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Hexokinases (HK) phosphorylate sugar immediately upon its entry into cells allowing these sugars to be metabolized. A total of four hexokinases have been characterized in a diversity of vertebrates—HKI, HKII, HKIII, and HKIV. HKIV is often called glucokinase (GCK) and has half the molecular weight of the other hexokinases, as it only has one hexokinase domain, while other vertebrate HKs have two. Differing hypothesis has been proposed to explain the diversification of the hexokinase gene family. We used a genomic approach to characterize hexokinase genes in a diverse array of vertebrate species and close relatives. Surprisingly we identified a fifth hexokinase-like gene, HKDC1 that exists and is expressed in diverse vertebrates. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of HKDC1 suggests that it may function as a hexokinase. To understand the evolution of the vertebrate hexokinase gene family we established a phylogeny of the hexokinase domain in all of the vertebrate hexokinase genes, as well as hexokinase genes from close relatives of the vertebrates. Our phylogeny demonstrates that duplication of the hexokinase domain, yielding a HK with two hexokinase domains, occurred prior to the diversification of the hexokinase gene family. We also establish that GCK evolved from a two hexokinase domain-containing gene, but has lost its N-terminal hexokinase domain. We also show that parallel changes in enzymatic function of HKI and HKIII have occurred.  相似文献   

It is a central assumption of evolution that gene duplications provide the genetic raw material from which to create proteins with new functions. The increasing availability in multigene family sequences that has resulted from genome projects has inspired the creation of novel in silico approaches to predict details of protein function. The underlying principle of all such approaches is to compare the evolutionary properties of homologous sequence positions in paralogous proteins. It has been proposed that the positions that show switches in substitution rate over time-i.e., "heterotachous sites," are good indicators of functional divergence. Here, we analyzed the alpha and beta paralogous subunits of hemoglobin in search for such signatures. We found as many heterotachous sites in comparisons between groups of paralogous subunits (alpha/beta) as between orthologous ones (alpha/alpha, beta/beta). Thus, the importance of substitution rate shifts as predictors of specialization between protein subfamilies might be reconsidered. Instead, such shifts may reflect a more general process of protein evolution, consistent with the fact that they can be compatible with function conservation. As an alternative, we focused on those residues showing highly constrained states in two sequence groups, but different in each group, and we named them CBD (for "constant but different"). As opposed to heterotachous positions, CBD sites were markedly overrepresented in paralogous (alpha/beta) comparisons, as opposed to orthologous ones (alpha/alpha, beta/beta), identifying them as likely signatures of functional specialization between the two subunits. When superimposed onto the three-dimensional structure of hemoglobin, CBD positions consistently appeared to cluster preferentially on inter-subunit surfaces, two contact areas crucial to function in vertebrate tetrameric hemoglobin. The identification and analysis of CBD sites by complementing structural information with evolutionary data may represent a promising direction for future studies dealing with the functional characterization of a growing number of multigene families identified by complete genome analyses.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental genetics (evo-devo) reveals that the plasticity of development is so important that every developmental biology project should carefully take this point into consideration. The example of bicoid, the first discovered morphogen, illustrates how an essential gene can change its function during evolution. The search for bicoid homologues showed that this gene is surprisingly specific to flies (cyclorraphan diptera) and absent in other insects. In fact, recent studies demonstrate that bicoid is a very derived Hox3 homeotic gene. During insect evolution, the ancestral Hox3 gene lost its homeotic function and acquired new roles in oocytes and embryonic annexes. Then, in the lineage leading to modern flies, a duplication of this new gene, followed by functional divergence, led to the formation of bicoid and zerknüllt. Both genes are located within the Drosophila Hox complex; however, they have no homeotic function. Thanks to the power of Drosophila genetics, it is possible to suggest that torso and hunchback may constitute the insect primitive anterior organizer. The bicoid evolutionary history reveals several fundamental mechanisms of the evolution of developmental genes, such as changes of gene regulation, modifications of protein sequences and gene duplication. It also shows the need for studying a wider range of model organisms before generalisations can be made from data obtained with one particular species.  相似文献   

