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The deep sea is amongst the most food-limited habitats on Earth, as only a small fraction (<4%) of the surface primary production is exported below 200 m water depth. Here, cold-water coral (CWC) reefs form oases of life: their biodiversity compares with tropical coral reefs, their biomass and metabolic activity exceed other deep-sea ecosystems by far. We critically assess the paradox of thriving CWC reefs in the food-limited deep sea, by reviewing the literature and open-access data on CWC habitats. This review shows firstly that CWCs typically occur in areas where the food supply is not constantly low, but undergoes pronounced temporal variation. High currents, downwelling and/or vertically migrating zooplankton temporally boost the export of surface organic matter to the seabed, creating ‘feast’ conditions, interspersed with ‘famine’ periods during the non-productive season. Secondly, CWCs, particularly the most common reef-builder Desmophyllum pertusum (formerly known as Lophelia pertusa), are well adapted to these fluctuations in food availability. Laboratory and in situ measurements revealed their dietary flexibility, tissue reserves, and temporal variation in growth and energy allocation. Thirdly, the high structural and functional diversity of CWC reefs increases resource retention: acting as giant filters and sustaining complex food webs with diverse recycling pathways, the reefs optimise resource gains over losses. Anthropogenic pressures, including climate change and ocean acidification, threaten this fragile equilibrium through decreased resource supply, increased energy costs, and dissolution of the calcium-carbonate reef framework. Based on this review, we suggest additional criteria to judge the health of CWC reefs and their chance to persist in the future.  相似文献   

The freshwater crustacean Daphnia is well known for its phenotypic plasticity, in which environmental cues are perceived by the nervous system and transformed into phenotypic adaptations beneficial under current conditions. Critical knowledge regarding the distribution and localization of neuronal antigens or neurotransmitters and differentially expressed proteins is sparse. Here, we applied immunohistochemical and histological‐staining methods in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy on whole mount preparations in Daphnia pulex, Daphnia longicephala, and Daphnialumholtzi. We document the nervous system, elements of the sensory system, and cell clusters with secretory characteristics in the Daphnia head. This is the first report on the nervous system of the species D.longicephala and D.lumholtzi. The methods established in this investigation will help to foster research on specific neuronal mechanisms in this rapidly advancing model system of life science research. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An insular population of white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus introduced in 1896 to predator-free Anticosti Island, Quebec, has caused long-term changes in the plant community. Food quality declined as did body weight. Although different parameters of reproduction changed, overall reproductive rates remained similar, thus maintaining deer density and promoting further change in habitat. These results show (i) long-term feedbacks on carrying capacity, (ii) the mechanism for reduction of body mass, and (iii) the lack of strong reduction in reproductive rates to regulate the population at high density, a feature of Eutherians. They are relevant to mechanisms determining the evolution of vertebrate body sizes.  相似文献   

Dmitriew C  Rowe L 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17399
It is often assumed that larval food stress reduces lifetime fitness regardless of the conditions subsequently faced by adults. However, according to the environment-matching hypothesis, a plastic developmental response to poor nutrition results in an adult phenotype that is better adapted to restricted food conditions than one having developed in high food conditions. Such a strategy might evolve when current conditions are a reliable predictor of future conditions. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the effects of larval food conditions (low, improving and high food) on reproductive fitness in both low and high food adults environments. Contrary to this hypothesis, we found no evidence that food restriction in larval ladybird beetles produced adults that were better suited to continuing food stress. In fact, reproductive rate was invariably lower in females that were reared at low food, regardless of whether adults were well fed or food stressed. Juveniles that encountered improving conditions during the larval stage compensated for delayed growth by accelerating subsequent growth, and thus showed no evidence of a reduced reproductive rate. However, these same individuals lost more mass during the period of starvation in adults, which indicates that accelerated growth results in an increased risk of starvation during subsequent periods of food stress.  相似文献   

Summary Three types of behavior of the compound eye of Daphnia magna are characterized: flick, a transient rotation elicited by a brief flash of light; fixation, a maintained eye orientation in response to a stationary light stimulus of long-duration; tracking, the smooth pursuit of a moving stimulus. The magnitudes of the flick and fixation responses vary with stimulus position and are generally proportional to stimulus intensity, although at high intensities there is an attenuation of both behaviors. When the stimulus is placed at a position 80° dorsal to the eye axis, there is no response; this area is called the null region. For stationary stimuli in other positions, the direction of the response is such as to bring the stimulus closer to the null region. During tracking, the relative positions of the eye and stimulus change; the eye velocity is approximately half that of the moving stimulus. The regions of the eye in which these behaviors may be induced are different, being largest for flick and smallest for tracking. It is proposed that flick and fixation responses are a means for rotating the eye so that the stimulus is within the area surrounding the null region which is used for tracking.  相似文献   

