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When hepatocytes were freshly isolated from rat liver and incubated for various periods of time at 37 degrees C, the media from the incubation, when completely separated from the cells, actively degraded 125I-insulin. THis soluble protease activity was strongly inhibited by bacitracin but was unaffected by the lysosomatropic agent ammonium chloride (NH4Cl). When hepatocytes were incubated with 125I-insulin at 37 degrees C in the presence or absence of 8 mM NH4Cl the ligand initially bound to the plasma membrane and was subsequently internalized as a function of time. When hepatocytes were incubated at 37 degrees C for 30 minutes with 125I-insulin in the presence of bacitracin and NH4Cl or bacitracin alone and the cells were washed, diluted, and the cell-bound radioactivity allowed to dissociate, the percent intact 125I-insulin in the cell pellet and in the incubation media was greater in the presence of NH4Cl at each time point of incubation. Under these same conditions a higher proportion of the cell-associated radioactivity was internalized and a higher proportion was associated with lysosomes. The data suggest that receptor-mediated internalization is required for insulin degradation by the cell, and that this process, at least in part, involves lysosomal enzymes. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that internalization is not blocked by the presence of bacitracin or NH4Cl in the incubation media, but that degradation is inhibited.  相似文献   

Binding and degradation of 125I-insulin by rat hepatocytes.   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
The binding and the velocity of degradation of 125I-insulin in the absence or presence of varying concentrations of native procline insulin were studied using isolated rat hepatocytes. At insulin concentrations ranging from 5 X 10(-11) to 10(-6) M, insulin degradation velocity showed a first order dependence on the total concentration of insulin bound at steady state. The overall reaction had an apparent rate constant of 0.030 +/- 0.011 min-1. Furthermore, the degradation of a given amount of 125I-insulin bound to cells was more rapid and extensive than the degradation of the same amount of insulin which had been newly exposed to fresh cells. Mid pretreatment of isolated hepatocytes with trypsin or chymotrypsin at concentrations of 5 to 20 mug/ml depressed to the same degree the amount of 125-I-insulin bound at steady state and the 125I-insulin degradation velocity. Peptide or protein hormones unrelated to insulin, including the oxidized A and B chains of insulin, failed to depress the amount of insulin bound or the velocity of insulin degradation when present at concentrations of 10-5 or 10-6 M. Over a wide range of concentrations, various synthetic insulin analogues and naturally occurring insulins depressed to the same degree the amount of 125I-insulin bound at steady state and the 125I-insulin degradation velocity. These observations suggest that insulin bound to hepatocyte plasma membranes is the substrate for insulin degradation by the liver.  相似文献   

The effects of oral hypoglycaemic drugs, SPC-703 (n-/p-toluenesulphonyl/-5-methyl-2-pirazoline-1-carbonami de) and tolbutamide on insulin binding and glucose metabolism by isolated adipocytes were studied. After 10 days of administration of both sulphonylurea derivatives, no differences were observed in insulin concentration between both experimental and the control groups of animals, despite a significant fall in blood glucose level. SPC-703 and tolbutamide in concentrations of 1 mM added in vitro to the suspension of adipocytes had no effect on insulin binding or on basal and insulin simulated glucose metabolism. Daily administration of 300 mg/kg body weight of SPC-703 or tolbutamide for 10 days resulted in 48% and 34% increase of specific binding of insulin by adipocytes, respectively. From the Scatchard plot analysis we noted that the increase of binding resulted from increased affinity of insulin receptors for hormone. Simultaneous increase in basal and insulin stimulated glucose metabolism by adipocytes, as measured by 14CO2 production and 14C incorporation into cellular lipids, was observed. The results indicate that hypoglycaemic action of sulphonylureas may be explained by increased affinity of insulin receptors and the stimulating action of these compounds on peripheral glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Spingosine, a naturally occurring inhibitor of protein kinase C, has recently been shown to have potent bioregulatory effects on a variety of cellular processes involving signal transduction mechanisms. In the present studies, we have investigated its effects on activation by insulin of hexose transport and glucose oxidation in isolated rat adipocytes. Preincubation of cells with this long-chain base blocked both the marked activation of these processes by insulin and the smaller activation by phorbol myristate acetate. Inhibition of both insulin and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate activation showed the same sphingosine concentration dependence, suggesting a common locus of action. The effectiveness of sphingosine was inversely proportional to the lipid content in the incubation (which was a function of both the age of the animal and the number of cells used) presumably due to dilution of the lipophilic long-chain base into the cellular triglycerides. Sphingosine did not affect either insulin binding to its receptor or the half-maximal concentration of the hormone required to activate hexose transport, but reduced the maximal responses. Thus, the inhibition was at a step distal to the binding of insulin to its receptor. Basal transport activity was not inhibited, suggesting a locus of action prior to the glucose transporter. The inhibitor was also effective when added following activation by insulin of hexose transport and resulted in a rapid reversal of activation (t 1/2 for inhibition was 2-4 min.). Sphingosine and its analogs showed a parallel potency for inhibition both of isolated protein kinase C and of insulin activation in adipocytes, consistent with an essential role for protein kinase C in the activation of hexose transport by insulin.  相似文献   

