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The outgrowth of spores of Bacillus subtilis 168 proceeded normally in temperature-sensitive DNA mutants under restrictive conditions and in the absence of DNA synthesis. Two inhibitors of DNA synthesis, nalidoxic acid and 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil, inhibited spore outgrowth under some nutritional conditions; this inhibition of outgrowth however, though not that of DNA synthesis, could be reversed by glucose. The sensitivity of the outgrowing spores to nalidixic acid and 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil inhbition decreased as a function of outgrowth time. The cells became completely resistant to the inhibitors after 90 min. The development of this resistance occurred also in the absence of DNA synthesis. It was concluded that DNA synthesis is not needed for spore outgrowth, and that outgrowing cells and vegetative cells differ in their sensitivity to these inhibitors.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of a Bacillus subtilis gene involved in spore outgrowth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A lambda Charon 4A derivative carrying the outB gene of Bacillus subtilis has been identified by transformation of a B. subtilis mutant temperature-sensitive in spore outgrowth. The cloned region is a single EcoRI fragment 14 kb in length. In addition to outB, the cloned DNA includes at least part of the amyE and aroI loci.  相似文献   

Germination and outgrowth of endospores of the Gram‐positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis involves the degradation and conversion to free amino acids of abundant proteins located in the spore core known as small acid‐soluble proteins (SASP). This degradation is mediated primarily by the germination protease Gpr. Here we show that YmfB, a distant homologue of ClpP serine proteases that is highly conserved among endospore‐forming bacteria, contributes to SASP degradation but that its function is normally masked by Gpr. Spores from a ymfB gpr double mutant were more delayed in spore outgrowth and more impaired in SASP degradation than were spores from a gpr single mutant. The activity of YmfB relied on three putative active‐site residues as well as on the product of a small gene ylzJ located immediately downstream of, and overlapping with, ymfB. We propose that YmfB is an orphan ClpP protease that is dedicated to the degradation of a specialized family of small protein substrates.  相似文献   

Properties of the Bacillus subtilis spore coat.   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
About 70% of the protein in isolated Bacillus subtilis spore coats was solubilized by treatment with a combination of reducing and denaturing agents at alkaline pH. The residue, consisting primarily of protein, was insoluble in a variety of reagents. The soluble proteins were resolved into at least seven bands by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. About one-half of the total was four proteins of 8,000 to 12,000 daltons. These were relatively tyrosine rich, and one was a glycoprotein. There was also a cluster of proteins of about 40,000 daltons and two or three in the 20,000- to 25,000-dalton range. The insoluble fraction had an amino acid composition and N-terminal pattern of amino acids very similar to those of the soluble coat proteins. A major difference was the presence of considerable dityrosine in performic acid-oxidized preparations of insoluble coats. Coat antigen including a 60,000-dalton protein not present in extracts of mature spores was detected in extracts of sporulating cells by immunoprecipitation. This large antigen turned over in a pulse-chase experiment. Antibodies to either the array of 8,000- to 12,000-dalton coat polypeptides or to the larger coat proteins reacted with this 60,000-dalton species, suggesting a common precursor for many of the mature coat polypeptides. Spore coats seem to be assembled by processing of proteins and by secondary modifications including perhaps dityrosine formation for cross-linking.  相似文献   

Hyperprotease-Producing Mutants of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:26,自引:20,他引:6  
A number of mutants of Bacillus subtilis producing high levels of extracellular protease have been isolated. Analysis of culture supernatants of these mutants has shown that the total amount of proteolytic activity is elevated from 16- to 37-fold over the wild strain. The elevated activity was due to a simultaneous increase in both the neutral and alkaline protease. All of the mutants genetically analyzed were found linked to the argC4 marker by PBS-1 transduction analysis.  相似文献   

