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Abstract: Uptake of 32P phosphorus from soil was investigated in mycelial cord systems of Phanerochaete velutina, Hypholoma fasciculare, Tricholomopsis platyphylla and Phallus impudicus which extended from 0.5, 2, 4 or 8 cm3 beech ( Fagus sylvatica ) inocula. Cord systems accumulated between 4.8 and 18.7% of phosphorus supplied to soil, according to species and size of inoculum. Phosphorus translocation to newly-colonized 2 cm3 beech baits, determined non-destructively, was characterized by an initial steady phase, of 2.5 to 32 nmol P day−1 which lasted at least 12 days for all four species. After the initial steady phase, translocation rates declined. Initial mycelial extension and wood decay rates also varied with species and inoculum size. There was no clear relationship between phosphorus translocation rates, wood decay or the distribution of soil-derived phosphorus in cord system components. However, with increasing inoculum size, P. velutina systems allocated a significantly greater proportion of available phosphorus to newly-colonized baits. The degree to which distribution of soil-derived phosphorus in cord systems is related to nutrient conservation or metabolic demand in the fungi is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Responses of the predaceous mites Phytoseiulus persimilis, Typhlodromus (=Metaseiulus) occidentalis, and Amblyseius andersoni to spatial variation in egg density of the phytophagous mite, Tetranychus urticae, were studied in the laboratory.The oligophagous predator P. persimilis showed initially a direct density dependent foraging time allocation and variation in foraging time increased with prey density. With changes in prey density due to predation, predator foraging rates (per hour) decreased with time and density dependent foraging gradually became density independence, because P. persimilis continued to respond to initial prey density, instead of the changing prey density and distribution. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by P. persimilis was density independent, although slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time.Compared with P. persimilis, the narrowly polyphagous predator T. occidentalis responded relatively slowly to the the presence or absence of prey eggs but not to prey density: the mean and variation of foraging time spent in patches with prey did not differ with prey density, but was significantly greater in patches with prey eggs than in patches without eggs. Prey density and distribution changed only slightly due to predation and overall foraging rates remained more or less constant. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by T. occidentalis was inversely density dependent. As with P. persimilis, slopes of predation rate-prey density regressions increased with time (i.e. the inverse density dependence in T. occidentalis became weaker through time).The broadly polyphagous predator A. andersoni showed density independent foraging time allocation with variation independent of prey density. With changes in prey density over time due to prey depletion, overall foraging rates decreased. The consequent spatial pattern of predation by A. andersoni also changed through time; it initially was inversely density dependent, but soon became density independent.Overall, P. persimilis and T. occidentalis spent more time in prey patches than A. andersoni, suggesting that A. andersoni tended to spend more time moving outside patches. The overall predation rates and searching efficiency were higher in P. persimilis than in A. andersoni and T. occidentalis. Predator reproduction was highest in P. persimilis, lower in T. occidentalis and the lowest A. andersoni.The differences in response to prey distribution among the three predaceous species probably reflect the evolution of these species in environments with different patterns of prey distribution. The degree of polyphagy is a major determinant of the aggregative response, but other attributes such as handling time are also important in other aspects of phytoseiid foraging behavior (e.g. searching efficiency or predation rate).  相似文献   

Abstract: The outgrowth patterns of Phanerochaete velutina from woody resources varied depending on the soil/litter type. There were clear differences in mycelial extension rate, time between contact with and emergence from baits, mycelial biomass, and extra-resource mycelial responses to contact with new resources depending on soil type, though there was little difference between fractal dimension, i.e. space filling, of mycelia with time or soil/litter type. In a few replicates, particularly in components from the Lawson's cypress stand, mycelia sometimes became brownish colour, ceased growth and eventually disintegrated. In litter the pattern of mycelial development was quite different from that in soil due to subsurface growth in which needles were often colonised. In humus, mycelial development was somewhat similar to that in soil.  相似文献   