We compared A-14 and A-19 125I-labelled insulin in receptor-binding and degradation. Percent receptor-binding of A-14 and A-19 125I-labelled insulin to 2.4 X 10(9)/ml erythrocytes after 210 min incubation at 15 degrees C was 7.8 and 4.9%, respectively. Percent insulin-receptor binding of A-14 insulin was 1.6 times greater than that of A-19 insulin. A similar result was obtained in an adipocytes insulin binding study. Percent receptor-binding of A-14 and A-19 insulin to 2 X 10(5)/ml fat cells after 30 min incubation in the above buffer was 3.9 and 2.4%, respectively. Degradation of A-14 and A-19 insulin in rat adipocytes was also studied by molecular sieve column chromatography. Isolated rat adipocytes were allowed to associate with A-14 and A-19 125I-insulin for 60 min at 37 degrees C, pH 8.0 in a HEPES-phosphate buffer, and then cells were separated from the buffer by centrifugation. After solubilization with triton X-100, both the solubilized cells and the incubation medium were applied to the Bio-Gel P-30 column to assess the insulin degradation. Degradation of A-14 125I-insulin by the isolated rat adipocytes was 1.6 times greater than that of A-19 125I-insulin. Furthermore, the peak which was thought to be intermediate degradation products of insulin was obtained between the peak of intact insulin and that of 125I-tyrosine. Such a peak of intermediates was much smaller in the incubation media than in the cell-associated materials.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Glucose is an important fuel for rat brown adipose tissue in vivo and its utilization is highly sensitive to insulin. In this study, the different glucose metabolic pathways and their regulation by insulin and norepinephrine were examined in isolated rat brown adipocytes, using [6-14C]glucose as a tracer. Glucose utilization was stimulated for insulin concentrations in the range of 40-1000 microU/ml. Furthermore, the addition of adenosine deaminase (200 mU/ml) or adenosine (10 microM) did not alter insulin sensitivity of glucose metabolism. The major effect of insulin (1 mU/ml) was a respective 7-fold and 5-fold stimulation of lipogenesis and lactate synthesis, whereas glucose oxidation remained very low. The 5-fold stimulation of total glucose metabolism by 1 mU/ml of insulin was accompanied by an 8-fold increase in glucose transport. In the presence of norepinephrine (8 microM), total glucose metabolism was increased 2-fold. This was linked to a 7-fold increase of glucose oxidation, whereas lipogenesis was greatly inhibited (by 72%). In addition, norepinephrine alone did not modify glucose transport. The addition of insulin to adipocytes incubated with norepinephrine, induced a potentiation of glucose oxidation, while lipogenesis remained very low. In conclusion, in the presence of insulin and norepinephrine glucose is a oxidative substrate for brown adipose tissue. However the quantitative importance of glucose as oxidative fuel remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Low temperature and the lysosomotropic agent, chloroquine, were used to study the degradation of 125I-insulin in a perfused rat liver. Insulin (1.5 × 10?9m) was removed from the perfusate at 35 °C with a T12 of 12 min, and this process was slowed to 35 min at a temperature of 17 °C. Essentially no degradation of 125I-insulin took place in the liver at 17 °C. After 90 min at that temperature 64% of the liver radioactivity had accumulated in the microsomal fraction of the tissue homogenate, while at 35 °C 60% of the radioactive material was in the supernatant fraction. Greater than 80% of the supernatant radioactivity was acid soluble. Rapid warming of a 17 °C-treated liver to 35 °C allowed the accumulated 125I-insulin in the microsomal fraction to be degraded to acid-soluble products in the normal manner. Chloroquine (0.2 mm) also caused the liver to degrade insulin more slowly. At 60 min after adding 125I-insulin to the chloroquine-treated liver, 50% of the radioactivity in the tissue was still present in the lysosome-rich fraction of the homogenate, while less than 10% was in this fraction in a control liver. The effects of low temperature show transfer of insulin to its degradative site is rate limiting for hormone catabolism and the inhibition by chloroquine suggests lysosomes have a role in insulin degradation by the liver.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic cadmium exposure on adipose tissue have not been extensively reported. In adult Wistar male rats we investigated in vivo effect of 6 weeks lasting cadmium intake in drinking tap water (CdCl2 9,7 mg/l). Insulin receptors in isolated adipocytes from epididymal fat and glucose transporter protein GLUT4 content in fat tissue plasma membranes were determined. Control and Cd treated rats had similar water intake with subsequent heavy augmentation of Cd content in liver of experimental animals. In comparison with controls, Cd intake did not influence body mass increment and fat cell size, but significantly increased serum glycemia and moderately elevated insulinemia. Cadmium intake significantly reduced (50%) both, total insulin receptors number and density of the receptors in fat cells. No differences in the content of GLUT4 in crude plasma membranes of adipose tissue were observed. Diminished insulin receptors in adipocytes could account for diabetogenic effect of long lasting cadmium intake.  相似文献   