From the Charon 4A library of Ferrari et al (J. Bacteriol. 146:430-432, 1981) we isolated three genes involved in Bacillus subtilis spore outgrowth by screening the library by hybridization with labeled RNA from outgrowing spores in the presence of an excess of unlabeled vegetative RNA. Hybridization competition experiments with purified clones showed that the clones contained sequences that were transcribed only during spore outgrowth or preferentially during spore outgrowth. Fragments of the cloned DNAs were subcloned in plasmid pJH101, and by using plasmid integration and PBS1 transduction the chromosomal loci were mapped. The three loci which we mapped are outG and outH, which are located between polC and dnaA, and outI, which is located near pycA. Using the cloned DNAs and derived plasmids in dot hybridization experiments with RNA extracted from cells at different developmental stages, we defined for two clones a region that is transcribed only during the outgrowth phase.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the RNA synthesized during spore germination in Bacillus subtilis. Early in germination there is little incorporation of [3H]uridine into RNA. A large increase in incorporation into RNA was found at 45–60 min into germination which was in part due to increases in the specific activity of the UTP pool. When corrected for specific activity changes, the instantaneous rate of RNA synthesis showed a seven to tenfold increase between 30 and 45 min of germination. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies showed that the RNA synthesized during germination appeared very similar to the RNA made during vegetative growth. DNA-RNA hybridization studies indicated that mRNA and rRNA were synthesized throughout germination. Their relative proportions remained constant and were very similar to the composition of RNA synthesized during vegetative growth.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree by A.S. in the Department of Microbiology at the New York University School of Medicine  相似文献   

Acid-soluble spore proteins of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:3,自引:12,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Acid-soluble spore proteins (ASSPs) comprise about 5% of the total protein of mature spores of different Bacillus subtilis strains. They consist of three abundant species, alpha, beta, and gamma, four less abundant species, and several minor species, alpha, beta, and gamma make up about 18, 18 and 36%, respectively, of the total ASSPs of strain 168, have molecular weights of 5,900, 5,9000, and 11,000, respectively, and resemble the major (A, C, and B) components of Bacillus megaterium ASSPs in several respects, including sensitivity to a specific B. megaterium spore endopeptidase. However, they have pI's of 6.58, 6.67, and 7.96, all lower than those of any of the B. megaterium ASSPs. Although strains varied in the proportions of different ASSPs, to overall patterns seen on gel electrophoresis are constant. ASSPs are located interior to the cortex, presumably in the spore cytoplasm, and are synthesized during sporulation and degraded during germination.  相似文献   

Role of DNA repair in Bacillus subtilis spore resistance.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Wet-heat or hydrogen peroxide treatment of wild-type Bacillus subtilis spores did not result in induction of lacZ fusions to three DNA repair-related genes (dinR, recA, and uvrC) during spore outgrowth. However, these genes were induced during outgrowth of wild-type spores treated with dry heat or UV. Wet-heat, desiccation, dry-heat, or UV treatment of spores lacking major DNA-binding proteins (termed alpha-beta- spores) also resulted in induction of the three DNA repair genes during spore outgrowth. Hydrogen peroxide treatment of alpha-beta-spores did not result in induction of dinR- and rerA-lacZ but did cause induction of uvrC-lacZ during spore outgrowth. Spores of a recA mutant were approximately twofold more UV sensitive and approximately ninefold more sensitive to dry heat than were wild-type spores but were no more sensitive to wet heat and hydrogen peroxide. In contrast, alpha-beta- recA spores were significantly more sensitive than were alpha-beta- spores to all four treatments, as well as to desiccation. Surprisingly, RecA levels were quite low in dormant spores, but RecA was synthesized during spore outgrowth. Taken together, these data (i) are consistent with previous suggestions that some treatments (dry heat and UV with wild-type spores; desiccation, dry and wet heat, hydrogen peroxide, and UV with alpha-beta- spores) that kill spores do so in large part by causing DNA damage and (ii) indicate that repair of DNA damage during spore outgrowth is an important component of spore resistance to a number of treatments, as has been shown previously for UV.  相似文献   