The freshwater cladocerans Daphnia pulex and Daphnia schodleriprotect themselves from predation by morphological alterationsinduced in response to water-soluble chemicals released by theirrespective predators. Daphnia pulex is induced by larvae ofthe phantom midge, Chaoborus. Populations of D.pulex which areinduced are those most likely to have intense interaction withthe predator. This is true both on a broad geographic scaleas well as locally Cephalic expansion in D.schodleri is inducedby notonectids, in particular Buenoa sp. This predator preferslarger prey and consequently small instars of D.schodleri showno evidence of induction Both examples of predator-induced alterationssuggest that this type of response is costly to the prey andis manifested only in those individuals and populations mostthreatened  相似文献   

The ability to detect and use the polarization of light for orientation is widespread among invertebrates. Among terrestrial insects, the retinula cells that are responsible for polarization detection contain a single visual pigment, either ultraviolet or short (blue) wavelength sensitive. With the exception of a few aquatic insects, the visual pigments underlying polarization sensitivity in aquatic invertebrates have yet to be determined. Here we report that polarotaxis in Daphnia pulex, a freshwater crustacean, is wavelength dependent and most likely mediated by two visual pigments with absorbance maxima in the middle (green) and long wavelength (red) parts of the spectrum. This contrasts with the response of a closely related species, D. magna, in which polarotaxis is wavelength independent and based on a single middle wavelength visual pigment. The visual systems in Daphnia are the first among crustaceans shown to utilize a middle wavelength pigment for polarization detection and, in the case of D. pulex, the first shown to use more than one visual pigment for such a purpose.  相似文献   

Short-term toxicity tests with Daphnia magna are reasonably reproducible. The sensitivity of Daphnia pulex, Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia magna proved to be about the same in short-term tests with 15 different chemical compounds.Reproduction toxicity experiments with Daphnia magna can easily be carried out within three weeks. At least duplicate experiments are necessary to arrive at an approximate no-effect level.  相似文献   

Genetic variants of mitochondrial DNA at the individual (heteroplasmy) and population (polymorphism) levels provide insight into their roles in multiple cellular and evolutionary processes. However, owing to the paucity of genome-wide data at the within-individual and population levels, the broad patterns of these two forms of variation remain poorly understood. Here, we analyze 1,804 complete mitochondrial genome sequences from Daphnia pulex, Daphnia pulicaria, and Daphnia obtusa. Extensive heteroplasmy is observed in D. obtusa, where the high level of intraclonal divergence must have resulted from a biparental-inheritance event, and recombination in the mitochondrial genome is apparent, although perhaps not widespread. Global samples of D. pulex reveal remarkably low mitochondrial effective population sizes, <3% of those for the nuclear genome. In addition, levels of population diversity in mitochondrial and nuclear genomes are uncorrelated across populations, suggesting an idiosyncratic evolutionary history of mitochondria in D. pulex. These population-genetic features appear to be a consequence of background selection associated with highly deleterious mutations arising in the strongly linked mitochondrial genome, which is consistent with polymorphism and divergence data suggesting a predominance of strong purifying selection. Nonetheless, the fixation of mildly deleterious mutations in the mitochondrial genome also appears to be driving positive selection on genes encoded in the nuclear genome whose products are deployed in the mitochondrion.  相似文献   

Calcium limitation in Daphnia magna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of ambient calcium concentrations on survival, moulting,growth and egg production was assessed in the cladoceran Daphniamagna. A threshold for survival was found in the range 0.1–0.5mg Ca l–1, even when ionic strength of the medium waskept constant. Accumulated length and length specific dry weightwas retarded at low Ca (0.5–1.0 mg Ca l–1) at foodconcentrations above incipient limiting level. For lower foodlevels, the effect of Ca on growth was less clear. The effectof low Ca on growth rate was most manifest during the firstdays after hatching, reflecting the higher Ca demands of theearly juveniles. Age-specific egg production was strongly reducedat Ca concentrations <10 mg Ca l–1. This was partlyan indirect effect of reduced growth rates, but could also bean effect of higher energetic costs associated with Ca uptakein a Ca-poor medium. The high Ca demands in D.magna may notbe representative of other Daphnia species. Nevertheless, highspecific Ca content seems to be a common property of Daphniaspp. and Ca deficiency could be a major determinant of speciessuccess and community structure among crustacean zooplankton;it also puts constraints on carbon sequestration in the pelagicfood web of softwater lakes.  相似文献   