Several small peptides inhibit insulin-promoted glucose uptake in rat adipocytes. At 10 microM peptide concentration, the extent of their inhibition of the insulin effect is related to the ability of these peptides to raise the bilayer- to hexagonal-phase transition temperature in model membranes. Hexane and DL-threo-dihydrosphingosine lower this phase transition temperature in model membranes, and they promote glucose uptake in adipocytes. There is thus an empirical relationship between the action of membrane additives on glucose uptake in adipocytes and their effect on the hexagonal-phase-forming tendency in model membranes. The most potent of the bilayer-stabilizing peptides tested in this work is carbobenzoxy-D-Phe-L-Phe-Gly. This peptide also inhibits insulin-stimulated protein synthesis in adipocytes. In contrast, DL-threo-dihydrosphingosine stimulates protein synthesis. The uptake of [125I]iodoinsulin by adipocytes is inhibited by carbobenzoxy-D-Phe-L-Phe-Gly. The mechanism of action of the bilayer-stabilizing peptides includes inhibition of insulin-dependent protein phosphorylation in adipocytes. The peptides are not specific inhibitors of a single function but are suggested to cause their effects by altering the physical properties of the membrane in a nonspecific manner. These results demonstrate that insulin-dependent functions of rat adipocytes can be modified by membrane additives in a manner predictable from the properties of these additives in model membranes.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium halobium tactic responses towards light and chemoeffectors are accompanied by changes in the methylation level of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCP). Taxis towards green light absorbed by the bacteriorhodopsin proton pump appears to be governed by ΔμH+-sensing. The addition of CCCP, an uncoupler, prevented the increase of MCP methylation in response to green light illumination, but had no effect on CH3-incorporation followed by the addition of the attractants glucose, leucine and histidine. Similarly, CCCP did not change MCP demethylation in response to blue light illumination, a repelling stimuli.The sensitivity to an uncoupler of methylation linked to ΔμH+-mediated green light taxis is to be expected, while the independence of demethylation caused by the blue light of CCCP is an indication that in the latter case a specific photoreceptor governs phototaxis. Informed processing from the blue light receptor to MCP does not involve a change in the membrane potential.  相似文献   

In isolated rat adipocytes, basal as well as insulin-stimulated 3-O-methylglucose transport was inhibited nearly completely (maximal inhibition: 95%) by the nucleoside transport inhibitors dipyridamole (IC50 = 5 microM), nitrobenzylthioguanosine (20 microM), nitrobenzylthioinosine (35 microM) and papaverine (130 microM). Transport kinetics in the presence of 10 microM dipyridamole revealed a significant increase in the transport Km value of 3-O-methylglucose (3.45 +/- 0.6 vs 2.36 +/- 0.29 mM in the controls) as well as a decrease in the Vmax value (4.84 +/- 0.95 vs 9.03 +/- 1.19 pmol/s per microliter lipid in the controls). Half-maximally inhibiting concentrations of dipyridamole were one order of magnitude higher than those inhibiting nucleoside (thymidine) uptake (0.48 microM). The inhibitory effect of dipyridamole (5 microM) reached its maximum within 30 s. The agent failed to affect insulin's half-maximally stimulating concentration (0.075 nM) indicating that it did not interfere with the mechanism by which insulin stimulates glucose transport. Further, dipyridamole fully suppressed the glucose-inhibitable cytochalasin B binding (IC50 = 1.65 +/- 0.05 microM). The data indicate that nucleoside transport inhibitors reduce glucose transport by a direct interaction with the transporter or a closely related protein. It is suggested that glucose and nucleoside transporters share structural, and possibly functional, features.  相似文献   