Decoupling of the upper jaw bones—jaw kinesis—is a distinctive feature of the ray-finned fishes, but it is not clear how the innovation is related to the extraordinary diversity of feeding behaviours and feeding ecology in this group. We address this issue in a lineage of ray-finned fishes that is well known for its ecological and functional diversity—African rift lake cichlids. We sequenced ultraconserved elements to generate a phylogenomic tree of the Lake Tanganyika and Lake Malawi cichlid radiations. We filmed a diverse array of over 50 cichlid species capturing live prey and quantified the extent of jaw kinesis in the premaxillary and maxillary bones. Our combination of phylogenomic and kinematic data reveals a strong association between biting modes of feeding and reduced jaw kinesis, suggesting that the contrasting demands of biting and suction feeding have strongly influenced cranial evolution in both cichlid radiations.  相似文献   

The nonproteinogenic amino acid 4-hydroxyphenylglycine (HPG) arises from the diversion of the tyrosine degradation pathway into secondary metabolism, and its biosynthesis requires a set of three enzymes. The gene cassette for HPG biosynthesis is widely spread in actinomycete bacteria, which incorporate the amino acid as a building block into various peptide antibiotics, but it has never been reported from another taxonomic group of eubacteria. A genome mining study has now revealed a putative HPG pathway in the predatory bacterium Herpetosiphon aurantiacus, which is phylogenetically distinct from Actinomycetes. Anomalies in the active center of one annotated key enzyme raised questions about the true product of this pathway, prompting an in vitro reconstitution attempt. This study confirmed the capability of H. aurantiacus for HPG production. Sequence analysis of the aberrant 4-hydroxymandelate synthase refines the existing model on the catalytic differentiation of iron(II)-dependent dioxygenases. Furthermore, we report a comprehensive analysis on the phylogeny of these enzymes, which sheds light on the evolution of paralogous gene sets and the ensuing metabolic diversity in a barely studied bacterium.  相似文献   

In this article, we use animal G-protein alpha subunit family as an example to illustrate a comprehensive analytical pipeline for detecting different types of functional divergence of protein families, which is phylogeny-dependent, combined with ancestral sequence inference and available protein structure information. In particular, we focus on (i) Type-I functional divergence, or site-specific rate shift, as typically exemplified by amino acid residue highly conserved in a subset of homologous genes but highly variable in a different subset of homologous genes, and (ii) Type-II functional divergence, or the shift of cluster-specific amino acid property, as exemplified by a radical shift of amino acid property between duplicate genes, which is otherwise evolutionally conserved. We utilized the software DIVERGE2 to carry out these analyses. In the case of G-protein alpha subunit gene family, we have predicted amino acid residues that are related to either Type-I or Type-II functional divergence. The inferred ancestral sequences for these sites are helpful to explore the trends of functional divergence. Finally, these predicted residues are mapped to the protein structures to test whether these residues may have 3D structure or solvent accessibility preference.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) molecules are members of a large family of signaling molecules important in numerous developmental pathways throughout the metazoa. Single members of the BMP2/4 class have been found in invertebrates such as cnidarians, arthropods, nematodes, echinoderms, ascidians, and cephalochordates. In all vertebrates studied, there are at least two copies, BMP2 and BMP4, that play important roles in axial patterning, tissue specification, and organogenesis. The basal vertebrate, lamprey, diverged near the time of vertebrate origins and is useful for understanding the gene duplication events that led to the increased complexity of the vertebrate genome. We characterized the sequence and expression pattern of BMP2/4 class genes in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. We uncovered three genes that we named PmBMP2/4A, PmBMP2/4B, and PmBMP2/4C. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that PmBMP2/4A is closer than PmBMP2/4B or PmBMP2/4C in sequence identity to both BMP2 and BMP4 of gnathostomes. The developmental expression pattern of PmBMP2/4A also more closely resembles the combined early expression patterns of gnathostome BMP2 and BMP4, whereas PmBMP2/4B and PmBMP2/4C appear to play roles only later in development. Cell labeling showed that the BMP-expressing cells in the branchial arches of lampreys are of neural crest origin. Taken together, our sequence and expression data support the duplication of BMP2/4 genes in the lamprey from a single ancestral vertebrate BMP2/4 gene.  相似文献   

