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We have analyzed the importance of specific amino acids in the cytoplasmic tail of the glycoprotein G(N) for packaging of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) into virus-like particles (VLPs) of Uukuniemi virus (UUK virus), a member of the Bunyaviridae family. In order to study packaging, we added the G(N)/G(C) glycoprotein precursor (p110) to a polymerase I-driven minigenome rescue system to generate VLPs that are released into the supernatant. These particles can infect new cells, and reporter gene expression can be detected. To determine the role of UUK virus glycoproteins in RNP packaging, we performed an alanine scan of the glycoprotein G(N) cytoplasmic tail (amino acids 1 to 81). First, we discovered three regions in the tail (amino acids 21 to 25, 46 to 50, and 71 to 81) which are important for minigenome transfer by VLPs. Further mutational analysis identified four amino acids that were important for RNP packaging. These amino acids are essential for the binding of nucleoproteins and RNPs to the glycoprotein without affecting the morphology of the particles. No segment-specific interactions between the RNA and the cytoplasmic tail could be observed. We propose that VLP systems are useful tools for analyzing protein-protein interactions important for packaging of viral genome segments, assembly, and budding of other members of the Bunyaviridae family.  相似文献   

We examined the 5' ends of Hantaan virus (HTN) genomes and mRNAs to gain insight into the manner in which these chains were initiated. Like those of all members of the family Bunyaviridae described so far, the HTN mRNAs contained 5' terminal extensions that were heterogeneous in both length and sequence, presumably because HTN also "cap snatches" host mRNAs to initiate the viral mRNAs. Unexpectedly, however, almost all of the mRNAs contained a G residue at position -1, and a large fraction also lacked precisely one of the three UAG repeats at the termini. The genomes, on the other hand, commenced with a U residue at position +1, but only 5' monophosphates were found here, indicating that these chains may not have initiated with UTP at this position. Taken together, these unusual findings suggest a prime-and-realign mechanism of chain initiation in which mRNAs are initiated with a G-terminated host cell primer and genomes with GTP, not at the 3' end of the genome template but internally (opposite the template C at position +3), and after extension by one or a few nucleotides, the nascent chain realigns backwards by virtue of the terminal sequence repeats, before processive elongation takes place. For genome initiation, an endonuclease, perhaps that involved in cap snatching, is postulated to remove the 5' terminal extension of the genome, leaving the 5' pU at position +1.  相似文献   

Takeda M 《Uirusu》2007,57(1):83-90
In 1990 Kobune et al. succeeded in isolating pathogenic wild-type strains of measles virus (MV) using a marmoset B-lymphoblastoid cell line B95a. Their data indicated that MV strains that have been used in laboratories are attenuated strains through the adaptation to grow in a variety of cultured cells. We have established a very efficient reverse genetics system that allows us to engineer the genome of a wild-type MV strain at will by site-directed mutagenesis or recombination. Using the system it was shown that (1) the H protein determines tropism of MV, (2) the M protein regulates mode of MV spread, (3) the C protein inhibits host innate immune responses, and (4) the long untranslated regions in the M and F genes function to moderate cytopathogenicity by MV. These data advanced our understanding of molecular bases for MV pathogenicity and mechanisms of MV adaptation to grow in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Recombinant bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) produced in insect cells has been shown to possess an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) activity. Our initial attempt to produce the full-length BVDV NS5B with a C-terminal hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli failed due to the expression of insoluble products. Prompted by a recent report that removal of the C-terminal hydrophobic domain significantly improved the solubility of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B, we constructed a similar deletion of 24 amino acids at the C terminus of BVDV NS5B. The resulting fusion protein, NS5BDeltaCT24-His, was purified to homogeneity and demonstrated to direct RNA replication via both primer-dependent (elongative) and primer-independent (de novo) mechanisms. Furthermore, BVDV RdRp was found to utilize a circular single-stranded DNA as a template for RNA synthesis, suggesting that synthesis does not require ends in the template. In addition to the previously described polymerase motifs A, B, C, and D, alignments with other flavivirus sequences revealed two additional motifs, one N-terminal to motif A and one C-terminal to motif D. Extensive alanine substitutions showed that while most mutations had similar effects on both elongative and de novo RNA syntheses, some had selective effects. Finally, deletions of up to 90 amino acids from the N terminus did not significantly affect RdRp activities, whereas deletions of more than 24 amino acids at the C terminus resulted in either insoluble products or soluble proteins (DeltaCT179 and DeltaCT218) that lacked RdRp activities.  相似文献   