Ligninolytic activity in the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium was previously found not to be induced by lignin, but to develop in cultures in response to nitrogen starvation. Added NH 4 + suppressed existing activity. The present study examined amino acid profiles and protein concentrations during onset of ligninolytic activity (synthetic 14C-lignin14CO2) in nitrogen-limited cultures, and defined some characteristics of subsequent suppression by added nutrient nitrogen. During the transition between depletion of medium nitrogen and the onset of ligninolytic activity, total free intracellular amino acids increased, then rapidly decreased; changes in glutamate concentration played a major role. Intracellular protein concentration fluctuated in a manner roughly converse to that of the concentration of free amino acids. Protein turnover was rapid (5–7%/h) during the transition period. Glutamate, glutamine, and histidine were the most effective of 14 nitrogenous compounds in suppressing ligninolytic activity after its onset. The suppressive effect was not mediated through carbon (glucose)-catabolite repression or by alterations in culture pH. Activities responsible for oxidation of lignin and the ligninrelated phenol, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyacetophenone, responded similarly to added nitrogen. Synthesis of a secondary metabolite, veratryl alcohol, like lignin oxidation, was suppressed quite sharply by glutamate and significantly by NH 4 + . Results indicate that nitrogen metabolism affects ligninolytic activity as a part of secondary metabolism, and suggest a role for glutamate metabolism in regulating this phase of culture development.Non-Standard Abbreviations DMS 2,2-dimethylsuccinate - GLC gas-liquid chromatography - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

Fast-growing bacteria and fungi are expected to cause the initial stage of decomposition of woody fragments in and on soils, i.e. the respiration of sugars, organic acids, pectin and easily accessible cellulose and hemi-cellulose. However, little is known about the factors regulating initial wood decomposition. We examined the effect of wood fragment size, vertical position, nitrogen addition and soil origin on initial wood decay and on the relative importance of fungi and bacteria therein. Two fractions of birch wood were used in microcosm experiments, namely wood blocks (dimensions: 3 × 0.5 × 0.5 cm) and sawdust (dimensions: 0.5–2 mm). The woody fragments were enclosed in nylon bags and placed on top of- or buried in an abandoned arable soil and in a heathland soil. After 15, 25 and 40 weeks of incubation, fungal biomass was quantified (as ergosterol and chitin content) and bacterial numbers were determined. The results indicated that initial wood decay was mostly caused by fungi; bacteria were only contributing in sawdust in/on abandoned arable soil. Larger fragment size, burial of fragments and nitrogen addition positively influenced fungal biomass and activity. Fungal biomass and decay activities were much lower in woody fragments incubated in/on heathland soil than in those incubated in/on abandoned arable soil, indicating that soil origin is also an important factor determining initial wood decay.  相似文献   

The lignin-degrading basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium synthesizes veratryl alcohol (3,4-dimethoxybenzyl alcohol) via phenylalanine, 3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol and veratrylglycerol. Study of the conversion of 3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol to veratrylglycerol and veratryl alcohol showed is to be (a) catalyzed by a secondary metabolic system, (b) markedly suppressed by culture agitation, and (c) strongly inhibited by l-glutamate. The amount of veratryl alcohol synthesized de novo was positively correlated with the O2 concentration after primary growth. Other work has shown that the cinnamyl alcohol terminal residue in a lignin substructure model compound is degraded via arylglycerol and benzyl alcohol structures in ligninolytic cultures of P. chrysosporium, and that the ligninolytic system exhibits traits (a)-(c) above. Ligninolytic activity is also strongly and positively correlated with O2 concentration. The results here suggest, therefore, that the actual biosynthetic secondary metabolic product is 3,4-dimethoxycinnamyl alcohol, but that this is degraded by the ligninolytic system to veratryl alcohol via veratrylglycerol. Veratryl alcohol is only slowly metabolized by the fungus, and accumulates.Non-standard abbreviation tlc thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

