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[14C]Choline was incorporated into microsomal membranes in vivo, and from CDP-[14C]choline in vitro, and the site of incorporation determined by hydrolysis of the outer leaflet of the membrane bilayer using phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii. Labelled phosphatidylcholine was found to be concentrated in the outer leaflet of the membrane bilayer with a specific activity approximately three times that of the inner leaflet. During incorporation of CDP-choline and treatment with phospholipase C the vesicles retained labelled-protein contents indicating that they remained intact. When the microsomes were opened with taurocholate after incorporation of [14C]choline in vivo, the labelled phosphatidylcholine behaved as a single pool. Selective hydrolysis of labelled phosphatidylcholine in intact vesicles is not, therefore, a consequence of specificity of phospholipase C. These results indicate that the phosphatidylcholine of the outer leaflet of the microsomal membrane bilayer is preferentially labelled by the choline-phosphotransferase pathway and that this pool of phospholipid does not equilibrate with that of the inner leaflet.  相似文献   

1. In vivo this investigation was carried out in order to compare the incorporation into rat lipids of free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine and CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine which is the precursor in phosphonolipid biosynthesis. 2. The incorporation of the radioactivity from CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine took place more rapidly than that from free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine in both liver and kidney. The amount of radioactivity from the CMP-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine incorporated into total liver lipids was about 5 times higher than that incorporated into total liver lipids of rat two hrs after injecting free-[1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine. 3. The amount of [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine incorporated into total liver lipids was 15 and 21 times higher than that incorporated into total kidney lipids of rat two and four hrs after injecting free [1,2-minus 14C]-ciliatine. 4. If the main pathway for the phosphonolipid biosynthesis is via CMP-ciliatine, the rate of phosphonolipid formation from CMP-ciliatine must therefore be higher than that from free-ciliatine. The results obtained here indicate therefore that the main pathway for phosphonolipid biosynthesis is a pathway involving CMP-ciliatine. 5. An unknow compound was detected in the water soluble fraction of the acid hydrolyzate of liver phosphonolipids. This material migrated with the N-trimethyl-derivative of ciliatine on the thin-layer chromatogram. The result shows that there is therefore a possibility of methylation of exogenous ciliatine to the phosphonate analogue of choline in the mammalian body.  相似文献   

Incubation of a rat liver total homogenate with radioactive choline and subsequent isolation of subcellular fractions, at different times, showed similar patterns of labeling. Incubation of microsomes, mitochondria and purified nuclei isolated from rat liver, showed that all fractions were able to incorporate the precursor into phosphatidyl choline. The specific activity was higher in mitochondria and increased in all cases with added supernatant. The addition of microsomes to mitochondria diminished the incorporation of label. Contamination of mitochondria by microsomes, was negligible as shown by undetectable amounts of cytochrome P450, while NADPH2 cytochrome c reductase showed a 10% contamination. A certain amount of radioactivity was incorporated in the absence of ATP and oxidizable substrates due to the presence of substrates and cofactors in the fraction and/or the supernatant. Labeled fractions reincubated with unlabeled choline, showed no loss of radioactivity, proving that incorporation was not due to simple exchange processes. It is concluded that although rat liver mitochondria can acquire part of their own provision of phosphatidyl choline by transference from microsomes, all organelles and specially mitochondria, can independently synthesize this phospholipid.  相似文献   

1. The kinetics of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in rat liver were followed 5-60 min after the intraportal injection of [14-C]choline and [3-H]-ethanolamine. 2. At all time-intervals the specific radioactivity of CDP-choline was only about half that of phosphorylcholine. This indicated that CDP-choline was formed at a similar rate from phosphorylcholine and phosphatidylcholines, the latter probably through the reverse reaction of cholinephosphotransferase (EC In view of recent data obtained from experiments in vitro this implies a significant role for the cholinephosphotransferase reaction in the turnover of molecular species of phosphatidylcholine. 3. The specific radioactivity of CDP-ethanolamine was about twice that of phosphorylethanolamine at all time-intervals studied. This supports a previous suggestion that the liver phosphorylethanolamine pool is subject to compartmentation and shows that there is no rapid equilibration between different pools. In contrast with a recent study, no evidence was found for any significant methylation of phosphoryl-or CDP-ethanolamine to the corresponding choline derivative. 4. Quantitative data on the biosynthesis of molecular species of phosphoLIPIDS via CDP derivatives were calculated according to simple kinetic models. They were in the same range as those calculated from earlier data on precusors incorporated via diacylglycerols. 5. The proportion of radioactive phosphatidylethanolamines appearing in the plasma was approximately ten times lower than that for phosphatidylcholines. No selectivity was observed in the transfer into plasma of different molecular species of phosphatidylethanolamine.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholines in rat liver   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Previous studies in prokaryotes and in eukaryotic cell lines have indicated the possible existence of more than one dTTP pool accessible to DNA synthesis. To investigate this possibility in eukaryotes in vivo, the incorporation of [3H] deoxythymidine into nuclear matrix-attached DNA and intracellular dTTP was examined in regenerating rat liver. The labeling of matrix DNA reached a maximum after a 5 min pulse and then began to rapidly decrease. Conversely, [3H] deoxythymidine incorporation into dTTP began to increase after 5 min and peaked 10 min after injection. Since the peak specific activity for [3H] deoxythymidine incorporation into matrix DNA precedes that into dTTP, there seems to be channeling of exogenous thymidine directly to sites of DNA replication, bypassing existing nucleotide pools.  相似文献   

1. Glucose, formed from [1-(14)C]fructose or [6-(14)C]fructose in rat-liver slices, has been isolated as gluconate and degraded to give the radioactivity in C-1, C-2-5 and C-6. 2. By using this method it has been shown that, in liver from foetal rats younger than 20 days, glucose is formed from fructose without splitting of the molecule by the aldolase reaction. The rate of glucose formation from fructose in liver from these foetuses is approximately half of the rate in adult liver. 3. The direct conversion of fructose into glucose in foetal rat liver is not via sorbitol as in seminal vesicles, as this pathway cannot be detected. 4. When liver slices are incubated with [U-(14)C]fructose of high specific activity, the labelled intermediates are similar whether from liver from 18-day foetal, newborn or adult rats. 5. These findings are discussed with reference to the changing pathways of fructose metabolism during perinatal development of the liver in the rat.  相似文献   

Incorporation of sodium [3H]acetate into histones of rats was examined as a function of age. Incorporation was observed to decline with age up to 24 months, at which time a levelling occurred. Controls indicated that this decrease in histone acetylation could not be attributed to variability in isotope delivery to the liver or to alterations in intracellular ‘pools’ available for acetylation. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis established that, in all cases, acetate was incorporated primarily into histone fractions H3 and H4 and the pattern of incorporation exhibited age-dependent phenomena. H4 was predominantly labelled in 2 month animals, while in 12, 16 and 24 month animals H3 was more highly labelled; at 27 months the two fractions were labelled equally.Assessment of histone acetylase and deacetylase activities indicates that deacetylase activity increased with age.  相似文献   

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