Members of the Bunyaviridae family mature by a budding process in the Golgi complex. The site of maturation is thought to be largely determined by the accumulation of the two spike glycoproteins, G1 and G2, in this organelle. Here we show that the signal for localizing the Uukuniemi virus (a phlebovirus) spike protein complex to the Golgi complex resides in the cytoplasmic tail of G1. We constructed chimeric proteins in which the ectodomain, transmembrane domain (TMD), and cytoplasmic tail (CT) of Uukuniemi virus G1 were exchanged with the corresponding domains of either vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV G), chicken lysozyme, or CD4, all proteins readily transported to the plasma membrane. The chimeras were expressed in HeLa or BHK-21 cells by using either the T7 RNA polymerase-driven vaccinia virus system or the Semliki Forest virus system. The fate of the chimeric proteins was monitored by indirect immunofluorescence, and their localizations were compared by double labeling with markers specific for the Golgi complex. The results showed that the ectodomain and TMD (including the 10 flanking residues on either side of the membrane) of G1 played no apparent role in targeting chimeric proteins to the Golgi complex. Instead, all chimeras containing the CT of G1 were efficiently targeted to the Golgi complex and colocalized with mannosidase II, a Golgi-specific enzyme. Conversely, replacing the CT of G1 with that from VSV G resulted in the efficient transport of the chimeric protein to the cell surface. Progressive deletions of the G1 tail suggested that the Golgi retention signal maps to a region encompassing approximately residues 10 to 50, counting from the proposed border between the TMD and the tail. Both G1 and G2 were found to be acylated, as shown by incorporation of [3H]palmitate into the viral proteins. By mutational analyses of CD4-G1 chimeras, the sites for palmitylation were mapped to two closely spaced cysteine residues in the G1 tail. Changing either or both of these cysteines to alanine had no effect on the targeting of the chimeric protein to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

The enzymatic activity of recombinant influenza virus RNA polymerase is strictly dependent on the addition of a template RNA containing 5' and 3' viral sequences. Here we report the analysis of the binding specificity and physical characterization of the complex by using gel shift, modification interference, and density gradient techniques. The 13S complex binds specifically to short synthetic RNAs that mimic the partially double stranded panhandle structures found at the termini of both viral RNA and cRNA. The polymerase will also bind independently to the single-stranded 5' or 3' ends of viral RNA. It binds most strongly to specific sequences within the 5' end but is unable to bind these sequences in the context of a completely double stranded structure. Modification interference analysis identified the short sequence motifs at the 5' ends of the viral RNA and cRNA templates that are critical for binding.  相似文献   

We studied the maturation of Uukuniemi virus and the localization of the viral surface glycoproteins and nucleocapsid protein in infected cells by electron microscopy, indirect immunofluorescence, and immunoelectron microscopy with specific antisera prepared in rabbits against the two glycoproteins G1 and G2 and the nucleocapsid protein N. Electron microscopy of thin sections from infected cells showed virus particles maturing at smooth-surfaced membranes close to the nucleus. Localization of the G1/G2 and N proteins by indirect immunofluorescence at different stages after infection showed the antigens to be present throughout the cell interior but concentrated in the juxtanuclear region. The G1/G2 antiserum also appeared to stain the nuclear and plasma membranes. Double staining with tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin, which preferentially stains the Golgi complex, and fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G, which stained the G1/G2 or N proteins, showed that the staining of the juxtanuclear region coincided. Similarly, double staining for thiamine pyrophosphatase, an enzyme activity specific for the Golgi complex, showed the fluorescence and the cytochemical stain to coincide in the juxtanuclear region. Immunoperoxidase electron microscopy of cells permeabilized with saponin revealed that the viral glycoproteins were present in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear and Golgi membranes; the latter was heavily stained. With this method, the N protein was localized to the cytoplasm, especially around smooth-surfaced vesicles in the Golgi region. Taken together, the results indicate that Uukuniemi virus and its structural proteins accumulate in the Golgi complex, supporting the idea that this compartment rather than the plasma membrane is the site of virus maturation. This raises the interesting possibility that deficient transport of the glycoproteins to the plasma membrane and hence their accumulation in the Golgi complex determines the site of virus maturation.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection is still a plague that causes important livestock pandemics. Despite the availability of vaccines against BVDV, and the implementation of massive eradication or control programs, this virus still constitutes a serious agronomic burden. Therefore, the alternative approach to combat Pestivirus infections, based on the development of antiviral agents that specifically inhibit the replication of these viruses, is of preeminent actuality and importance.Capitalizing from a long-standing experience in antiviral drug design and development, in this work we present and characterize a series of small molecules based on the 9-aminoacridine scaffold that exhibit potent anti-BVDV activity coupled with low cytotoxicity. The relevant viral protein target – the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase – the binding mode, and the mechanism of action of these new antivirals have been determined by a combination of in vitro (i.e., enzymatic inhibition, isothermal titration calorimetry and site-directed mutagenesis assays) and computational experiments. The overall results obtained confirm that these acridine-based derivatives are promising compounds in the treatment of BVDV infections and, based on the reported structure-activity relationship, can be selected as a starting point for the design of a new generation of improved, safe and selective anti-BVDV agents.  相似文献   

The advent of reverse genetics technology has revolutionized the field of RNA viruses. It is now possible to manipulate even negative-stranded RNA viruses at will, and evaluate the effects of these changes on the biology and pathogenesis of these viruses. The fundamental insights gleaned from the reverse genetics-based studies over the last several years have provided a new momentum for the development of designed therapies for the control and prevention of these viral pathogens. The recombinant viruses have been exploited also as vectors for devising targeted therapies for non-viral diseases such as malignancies, and in gene therapy for inherited disorders. This review provides a brief summary of the stumbling blocks and the successes in the development of the technology for the negative-stranded RNA viruses. The many and varied applications of the recombinant vectors are also outlined.  相似文献   

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