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Plasma membranes can be isolated without disruption of cells by the plasma membrane vesiculation technique (Scott, R.E. (1976) Science 194, 743-745). A major advantage of this technique is that it avoids contamination of plasma membranes with intracellular membrane components. Using this method, we prepared plasma membranes from L6 myoblasts grown in tissue culture and studied the characteristics of the protein phosphorylation system. We found that these plasma membrane preparations contain protein kinase which is tightly bound to the membrane and cannot be removed by washing in EDTA or in high ionic strength salt solutions. This protein kinase activity can catalyze the phosphorylation of several exogenous substrates with decreasing efficiency as acceptors of phosphate: calf thymus histones f2b, protamine and caseine. Cyclic AMP causes a dose-dependent stimulation of protein kinase activity; the highest stimulation (4-fold) is achieved at concentration 10(-5) M cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP-dependent stimulation can be completely inhibited by heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. On the other hand, cyclic GMP does not affect the activity of protein kinase. Plasma membrane-bound protein kinase also catalyzes the phosphorylation of endogenous membrane protein substrates and this is also stimulated by addition of cyclic AMP. Analysis of plasma membrane proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that specific polypeptides are phosphorylated by cyclic AMP-independent and by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase systems. The results of these studies demonstrate the presence of endogenous cyclic AMP-dependent and -independent protein phosphorylating systems (enzyme activity and substrates) in purified plasma membrane preparations. These data provide a basis for further investigations on the role of plasma membrane phosphorylation as a regulator of membrane functions including those that may control cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

The existence of a large conductance voltage sensitive chloride channel is documented in undifferentiated cells (myoblasts) of the L6 rat muscle cell line. At this stage of development the resting membrane conductance is dominated by potassium ions only (Kidokoro 1975). The conductance of the channel in symmetrical 120 mmol/l choline chloride is 331 +/- 4 pS. The probability of the channel being in the open state decreases with the increasing imposed voltage. Due to rapid inactivation at high membrane potential deviations (both negative and positive) from the equilibrium potential the channel can be resolved clearly by pulse technique protocols only. The incidence of the channel in successful patch trials was higher than usually reported. The channel was present after differentiation of the myoblasts into the myotubes. It showed at least one definite substate and pronounced flickerings between the substate and the main open state. The channel was observed in myoblast attached patches as well. It is supposed to belong to the category of maxi chloride channels, and to play probably a role in regulatory volume readjustment or in cell communication during myogenesis, respectively.  相似文献   

A gelatin-binding glycoprotein from L6 rat myoblasts, designated gp46, was shown to be phosphorylated in vivo. This phosphorylation was increased slightly (18%) by phorbol ester treatment of L6 suggesting protein kinase C involvement. Purified gp46 could be phosphorylated in vitro with protein kinase C, but not by the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Comparison of the phosphotryptic peptide maps of in vitro and in vivo labeled gp46 suggested that in vivo phosphorylation of gp46 may be mediated by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that C-peptide might play a role in a broad range of biological activities. We have provided evidence that C-peptide stimulates glycogen synthesis in insulin-responsive rat skeletal muscle cells in a dose-related manner. To explore the mechanism by which C-peptide exerts this insulinomimetic effect, here we report the effect of C-peptide on protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity and phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1). C-peptide inhibited PTP activity in a dose-dependent manner. A reverse bell-shaped dose-response curve was shown with the maximum inhibition of PTP activity at a concentration of 3 nM of C-peptide, which is the same concentration achieving the maximum stimulatory effect on glycogen synthesis. In association with the PTP inhibition by C-peptide, autophosphorylation of the insulin receptor and activation of IRS-1 were enhanced. These results suggest that C-peptide signal transduction may crosstalk with the insulin signaling pathway at the level of the insulin receptor.  相似文献   

Insulin at a concentration close to the physiological range (100 mu-units/ml) stimulated protein synthesis in L6 myoblasts by 17%. Pre-treatment with the phospholipase A2 inhibitors mepacrine or dexamethasone prevented this stimulation and decreased the release of prostaglandin F2 alpha, implicating the action of phospholipase A2 and the subsequent metabolism of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins in the stimulation of protein synthesis by physiological doses of insulin. Higher concentrations of insulin (500-1000 mu-units/ml) stimulated protein synthesis in the presence of mepacrine or dexamethasone, suggesting that an alternative pathway may become important in insulin action when phospholipase A2 is inhibited.  相似文献   

