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Aims: To produce surfaces of defined linear topographical features which reflect those found on worn and new stainless steel, to monitor the effect of feature dimensions on the retention of Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus sciuri. Methods and Results: Surfaces were fabricated with parallel linear features of 30 microns or of microbial dimensions (1·02 and 0·59 μm width) and used in microbial retention assays with Staph. sciuri and L. monocytogenes. Retained cells were distributed uniformly across the smooth 30 micron featured surfaces but were retained in high numbers on microtopographies at the ‘peaks’ between the wide grooves. On smaller features, retention was attributed to the maximum area of contact between cells and substratum being attained, with cocci being embedded in 1·02‐μm‐width grooves, and rods aligned along (and across) the densely packed parallel 0·59‐μm grooves. Conclusions: The dimensions of surface features may enhance or impede cell retention. This phenomenon is also related to the size and shape of the microbial cell. Significance and Impact of Study: Findings may help describe and evaluate properties of hygienic and easily cleanable surfaces.  相似文献   

Hybridisations between related species with divergent ontogenies can provide insights into the bases for evolutionary change in development. One example of such hybridisations involves sea urchin species that exhibit either standard larval (pluteal) stages or those that develop directly from embryo to adult without an intervening feeding larval stage. In such crosses, pluteal features were found to be restored in fertilisations of the eggs of some direct developing sea urchins (Heliocidaris erythrogramma) with the sperm of closely (Heliocidaris tuberculata) and distantly (Pseudoboletia maculata) related species with feeding larvae. Such results can be argued to support the punctuated equilibrium model—conservation in pluteal regulatory systems and a comparatively rapid switch to direct development in evolution. 1 , 1 Generation of hybrids between distantly related direct developers may, however, indicate evolutionary convergence. The ‘rescue’ of pluteal features by paternal genomes may require maternal factors from H. erythrogramma because the larva of this species has pluteal features. In contrast, pluteal features were not restored in hybridisations with the eggs of Holopneustes purpurescens, which lacks pluteal features. How much of pluteal development can be lost before it cannot be rescued in such crosses? The answer awaits hybridisations among indirect and direct developing sea urchins differing in developmental phenotype, in parallel with investigations of the genetic programs involved. BioEssays 26:343–347, 2004. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparisons of bacterial genomes demonstrate that even strains of one species may strikingly differ in gene set. Strain-specific genes are of considerable interest, as they may be responsible for distinguishing features, such as virulence or drug resistance, of the strain and may be employed as markers in epidemiological or evolutionary studies. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was shown to be suitable for generating a set of DNA fragments differing between two closely related bacterial strains. More than 95% DNA fragments selected by SSH proved to be specific for Staphylococcus aureus strains ZW compared with strain 29213.  相似文献   

Sleep is characterized by cycling and consecutive alternation of different phases and stages, each of which features intrinsic changes in autonomic regulation with heart rate oscillations; this may cause heart rhythm disorders, especially in the presence of comorbidities. This review addresses the issues of interrelationship between cardiac conduction disorders and obstructive sleep apnea. It is shown that some mechanisms of bradyarrythmia emergence (first of all, features of autonomic regulation with increases in parasympathetic tone) under respiratory arrest during sleep are also inherent to human divers as well as aquatic or para-aquatic mammals that have to hold their breath when diving or staying under water for a long time. These mechanisms may fulfill the defense function.  相似文献   

Homology is at the foundation of comparative studies in biology at all levels from genes to phenotypes. Homology is similarity because of common descent and ancestry, homoplasy is similarity arrived at via independent evolution. However, given that there is but one tree of life, all organisms, and therefore all features of organisms, share some degree of relationship and similarity one to another. That sharing may be similarity or even identity of structure and the sharing of a most recent common ancestor--as in the homology of the arms of humans and apes--or it may reflect some (often small) degree of similarity, such as that between the wings of insects and the wings of birds, groups whose shared ancestor lies deep within the evolutionary history of the Metazoa. It may reflect sharing of entire developmental pathways, partial sharing, or divergent pathways. This review compares features classified as homologous with the classes of features normally grouped as homoplastic, the latter being convergence, parallelism, reversals, rudiments, vestiges, and atavisms. On the one hand, developmental mechanisms may be conserved, even when a complete structure does not form (rudiments, vestiges), or when a structure appears only in some individuals (atavisms). On the other hand, different developmental mechanisms can produce similar (homologous) features. Joint examination of nearness of relationship and degree of shared development reveals a continuum within an expanded category of homology, extending from homology --> reversals --> rudiments --> vestiges --> atavisms --> parallelism, with convergence as the only class of homoplasy, an idea that turns out to be surprisingly old. This realignment provides a glimmer of a way to bridge phylogenetic and developmental approaches to homology and homoplasy, a bridge that should provide a key pillar for evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo). It will not, and in a practical sense cannot, alter how homoplastic features are identified in phylogenetic analyses. But seeing rudiments, reversals, vestiges, atavisms and parallelism as closer to homology than to homoplasy should guide us toward searching for the common elements underlying the formation of the phenotype (what some have called the deep homology of genetic and/or cellular mechanisms), rather than discussing features in terms of shared or independent evolution.  相似文献   