Synthesis of acid-soluble spore proteins by Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The major acid-soluble spore proteins (ASSPs) of Bacillus subtilis were detected by immunoprecipitation of radioactively labeled in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized proteins. ASSP synthesis in vivo began 2 h after the initiation of sporulation (t2) and reached its maximum rate at t7. This corresponded to the time of synthesis of mRNA that stimulated the maximum rate of ASSP synthesis in vitro. Under the set of conditions used in these experiments, protease synthesis began near t0, alkaline phosphatase synthesis began at about t2, and refractile spores were first observed between t7 and t8. In vivo- and in vitro-synthesized ASSPs comigrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Their molecular weights were 4,600 (alpha and beta) and 11,000 (gamma). The average half-life of the ASSP messages was 11 min when either rifampin (10 micrograms/ml) or actinomycin D (1 microgram/ml) was used to inhibit RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The synthesis of transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) was examined during spore formation and spore outgrowth in Bacillus subtilis by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of in vivo 32P-labeled RNA. The two-dimensional gel system separated the B. subtilis tRNA's into 32 well-resolved spots, with the relative abundances ranging from 0.9 to 17% of the total. There were several spots (five to six) resolved which were not quantitated due to their low abundance. All of the tRNA species resolved by this gel system were synthesized at every stage examined, including vegetative growth, different stages of sporulation, and different stages of outgrowth. Quantitation of the separated tRNA's showed that in general the tRNA species were present in approximately the same relative abundances at the different developmental periods. tRNA turnover and compartmentation occurring during sporulation were examined by labeling during vegetative growth followed by the addition of excess phosphate to block further 32P incorporation. The two-dimensional gels of these samples showed the same tRNA's seen during vegetative growth, and they were in approximately the same relative abundances, indicating minimal differences in the rates of turnover of individual tRNA's. Vegetatively labeled samples, chased with excess phosphate into mature spores, also showed all of the tRNA species seen during vegetative growth, but an additional five to six minor spots were also observed. These are hypothesized to arise from the loss of 3'-terminal residues from preexisting tRNA's.  相似文献   

1. Antisera, prepared against extracts of cells and spores of Bacillus subtilis, were used in immunoelectrophoretic studies of the changes occurring in cell extracts during the course of spore formation. 2. At least 15 antigens could be detected in vegetative-cell extracts by the antiserum prepared against cell extracts and at least seven could be demonstrated in spore extracts by the homologous antiserum. 3. Cross-absorption studies showed that two of these antigens were probably completely specific for vegetative-cell extracts and that one was probably completely specific for spore extracts. The remainder were probably present in very small quantities in the heterologous extract. 4. In extracts of cells sporulating in an ;exhaustion medium' those antigens characteristic of the spore began to appear about 1hr. after the end of exponential growth. 5. In cells sporulating in a resuspension medium, spore antigens were detected at 4hr., and by 7hr. a decrease in vegetative-cell antigens was observed. 6. In an asporogenous mutant blocked early in sporulation there was neither an increase in spore antigens nor a decrease in vegetative-cell antigens. 7. In an asporogenous mutant blocked later in sporulation, there was an increase in spore antigens similar to that which occurred in the sporogenous strain.  相似文献   

Investigating the biochemistry, resilience and environmental interactions of bacterial endospores often requires a pure endospore biomass free of vegetative cells. Numerous endospore isolation methods, however, neglect to quantify the purity of the final endospore biomass. To ensure low vegetative cell contamination we developed a quality control technique that enables rapid quantification of endospore harvest purity. This method quantifies spore purity using bright-field and fluorescence microscopy imaging in conjunction with automated cell counting software. We applied this method to Bacillus subtilis endospore harvests isolated using a two-phase separation method that utilizes mild chemicals. The average spore purity of twenty-two harvests was 88 ± 11% (error is 1σ) with a median value of 93%. A spearman coefficient of 0.97 correlating automated and manual bacterial counts confirms the accuracy of software generated data.  相似文献   

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