We have characterized morphologically the surface of L6 myoblasts at the time of active cell fusion using transmission electron microscopy. Two subclones of the L6 line were used in these studies: the L6Cl55 line that fuses to form multinucleated syncytia and the NF44 non-fusing variant. Ultrastructural analysis revealed an electron-opaque material at localized points of cell-cell apposition in actively fusing L6Cl55 cells. This material may be transported by and secreted from smooth-surfaced cytoplasmic vesicles with an electron-dense core. In contrast to L6Cl55 cells, the electron-dense plaques were seen infrequently in cultures of the NF44 non-fusing variant. This previously unidentified substance may be associated with cell-cell recognition or adhesion, both necessary prerequisites for myoblast membrane fusion. Alternatively, the electron-dense plaques may be directly involved in the fusion event.  相似文献   

L6 myoblasts, before fusion, accumulate large stores of neutral lipid when cultured in medium supplemented with fatty acid. Upon fusion to terminally differentiated myotubes, a noticeable decrease in these neutral-lipid stores was observed. Triacylglycerol lipase activity was examined in L6 myoblasts at various stages of cell differentiation to assess a possible role for this enzyme in the above phenomenon. In this first study to demonstrate lipolytic activity in cultured muscle cells, the activity was found to be totally dependent on the presence of a detergent, either Cutscum or Triton X-100, during homogenization. The inhibition by many thiol-specific reagents [N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, iodoacetate, 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid)] suggest that a thiol group is at or near the active site. The observed acidic pH optimum (5.5-6.0), the acute inhibition by chlorpromazine (a lysosomal lipase inhibitor) and the distribution of lipolytic activity upon cell fractionation (which co-sediments with acid phosphatase, a lysosomal marker enzyme) suggest that the lipase may be of lysosomal origin. Under the optimal conditions described, the triacylglycerol lipase activity of L6 myoblasts was determined to be 2.9 +/- 0.4 nmol of oleic acid released/min per mg of DNA. This activity increased 3-fold, to 9.0 +/- 1.6 nmol/min per mg, in the myotube phase. This increase in lipolytic activity may be responsible for the observed decrease in neutral-lipid stores of differentiating myoblasts.  相似文献   

Thephosphorylation states of three proteins implicated in the action ofinsulin on translation were investigated, i.e., 70-kDa ribosomalprotein S6 kinase (p70S6k),eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E, and the eIF-4E binding protein4E-BP1. Addition of insulin caused a stimulation of protein synthesisin L6 myoblasts in culture, an effect that was blocked by inhibitors ofphosphatidylinositide-3-OH kinase (wortmannin), p70S6k (rapamycin), andmitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) kinase (PD-98059). Thestimulation of protein synthesis was accompanied by increasedphosphorylation of p70S6k, aneffect that was blocked by rapamycin and wortmannin but not PD-98059.Insulin caused dephosphorylation of eIF-4E, an effect that appeared tobe mediated by the p70S6kpathway. Insulin also stimulated phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 as well asdissociation of the 4E-BP1 · eIF-4E complex. Bothrapamycin and wortmannin completely blocked the insulin-induced changes in 4E-BP1 phosphorylation and association of 4E-BP1 and eIF-4E; PD-98059 had no effect on either parameter. Finally, insulin stimulated formation of the active eIF-4G · eIF-4E complex, aneffect that was not prevented by any of the inhibitors. Overall, theresults suggest that insulin stimulates protein synthesis in L6myoblasts in part through utilization of both thep70S6k and MAP kinase signaltransduction pathways.


A hexose-transport regulatory mutant (D1/S4) was isolated from L6 rat myoblasts on the basis of its resistance to detachment and cell lysis in the presence of antibody and complement. Growth studies indicated that D1/S4 cells had a slower doubling time (29 h) compared with the parental L6 cells (22 h). Furthermore, after 9 days growth, less than 1% cell fusion was observed with D1/S4 cells, whereas 95% cell fusion was observed with the L6 cells. When the parental L6 cells were starved of glucose or treated with anti-L6 antibody, a significant increase in the Vmax, of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (dGlc) and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (MeGlc) transport was observed. Although glucose-grown D1/S4 cells possessed normal hexose-transport activity, the above treatments had no effect on dGlc and MeGlc transport in these cells. Electrophoresis and immunoblotting studies revealed that D1/S4 cells possessed decreased amounts of a 112 kDa plasma-membrane protein. It is conceivable that this protein may play a role in triggering the antibody- and glucose-starvation-mediated activation of hexose transport and in myogenic differentiation. Unlike D1/S4, mutant F72, a mutant defective in the high-affinity hexose-transport system, was found to possess normal amounts of the 112 kDa protein. Although glucose starvation has no effect on the hexose-transport activity in this mutant, its hexose transport activity can be increased by antibody treatment. These studies with mutants suggest the involvement of regulatory components in the activation of hexose transport.  相似文献   