From studies investigating the differences in evolutionary rates between genes, gene compactness and gene expression level have been identified as important determinants of gene-level protein evolutionary rate, as represented by nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution rate (d(N)/d(S)) ratio. However, the causes of exon-level variances in d(N)/d(S) are less understood. Here, we use principal component regression to examine to what extent 13 exon features explain the variance in d(N), d(S), and the d(N)/d(S) ratio of human-rhesus macaque or human-mouse orthologous exons. The exon features were grouped into six functional categories: expression features, mRNA splicing features, structural-functional features, compactness features, exon duplicability, and other features, including G + C content and exon length. Although expression features are important for determining d(N) and d(N)/d(S) between exons of different genes, structural-functional features and splicing features explained more of the variance for exons of the same genes. Furthermore, we show that compactness features can explain only a relatively small percentage of variance in exon-level d(N) or d(N)/d(S) in either between-gene or within-gene comparison. By contrast, d(S) yielded inconsistent results in the human-mouse comparison and the human-rhesus macaque comparison. This inconsistency may suggest rapid evolutionary changes of the mutation landscape in mammals. Our results suggest that between-gene and within-gene variation in d(N)/d(S) (and d(N)) are driven by different evolutionary forces and that the role of mRNA splicing in causing the variation in evolutionary rates of coding sequences may be underappreciated.  相似文献   

Although grading of ovarian tumors is widely performed, the criteria for each grade are not well defined; as a result, pathologists tend to establish their own criteria without, however, assessing the actual predictive value of the criteria. In order to investigate this relationship, four gynecologic pathologists independently reviewed and carefully graded as benign, borderline or malignant (grade I, II or III) 40 "common" epithelial tumors of the ovary, without reference to clinical, prognostic or other findings. Intermediate grades were allowed. Subsequently, a subjective grading form was completed for each case; the form contained questions regarding the histologic and cytologic features. The sets of features with the biggest correlation with the tumor grades differed among the pathologists. This may indicate that the observers use different features in their grading processes. Moreover, the pathologist with the highest number (five) of significant microscopic features in the multivariate model had the lowest coefficient of correlation between his tumor grade and his feature set. The correlation coefficients for the other pathologists were quite similar, although the features used (no more than two or three) varied. The participants in the study felt that the methodologic approach had an educational value for them. Further investigations are required to evaluate whether the differences in the underlying decision making process also result in frank disagreement in ovarian tumor grading.  相似文献   



CXCL4 is a platelet chemokine released at micromolar concentrations upon platelet activation. CXCL4 has been shown to promote atherogenesis by various mechanisms. However, data on CXCL4 plasma levels in patients with coronary artery disease are largely inconclusive. Computed coronary artery angiography (CCTA) represents an excellent tool to quantify and characterize coronary atherosclerotic plaques. We hypothesized that increased CXCL4 plasma levels may be associated with features of plaque instability resulting in adverse cardiovascular events. Specifically, we sought to determine whether CXCL4 levels are correlated with specific features of coronary artery disease including (1) plaque volume, (2) calcium score, (3) degree of stenosis, or (4) vascular remodeling.

Methods and Results

CXCL4 plasma levels were measured by ELISA in 217 patients undergoing CCTA for suspected CAD (mean age 64.2 ± 9.4 years, 107 (49.3%) male). Mean CXCL4 plasma levels were 12.5 ± 4.6 ng/mL. There was no significant correlation between CXCL4 levels and any clinical or demographic parameters including cardiovascular risk factors. CXCL4 plasma levels did not differ between patient with or without coronary artery disease (CAD: 12.5 ± 4.5 ng/ml, no CAD: 12.5 ± 4.8 ng/ml). Neither univariate nor multivariate analysis showed an association between CXCL4 levels and plaque volume, total calcium score, degree of stenosis, or vascular remodeling. Subgroup analysis of patients with CAD as confirmed by CCTA did not show any association of CXCL4 levels with the extent of CAD.


