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MOTIVATION: Tightly packed prokaryotic genes frequently overlap with each other. This feature, rarely seen in eukaryotic DNA, makes detection of translation initiation sites and, therefore, exact predictions of prokaryotic genes notoriously difficult. Improving the accuracy of precise gene prediction in prokaryotic genomic DNA remains an important open problem. RESULTS: A software program implementing a new algorithm utilizing a uniform Hidden Markov Model for prokaryotic gene prediction was developed. The algorithm analyzes a given DNA sequence in each of six possible global reading frames independently. Twelve complete prokaryotic genomes were analyzed using the new tool. The accuracy of gene finding, predicting locations of protein-coding ORFs, as well as the accuracy of precise gene prediction, and detecting the whole gene including translation initiation codon were assessed by comparison with existing annotation. It was shown that in terms of gene finding, the program performs at least as well as the previously developed tools, such as GeneMark and GLIMMER. In terms of precise gene prediction the new program was shown to be more accurate, by several percentage points, than earlier developed tools, such as GeneMark.hmm, ECOPARSE and ORPHEUS. The results of testing the program indicated the possibility of systematic bias in start codon annotation in several early sequenced prokaryotic genomes. AVAILABILITY: The new gene-finding program can be accessed through the Web site: http:@dixie.biology.gatech.edu/GeneMark/fbf.cgi CONTACT: mark@amber.gatech.edu.  相似文献   

Overlapping genes are a common phenomenon. Among sequenced prokaryotes, more than 29% of all annotated genes overlap at least 1 of their 2 flanking genes. We present a unified model for the creation and repair of overlaps among adjacent genes where the 3' ends either overlap or nearly overlap. Our model, derived from a comprehensive analysis of complete prokaryotic genomes in GenBank, explains the nonuniform distribution of the lengths of such overlap regions far more simply than previously proposed models. Specifically, we explain the distribution of overlap lengths based on random extensions of genes to the next occurring downstream stop codon. Our model also provides an explanation for a newly observed (here) pattern in the distribution of the separation distances of closely spaced nonoverlapping genes. We provide evidence that the newly described biased distribution of separation distances is driven by the same phenomenon that creates the uneven distribution of overlap lengths. This suggests a dynamic picture of continual overlap creation and elimination.  相似文献   

B Berkhout  R A Kastelein  J van Duin 《Gene》1985,37(1-3):171-179
In overlapping reading frames of prokaryotic mRNA, the ribosome-binding site (RBS) of the downstream cistron is part of the coding sequence of the upstream message. We have examined whether the rate of translation in Escherichia coli can be sufficiently high to preclude the use of an RBS in initiation of protein synthesis when it is part of an actively decoded reading frame. The two sets of gene overlap present in the RNA phage MS2 are used as a model system. We find that translation of an upstream cistron can fully block initiation of protein synthesis at the overlapping RBS of the downstream cistron. Nonsense mutations in the upstream gene restore the translation of the downstream gene.  相似文献   

Expected selection differentials for directional selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P M Burrows 《Biometrics》1972,28(4):1091-1100

Stability and evolution of overlapping genes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Abstract.— When the same sequence of nucleotides codes for regions of more than one functional polypeptide, this sequence contains overlapping genes. Overlap is most common in rapidly evolving genomes with high mutation rates such as viruses, bacteria, and mitochondria. Overlap is thought to be important as: (1) a means of compressing a maximum amount of information into short sequences of structural genes; and (2) as a mechanism for regulating gene expression through translational coupling of functionally related polypeptides. The stability of overlapping codes is examined in relation to the information cost of overlap and the mutation rate of the genome. The degree of overlap in a given population will tend to become monomorphic. Evolution toward partial overlap of genes is shown to depend on a convex cost function of overlap. Overlap does not evolve when expression of overlapping genes is mutually exclusive and produced by rare mutations to the wild-type genome. Assuming overlap increases coupling between functionally related genes, the conditions favoring overlap are explored in relation to the kinetics of gene activation and decay. Coupling is most effective for genes in which the gene overlapping at its 5'end (leading gene) decays rapidly, while the gene overlapping at the 3'end (induced gene) decays slowly. If gene expression can feedback on itself (autocatalysis), then high rates of activation favor overlap.  相似文献   