Rates of accretion of RNA and protein and rates of protein synthesis were measured in sub-confluent cultures of L6 myoblasts. Insulin (100 microU/ml) stimulated protein synthesis by 15% within 30 min and by 40% at two and six hours. By six hours insulin also increased the accretion of RNA (+15%). The cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor indomethacin did not reduce the basal rate of RNA or protein accretion in L6 cells but reduced the rate of protein synthesis by 16%. When added together with insulin, indomethacin inhibited the hormonally-stimulated rate of protein synthesis and also significantly reduced the accretion of RNA. Indomethacin still reduced the effects of insulin on protein synthesis when added to the cells two hours after the hormone. Synthesis of RNA measured by the incorporation of [3H]-uridine was also stimulated by insulin but was inhibited by indomethacin only when the drug was present throughout the incubation. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors may be the result of both a direct action on translational efficiency and an effect on RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Rates of accretion of RNA and protein and rates of protein synthesis were measured in sub-confluent cultures of L6 myoblasts. Insulin (100 μU/ml) stimulated protein synthesis by 15% within 30 min and by 40% at two and six hours. By six hours insulin also increased the accretion of RNA (+ 15%). The cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor indomethacin did not reduce the basal rate of RNA or protein accretion in L6 cells but reduced the rate of protein synthesis by 16%. When added together with insulin, indomethacin inhibited the hormonally-stimulated rate of protein synthesis and also significantly reduced the accretion of RNA. Indomethacin still reduced the effects of insulin on protein synthesis when added by the incorporation of [3H]-uridine was also stimulated by insulin but was inhibited by indomethacin only when the drug was present throughout the incubation. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors may be the result of both a direct action on translational efficiency and an effect on RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The importance of sulfhydryl groups for hexose transport in undifferentiated L6 rat myoblasts was investigated. N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and p-chloromer-curibenzenesulfonic acid (pCMBS) inhibited 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DOG) transport in a time and concentration-dependent manner. The inhibition produced by both reagents was virtually complete within 5 min, although neither reagent inhibited transport more than 70–80% regardless of the concentrations or incubation times used. Furthermore, the inhibition of 2-DOG transport by pCMBS or NEM could not be prevented by simultaneous preincubation of cells with 20 mM D-glucose or 20 mM 2-DOG. This suggests that sulfhydryl groups required for transport are separate from the hexose binding and transport site. By comparing the effects of the membrane impermeant pCMBS to those of the membrane permeant NEM, cell surface sulfhydryl groups were shown to be essential for hexose binding and transport. In contrast to the inhibition of 2-DOG transport, pCMBS and NEM had much less of an effect on 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3-OMG) transport. For example, 1 mM NEM inhibited 2-DOG transport by 66%, whereas 3-OMG transport was inhibited by only 7%. This supports the suggestion that these hexose analogues may be transported by different carriers. Kinetic analysis of transport shows that treatment of cells with 1 mM NEM or 1 pCMBS results in inactivation of the high affinity 2-DOG transport system, whereas the low affinity transport system is unaffected. 3-OMG is preferentially transported by the low affinity system.  相似文献   

The utilization of exogenous triacylglycerol by fusing and non-fusing rat L6 myoblasts grown in culture was investigated. Although small quantities of triacylglycerol were accumulated by both cell lines during an incubation of 2 h, no evidence could be found for the presence of lipoprotein lipase, either in the cells or released into the medium. Cell homogenate studies confirmed the absence of lipoprotein lipase but revealed the presence of an acid lipase having a pH optimum at 4.6. Acid lipase activity was mainly associated with a 15 000 g pellet and was capable of hydrolysing triolein at maximum velocity in the millimolar range. Unlike lipoprotein lipase, acid lipase was strongly inhibited by serum and preliminary investigations suggest that the inhibitory component of serum is located amongst the higher density lipoproteins. It is likely that the acid lipase is of lysosomal origin and is responsible for the hydrolysis of internalized triacylglycerol for subsequent utilization by the cell.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in rat L6 myoblasts is stimulated and protein breakdown inhibited in a co-ordinate manner by insulin-like growth factors (IGF) or insulin. For both processes, bovine IGF-1 was somewhat more potent than human IGF-1, which was effective at a tenth the concentration of insulin, rat IGF-2 or human IGF-2. A similar order of potency is noted when DNA synthesis or protein accumulation is monitored over a 24 h period, but between 20- and 50-fold higher concentrations of each growth factor are required than those needed to produce effects in the 4 h protein-synthesis or -breakdown measurements. Binding experiments with labelled human or bovine IGF-1 as ligand demonstrated competition at concentrations of IGF-2, especially human IGF-2, lower than that of either IGF-1 preparation. This pattern was much more pronounced when the radioligand was either human IGF-2 or rat IGF-2. Insulin competed 10-15% for the binding of labelled IGF-1, but not at all with labelled IGF-2. Ligand-receptor cross-linking experiments showed that labelled bovine IGF-1 bound approximately equally to the type 1 IGF receptor (Mr 130000 after reduction) and to the type 2 IGF receptor (Mr 270000 after reduction), and that unlabelled IGF-1 competed equally with radioligand binding to both receptors. On the other hand, rat IGF-2 competed more effectively for binding to the type-2 receptor, and insulin competed only for binding to the type-1 receptor. Further cross-linking experiments with rat IGF-2 as radioligand demonstrated binding only to the type-2 receptor and to proteins with Mr values after reduction of 230000 and 200000. This binding was prevented by high rat IGF-2 concentrations, less effectively by bovine IGF-1 and not at all by insulin. The apparently conflicting biological potencies and receptor binding of the different growth factors can be explained if all the biological actions are mediated via the type-1 IGF receptor, rather than through the abundant type-2 receptor.  相似文献   

