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In vertebrates, the embryonic dorsoventral asymmetry is regulated by the bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmp) activity gradient. In the present study, we have used dorsalized swirl (bmp2b) and ventralized chordino (chordin) zebrafish mutants to investigate the effects of dorsoventral signalling on endoderm patterning and on the differentiation and positioning of its derivatives. Alterations of dorsoventral Bmp signalling do not perturb the induction of endodermal precursors, as shown by normal amounts of cells expressing cas and sox17 in swirl and chordino gastrulae, but affect dramatically the expression pattern of her5, a regulator of endoderm anteroposterior patterning in zebrafish. In particular, increased levels of Bmp signalling in chordino gastrulae are associated with a markedly reduced her5 expression domain, that may be abolished by injecting bmp2b mRNA. Conversely, in swirl mutants, lacking Bmp2b, the her5 expression domain is expanded. Thus, a gradient of Bmp2b signalling defines the extension of the her5 expression domain at gastrulation and the allocation of anterior endodermal precursors. A balanced Bmp2b signalling is also required for the normal development of the pancreas, as shown by the sharp reduction of the pancreatic primordium in swirl embryos and its expansion in chordino mutants. In the latter, at 3 days post-fertilization, the increased Bmp signalling does not compromise the endocrine/exocrine pancreas compartmentalization, but the right/left positioning of the pancreas and liver is randomized. Our results suggest that by regulating the expression of her5, the Bmp2b/Chordin gradient directs the anteroposterior patterning of endoderm in zebrafish embryos.  相似文献   

We have identified and cloned a novel type of homeobox gene that is composed of two homeodomains and is expressed in the Drosophila endoderm. Mutant analysis reveals that its activity is required at the foregut/midgut boundary for the development of the proventriculus. This organ regulates food passage from the foregut into the midgut and forms by the infolding of ectoderm and endoderm-derived tissues. The endodermal outer wall structure of the proventriculus is collapsed in the mutants leading to a failure of the ectodermal part to invaginate and build a functional multilayered organ. Lack-of-function and gain-of-function experiments show that the expression of this homeobox gene in the proventriculus endoderm is induced in response to Wingless activity emanating from the ectoderm/endoderm boundary whereas its expression in the central midgut is controlled by Dpp and Wingless signalling emanating from the overlying visceral mesoderm.  相似文献   

The homeobrain (hbn) gene is a new paired-like homeobox gene which is expressed in the embryonic brain and the ventral nerve cord. Expression of homeobrain initiates during the blastoderm stage in the anterior dorsal head primordia and the gene is persistently expressed in these cells which form parts of the brain during later embryonic stages. An additional weaker expression pattern is detected in cells of the ventral nerve cord from stage 11 on. The homeodomain in the Homeobrain protein is most similar to the Drosophila proteins DRx, Aristaless and Munster. In addition, the localized brain expression patterns of homeobrain and DRx resemble each other. Two other homeobox genes, orthopedia and DRx are clustered in the 57B region along with homeobrain. The current evidence indicates that homeobrain, DRx and orthopedia form a homeobox gene cluster in which all the members are expressed in specific embryonic brain subregions.  相似文献   

vsx1 is a homeobox gene encoding a paired-type homeodomain and a CVC domain that was originally cloned from an adult goldfish retinal library. We previously reported the spatiotemporal expression pattern of vsx1in the adult and developing retina of zebrafish and goldfish, and we suggested that vsx1 plays a role in determining the cell fate and maintenance of retinal interneurons. Other related genes encoding a CVC domain, such as vsx2 (alx) and chx10, are expressed both within and outside the retina during development. In this study, we report the cloning of zebrafish vsx1 and its developmental expression in both retinal and nonretinal regions of the CNS in zebrafish embryos. vsx1expression was detected in a subset of hindbrain and spinal cord neurons before it was expressed in the retina. At about the same time that retinal expression began, the level of vsx1 was decreased in the spinal cord. The expression of vsx1 was progressively restricted, and eventually it was detected only in the inner nuclear layer (INL) of the developing retina. The combined expression patterns of teleost vsx1 and vsx2 (alx) during early zebrafish development encompasses the expression pattern observed for murine Chx10, and indicates a partitioning of function for CVC genes in lower vertebrates. Dev. Genet. 23:128–141, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The vertebrate body plan is generated during gastrulation with the formation of the three germ layers. Members of the Nodal-related subclass of the TGF-β superfamily induce and pattern the mesoderm and endoderm in all vertebrates. In zebrafish, two nodal-related genes, called squint and cyclops, are required in a dosage-dependent manner for the formation of all derivatives of the mesoderm and endoderm. These genes are expressed dynamically during the blastula stages and may have different roles at different times. This question has been difficult to address because conditions that alter the timing of nodal-related gene expression also change Nodal levels. We utilized a pharmacological approach to conditionally inactivate the ALK 4, 5 and 7 receptors during the blastula stages without disturbing earlier signaling activity. This permitted us to directly examine when Nodal signals specify cell types independently of dosage effects.  相似文献   