2002 年4 ~11 月,在蜂桶寨自然保护区对小熊猫的觅食特征和营养对策进行了研究,并采用Vanderloeg 和Scavia 选择指数Ei衡量小熊猫对竹笋和竹茎年龄的选择程度。结果表明,小熊猫食物由竹叶(70.5% )、竹笋(22.1% )、野果(7.2% )以及毛(0.2% )等组成。小熊猫几乎全以冷箭竹为食,未发现采食短锥玉山竹。春季食物主要由竹叶和竹笋组成,夏秋季主要由竹叶和果实组成,而冬季以竹叶为主。小熊猫对竹笋、竹叶的觅食具有很强的选择性。基径在3 mm 以上被采食竹笋,Ei的值为0.071 9 ~0. 094 4,竹高在10 ~70 cm 未被采食竹笋, Ei 的值为0.149 6 ~0.1989。对不同年龄竹茎和竹叶的选择在各个月份间存在变化,4 ~6 月一年生、二年生和多年生竹竹叶Ei分别为0. 036 2 、0.224 8 和0.487 6, 7 ~8 月三者Ei分别为0.0071、0.0027 和0. 0098,9~11 月特别喜食当年生老笋上的竹叶(Ei =0.552 1)。此外,小熊猫在6 ~ 8 月还特别喜食已展开(53.4% )和未展开的卷曲嫩叶(36.3% ),不喜食较老的竹叶(10.3% )。小熊猫的食性及其对食物的选择体现了在长期进化过程中觅食对策的优化,可最大化觅食过程中的物质或能量摄入。  相似文献   

Death and decay of trees of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) var. Kesar due to fungal infection was studied histologically. Fungal infection in the trees was observed due to various reasons like mechanical injuries in the stem, pruning of the branches, through the inflorescences, attack of Ambrosia beetle and termites. In the initial stage, fungal spores get settled on the flowers due to presence of nectar, followed by their germination and entry of the hypha into peduncle, which gradually spreads into younger branches. The inflorescences were first attacked by Fusarium moniliformis followed by other fungi like Alternaria, Chetomium sp., Aspregillus ellipticus, Aspregillus niger, etc. Fungal mycelia gradually invade the xylem tissues from the top of the branches and spread basipetally ultimately causing death of the infected branches. During monsoon, the crevices on the surface of bark of the healthy plants supported the growth of fungi like Pleurotus, Auricularia, Xyleria, Daldinia sp., and Polyporous sp. The removal of bark from such infected trees revealed minute holes on the surface of the woody cylinder made by Ambrosia beetles. During wet season fungal mycelia makes an easy entry into the xylem through the wounded portion of the stem or pruned branches. Initial entry of the hyphae into xylem was seen through the ray cells. Then the hyphae enter into the lumen of axial elements lining the ray cells through pits and intracellular spaces. The vessel elements located in the xylem (transition zone) between healthy and infected portion were filled with tyloses while axial and ray parenchyma showed heavy accumulation of tannin contents. On the other hand, the infected xylem was also found devoid of reserve metabolites while in normal trees, axial and ray parenchyma showed heavy accumulation of starch grains.  相似文献   

Males of the aphid hyperparasitoid Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) were attracted by a sex pheromone released by conspecific females. The intensity of this cue, and thus female attractiveness, depended both on the female's mating status and her age. Only virgin females younger than 2 h were consistently recognized as mates by foraging males. Male age did not influence foraging and mating success. Empty mummies, from which females had emerged within the previous 10 min were attractive to males and examined intensively. Rain reduced the searching success of males, although the host plant Vicia faba provided sheltered places. Wind did not reduce mating success but prevented both sexes from leaving the host plant. Since the time of female attractiveness seems to be very limited, wind may have an enormous effect on the mating success of D. carpenteri in the field and thus on the population dynamics of this species. Received: 5 October 1998 / Accepted: 16 December 1998  相似文献   