Hou ZC  Xu GY  Su Z  Yang N 《Gene》2007,396(1):188-195
The myxovirus resistance gene (Mx) expresses antiviral activity in many species, e.g. mouse, human and chicken. It is not clear if the antiviral activity of Mx has evolved in these species to inhibit a set of species-specific pathogens, nor what factors drive Mx evolution in different animal lineages. Therefore, it is important to determine the evolutionary pattern of Mx and positively selected sites which affect the antiviral activity of the Mx gene in mammals and birds. We used sequence comparisons among species to detect positively selected sites by conducting phylogenetic analysis. The two-ratio model was significantly better than the one-ratio model in four species (mouse, rat, chicken and duck, p<0.05). Although selection pressure varied among different lineages, Mx had strong purifying selection in mammals and positive selection in chicken and duck lineages. Relative rate test revealed that Mx evolved faster in chickens than in ducks (Tajima's relative rate test, chi(2)=7.17, p<0.01). In the further analysis using a branch-site model A test, 8 sites were positively selected in the chicken lineage while no positive selection signals were observed for any site in the other lineages. The branch-site model A test had a omega value of 4.374 for the chicken lineage (2Deltal=14.20, d.f.=1, p<0.001). Comparisons of all currently available Mx mRNA sequences showed that these predicted positively selected sites had been fixed in the chicken lineage, suggesting that the chicken Mx gene evolved within the species to resist newly challenging environments. There is an increased selection constraint leading to mammals, while positive selection has acted on the chicken Mx.  相似文献   



The effectiveness of elimination of slightly deleterious mutations depends mainly on drift and recombination frequency. Here we analyze the influence of these two factors on the strength of the purifying selection in mitochondrial and proteobacterial orthologous genes taking into account the differences in the organism lifestyles.  相似文献   

Averageness is purportedly the result of stabilizing selection maintaining the population mean, whereas facial paedomorphosis is a product of directional selection driving the population mean towards an increasingly juvenile appearance. If selection is predominantly stabilizing, intermediate phenotypes reflect high genetic quality and mathematically average faces should be found attractive. If, on the other hand, directional selection is strong enough, extreme phenotypes reflect high genetic quality and juvenilized faces will be found attractive. To compare the effects of stabilizing and directional selection on facial paedomorphosis (juvenilization), graphic morphing and editing techniques were used to alter the appearance of composite faces to make them appear more or less juvenile. Both facial models and judges of attractiveness were from the CSU-Long Beach campus. Although effect sizes for both preferences were large, the effect for averageness was nearly twice that found for juvenilization, an indication that stabilizing selection influences preferences for facial paedomorphosis more so than directional selection in contemporary humans.  相似文献   

The majority of metazoan genomes consist of nonprotein-coding regions, although the functional significance of most noncoding DNA sequences remains unknown. Highly conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) have proven to be reliable indicators of functionally constrained sequences such as cis-regulatory elements and noncoding RNA genes. However, CNSs may arise from nonselective evolutionary processes such as genomic regions with extremely low mutation rates known as mutation "cold spots." Here we combine comparative genomic data from recently completed insect genome projects with population genetic data in Drosophila melanogaster to test predictions of the mutational cold spot model of CNS evolution in the genus Drosophila. We find that point mutations in intronic and intergenic CNSs exhibit a significant reduction in levels of divergence relative to levels of polymorphism, as well as a significant excess of rare derived alleles, compared with either the nonconserved spacer regions between CNSs or with 4-fold silent sites in coding regions. Controlling for the effects of purifying selection, we find no evidence of positive selection acting on Drosophila CNSs, although we do find evidence for the action of recurrent positive selection in the spacer regions between CNSs. We estimate that approximately 85% of sites in Drosophila CNSs are under constraint with selection coefficients (N(e)s) on the order of 10-100, and thus, the estimated strength and number of sites under purifying selection is greater for Drosophila CNSs relative to those in the human genome. These patterns of nonneutral molecular evolution are incompatible with the mutational cold spot hypothesis to explain the existence of CNSs in Drosophila and, coupled with similar findings in mammals, argue against the general likelihood that CNSs are generated by mutational cold spots in any metazoan genome.  相似文献   

