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The dependence of expressiveness of microsomal mono-oxygenase induction by phenobarbital upon the amount of binding sites at cytochrome P-450 active center(s) has been studied. The experimental cholestasis is accompanied by accumulation of hydroxylated derivatives of cholesterol, which possess the detergent characteristics and destruct the substrate binding sites in P-450 molecule. The possibility has been demonstrated of phenobarbital induction under conditions when the inducer-monooxygenase primary binding and metabolic steps are not involved. It is assumed that the activation of de novo microsomal protein synthesis is effected by the molecule of phenobarbital itself and not by the products of its primary hydroxylation in the microsomes.  相似文献   

The alterations of mast cell counts induced in the gut of swiss albino mice by infection with Ancylostoma caninum larvae have been studied, both in single and multiple infections. It was found that mast cell rise was greater in females than males. In singly infected animals, mast cell increase was influenced by the infective dose of inoculated larvae. In case of repeatedly infected mice, mast cell counts were decreased because of their earlier degranulation.  相似文献   

The status of the mast cell population was studied and compared after administration of trypsin or alpha-thrombin in similar molar concentrations. Morphometry disclosed a substantial shift of the mast cell population towards light, heparin-free cells within one minute after alpha-thrombin administration. The index of mast cell saturation with heparin dropped below 1. The maximal heparin secretion was observed at the 5th minute of experiment. The morphometric criteria of the mast cell population returned to basal level in 120 minutes. These data along with a significant increase in the level of complex heparin compounds and plasma thrombin time indicate heparin release as a result of the effector action of the anticoagulation system. No changes were observed in the activity of complex heparin compounds and in thrombin time after intravenous injection of trypsin. It is suggested that high heparin secretion by mast cells may serve as criterion of the active status of the anticoagulation system.  相似文献   

Changes of antioxidant activity of dalargin in the liver after naloxone (100 micrograms/kg) administration were examined in experiment on 144 rats with cholestasis. It was found that dalargin inhibited the activity of xanthine oxidase by 32-37% in different time periods after the injection. Dalargin and naloxone, when used in combination, had no effect on the enzyme activity. Glutathione-S-transferase activity rose by 38.0% and 21.8% on hour 1 and 3 after the injection, respectively, while simultaneous injection of dalargin and naloxone induced no changes in the enzyme activity after 1 hour, though decreased it by 36.8% and 26.4% on hour 3 and 5, respectively. Dalargin inhibited lipid peroxidation by 29-35%, simultaneous injection of dalargin and naloxone raised lipid peroxidation by 109.2%, 80.7% and 25.7% after 1, 3 and 5 hours, respectively. Dalargin injection elucidated a marked tendency to lowering of blood release of the liver-specific enzymes histidase and urokaninase in line with enhancement of their activity in the liver. A combined injection of dalargin and naloxone promoted high release of histidase and urokaninase in blood and did not change histidase activity in the liver in all cases. Urokanidase activity elevated in 5 hours. It was noticed that dalargin raised leu-enkephalin levels in the liver 3.5-fold 1 h after the injection. The reduced dalargin antioxidant effect coupled with naloxone pretreatment demonstrated indirect action of the neuropeptide on the liver via neuron receptors of the liver.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was the evaluation of angiogenesis processes in fibrosarcoma induced by 3-methylcholanthrene (3-Mc) in reference to the number of mast cells (MCs). 76 male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: two experimental (E) groups--after injection of 0.2 mg 3-Mc dissolved in olive oil (0.25ml), and 2 control (C) groups. In E1 group, 52 rats were killed after development of the fibrosarcoma; E(2)--10 rats were killed before development of the tumor; C(1)-8 rats received 0.25ml olive oil; C(2)--8 rats received no treatment. Tissue material was fixed in buffered formalin or Carnoy's and Bouin's fluid. Paraffin sections were stained with H+E and Azan methods, and with alcian blue-saphranine and toluidine blue. Immunohistochemical reactions detecting tryptase in MCs were also performed. Angiogenic objects (microvessels and single endothelial cells) were recognized using antibodies against factor VIII (vWF), P selectin (CD-62P), and CD-90. We found a distinct relationship between intensification of neoangiogenesis at the tumor periphery and increased number of MCs.  相似文献   

Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE), a T cell-mediated autoimmune disease can be transferred with lymphoid cells from actively immunized rats into naive recipients. In the mouse, previous studies have suggested a role for histamine/serotonin in the development of active EAE. We have found that myelin basic protein-reactive cells transfer a biphasic skin test response to naive rats analogous to what has been described in the mouse contact dermatitis system, where mast cell sensitization by Ag-specific T cell factors is required for the induction of skin test responses. Treatment of cell recipients with the serotonin receptor antagonists, cyproheptadine or methysergide, blocked or significantly reduced the development of EAE. Furthermore, it was found that treatment with cyproheptadine was effective in blocking clinical disease when administered day 3 to day 6 after cell transfer. In contrast, cyproheptadine treatments before induction of paralysis day 0 to 3, failed to alter the course of clinical disease. The inhibitor of mast cell degranulation, proxicromil, was also found to effectively block the elicitation of adoptively transferred EAE and was also found to be effective when administered just before the onset of clinical disease. Reserpine, a compound known to deplete mast cells of vasoactive amines by forcing granule contents into the cytoplasm where they are degraded by cell enzymes, was also effective in blocking both active and adoptively transferred EAE. Disease inhibition was found to be partially reversed with pargyline, an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase. In addition lymphocytes from treated animals were capable of transferring disease to naive recipients and appeared to have normal activity as assessed by Ag-or mitogen-driven proliferation in addition to IL-2 production.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MC) secrete diverse pre-stored chemical mediators that are pivotal in inflammatory and fibrotic etiologies, such as Trypanosoma cruzi-induced myocardiopathy. However, due to reduced number of cardiac MC, in situ and in vitro identification, and difficult tissue isolation, these cells are rarely addressed. In this work we optimized the identification of cardiac and peritoneal MC and developed an enzymatic method for MC isolation using control and T. cruzi-infected mice. MC were identified by: toluidine blue (TB); alcian blue (AB)/safranin (S); AB or a mixed solution composed by AB/S/TB. Previous evaluations of cardiac MC in T. cruzi infection were based on TB staining and our results using AB/S/TB solution showed an increase in, at least, five times the detection of MC. This mixed solution may improve the identification of MC populations also from skin, mucosa and tissues that are infected by other pathogens or under the influence of chronic inflammation, leading to more precise results. Furthermore, the appropriate combination of samples (frozen/unfixed/thick slices) and staining protocols can assure the best evaluation of MC. We have also isolated cardiac MC using collagenase and developed a highly efficient 60%/70% Percoll-graded protocol that enriched in, at least, 95% the population of cardiac MC.  相似文献   

A line of rat basophilic leukaemia (RBL) cells, a model of mast cells, stably expressing EGFP-tagged calmodulin secreted normally in response to standard agonists. As reported for other cell types, calmodulin was concentrated in the mitotic spindle poles of dividing cells. In unstimulated interphase cells calmodulin was concentrated in the cell cortex and at a single central location. Disruption of cortical actin eliminated the concentration of calmodulin at the cortex while the central calmodulin concentration was associated with an enrichment of tubulin and is likely to represent the centrosome. Following stimulation with either an agonist that crosslinks Fc receptors or co-application of phorbol ester and a calcium ionophore the interior of the cells lost calmodulin while cortical fluorescence became more pronounced but also less uniform. After stimulation discrete bright puncta of calmodulin-EGFP (CaM-EGFP) appeared in the cell interior. Puncta colocalised with moving lysotracker-labelled granules, suggesting that calmodulin may play a role in organising their transport. Our results show that in interphase RBL cells a large fraction of the calmodulin pool is associated with targets in the actin cytoskeleton and demonstrate the utility of this model system for studying calmodulin biology.  相似文献   

From 56 light-, fluorescence- and electronmicroscopically investigated brains of fishes mast cells could be found only in 4 cases. They were concentrated in the meninges of one pike (Esox licius) and in the meninges and at larger blood-vessels of the hypothalamus of 2 trouts (Salmo trutta fario). In the hypothalamus of a carp (Cyprinus carpio) an infiltration of mast cells was detectable in the meninges, at blood-vessels and capillaries, between neuronal and glial fibres and sub- and intraependymaly. Contrary to the pike the granules of the mast cells of the carp show changes, hinting at release of their content. Junctions between mast cells and capillary walls or ependymal cells are characterized by structures indicating an enhanced cytopempsis. The present results are compared with observations on mast cells in the brain and peritoneum of mammals.  相似文献   

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