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The known Balbiani ring (BR) multigene family members in the dipteran Chironomus tentans encode salivary gland secretory proteins in the size range between 38 and 1,000 kDa. The proteins interact to form protein fibers used by the aquatic larvae to spin feeding and protective larval tubes or pupation tubes. Here, we describe a new BR multigene family member, the spl7 gene, which codes for an 89-amino-acid-long protein with a relative mobility of 17k. The gene has a high content of charged amino acid residues and consists of two structurally different halves. Five regularly spaced cysteine codons are present in the 5 half while the 3 half contains five proline codons. These two different halves exhibit similarities to the C and SR regions, respectively, which form the tandemly repeated units in the about 40-kb-long BR genes and which also, in different versions, are the building blocks of all genes in the BR multigene family.In this multigene family, encoding interacting structural proteins, the long BR genes with their 125–150 tandemly arranged repeat units as well as the short sp17 gene with its single-copy version of such a repeat unit, have therefore evolved from a common ancestor.Correspondence to: L. Wieslander  相似文献   

Balbiani ring genes (BRs), the most active loci in the polytene chromosomes of the salivary gland of the midgeChironomus (Diptera), code for secretory giant peptides (the sp-I family). Evidence previously reported indicated that the conserved C-terminal region of proteins of the sp-I family had DNA-binding properties (assayed with sp-Ia), and one such region, derived fromBR2.2, which codes for the product sp-Ib, might occur as a stable independent peptide, being transferred to the nucleus where it is detectable in the largeBRs (BR1 andBR2), among other structures, by immunostaining. Here, we show that the C-terminal portion of one of theBR gene products, expressed as a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein shows preferential affinity for A.T-rich sequences and binds with varying affinity to restriction fragments of the A.T-rich BR1 promoter. The binding was inhibited by distamycin, suggesting that the interaction involves the minor groove of the DNA. Analysis of the promoter fragments by gel electrophoresis indicated that most appeared to present a conspicuous bend, as deduced from their anomalous electrophoretic mobilities. Furthermore, the affinity of the C-terminal domain for the different promoter fragments appeared to correlate with the degree of bending. Thus, the C-terminal domain might play a role in controlling gene expression by binding to A.T-rich sequences, including those of theBR genes.  相似文献   

The oocytes of many organisms, including frogs and fish, contain a distinct cytoplasmic organelle called the Balbiani body. Because of the scarcity of published information and the tremendous variability in the appearance, ultrastructure, and composition of Balbiani bodies between species, the function of the Balbiani body and its inter-species homology remain a mystery. In Xenopus laevis, the Balbiani body is known to play a role in transporting germ cell determinants and localized RNAs to the oocyte vegetal cortex. In fish, however, the molecular composition of the Balbiani body has not been studied to date, and its function remains completely unknown. We have studied the ultrastructure and molecular composition of previtellogenic oocytes of the sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, by using electron microscopy, in situ hybridization, and immunostaining. We have found that sturgeon oocytes contain two distinct zones of cytoplasm: homogeneous (organelle-free) and granular (organelle-rich). We have also found that the granular ooplasm, which we term the Balbiani cytoplasm, shares important homologies, in both ultrastructure and molecular composition, with Xenopus Balbiani bodies. This work was supported by funds from the research grant BW/IZ/2005 to M.Z.  相似文献   

InNeurospora crassa, there is a single pyruvate kinase (PK) consisting of four identical subunits of 60k daltons. Northern and dot blot hybridization studies, using most of the yeast pyruvate kinase gene as a probe, suggest the presence of two distinct mRNA species for pyruvate kinase, separable on the basis of the length of their polyadenylated tails, by oligo(dT)cellulose chromatography. These messages are present in polysomes, immuno-precipitated by anti-PK antibodies, indicating probable translation in vivo. Fractions containing both messages were translatedin vitro in the heterologous systems as well as in a homologousN. crassa lysate, the newly-synthesized PK being detected by immunoadsorption. Protection studies using S1-nuclease suggest no major structural differences in the 5-untranslated and most of the coding regions of the two messages.  相似文献   

We examined Ixodes ricinus embryos between 18 and 28 days of development with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The differences in inner structure attested to establish three successive developmental stages: days 18–20, day 23, and days 26–28. Between 18 and 20 days the embryos are at early stages of organogenesis. Salivary glands cannot be identified at that stage. In 23-day-old embryos salivary glands are already outlined but the structure of alveoles is still different from that in larvae in which the embryonic development has been completed. Gland cells start to form alveoles and become active between 26 and 28 days of the development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of the 5S and 5.8S rRNAs of eight strains of tetrahymenine ciliates have been determined. The sequences indicate a clear distinction betweenTetrahymena paravorax and its suggested conspecificT. vorax, but leave the taxonomic distinction betweenT. vorax andT. leucophrys in doubt. The rRNA sequences of sixTetrahymena species and of three other species of the suborder Tetrahymenina have been used to deduce evolutionary schemes in which ancestral rRNA sequences and changes are proposed. These schemes suggest the predominant acceptance of GA and CT transitions in the 5S rDNA during the evolution of the suborder.  相似文献   