Nodal and Nodal-related factors play fundamental roles in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation, patterning of the anterior neural plate, and determination of bilateral asymmetry in vertebrates. pitx2, a paired-like homeobox gene, has been proposed to act downstream of Nodal in the gene cascade providing left-right cues to the developing organs. Here, we report that pitx2 is required early in the Nodal signaling pathway for specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers. We found that pitx2 is expressed very early during Xenopus and zebrafish development and in many regions where Nodal signaling is required, including the presumptive mesoderm and endoderm at the blastula and gastrula stages and the prechordal mesoderm at later stages. In Xenopus embryos, overexpression of pitx2 caused ectopic expression of goosecoid and sox-17 and interfered with mesoderm formation. Overexpression of pitx2 in Xenopus animal cap explants partially mimics the effects of Nodal overexpression, suggesting that pitx2 is a mediator of Nodal signaling during specification of the endoderm and prechordal plate, but not during mesoderm induction. We further demonstrate that pitx2 is induced by Nodal signaling in Xenopus animal caps and that the early expression of zebrafish pitx2 is absent when the Nodal signaling pathway is inactive. Inhibition of pitx2 function using a chimeric EnR-pitx2 blocked specification of the mesoderm and endoderm and caused severe embryonic defects resembling those seen when Nodal signaling is inhibited. Following inhibition of pitx2 function, the fate of ventral vegetal blastomeres was shifted from an endodermal to a more mesodermal fate, an effect that was reversed by wild-type pitx2. Finally, we show that inhibition of pitx2 function interferes with the response of cells to Nodal signaling. Our results provide direct evidence that pitx2 function is required for normal specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

The paired-like homeodomain (HD) protein Chx10 is distinguished by the presence of the CVC domain, a conserved 56 amino acid sequence C-terminal to the HD. In mammals, Chx10 is essential both for the proliferation of retinal progenitor cells and for the formation or survival of retinal bipolar interneurons. We describe the cloning and characterization of a mouse Chx10 homologue, Vsx1; phylogenetic analysis suggests that Vsx1 and its putative vertebrate orthologues have evolved rapidly. Vsx1 expression in the adult is predominantly retinal. Whereas Chx10 is expressed both in retinal progenitors in the developing eye and apparently in all bipolar cells of the mature retina, Vsx1 expression is first detected in the eye at postnatal day 5, where it is restricted to cone bipolar cells.  相似文献   

During embryogenesis, complex morphogenetic events lead endodermal cells to coalesce at the midline and form the primitive gut tube and associated organs. While several genes have recently been implicated in endoderm differentiation, we know little about the genes that regulate endodermal morphogenesis. Here, we show that vascular endothelial growth factor C (Vegfc), an angiogenic as well as a lymphangiogenic factor, is unexpectedly involved in this process in zebrafish. Reducing Vegfc levels using morpholino antisense oligonucleotides, or through overexpression of a soluble form of the VEGFC receptor, VEGFR-3, affects the coalescence of endodermal cells in the anterior midline, leading to the formation of a forked gut tube and the duplication of the liver and pancreatic buds. Further analyses indicate that Vegfc is additionally required for the initial formation of the dorsal endoderm. We also demonstrate that Vegfc is required for vasculogenesis as well as angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo. These data argue for a requirement of Vegfc in the developing vasculature and, more surprisingly, implicate Vegfc signalling in two distinct steps during endoderm development, first during the initial differentiation of the dorsal endoderm, and second in the coalescence of the anterior endoderm to the midline.  相似文献   

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