The life cycle of temperate phages includes a lysogenic cycle stage when the phage integrates into the host genome and becomes a prophage. However, the identification of prophages that are highly divergent from known phages remains challenging. In this study, by taking advantage of the lysis-lysogeny switch of temperate phages, we designed Prophage Tracer, a tool for recognizing active prophages in prokaryotic genomes using short-read sequencing data, independent of phage gene similarity searching. Prophage Tracer uses the criterion of overlapping split-read alignment to recognize discriminative reads that contain bacterial (attB) and phage (attP) att sites representing prophage excision signals. Performance testing showed that Prophage Tracer could predict known prophages with precise boundaries, as well as novel prophages. Two novel prophages, dsDNA and ssDNA, encoding highly divergent major capsid proteins, were identified in coral-associated bacteria. Prophage Tracer is a reliable data mining tool for the identification of novel temperate phages and mobile genetic elements. The code for the Prophage Tracer is publicly available at https://github.com/WangLab-SCSIO/Prophage_Tracer.  相似文献   



Protein-coding gene detection in prokaryotic genomes is considered a much simpler problem than in intron-containing eukaryotic genomes. However there have been reports that prokaryotic gene finder programs have problems with small genes (either over-predicting or under-predicting). Therefore the question arises as to whether current genome annotations have systematically missing, small genes.  相似文献   

Tat-specific cytotoxic T cells have previously been shown to exert positive Darwinian selection favoring amino acid replacements of an epitope of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV). The region of the tat gene encoding this epitope falls within a region of overlap between the tat and vpr reading frames, and nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions in the tat reading frame were found to occur disproportionately in such a way as to cause synonymous changes in the vpr reading frame. Comparison of published complete SIV genomes showed Tat to be the least conserved at the amino acid level of nine proteins encoded by the virus, while Vpr was one of the most conserved. Numerous parallel amino acid changes occurred within the Tat epitope independently in different monkeys, and purifying selection on the vpr reading frame, by limiting acceptable nonsynonymous substitutions in the tat reading frame, evidently has enhanced the probability of parallel evolution.  相似文献   

