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N M Hooper  A J Turner 《FEBS letters》1985,190(1):133-136
The major site of hydrolysis was the Gly8-Leu9 bond. Angiotensin converting enzyme (peptidyl dipeptidase A, EC from pig kidney hydrolysed substance P releasing the C-terminal tripeptide Gly-Leu-MetNH2 but failed to hydrolyse neurokinin B. Pig brain striatal synaptic membranes hydrolysed neurokinin B producing a similar pattern of products as did endopeptidase-24.11. Substantial inhibition of this activity was achieved with the selective inhibitor phosphoramidon. A combination of phosphoramidon and bestatin abolished the hydrolysis of neurokinin B by synaptic membranes. Thus, a bestatin-sensitive aminopeptidase may play a role in the synaptic metabolism of neurokinin B in addition to endopeptidase-24.11. This aminopeptidase appears to be distinct from aminopeptidase N (EC  相似文献   

Cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells contain a second peptidyl dipeptidase, distinct from angiotensin-converting enzyme, present in an inactive form associated with a non-dialyzable inhibitor. Partial purification by glycine affinity chromatography separates enzyme from inhibitor to yield a preparation which hydrolyzes angiotensin-1, bradykinin, substance P, atriopeptin-2, enkephalin and Hip-His-Leu. This enzyme is resistant to inhibition by lisinopril, captopril, thiorphan, phosphoramidon, soybean trypsin inhibitor, PMSF and aminopeptidase and carboxypeptidase inhibitors, but is inhibited by EDTA.  相似文献   

Endopeptidase-24.11 (EC, purified to homogeneity from pig kidney, was shown to hydrolyse a wide range of neuropeptides, including enkephalins, tachykinins, bradykinin, neurotensin, luliberin and cholecystokinin. The sites of hydrolysis of peptides were identified, indicating that the primary specificity is consistent with hydrolysis occurring at bonds involving the amino group of hydrophobic amino acid residues. Of the substrates tested, the amidated peptide substance P is hydrolysed the most efficiently (Km = 31.9 microM; kcat. = 5062 min-1). A free alpha-carboxy group at the C-terminus of a peptide substrate is therefore not essential for efficient hydrolysis by the endopeptidase. A large variation in kcat./Km values was observed among the peptide substrates studied, a finding that reflects a significant influence of amino acid residues, remote from the scissile bond, on the efficiency of hydrolysis. These subsite interactions between peptide substrate and enzyme thus confer some degree of functional specificity on the endopeptidase. The inhibition of endopeptidase-24.11 by several compounds was compared with that of pig kidney peptidyldipeptidase A (EC Of the inhibitors examined, only N-[1(R,S)-carboxy-2-phenylethyl]-Phe-p-aminobenzoate inhibited endopeptidase-24.11 but not peptidyldipeptidase. Captopril (D-3-mercapto-2-methylpropanoyl-L-proline), Teprotide (pGlu-Trp-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gln-Ile-Pro-Pro) and MK422 [N-[(S)-1-carboxy-3-phenylpropyl]-L-Ala-L-Pro] were highly selective as inhibitors of peptidyldipeptidase. Although not wholly specific, phosphoramidon was a more potent inhibitor of endopeptidase-24.11 than were any of the synthetic compounds tested.  相似文献   

Synaptic membrane preparations from human striatum and human diencephalon were shown to contain a phosphoramidon-sensitive metalloendopeptidase that appeared identical with endopeptidase-24.11. The activity of endopeptidase-24.11 was determined with an enzymic assay employing [D-Ala2,Leu5]enkephalin as substrate, and its distribution in human brain was similar to that in pig brain, with the striatum containing the highest levels. The choroid plexus and pons also contained substantial activity. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained for the distribution of the endopeptidase in pig brain and pituitary by the enzymic assay and by an immunoradiometric assay specific for pig endopeptidase-24.11. Synaptic membrane preparations from human striatum and diencephalon hydrolysed substance P at the same sites as did preparations of pig striatal synaptic membranes, and hydrolysis was substantially abolished by phosphoramidon. These results suggest that endopeptidase-24.11 is the principal enzyme hydrolysing substance P in human synaptic membrane preparations.  相似文献   