The external membranes of L6 myoblasts are shown to posses lectin activity which resides in protein molecules. Thiodigalactoside blocks agglutination of formalinized, trypsin treated rabbit red blood cells caused by the lectin. Thiodigalactoside at a concentration which neither inhibits cell division nor decreases cell yield prevents fusions of myoblasts. It is suggested that this protein which has lectin activity also is an essential participant in the membrane events which cause fusion of myoblasts to form myotubes.  相似文献   

The somatomedins are potent stimulators of proliferation and differentiation of cultured myoblasts. In studies on the mechanism(s) of these actions, we have measured the activities of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), an enzyme associated with rapid cell proliferation, and creatine kinase (CK), a biochemical marker for muscle differentiation, after treatment of L6 myoblast cultures with Multiplication Stimulating Activity (MSA), a member of the somatomedin family of insulinlike growth factors. ODC levels reached a peak 24 hours after MSA addition (before any detectable differentiation of the myoblasts) and then decreased as differentiation commenced and CK activity increased. Addition of alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), an irreversible inhibitor of ODC, caused a dramatic decrease in differentiation. Measurement of 3H-thymidine incorporation, DNA content, and cell number established that the effect of DFMO on differentiation was not a simple consequence of its antiproliferative actions. Cellular levels of putrescine and spermidine (but not spermine) decreased substantially following addition of DFMO to the cultures. The inhibitory effects of DFMO were abolished upon addition of exogenous polyamines to the medium. However, addition of polyamines in the absence of MSA or DFMO did not mimic the stimulation of differentiation by MSA. We conclude that polyamines play an essential role in the stimulation of L6 myoblast differentiation by somatomedins, but they are not sufficient to effect this stimulation.  相似文献   

Insulin stimulated protein synthesis in L6 myoblasts but did not increase the labelling of DAG or the release of phosphocholine from phosphatidylcholine. The DAG lipase inhibitor, RHC 80267, more than doubled the amount of label appearing in DAG but did not stimulate protein synthesis. Even in the presence of the DAG lipase inhibitor insulin failed to have any effect on DAG labelling, and conversely RHC 80267 did not modify the insulin-induced increase in protein synthesis. These results suggest that endogenous DAG production is not involved in the stimulation of protein synthesis by insulin. However, exogenous diacylglycerols (1-oleoyl-2-acetyl glycerol and 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl glycerol) both stimulated protein synthesis in L6 myoblasts. The efficacy of the former (arachidonatefree) DAG suggested that their action was by activation of protein kinase C rather than by arachidonate release and prostaglandin formation. Ibuprofen, an inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase failed to block the effects of insulin whereas a second cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin had only a partial inhibitory effect. The protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, RO-31-8220, totally blocked the effect of insulin. Since indomethacin is also recognised to inhibit phospholipase A2, the data suggests that insulin acts on protein synthesis in myoblasts by arachidonate activation of PKC.  相似文献   

A strategy for increasing the expression of the factors regulating myogenesis was developed based upon the observation that increased amounts of regulatory factors could overcome the inhibition of differentiation produced by 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). L6 rat myoblasts were subjected to multiple cycles of cloning in progressively increasing concentrations of BUdR. The first clones to differentiate were picked and replated for the next cycle of selection. After 28 cycles in BUdR, cells were isolated that could differentiate in the presence of 8 microM BUdR. Cell hybrids between myoblasts subjected to 21 cycles of selection (BU21 cells) and differentiation-defective myoblasts exhibited a high probability of differentiation, consistent with the hypothesis that BU21 cells were overproducing factor(s) involved in the decision to differentiate. The selection of cells able to differentiate in the presence of BUdR may provide a general approach for increasing the expression of the regulatory molecules controlling terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

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