We sequenced the nearly complete mtDNA of 3 species of parasitic wasps, Nasonia vitripennis (2 strains), Nasonia giraulti, and Nasonia longicornis, including all 13 protein-coding genes and the 2 rRNAs, and found unusual patterns of mitochondrial evolution. The Nasonia mtDNA has a unique gene order compared with other insect mtDNAs due to multiple rearrangements. The mtDNAs of these wasps also show nucleotide substitution rates over 30 times faster than nuclear protein-coding genes, indicating among the highest substitution rates found in animal mitochondria (normally <10 times faster). A McDonald and Kreitman test shows that the between-species frequency of fixed replacement sites relative to silent sites is significantly higher compared with within-species polymorphisms in 2 mitochondrial genes of Nasonia, atp6 and atp8, indicating directional selection. Consistent with this interpretation, the Ka/Ks (nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rates) ratios are higher between species than within species. In contrast, cox1 shows a signature of purifying selection for amino acid sequence conservation, although rates of amino acid substitutions are still higher than for comparable insects. The mitochondrial-encoded polypeptides atp6 and atp8 both occur in F0F1ATP synthase of the electron transport chain. Because malfunction in this fundamental protein severely affects fitness, we suggest that the accelerated accumulation of replacements is due to beneficial mutations necessary to compensate mild-deleterious mutations fixed by random genetic drift or Wolbachia sweeps in the fast evolving mitochondria of Nasonia. We further propose that relatively high rates of amino acid substitution in some mitochondrial genes can be driven by a "Compensation-Draft Feedback"; increased fixation of mildly deleterious mutations results in selection for compensatory mutations, which lead to fixation of additional deleterious mutations in nonrecombining mitochondrial genomes, thus accelerating the process of amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), a process through which genomes acquire genetic materials from distantly related organisms, is believed to be one of the major forces in prokaryotic genome evolution.However, systematic investigation is still scarce to clarify two basic issues about HGT: (1) what types of genes are transferred; and (2) what influence HGT events over the organization and evolution of biological pathways. Genome-scale investigations of these two issues will advance the systematical understanding of HGT in the context of prokaryotic genome evolution. Having investigated 82 genomes, we constructed an HGT database across broad evolutionary timescales. We identified four function categories containing a high proportion of horizontally transferred genes: cell envelope, energy metabolism, regulatory functions, and transport/binding proteins. Such biased function distribution indicates that HGT is not completely random;instead, it is under high selective pressure, required by function restraints in organisms. Furthermore, we mapped the transferred genes onto the connectivity structure map of organism-specific pathways listed in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). Our results suggest that recruitment of transferred genes into pathways is also selectively constrained because of the tuned interaction between original pathway members. Pathway organization structures still conserve well through evolution even with the recruitment of horizontally transferred genes. Interestingly, in pathways whose organization were significantly affected by HGT events, the operon-like arrangement of transferred genes was found to be prevalent. Such results suggest that operon plays an essential and directional role in the integration of alien genes into pathways.  相似文献   

Histones are small basic proteins encoded by a multigene family and are responsible for the nucleosomal organization of chromatin in eukaryotes. Because of the high degree of protein sequence conservation, it is generally believed that histone genes are subject to concerted evolution. However, purifying selection can also generate a high degree of sequence homogeneity. In this study, we examined the long-term evolution of histone H4 genes to determine whether concerted evolution or purifying selection was the major factor for maintaining sequence homogeneity. We analyzed the proportion (p(S)) of synonymous nucleotide differences between the H4 genes from 59 species of fungi, plants, animals, and protists and found that p(S) is generally very high and often close to the saturation level (p(S) ranging from 0.3 to 0.6) even though protein sequences are virtually identical for all H4 genes. A small proportion of genes showed a low level of p(S) values, but this appeared to be caused by recent gene duplication. Our findings suggest that the members of this gene family evolve according to the birth-and-death model of evolution under strong purifying selection. Using histone-like genes in archaebacteria as outgroups, we also showed that H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 histone genes in eukaryotes form separate clusters and that these classes of genes diverged nearly at the same time, before the eukaryotic kingdoms diverged.  相似文献   

Summary Strains set up from single inseminated founder females of D. melanogaster from the same population have been previously shown to differ genetically for the incidence of flies with more than four scutellar chaetae (additional chaetae). Therefore the base population is polymorphic for this trait. This was exploited by carrying out directional selection in lines derived from those strains initially having a high mean chaeta number. This led to far more rapid responses to selection than were obtained in lines derived from strains with lower means, such that in one line a continuous accelerated response was observed for the first 12 generations of selection. A correlated response was found for sternopleural chaeta number at generation 19 of selection, showing that at least some genes may affect both traits.  相似文献   

【目的】识别原核生物全基因组中的16S rRNA基因。【方法】本文依据基因序列的GC碱基含量、碱基3-周期性和马尔可夫链3个方面的特性,构建了识别原核生物全基因组中16S rRNA基因的三层过滤模型。【结果】经检验,模型的特异性、敏感性和马修斯相关系数分别为99.58%、91.60%和91.49%。【结论】结果表明,本文所提出的方法可以高效、准确地识别出16S rRNA基因。  相似文献   

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