While CXCL4 may be present and active within the arterial wall, local increase of CXCL4 may not translate into systemically elevated CXCL4 levels. Further studies will have to test whether CXCL4 may still represent a suitable therapeutic target in human atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The relationships between chordates with their dorsal nerve cord and other animal groups remain unclear. The hemichordata, specifically the enteropneusta (acorn worms), have been considered a sister group to the chordata. Enteropneusts combine various chordate features (e.g. lateral gill openings, dorsal nerve cord) with features that are usually associated with gastroneuralian invertebrates (e.g. dorsal heart, circumenteric nerve ring, ventral nerve cord). Here we analyse various morphological and functional characteristics that enteropneusts share with either invertebrates or chordates in the light of our recent proposal that the chordata may derive – by bodily dorsoventral inversion – from a gastroneuralian ancestor. We show that many seemingly non-chordate features of enteropneusts will align with similar features in the chordates – provided that we compare the ventral side of an enteropneust to the dorsal side of a chordate. This inversion proposes several interesting and new putative homologies between enteropneusts and acranian chordates, such as between their epibranchial ridge/endostyle (later thyroid gland), their postanal tails, atrial walls, and also between the chordates' dorsal notochord and the enteropneusts' posteroventral pygochord. Significantly, positional homology between notochord and pygochord is also supported by the expression domains of Brachyury orthologs in vertebrates and invertebrates: a Brachyury ortholog is active in the postero ventral mesoderm in Drosophila and in the dorsal mesoderm in chordates. In conclusion, we propose that the anatomy of enteropneusts may serve as a conceptual 'missing link' between gastroneuralian invertebrates and notoneuralian chordates. We discuss whether the enteropneust's dorsoanterior nervous centre plus their ventral trunk cord then corresponds to brain and dorsal nerve cord in the chordata.  相似文献   

We examine the links between geomorphological processes, specific landscape features, surface water drainage, and the creation of suitable habitats for hominins. The existence of mosaic (i.e., heterogeneous) habitats within hominin site landscape reconstructions is typically explained using models of the riverine and gallery forest settings, or the pan or lake setting. We propose a different model: the Tectonic Landscape Model (TLM), where tectonic faulting and volcanism disrupts existing pan or river settings at small-scales (∼10-25 km). Our model encompasses the interpretation of the landscape features, the role of tectonics in creating these landscapes, and the implications for hominins. In particular, the model explains the underlying mechanism for the creation and maintenance of heterogeneous habitats in regions of active tectonics. We illustrate how areas with faulting and disturbed drainage patterns would have been attractive habitats for hominins, such as Australopithecus, and other fauna. Wetland areas are an important characteristic of surface water disturbance by fault activity; therefore we examine the tectonically-controlled Okavango Delta (Botswana) and the Nylsvley wetland (South Africa) as modern examples of how tectonics in a riverine setting significantly enhance the faunal and floral biodiversity. While tectonic landscapes may not have been the only type of attractive habitats to hominins, we propose a suite of landscape, faunal, and floral indicators, which when recovered together suggest that site environments may have been influenced by tectonic and/or volcanic activity while hominins were present. For the fossil sites, we interpret the faulting and landscapes around australopithecine-bearing sites of the Middle Awash (Ethiopia) and Makapansgat, Taung, and Sterkfontein (South Africa) to illustrate these relationships between landscape features and surface water bodies. Exploitation of tectonically active landscapes may explain why the paleoenvironmental signals, anatomy, diets, as well as the fauna associated with Australopithecus appear largely heterogeneous through time and space. This hypothesis is discussed in light of potential preservation and time-averaging effects which may affect patterns visible in the fossil record. The model, however, offers insight into the landscape processes of how such habitats are formed. The landscape features and range of habitat conditions, specifically the wetter, down-dropped plains and drier, uplifted flanks persist in close proximity for as long as the fault motion continues. The Tectonic Landscape Model provides an alternative explanation of why mixed habitats may be represented at certain sites over longer timescales.  相似文献   