The in situ assembly states of the glucose transport carrier protein in the plasma membrane and in the intracellular (microsomal) storage pool of rat adipocytes were assessed by studying radiation-induced inactivation of the D-glucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding activities. High energy radiation inactivated the glucose-sensitive cytochalasin B binding of each of these membrane preparations by reducing the total number of the binding sites without affecting the dissociation constant. The reduction in total number of binding sites was analyzed as a function of radiation dose based on target theory, from which a radiation-sensitive mass (target size) was calculated. When the plasma membranes of insulin-treated adipocytes were used, a target size of approximately 58,000 daltons was obtained. For adipocyte microsomal membranes, we obtained target sizes of approximately 112,000 and 109,000 daltons prior to and after insulin treatment, respectively. In the case of microsomal membranes, however, inactivation data showed anomalously low radiation sensitivities at low radiation doses, which may be interpreted as indicating the presence of a radiation-sensitive inhibitor. These results suggest that the adipocyte glucose transporter occurs as a monomer in the plasma membrane while existing in the intracellular reserve pool either as a homodimer or as a stoichiometric complex with a protein of an approximately equal size.  相似文献   

More than 90% of the radioactivity associated with isolated rat adipocytes incubated with [TyrA14-125I]monoiodoinsulin represented at steady state iodoinsulin possessing full binding affinity. In contrast, about half of the radioactivity dissociating from the cells was [125I]monoiodotyrosine. The other half was of a molecular size similar to that of iodoinsulin as judged from gel-filtration chromatography. However, the descending limb of the ‘insulin’ peak (i.e., the smaller molecules) possessed a reduced binding activity compared with native iodoinsulin, material from the ascending limb, or a similar fraction isolated from dissociation medium from IM-9 lymphocytes, a cell type devoid of receptor-mediated insulin degradation. The cells, thus, release an intermediary degradation product.  相似文献   

More than 90% of the radioactivity associated with isolated rat adipocytes incubated with [TyrA14-125I]monoiodoinsulin represented at steady state iodoinsulin possessing full binding affinity. In contrast, about half of the radioactivity dissociating from the cells was [125I]monoiodotyrosine. The other half was of a molecular size similar to that of iodoinsulin as judged from gel-filtration chromatography. However, the descending limb of the 'insulin' peak (i.e., the smaller molecules) possessed a reduced binding activity compared with native iodoinsulin, material from the ascending limb, or a similar fraction isolated from dissociation medium from IM-9 lymphocytes, a cell type devoid of receptor-mediated insulin degradation. The cells, thus, release an intermediary degradation product.  相似文献   

Summary The kidney plays a major role in the handling of circulating insulin in the blood, primarily via reuptake of filtered insulin at the luminal brush border membrane.125I-insulin associated with rat renal brush border membrane vesicles (BBV) in a time-and temperature-dependent manner accompanied by degradation of the hormone to trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-soluble fragments. Both association and degradation of125I-insulin were linearly proportional to membrane protein concentration with virtually all of the degradative activity being membrane assoicated. Insulin, proinsulin and desoctapeptide insulin all inhibited the association and degradation of125I-insulin by BBV, but these processes were not appreciably afected by the insulin-like growth factors IGF-I and IGF-II or by cytochromec and lysozyme, low molecular weight, filterable, proteins, which are known to be reabsorbed in the renal tubules by luminal endocytosis. When the interaction of125I-insulin with BBV was studied at various medium osmolarities (300–1100 mosm) to alter intravesicular space, association of the ligand with the vesicles was unaffected, but degradation of the ligand by the vesicles decreased progressively with increasing medium osmolarity. Therefore, association of125I-insulin to BBV represented binding of the ligand to the membrane surface and not uptake of the hormone or its degradation products into the vesicles. Attempts to crosslink125I-insulin to a high-affinity insulin receptor using the bifunctional reagent disuccinimidyl suberate revealed only trace amounts of an125I-insulin-receptor complex in brush border membrane vesicles in contrast to intact renal tubules where this complex was readily observed. Both binding and degradation of125I-insulin by brush border membranes did not reach saturation even at concentrations of insulin approaching 10–5 m. These results indicate the presence of low-affinity, high-capacity binding sites for125I-insulin on renal brush border membranes which can clearly distinguish insulin from the insulin-like growth factors and other low molecular weight proteins and polypeptides, but which do not differentiate insulin from its analogues ad do the biological receptors for the hormone. The properties and location of these binding sites make them attractive candidates for the sites at which insulin is reabsorbed in the renal tubule.  相似文献   