The CCA-adding enzyme builds and repairs the 3' terminus of tRNA. Approximately 65% of mature human U2 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) ends in 3'-terminal CCA, as do all mature tRNAs; the other 35% ends in 3' CC or possibly 3' C. The 3'-terminal A of U2 snRNA cannot be encoded because the 3' end of the U2 snRNA coding region is CC/CC, where the slash indicates the last encoded nucleotide. The first detectable U2 snRNA precursor contains 10-16 extra 3' nucleotides that are removed by one or more 3' exonucleases. Thus, if 3' exonuclease activity removes the encoded 3' CC during U2 snRNA maturation, as appears to be the case in vitro, the cell may need to build or rebuild the 3'-terminal A, CA, or CCA of U2 snRNA. We asked whether homologous and heterologous class I and class II CCA-adding enzymes could add 3'-terminal A, CA, or CCA to human U2 snRNA lacking 3'-terminal A, CA, or CCA. The naked U2 snRNAs were good substrates for the human CCA-adding enzyme but were inactive with the Escherichia coli enzyme; activity was also observed on native U2 snRNPs. We suggest that the 3' stem/loop of U2 snRNA resembles a tRNA minihelix, the smallest efficient substrate for class I and II CCA-adding enzymes, and that CCA addition to U2 snRNA may take place in vivo after snRNP assembly has begun.  相似文献   

A cytosolic protein specifically binding to and degrading atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was purified from rat brain homogenate. Based on partial amino acid sequences and enzymatic properties, this protein with an apparent molecular mass of 112 kDa has been identified as the rat insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE). In addition to the known substrates, insulin and transforming-growth-factor alpha IDE binds also with high affinity (apparent Kd 60 nM) to ANP. Competition studies with structural variants of ANP demonstrate that both the C terminus and the disulfide loop of the molecule are essential for high-affinity binding. The data suggest that IDE might be involved in the cellular processing and/or metabolic clearance of ANP.  相似文献   

Endothelin-converting enzyme 1 (ECE-1, EC is a zinc-dependent type II mammalian membrane protein comprising the active site in the ectodomain. It exists in multiple splice variants that all catalyze the last and rate-limiting step in the activation of preproendothelin to the highly potent vasoconstrictor endothelin. There is high interest in finding small and potent inhibitors for this enzyme that could be used in numerous indications, e.g. hypertension. Since there is no structural information available for this important enzyme, we built a model of the complete ectodomain using the recently solved structure of human NEP as template. The naturally derived metalloproteinase inhibitor phosphoramidon was docked in the active site of this model and comparisons with the respective NEP complex were made.  相似文献   

An enzyme present in mouse brain cytosol cleaves C-terminal dipeptides from substrates including ACTH-(7-10) (Phe-Arg-Trp-Gly), and des-Tyr-[Met]- and des-Tyr-[Leu]enkephalin. By means of ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration, the peptidase was purified to a specific activity of 1570 times that of brain homogenate. At this purification, a second peptidase, which hydrolyzes Trp-Gly and other peptides [M. E. A. Reith and A. Neidle (1979) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 90, 794-800] was still present, but could be removed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The des Tyr-enkephalin-cleaving enzyme has a molecular weight of about 85,000 and a pH optimum of 7.8. It is inhibited by metal-chelating and sulfhydryl reagents. The enzyme has a strong preference for substrates with an aromatic residue in the position adjacent to the C-terminal amino acid, although some peptides meeting this criterion were competitive inhibitors rather than substrates. Peptides with less than four residues were inactive and, in general, tetrapeptides were found to be more reactive than larger analogs, when peptides with common C-terminal sequences were compared. The peptidyl dipeptidase, which has not been described previously, can be readily distinguished from angiotensin-converting enzyme (EC and from neutral endopeptidase (EC by its subcellular localization, substrate specificity, and response to inhibitors. It was suggested that peptidyl dipeptidase-B (PDP-B, EC 3.4.15.-) would be an appropriate name for the enzyme. PDP-B is widely distributed among mouse tissues.  相似文献   