Male secondary sexual characters may have evolved as intra-or intersexual signals of male phenotypic or genetic quality.In birds, singing performance may have the function to honestlyreveal health and vigor of individual males. Infectious diseasesand poor body conditions would therefore be expected to negativelyinfluence singing performance. Since bird pathogens are knownto elicit both a humoral and a cell-mediated immune response,it can be predicted that a negative relationship exists betweensinging performance and activity of the immune system. Thisprediction was tested for the first time in this correlationalstudy. The relationships between song rate and features andhematological variables (concentration of leukocytes in peripheralblood, ratio of gamma-globulins to total plasma proteins, bloodcell sedimentation rate, hematocrit) and body condition wereanalyzed in a population of bam swallows (Hirundo rustica).Song rate was negatively correlated with lymphocyte concentrationand with the ratio of gamma-globulins to plasma proteins. Spectrographicanalysis showed that features of song were not significantlycorrelated with hematological variables or body condition. Thelevel of circulating testosterone was not correlated with songrate nor hematological variables. This study is the first toshow a correlation between a bird's singing performance andhematological profile and suggests that song rate of male barnswallows may reflect their health status. Song in this speciesmight thus have evolved because it allows prospecting femalesto assess aspects of phenotypic and/or genetic quality of potentialmates  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridisation between Senecio hercynicus and Senecio ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) was studied in a mixed stand of the two species on the S- and SW-facing slopes of the German part of the Bohemian Forest (SE Germany). Morphological variation based on multivariate analysis of 14 diagnostic characters, along with genetic data from an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting analysis, indicates that the surveyed stand forms an intensively introgressed hybrid swarm. The majority of individuals were found to be intermediate between the two parental taxa, and strong statistical correlation between phenetic and genetic distances was observed. In contrast to that, flowering time of individuals (expressed as the time when 50% of the capitula of a plant were in flower) was found to follow a bimodal distribution in the hybrid swarm and lacked any correlation with the genetic and morphological relationships among plants. The same was true for the spectra of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) revealed by a gas-chromatographic survey: most of the 142 individuals surveyed fell into one of two main chemotypes, only a few plants exhibited an intermediate and additive PA spectrum, and no correlation with the genetic and morphological relationships among plants was observed. Assuming that most of the AFLP markers are neutral, we conclude that the correlation of morphology with the genetic pattern may argue for the neutrality of morphological features analysed. Consequently, we interpret the lack of correlation between phenological and phytochemical data with the neutral genetic markers as evidence that both phenology and phytochemistry may be either under selection or that these features are genetically or biosynthetically constrained.  相似文献   

Imaging processing techniques have been shown to be useful in studying protein domain structures. The idea is to represent the pairwise distances of any two residues of the structure in a 2D distance matrix (DM). Features and/or submatrices are extracted from this DM to represent a domain. Existing approaches, however, may involve a large number of features (100–400) or complicated mathematical operations. Finding fewer but more effective features is always desirable. In this paper, based on some key observations on DMs, we are able to decompose a DM image into four basic binary images, each representing the structural characteristics of a fundamental secondary structure element (SSE) or a motif in the domain. Using the concept of moments in image processing, we further derive 45 structural features based on the four binary images. Together with 4 features extracted from the basic images, we represent the structure of a domain using 49 features. We show that our feature vectors can represent domain structures effectively in terms of the following. (1) We show a higher accuracy for domain classification. (2) We show a clear and consistent distribution of domains using our proposed structural vector space. (3) We are able to cluster the domains according to our moment features and demonstrate a relationship between structural variation and functional diversity.  相似文献   



Headache has been reported to be associated with mobile phone (MP) use in some individuals. The causal relationship between headache associated with MP use (HAMP) and MP use is currently undetermined. Identifying the clinical features of HAMP may help in clarifying the pathophysiology of HAMP and in managing symptoms of individuals with HAMP. The aim of the present study is to describe the clinical features of HAMP.  相似文献   

Differences in the numbers of stamens and styles per flower are conspicuous features of variation in North American hawthorns (Crataegus L.). Variation in stamen number between individuals is discontinuous, with modes of approximately 20 and 10 (or fewer). In North American black-fruited sectionDouglasii Loudon the 10-stamen morphotype is exclusively polyploid, whereas the 20-stamen morphotype comprises both diploids and polyploids. Polyploidy is associated with apospory, self-fertility, and varying degrees of pollen sterility. Variation in stamen number may also be correlated with variation in distribution, phenology, leaf shape, and other features of floral morphology, leading to recognition of taxa at the specific or infraspecific level. Comparable variation in stamen number is virtually unknown in Eurasian hawthorns, as in the majority of flowering plants. In sectionDouglasii stamen number morphotypes have been recognized as either varieties or species; although correlations between stamen number and other features are not as straightforward as was previously surmised, the higher rank appears to be appropriate. These data on breeding system and morphological variation may be explainable in terms of hypotheses linking gametophytic apomixis, polyploidization, and optimal strategies for pollen dispersal.  相似文献   