RNA pools were extracted from cells of Nostoc commune UTEX 584 in exponential growth (liquid cultures) and from cells which had been immobilized and dried rapidly at -99.5 MPa. Levels of incorporation of 35S-methionine, five- to sixfold higher than the endogenous level, were obtained after in vitro translation of the RNA preparations in a heterologous S30 cell-free system purified from Escherichia coli Q13. The levels of incorporation, obtained with a homologous N. commune UTEX 584 S30 system, were much lower. The requirement for magnesium in the heterologous system was 15–21 mM, translation of N. commune UTEX 584 RNA was inhibited when the RNA concentration was greater than 0.3 mg ml–1, and translation was stimulated significantly by the presence of ammonium chloride. Few qualitative differences were observed between the pattern of proteins (SDS-PAGE) obtained after translation of the RNA pools from cells in exponential growth, and from those cells subjected to immobilization and rapid drying. The data suggest that short-term desiccation of N. commune UTEX 584 does not have a marked selective effect on the composition of the mRNA pool. In contrast, preparations of RNA from field materials of Nostoc commune HUN (desiccated for 5 years) were unable to drive high rates of translation in any of the systems tested and optimized for use in this study.  相似文献   

This study showed the interference of esters extracted from Ricinus communis in the secretory cycle of salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks, which consequently caused collateral effects on their feeding process. Ticks attached on hosts which were fed with commercial feed containing different concentrations of R. communis oil esters suffered damages such as cytoplasmic changes in their salivary glands, notably in the acinar cells, impairing the functioning of the acini and accelerating the organs degeneration as a whole. It was found that esters interfered with the activity of cellular secretion by changing the glycoprotein of salivar composition especially in acini II cells. It was also shown that the damages caused by esters in the salivary glands cells of these ectoparasites increased in higher concentrations of the product and degenerative glandular changes were more pronounced.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to optimize the conditions for isolation and in vitro translation of poly(A)-containing mRNA from human postmortem brain. The comparison of several methods for preparation of mRNA from frozen mouse brain indicated that although the yield of mRNA was increased using polysomes prepared in the presence of ribonucleoside vanadyl complexes and subsequently extracted with guanidinium thiocyanate, the translation products were indistinguishable from those synthesized by total cellular RNA directly extracted from tissue with guanidinium thiocyanate. The oligo d(T)-cellulose-purified poly(A)-containing mRNA preparations were translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate in the presence of L-[35S]methionine. Messenger RNA from frozen mouse brain stimulated protein synthesis from 9- to 20-fold over endogenous mRNA. Over 450 polypeptides were reproducibly synthesized and separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE); size classes up to 130,000 daltons were present. Direct extraction of RNA from frozen human cerebral cortex and cerebellum with guanidinium thiocyanate followed by oligo d(T)-cellulose chromatography yielded 1.8 micrograms/g and 2.0 micrograms/g, respectively, of poly(A)-containing mRNA; this represents a two- to fourfold increase over our earlier results. In the rabbit reticulocyte translation system human brain mRNA stimulated protein synthesis nearly threefold over endogenous mRNA. Compared with earlier studies, the number of newly synthesized polypeptides was increased by 30%. Over 300 species were separated by two-dimensional PAGE, and size classes up to 130,000 daltons were present, as compared to 70,000 in an earlier report. The polypeptides synthesized by human cerebral cortex and cerebellum were indistinguishable. However, several appeared to be uniquely human when compared with the products synthesized by mouse brain mRNA. The method described for the preparation of postmortem human brain mRNA eliminates the need to prepare polysomes, which are recovered in variable and low yield from the postmortem human brain. The procedure appears applicable to studies on the synthesis of moderately large human brain polypeptides and for investigations of brain protein polymorphism when relatively large numbers of products are required for analysis.  相似文献   

Variation in high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunit composition among wild and cultivated einkorn wheats (2n = 2x = 14, AA) was investigated using one- (SDS-PAGE and urea/SDS-PAGE) and two-dimensional (IEF × SDS-PAGE) electrophoretic analyses. The material comprised 150 accessions ofTriticum urartu, 160 accessions ofT. boeoticum, 24 accessions ofT. boeoticum subsp.thaoudar and 74 accessions of primitive domesticatedT. monococcum from many different germplasm collections. The biochemical characteristics of HMW-glutenin subunits ofT. boeoticum andT. monococcum were highly similar to one another but distinctly different from those ofT. urartu. All the species analysed were characterised by large intraspecific variation and only three HMW-glutenin subunit patterns were identical betweenT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. Consistent with the distinct nature ofT. urartu, all its HMW-glutenin patterns were different from those found inT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. The differences detected between these species might reflect their reproductive isolation and are consistent with recent nomenclatural and biosystematic treatments that recogniseT. urartu as separate species fromT. boeoticum andT. monococcum. The presence of three distinct glutenin components in some accessions of the species studied seems to be evidence for the existence of at least three active genes controlling the synthesis of the HMW-glutenin subunits in the A genome of wild and primitive domesticated diploid wheats. Results indicate also that HMW-glutenin subunits could represent useful markers for the evaluation of genetic variability present in different wild diploid wheat collections and subsequently for their conservation and future utilisation.  相似文献   