The CCA-adding enzyme [ATP(CTP):tRNA nucleotidyltransferase] catalyzes the addition and regeneration of the 3'-terminal CCA sequence of tRNAs. We show that the CCA-adding enzyme will specifically add a CCA terminus to synthetic full-length tDNA and to DNA oligonucleotides corresponding to the "top half" of tRNA-the acceptor stem and TpsiC stem-loop of tRNA. CCA addition to the top half tDNA minihelices requires a 2' as well as a 3' OH at the 3' terminus of the tDNA. Addition also depends on the length of the base paired stem, and is facilitated by, but is not dependent upon, the presence of a TpsiC loop. These results provide further evidence for independent functions of the top and bottom halves of tRNA, and support the hypothesis that these two structurally distinct and functionally independent domains evolved independently.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Antiplasmin Enschede is a variant of alpha 2-antiplasmin which has lost its ability to inhibit plasmin irreversibly and which is associated with a haemorrhagic disorder [Kluft et al. (1987) J. Clin. Invest. 80, 1391-1400]. The abnormal protein was purified from the plasma of a homozygous patient and subjected to one-dimensional peptide mapping using papain for digestion. A slightly abnormally migrating polypeptide (Mr 17,000) was found which represented the C-terminal part of the molecule (the N-terminus of the polypeptide corresponded to Gly-338 in normal alpha 2-antiplasmin) and which contained the reactive centre. The interaction of plasmin with alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede was studied by adding plasmin to plasma of the homozygous patient. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting showed that no complex persisted, but that the abnormal alpha 2-antiplasmin was cleaved into two fragments of Mr 56,000 and 14,000 respectively. The latter fragment co-migrated with the post-complex peptide, which is cleaved from normal alpha 2-antiplasmin during complex-formation with plasmin. In a purified system, catalytic amounts of plasmin rapidly cleaved alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede into the aforementioned fragments. In kinetic studies alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede reversibly and temporarily inhibited the plasmin-catalysed hydrolysis of D-valyl-L-leucyl-L-lysine p-nitroanilide ('S-2251') as a competitive inhibitor (Ki,app. 35 nM). It was concluded that alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede apparently forms a normal complex with plasmin. The complex is, however, not stable, but disintegrates rapidly to a cleaved form of alpha 2-antiplasmin Enschede and active plasmin. The abnormal protein thus behaves like a substrate, instead of an inhibitor, of plasmin.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides. Alpha- and gammaherpesviruses express a functional enzyme, since they code for both the R1 and the R2 subunits. By contrast, betaherpesviruses contain an open reading frame (ORF) with homology to R1, but an ORF for R2 is absent, suggesting that they do not express a functional RNR. The M45 protein of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) exhibits the sequence features of a class Ia RNR R1 subunit but lacks certain amino acid residues believed to be critical for enzymatic function. It starts to be expressed independently upon the onset of viral DNA synthesis at 12 h after infection and accumulates at later times in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. Moreover, it is associated with the virion particle. To investigate direct involvement of the virally encoded R1 subunit in ribonucleotide reduction, recombinant M45 was tested in enzyme activity assays together with cellular R1 and R2. The results indicate that M45 neither is a functional equivalent of an R1 subunit nor affects the activity or the allosteric control of the mouse enzyme. To replicate in quiescent cells, MCMV induces the expression and activity of the cellular RNR. Mutant viruses in which the M45 gene has been inactivated are avirulent in immunodeficient SCID mice and fail to replicate in their target organs. These results suggest that M45 has evolved a new function that is indispensable for virus replication and pathogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) anchors onto cell membranes by a transmembrane protein PRiMA (proline-rich membrane anchor) as a tetrameric form in vertebrate brain. The assembly of AChE tetramer with PRiMA requires the C-terminal "t-peptide" in AChE catalytic subunit (AChE(T)). Although mature AChE is well known N-glycosylated, the role of glycosylation in forming the physiologically active PRiMA-linked AChE tetramer has not been studied. Here, several lines of evidence indicate that the N-linked glycosylation of AChE(T) plays a major role for acquisition of AChE full enzymatic activity but does not affect its oligomerization. The expression of the AChE(T) mutant, in which all N-glycosylation sites were deleted, together with PRiMA in HEK293T cells produced a glycan-depleted PRiMA-linked AChE tetramer but with a much higher K(m) value as compared with the wild type. This glycan-depleted enzyme was assembled in endoplasmic reticulum but was not transported to Golgi apparatus or plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A Oblin  M J Danse  B Zivkovic 《Life sciences》1989,44(20):1467-1474
Substance P is a neuropeptide released in vivo from the substantia nigra, the principal substance P nerve terminal region in the rat brain. Its inactivation was investigated in a purified nigral synaptic membrane preparation. The membrane-bound enzyme shares many features with the endopeptidase 24-11 (EC 1) hydrolysis of peptide bonds Gln6-Phe7, Phe7-Phe8 and Gly9-Leu10, 2) sensitivity to the inhibition by phosphoramidon and 3) relative affinity for substance P. Bestatine and captopril inhibit only the hydrolysis of the metabolites. These results suggest that substance P is inactivated in substantia nigra by endopeptidase 24-11 and that a bestatin-sensitive aminopeptidase and angiotensin converting enzyme may play a role in subsequent degradation of the substance P metabolites.  相似文献   