Proteins obtained from seedling shoots and floral meristems ofSorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv. NK 1210 induced mycelial growth in the smut fungus,Sporisorium reilianum in vitro. Proteins precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and ammonium sulfate were equally effective as inducers, although there were minor variations in the pattern of mycelial growth. Hydrolysis of the protein fraction with the proteolytic enzyme pronase E resulted in considerable reduction in the proteins' ability to induce mycelial growth. Digestion of the protein fraction with driselase, resulted in a slight enhancement of biological activity. The results suggest that amino sugar moieties in glycoproteins may act as inducers of mycelial growth inSporisorium reilianum.  相似文献   

Reindeer have been classified as intermediate feeders and muskoxen as grazers based on differences in digestive morphology and consumption of fibrous plants. We hypothesized that the digestive morphology of young (<2 months) reindeer and muskoxen anticipates transitions in diet and determines the feeding strategy of each species at adulthood. We compared structural morphology and rates of cell division in the rumen, abomasum, duodenum and liver of reindeer and muskoxen as neonates (1 day old), during the transition from milk to forage (30–60  days old) and in adults (>7 yr). Development in utero provided the neonate with a functioning mucosa of the gastric abomasum and duodenal mucosa with high surface enlargement for digestion and absorption of concentrated milks. Transition to forage was preceded by changes in ruminal papillae structure that increased surface area and likely contributed to active fermentation by 60 days of age. The abomasum also increased in acid-secreting parietal cells during the transition to forage, which may enhance digestion of plant and microbial proteins. Rates of cell division also indicated a sustained differentiation of tissue structure during the transitional period. Young arctic ruminants expressed digestive structures that preceded full function, which indicated the ultimate feeding strategy of each species. For example, the rumen of young muskoxen had thick cornified epithelia and muscle layers that would provide ruminal mucosa with better protection from fibrous abrasion and enhance motility of bulky diets. Conversely, young reindeer had more complex papillary shapes in the rumen and more foliate villi in the duodenum, indicating a greater absorptive capacity of these structures than in muskoxen. Ontogenetic programs, therefore, play the primary role for digestive development of reindeer and muskoxen and determine the nutritional strategies of adults.  相似文献   

The feeding habits of two small gobies, Trimma caudomaculata and T. caesiura, were surveyed on coral reefs in Okinawa, Japan. Both species actively exhibited foraging attempts beneath overhanging reef structures during the daytime, and fed on small animals, mainly copepods. Trimma caudomaculata formed feeding schools in water columns to swallow mainly Calanoida and Harpacticoida. Trimma caesiura stayed by themselves on the reef substratum and captured mainly Harpacticoida by taking short jumps into the water column. Diet compositions of these congeneric gobies may reflect differences in their foraging behaviors and use of microhabitats.  相似文献   

During the interaction of two tropical agaric fungi, Marasmius pallescens and Marasmiellus troyanus, on agar media, initial deadlock between the two mycelia was ultimately followed by take-over by M. troyanus. When shaken liquid cultures of these two fungi were mixed, a rapid increase in laccase and manganese peroxidase activity, but no lignin peroxidase, was detected in the culture supernatant. Even more rapid and elevated induction of laccase occurred when filter-sterilized supernatant of Marasmius pallescens was added to Marasmiellus troyanus cultures, but the reciprocal experiment (addition of M. troyanus supernatant to M. pallescens cultures), did not lead to any increase in laccase activity. Addition of autoclaved supernatant of M. pallescens also induced laccase activity from M. troyanus cultures, but over a period of days rather than hours. Although both M. troyanus, and to a lesser extent M. pallescens, are able to produce laccases in shaken liquid culture following addition of the inducer 2,5-dimethylalanine, these experiments suggest that the presence of heat-stable and heat-labile laccase inducers secreted by M. pallescens mycelia lead to induction of laccases by M. troyanus.  相似文献   

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