Here, we report 2 novel intron gains segregating in populations of Daphnia pulex endemic to Oregon. These novel introns do not have an obvious source and are not present in any D. pulex populations outside Oregon, other species of Daphnia that we examined, or any other organism for which sequence data are available. Furthermore, the novel introns are both found in the same gene, a Rab GTPase (rab4), and they appear to differ in their insertion site by one base pair, providing some support to the proto-splice site hypothesis. The rarity of intron-gain polymorphisms is questioned as we discovered 2 events in an initial survey of only 6 nuclear loci in 36 Daphnia individuals. Neutrality tests failed to ascertain a clear selective effect for either intron insertion, and a significant difference in recombination rate was not observed in alleles that contain the novel intron insertion versus alleles lacking it. We conclude that one novel intron insertion segregating at high frequencies in Daphnia populations in Oregon is unlikely to be adaptive and may result from the reduced efficacy of selection in isolated populations of small effective size.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. To define the respiratory function of haemoglobin in male Daphnia magna, the swimming activity, the depression of oxygen uptake by treatment with carbon monoxide and in vivo oxygenation of Hb at various oxygen pressures were investigated.
  • 2.2. The P50, values for the purified Hbs from male and female red animals were 2.0 and 2.7 torr in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) at 20°C, respectively.
  • 3.3. The isoelectric focusing patterns of the purified Hbs from male and female red animals showed only small differences in Hb components of high PI values.

Ammonia-nitrogen excretion in Daphnia pulex   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Ammonia-nitrogen excretion rates were measured in natural summer and cultured populations of Daphnia pulex from Silver Lake, Clay County, Minnesota, USA during 1973. The mean rate of ammonia-nitrogen excretion for the summer populations was 0.20 µg N animal–1 day–1 or 5.11 µg N mg–1 dry body weight day–1 (N = 80) measured at 15°, 20°, and 25°C. These rates appear to be temperature and weight dependent, but they are probably affected by factors other than temperature and dry body weight. Ammonia-nitrogen excretion rates of Daphnia pulex cultured on Chlamydomonas reinhardi yielded the following relationship with temperature: Log10E = (0.061) T 1.773, where E is µg N animal–1 day–1 and T is temperature °C. The ammonia-nitrogen excretion on a mg–1 dry body weight day–1 basis was related to temperature according to the following similar expression Log10E = (0.043) T + 0.153, where E is µg N mg–1 dry body weight day–1, and T is temperature °C. The length-weight relationship of Daphnia pulex for the summer populations (N = 1583) was log10W = (0.526) Log10L + 1.357, where W is weight in µg and L is length in mm.  相似文献   

Schwenk  Klaus  Bijl  Maartje  Menken  Steph B. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):67-73
Hybridization is a common phenomenon in Daphnia (Cladocera; Anomopoda); interspecific hybrids have been found between several species and hybrids are found in many European lakes. Although much information on the morphology, ecology and genetics of hybrids is available, little is known about the level of reproductive isolation among species or about the relative fitness of hybrids and parental species. In order to facilitate studies on differentiation and speciation processes and comparative experimental studies on hybrids and recombinant genotypes, we present the first successful laboratory crossing experiments of two different Daphnia species, D. galeata and D. cucullata. Males and sexual females from two D. galeata and two D. cucullata clones were reciprocally crossed, juveniles hatched from resting eggs and reared until maturity. Hatching and juvenile survival rates of hybrids were relatively low (12.1% and 24%, respectively). D. galeata and D. cucullata clones vary in their level of successful interspecific matings and in the number of subsequent offspring. In general, hybrid crosses between D. cucullata females and D. galeata males were more successful than reciprocal crosses.  相似文献   

Jaromír Sed'a 《Hydrobiologia》1992,246(2):119-127
The diurnal periodicity of reproduction in a reservoir population of Daphnia galeata Sars was tested by two methods (egg age distribution analyses and direct observation of hatching). No significant diurnal synchronization of reproduction in the natural cladoceran population was found. A conspicuous shortage of older embryonic stages was parallely revealed by analyses of diurnal changes of egg age distribution. Suggested selective feeding of fish on gravid females of Daphnia brooding embryos with black eye pigmentation is discussed.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Daphnia species (D.cucullata, D.ambigua,D.galeata) in two small, productive lakes were studied and experimentswith field enclosures were carried out to elucidate the ecologicalniches of the introduced, alien species D.ambigua. Daphnia ambiguocoexisted temporally with the similarly sized D.cucullata, butlived in deeper water. Although both species had the same clutchsizes, similar proportions of ovigerous females, and death rates.D.cucullata was nurnerically dominant over D.ambigua. This suggeststhat the observed difference in abundance is simply a resultof the slower population growth rates of D.ambigua at lowertemperatures in greater depths. The experiments with field enclosuresshowed that when D.culcullata and D.ambigua were forced to livein the same layer of water, D.ambigua was numerically dominantover D.culullata both in the enclosures with and without fish.As the difference between the abundances of the two speciesdecreased in the enclosure with fish, D.cucullata seems to bebetter protected against fish predation than D.ambigua. In theenclosures without fish, D.ambigua and D.cucullata were numericallysurpassed by the larger species D.galeara. The present resultsimply that in some productive lakes with a high fish stock,D.mbigua invaded the niche of D.galeara and that the speciescan become an important component of the native zooplankton.The results also support the opinion that co-existing Daphniacan have very similar dynamics and niches. 1 Present address: Zoologisches Institut, Christian-Albrechts-UniversitätKiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, D-24098 Kiel, FRG  相似文献   

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