We have quantitated and studied the topology of isoforms of the Na+/K+-ATPase and of the glucose transporter in rat adipocyte plasma membranes.Adipocytes were incubated with or without insulin for 15 min. Sheets of native plasma membrane, with the cytoplasmic face exposed, were prepared by adsorption to EM grids. Grids were incubated in parallel with monoclonal antibodies against the Na+/ K+-ATPase isoforms 1 and 2, and the glucose transporter isoforms GLUT1 and GLUT4, followed by immunogold labeling, negative staining and quantitation by counting of the gold particles in electron micrographs. In addition, the distribution of glucose transporters and Na+/K+-ATPase isoforms in subcellular membrane fractions prepared by an established fractionation procedure was monitored by Western blotting.We found that the Na+/K+-ATPases and the glucose transporters were confined to the planar part of the plasma membrane, without association to caveolar invaginations.The vast majority of the Na+/K+-ATPase molecules in the adipocyte plasma membrane were of the 2 isoform; GLUT4 was the dominating glucose transporter isoform.The total number of Na+/K+-ATPase molecules labeled in the plasma membrane was 3.5×105 per cell, independent of insulin stimulation. Concomitantly, insulin increased GLUT4 labeling sevenfold to a value of 3.5×105 per cell.The authors wish to thank Ulla Blankensteiner, Jonna Harpøth and Lisette Hansen for their skillful technical assistance and Birgit Risto for excellent work with the photographic prints. The 1 and 2 antibodies were kindly donated by K.W. Sweadner, Boston, and the F18 and F27 antibodies were granted by Peer N. Jørgensen, Novo-Nordisk, Bagsværd, Denmark. This work was supported by The NOVO Foundation, The Nordisk Insulin Foundation, The Danish Diabetes Foundation, The P. Carl Petersen Foundation and the Foundation of 17-12-81.  相似文献   

Insulin binding and glucose oxidation were measured in isolated rat adipocytes in the presence of several anesthetics; ethanol, n-octanol, pentobarbital, chlorpromazine and tetracaine. Ethanol and chlorpromazine, at anesthetic and pentobarbitol at sub-anesthetic concentrations are inhibitory to both basal and insulin stimulated rates of glucose oxidation. At all concentrations of ethanol, pentobarbital or chlorpromazine tested binding of insulin is not affected. Since anesthetics may alter membrane fluidity, it is suggested that an anesthetic-induced increase in membrane fluidity beyond that which occurs at 37°C is detrimental to glucose oxidation. Of the 5 anesthetics examined, only chlorpromazine (10 μM or less) and tetracaine (500 μM) stimulate glucose oxidation. These two agents are known to bind to a cell's cytoskeletal system; the binding of chlorpromazine to microtubules is entropy driven. The temperature and concentration dependence of chlorpromazine stimulation of glucose oxidation (transport) are consistent with this form of binding. It is proposed that chlorpromazine binds to the cytoskeletal system of the adipocyte and that this system is normally restrictive to the motion of membrane proteins. Disruption of the cytoskeletal system by chlorpromazine or tetracaine would increase the frequency of insulin-receptor and glucose-carrier contact. Activation of glucose transport could ensue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further characterize the rapid effects of insulin and the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor vanadate to amplify cell surface insulin binding capacity in isolated rat adipocytes. The effect of 20 min insulin treatment (1000 microU/ml) was 2- to 3-fold (p < 0.01) when cells were treated in medium containing 5.6 mM D-glucose, but it was totally absent in glucose-free medium. Other carbon energy sources, such as fructose and pyruvate, could only partly substitute for D-glucose, with an approximately 1.5-fold insulin effect. Moreover, inhibiting transmembrane glucose transport with cytochalasin B completely blocked the effect of insulin to enhance cell surface binding. The effect of vanadate was only partly glucose-dependent, since a submaximal effect (1.5- to 2-fold, p<0.05) was seen also in the absence of glucose. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein markedly blunted the effect of vanadate (from 3- to 4-fold to approximately 2-fold, p < 0.05) also indicating the importance of tyrosine phosphorylation-related mechanisms in the upregulation of cell surface insulin binding. Glycosylation of insulin receptors as a mechanism for this effect appears unlikely since neither the effect of insulin nor that of vanadate was altered by the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. The time course for the insulin effect displayed a long duration (at least 6 h), suggesting a maintenance role of insulin keeping its receptors accessible for ligand binding at the cell surface. In conclusion, the effect of insulin and vanadate to upregulate cell-surface insulin receptors is energy-dependent and to some extent specifically glucose-dependent.  相似文献   

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