Regulated protein biosynthesis in dendrites of neurons might be a key mechanism underlying learning and memory. Neuronal dendritic BC1 RNA and BC200 RNA and similar small untranslated RNAs inhibit protein translation in vitro systems, such as rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Likewise, co-transfection of these RNAs with reporter mRNA suppressed translation levels in HeLa cells. The oligo(A)-rich region of all active small RNAs were identified as the RNA domains chiefly responsible for the inhibitory effects. Addition of recombinant human poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) significantly compensated the inhibitory effect of the small oligo(A)-rich RNA. In vivo, all BC1 RNA appears to be complexed with PABP. Nevertheless, in the micro-environment of dendritic spines of neuronal cells, BC1 RNPs or BC200 RNPs might mediate regulatory functions by differential interactions with locally limited PABP and/or directly or indirectly, with other translation initiation factors.  相似文献   

Pachyrhizus erosus is a tuberous legume native to Central America that has great potential for development as a food crop. It produces both protein rich grain and starch filled tubers. There are two major limitations to its dietary use, the high levels of rotenone found in the grains and the low starch content of the tubers, both of which must be addressed, for development of the crop. The low variability of the existing gene pool of the genus limits the use of conventional plant breeding to address these problems. Genetic engineering technology is, therefore, being adopted. For this purpose, an efficient means of RNA isolation from yam bean tissues was developed. The quality of RNA obtained by this method was tested byin vitro translation and was sufficient for use in RT-PCR.  相似文献   

Flower tissue ofRumex acetosa was previously intractable for the isolation of RNA using standard methods, due probably to its high level of polysaccharides. Extraction at low pH, precipitation of polysaccharides with potassium acetate followed by precipitation of RNA with lithium chloride yielded high-quality RNA that was suitable for northern hybridisation,in-vitro translation, poly(A)+ RNA selection, and subsequent cDNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Organisation of the ribosomal RNA genes in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Using Southern hybridisation of radiolabelled purified ribosomal RNAs to genomic DNA the ribosomal RNA genes of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) were shown to be present in six gene sets. Each gene set contains at least one copy of the 5 S, 16 S and 23 S sequences and in at least two cases these are arranged in the order 16 S-23S-5S. Three gene sets, rrnB, rrnD and rrnF, were isolated by screening a library of S. coelicolor A3(2) DNA. The restriction map of one of these, rrnD, was determined and the nucleotide sequences corresponding to the three rRNAs were localised by Southern hybridisation. The gene order in rrnD is 16S-23S-5S.  相似文献   

Sequences of 5S rDNA from an Australian group of papilionoid legumes were evaluated for phylogenetic informativeness. Twenty four sequences were sampled from ten species in five closely related genera:Brachysema, Callistachys, Jansonia, Nemcia andPodolobium. These sequences fell into two size classes, 200bp and 600bp, which appear to represent paralogous copies of the 5S unit at different loci. As in previous studies, the 5S rRNA gene and both ends of the inter-gene spacer are found to be conserved and almost uninformative about phylogeny at this taxonomic level. By contrast, the middle part of the spacer is highly variable, both in substitutions at individual sites and in length. The short sequences contain virtually no duplications. The long sequences contain numerous short repeats (c.20 bp) which form a regular pattern in the middle section. Phylogenies estimated from these data support monophyly of the study group, and of species. Relationships among species and genera are less clear, perhaps because divergence of the 5S spacer between species is too great. However, non-monophyly ofNemcia andBrachysema, indicated by other data, is corroborated.  相似文献   

The seeds of 9 members of the subgenusCeratotropis (Piper) Verdc., namelyVigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Maréchal,V. angularis (Willd.) Ohwi et Ohashi,V. minima (Roxb.) Ohwi et Ohashi,V. nakashimae (Ohwi) Ohwi et Ohashi,V. reflexo-pilosa Hayata,V. umbellata (Thumb.) Ohwi et Ohashi,V. mungo (L.) Hepper,V. radiata (L.) Wilczek andV. sp., have been examined. On their low molecular weight carbohydrate compositions, this subgenus has been divided into 2 subgroups, mungo-radiata group and angularis group. Four other species referred to the subgeneraPlectotropis (Schumach.) Bak.,Lasiospron (Benth. emend Piper) Maréchal, Mascherpa et Stainier andVigna, V. vexillata (L.) A. Rich.,V. lasiocarpa (Benth.) Verdc.,V. marina (Burm.) Merr. andV. unguiculata (L.) Walp., were also analyzed and they had distinctive carbohydrate compositions. 1d-4-O-methyl-myo-inositol and 1d-5-O-(α-d-galactopyranosyl)-4-O-methyl-myo-inositol were detected in all species examined exceptV. vexillata, V. mungo andV. radiata.  相似文献   

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