The human Ube2J2 enzyme functions in the ubiquitination of proteins at the ER. Here we demonstrate that it, and a second ubiquitin conjugating (Ubc) enzyme Ube2G2, are unstable, and incubation of transfected cells with proteasome inhibitors increased steady-state protein levels. For Ube2J2, pharmacological induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) did not significantly alter ectopic protein levels, however the effect of proteasomal inhibition was abolished if the enzyme was inactivated or truncated to disrupt its ER-localization. These results suggest for the first time that the steady state expression of Ubcs’ may be important in regulating the degradation of ER proteins in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (ConA), one of the most studied plant lectins, is formed in jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) seeds. ConA is synthesized as an inactive glycoprotein precursor proConA. Different processing events such as endoproteolytic cleavages, ligation of peptides and deglycosylation of the precursor are required to generate the different polypeptides constitutive of mature ConA. Among these events, deglycosylation of the prolectin appears as a key step in the lectin activation. The detection of deglycosylated proConA in immature jack bean seeds indicates that endoproteolytic cleavages are not prerequisite for its deglycosylation. Both the structure of the lectin precursor N-glycans Man8-9GlcNAc2 and the capacity of Endo H to cleave these oligosaccharide from native proConA in vitro favoured Endo H-type glycosidases as candidates for proConA deglycosylation in planta. Evidence for pH-dependent changes in the prolectin folding were obtained from analysis of the N-glycan accessibility and activation of the deglycosylated lectin precursor in acidic conditions. These data are consistent with the observation that both deglycosylation and acidification of the pH are the minimum requirements to convert the inactive precursor into an active lectin.  相似文献   

Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and MARCKS-related protein (MRP; MacMARCKS) are protein kinase C substrates in diverse cell types. Activation of murine macrophages by cytokines increases MRP expression, but infection with Leishmania promastigotes during activation results in MRP depletion. We therefore examined the effect of Leishmania major LV39 on recombinant MRP. Both live promastigotes and a soluble fraction of LV39 lysates degraded MRP to yield lower molecular weight fragments. Degradation was independent of MRP myristoylation and was inhibited by protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation of MRP. MRP was similarly degraded by purified leishmanolysin (gp63), a Leishmania surface metalloprotease. Degradation was evident at low enzyme/substrate ratios, over a broad pH range, and was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline and by a hydroxamate dipeptide inhibitor of leishmanolysin. Using mass spectrometric analysis, cleavage was shown to occur within the effector domain of MRP between Ser(92) and Phe(93), in accordance with the substrate specificity of leishmanolysin. Moreover, an MRP construct in which the effector domain had been deleted was resistant to cleavage. Thus, Leishmania infection may result in leishmanolysin-dependent hydrolysis of MRP, a major protein kinase C substrate in macrophages.  相似文献   

The mechanisms which mediate deposition of lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)), an atherogenic lipoprotein particle, onto the vessel wall and cell surfaces are unknown. An irreversible deposition of Lp(a) may require the presence of enzymes that catalyze its binding to surface-oriented structures. Transglutaminases catalyze cross-linking of proteins as well as incorporation of primary amines into protein substrates. We studied whether tissue transglutaminase and/or activated Factor XIII (plasma derived or recombinant FXIIIa) incorporate primary amines into Lp(a). In the presence of Ca2+, Factor XIIIa and tissue transglutaminase catalyze incorporation of monodansylcadaverine or [14C]putrescine into purified Lp(a) in a specific and time-dependent manner. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that monodansylcadaverine became incorporated into the apo(a) portion of Lp(a). Lp(a) purified from five different donors showing different apo(a) phenotypes were substrates for tissue transglutaminases (TG). Western blot analysis confirmed that apo(a) was the major monodansylcadaverine carrying protein moiety of Lp(a). Tissue TG also extensively cross-linked the apo(a) portion of the Lp(a) particle. Characterization of the specificity of tissue TG showed that fibronectin, alpha 2-plasmin inhibitor, and apo(a) could be readily labeled with monodansylcadaverine by tissue TG, but other proteins including low density lipoprotein, IgG, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor, and albumin showed poor or no reactivity. Direct comparison of Lp(a) with low density lipoprotein showed that apoB 100 was a poor substrate for transglutaminases. Recombinant apolipoprotein (a) proved to be an excellent substrate for TGs in that 1 mol of recombinant apolipoprotein (a) incorporated as much as 15 mol of [14C]putrescine, which corresponded to five times the amount of amine incorporated into Lp(a). The susceptibility of Lp(a) to transglutaminases suggests a mechanism whereby the interaction of Lp(a) with surface receptors and other surface oriented structures could be enzymatically altered.  相似文献   

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