Berk M  Plein H  Belsham B 《Life sciences》2000,66(25):2427-2432
Hypoglutamatergic function is implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, and supersensitivity of platelet NMDA receptors has been reported in schizophrenia. The aim of this study was to examine the platelet glutamate receptor sensitivity in patients with schizophrenia (n=12), mania with psychotic features (n=10) and depression with psychotic features (n=10) and matched controls (n=12) in order to assess if this is a marker of schizophrenia or occurs in other psychotic conditions. Glutamate receptor sensitivity was assessed using the intracellular calcium response to glutamate measured with spectrofluorometry. The percentage response of the schizophrenic and depressed psychotic subjects to glutamate stimulation was significantly greater than control subjects (p<0.005). The mania with psychotic features group was not significantly different to controls. This data suggests that platelet glutamate receptors may be supersensitive in schizophrenia and depression with psychotic features. Furthermore, the platelet may be a possible peripheral marker of glutamate function in schizophrenia and depression with psychotic features.  相似文献   

Fruit features of 17 Acaena species in New Zealand were investigated to determine the relations between reproductive allocation patterns, mode of dispersal and species ecology. Three basic morphological types, corresponding to major sections within the genus, are represented: spineless fruits (Sect. Pteracaena—one species), spined fruits lacking barbs (Sect. Microphyllae—6 species), and spined fruits with barbs (Sect. Ancistrum—10 species). The presence of terminal barbs on spines enhances fruit adhesion to animals, and is associated with the development of longer scapes, globular many-fruited capitula, and smaller single-seeded fruits. Barb-spined species generally have the broadest geographical range and habitat distribution within New Zealand, and are the only species of Acaena to occur in forests or on offshore islands. These species are generally strongly stoloniferous. Acaena species with barbless spines and/or no spines are often regional endemics confined to open and/or localised habitats, are rhizomatous, and may be dispersed by water, ingestion or wind. There is a tight correlation between intrageneric classification and species ecology and fruit features which requires testing via independent phylogenetic analysis based on molecular genetic characters. Although avian dispersers have declined since human settlement, introduced mammals may be performing a similar function for barbed Acaena species.  相似文献   

Geometric features of the aorta are linked to patient risk of rupture in the clinical decision to electively repair an ascending aortic aneurysm (AsAA). Previous approaches have focused on relationship between intuitive geometric features (e.g., diameter and curvature) and wall stress. This work investigates the feasibility of a machine learning approach to establish the linkages between shape features and FEA-predicted AsAA rupture risk, and it may serve as a faster surrogate for FEA associated with long simulation time and numerical convergence issues. This method consists of four main steps: (1) constructing a statistical shape model (SSM) from clinical 3D CT images of AsAA patients; (2) generating a dataset of representative aneurysm shapes and obtaining FEA-predicted risk scores defined as systolic pressure divided by rupture pressure (rupture is determined by a threshold criterion); (3) establishing relationship between shape features and risk by using classifiers and regressors; and (4) evaluating such relationship in cross-validation. The results show that SSM parameters can be used as strong shape features to make predictions of risk scores consistent with FEA, which lead to an average risk classification accuracy of 95.58% by using support vector machine and an average regression error of 0.0332 by using support vector regression, while intuitive geometric features have relatively weak performance. Compared to FEA, this machine learning approach is magnitudes faster. In our future studies, material properties and inhomogeneous thickness will be incorporated into the models and learning algorithms, which may lead to a practical system for clinical applications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the distant metastasis possibility based on computed tomography (CT) radiomic features in patients with lung cancer. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 348 patients with lung cancer enrolled between 2014 and February 2015. A feature set containing clinical features and 485 radiomic features was extracted from the pretherapy CT images. Feature selection via concave minimization (FSV) was used to select effective features. A support vector machine (SVM) was used to evaluate the predictive ability of each feature. RESULTS: Four radiomic features and three clinical features were obtained by FSV feature selection. Classification accuracy by the proposed SVM with SGD method was 71.02%, and the area under the curve was 72.84% with only the radiomic features extracted from CT. After the addition of clinical features, 89.09% can be achieved. CONCLUSION: The radiomic features of the pretherapy CT images may be used as predictors of distant metastasis. And it also can be used in combination with the patient's gender and tumor T and N phase information to diagnose the possibility of distant metastasis in lung cancer.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of the appendages of the Cyprididae ostracod Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868) are described in detail and compared with those of other podocope species documented in previous studies. Generally, the appearence of limbs during onotgeny of H. salina is similar to that of other species, but small differences in limb morphologies were identified between H. salina and other Cyprididae species, including other Heterocypris species. Some features appear either earlier or later in the development of H. salina compared with other species, even species of the same genus. These features may be useful characters for phylogenetic analyses at the genus and family levels.  相似文献   

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