stimuli, while females appeared to be more discriminating for species differences than males. Analyses on the acoustic features of loud calls suggested that high frequency, wide frequency range, and repetition of sound units at a high rate elicit quick responses from animals.  相似文献   

Researchers have often explained order of progression of group members during joint movement in terms of the influence of ecological pressures but rarely that of social constraints. We studied the order of joining by group members to a movement in semifree-ranging macaques with contrasting social systems: 1 group of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) and 1 group of rhesus macaques (M. mulatta). We used network metrics to understand roles and associations among individuals. The way the macaques joined a movement reflected the social differences between the species in terms of dominance and kinship. Old and dominant male rhesus macaques were more often at the front of the movement, contrary to the Tonkean macaques, which exhibited no specific order. Moreover, rhesus macaques preferred to join high-ranking or related individuals, whereas Tonkean macaques based associations during joining mostly on sexual relationships with a subgroup of peripheral males.  相似文献   

The behavioral interactions of 22 infant and mother Japanese macaques with other group members were studied. Focal-animal observations were made from the time of each infant’s birth until 1 year of age. Infants and mothers both displayed exceedingly strong preferences for associating with matrilineal kin and, specifically, for female kin. The degree of genetic relatedness was positively correlated with levels of spatial proximity, contact, grooming, aggression, and play. Overall frequencies of interactions with nonkin were very low, and partner sex was not an important factor in interactions with nonkin. There were no significant differences between male and female infants in interactions with kin versus nonkin. There was only one significant difference between male and female infants in interactions with males versus females: female infants showed stronger preferences for initiating proximity with females over males than did male infants. Because mothers provide the focal point for infant interactions during the first year of life, we compared the behavior of infants and mothers. Mothers were the recipients of more social interactions than were infants, mothers engaged in more grooming than did infants, and infants engaged in more social play than did mothers. These findings are only partially consistent with kin-selection theory, and the inadequacies of studying matrilineal kin discrimination to test kin selection are reviewed. The near-absence of infant sex differences in associations with social partners suggests that although maternal kin other than the mother are important to infant socialization, they probably do not contribute to the development of behavioral sex differences until after the first year of life.  相似文献   

Reproductive physiology was studied in female stumptail macaques. Initially the monkeys were housed indoors (individually and in small groups) and later as one large (92 individuals) social group in an outdoor cage. Most data were collected during the 4-year outdoor period. Plasma progesterone determination in blood samples taken at weekly intervals allowed estimation of ovulation and conception dates. The age at first ovulation (X =3.73 years) was positively correlated with body weight at 3 years of age. The average age at first birth was 4.90 years. Gestation lengths averaged 176.6 days. Following a live birth ovulations returned after a mean interval of 11 months but following an abortion or still birth this interval was 1 month. Usually a number of ovulatory cycles (X =2.37) preceded a conception. Interbirth intervals (IBIs) in the outdoor cage (X =619.4 days) were significantly longer than IBIs during the indoor period (X =523.1), because indoors the infants were weaned at the age of 7 months, while outdoors weaning occurred more naturally. IBIs following abortions or still births (X =291.9 days) were significantly shorter than IBIs following live births. Age at first ovulation, age at first birth, IBIs, and infant production rates were not correlated with dominance rank. Ovarian cycle lengths (X =30.2 days, mode = 28 days) were comparable to previously reported data from laboratory-housed stumptails. No systematic seasonal fluctuations were found in the onset of sexual maturity, in ovarian cycle lengths, in copulation frequencies, and in distribution of births.  相似文献   

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