With the imminent completion of the whole genome sequence of humans, increasing attention is being focused on the annotation of cis-regulatory elements in the human genome. Comparative genomics approaches based on evolutionary conservation have proved useful in the detection of conserved cis-regulatory elements. The pufferfish, Fugu rubripes, is an attractive vertebrate model for comparative genomics, by virtue of its compact genome and maximal phylogenetic distance from mammals. Fugu has lost a large proportion of nonessential DNA, and retained single orthologs for many duplicate genes that arose in the fish lineage. Non-coding sequences conserved between fugu and mammals have been shown to be functional cis-regulatory elements. Thus, fugu is a model fish genome of choice for discovering evolutionarily conserved regulatory elements in the human genome. Such evolutionarily conserved elements are likely to be shared by all vertebrates, and related to regulatory interactions fundamental to all vertebrates. The functions of these conserved vertebrate elements can be rapidly assayed in mammalian cell lines or in transgenic systems such as zebrafish/medaka and Xenopus, followed by validation of crucial elements in transgenic rodents.  相似文献   

Birds have frequently evolved to exploit insular environments by becoming adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle and losing the ability to fly, usually via reducing the wings and pectoral girdle. The enigmatic flightless ibis Xenicibis xympithecus (Threskiornithidae) from the Quaternary of Jamaica provides a rare example of flight loss in ibises. We report on previously undescribed fossils of Xenicibis, and show that the wing differed radically from that of all other birds, flightless or volant. The metacarpus is elongate, grotesquely inflated and has extremely thick walls; phalanges are short and block-like; the radius is distally expanded; and the humerus is elongate. The furcula, coracoid and sternum are all well developed. We propose that the elongate forelimb and massive hand functioned in combat as a jointed club or flail. This hypothesis is supported by the morphology of the carpometacarpus, by features permitting rapid extension of the wing and by the presence of fractures in wing bones. Although other birds use the wings as weapons, none resemble Xenicibis, which represents a unique and extraordinary morphological solution to this functional problem. Xenicibis strikingly illustrates how similar selective pressures, acting on a similar starting point, can result in novel outcomes.  相似文献   

Siglecs are vertebrate cell-surface receptors that recognize sialylated glycans. Here we have identified and characterized a novel Siglec, named Siglec-15. Siglec-15 is a type-I transmembrane protein consisting of: (i) two immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains, (ii) a transmembrane domain containing a lysine residue, and (iii) a short cytoplasmic tail. Siglec-15 is expressed on macrophages and/or dendritic cells of human spleen and lymph nodes. We show that the extracellular domain of Siglec-15 preferentially recognizes the Neu5Acalpha2-6GalNAcalpha- structure. Siglec-15 associates with the activating adaptor proteins DNAX activation protein (DAP)12 and DAP10 via its lysine residue in the transmembrane domain, implying that it functions as an activating signaling molecule. Siglec-15 is the second human Siglec identified to have an activating signaling potential; unlike Siglec-14, however, it does not have an inhibitory counterpart. Orthologs of Siglec-15 are present not only in mammals but also in other branches of vertebrates; in contrast, no other known Siglec expressed in the immune system has been conserved throughout vertebrate evolution. Thus, Siglec-15 probably plays a conserved, regulatory role in the immune system of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The distribution of d(CT)-rich pyrimidine tracts in the karyotypes of a variety of vertebrates was studied by in situ hybridization. The probe for these studies was a 56 bp homopyrimidine/homopurine sequence obtained from a mouse genomic library constructed with DNA prepared from a restriction enzyme digestion of metaphase chromosomes. Single-stranded DNA nuclease digestions and two-dimensional gel analysis of topoisomers of this sequence indicated that it is capable of adopting a triplex conformation in vitro. In situ hybridization with this probe to the karyotypes of ten different vertebrate species revealed a highly conserved chromosomal distribution of d(CT)-rich tracts. These tracts are found throughout the chromosomal arms and in some karyotypes they are clustered, producing a banding pattern. However, at the resolution of the light microscope these tracts appeared to be absent from the centromeric regions of all chromosomes examined except those of chicken. The non-random distribution of these tracts to the chromosomal arm regions implies an organizational or functional role for this repeat class. It is unlikely that the 56 bp sequence type contributed to the formation of the triplex DNA structure previously detected in centromeric domains of mouse.  相似文献   

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