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The effects of floating-leaved, submerged and emergent macrophytes on sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading were studied in the shallow Kirkkojärvi basin by placing sedimentation traps among different plant beds and adjacent open water and by sediment and water samples. All the three life forms considerably reduced sediment resuspension compared with non-vegetated areas. Both among submerged (Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton obtusifolius, Ranunculus circinatus) and emergent (Typha angustifolia) plants, resuspension rate was on average 43% of that in the adjacent open water, while within floating-leaved plants (Nuphar lutea) the corresponding value was 87%. The effects of submerged and emergent vegetation increased in the course of the growing season together with increasing plant density. Among floating-leaved vegetation, such seasonal trend in resuspension effects was not observed. Compared with the non-vegetated area, floating-leaved, submerged and emergent plants reduced internal phosphorus loading on average by 21, 12 and 26 mg m−2 d−1, respectively. The effects of floating-leaved plants on resuspension-mediated internal phosphosrus loading were thus comparable to the effects of the other two life forms.  相似文献   

Our study aim was to elucidate the effects of different species of submerged macrophytes and biomass levels on sediment resuspension. For this purpose experiments were conducted in four different enclosures (Potamogeton maackianus enclosure-PE, Vallisneria spinulosa enclosure-VE, manipulated enclosure-ME and aquaculture enclosure-AE). A sediment trap method was employed and the experiments were conducted from summer to winter in a shallow freshwater lake located in central China. A total of 813, 1277, 613 and 693 g DW m−2 of sediment was resuspended in VE, AE, ME and PE, respectively. Our results showed that P. maackianus was more effective than V. spinulosa in restraining sediment resuspension. Macrophytes reached their maximum effectiveness of reducing resuspension at a certain species-specific biomass threshold above which biomass effects on resuspension were negligible. The threshold biomass was estimated as 300 g m−2 for P. maackianus. Accordingly, within a lake management and aquaculture aspect, we conclude that as long as biomass does not fall below this threshold its consumption will not influence sediment resuspension. In the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River macrophyte coverage protects the lake sediment against adverse effects of monsoon wind; if the vegetation is eroded aquaculture sediment resuspension increases significantly.  相似文献   

Frequent resuspension of sediments is recognized as an important process in large shallow lakes, impeding the recovery of eutrophic lakes. A large-scale project, including a wave barrier (3.3 km long) and a soft enclosure, was implemented to reduce wave energy and sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, eastern China. The effects of the wave-reduction engineering on sediment resuspension and internal nutrient loading were investigated. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates as well as suspended solids (SS) in the areas protected by the wave barrier and the soft enclosure were significantly lower than in the unprotected areas. There was a positive relationship between total phosphorus (TP) and SS; thus internal loading of phosphorus was significantly reduced by the wave-reduction structure. High nutrient levels and phytoplankton biomass persisted during the experiment period, suggesting that additional measures, such as re-establishment of the macrophyte community, must be included to help restore the water quality in such a large, shallow and eutrophic lake.  相似文献   

The effect of resuspension on algal production in a shallow lake   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
Waves cause erosion and resuspension of bottom sediments. In shallow lakes resuspension can take place over most of the lake area and the resuspended matter can stay in suspension for such a long time that the mean light intensity in the lake is reduced, causing reduced algal growth. The increase of suspended matter and light attenuation in the water of lake Tämnaren, Sweden, was found to be proportional to wind velocity to the third power. After each storm increased attenuation of light lasted for a week. The algal production was estimated to be reduced to only 15 % of what it would have been without increased turbidity due to resuspension.  相似文献   

A detailed record of suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in the benthic boundary layer (BBL) 1.5 m above an accumulation bottom and 13.5 m below the surface was obtained from frequent (30 min interval) beam attenuation measurements made with a Sea Tech transmissometer in the main basin of Lake Erken, a moderately deep (mean depth 9 m, maximum depth 21 m) dimictic lake in central Sweden. Concentrations of SPM (g m–3) were not as strongly correlated to the beam attenuation coefficient (c, [m–1]), as were concentrations of the inorganic SPM fraction. Apparently, this was caused by large optically inactive organic particles which significantly affected the measurements of SPM, but had little effect on the attenuation of light.When the water column was thermally stratified, SPM concentrations in the BBL showed a seasonal increase which was related to an increase in the thermocline depth. As the epilimnion deepened, there was also a marked increase in the occurrence of rapid and large changes in SPM concentration. After the loss of stratification, the amount of SPM and the temporal variability in its concentration was reduced. Since surface waves could not influence sediment resuspension at the depth of measurement, these data show the importance of internal waves in promoting sediment resuspension in areas of sediment accumulation. The relatively short period in each summer, when the thermocline reaches a sufficient depth to allow for resuspension over accumulation bottoms, can have important consequences for both the redistribution of lake sediments and the internal loading of phosphorus.  相似文献   

Resuspension of inorganic sediments in a very shallow Swedish lake is studied using settling sediment traps and measurements of suspended matter. Theoretical aspects of resuspension dynamics is discussed emphasizing special shallow lake aspects. Bottom shear stress distribution is computed for different wind conditions.  相似文献   

Nagid  Eric J.  Canfield  Daniel E.  Hoyer  Mark V. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,455(1-3):97-110
Nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations in Lake Newnan (27 km2, mean depth 1.5 m), Florida showed dramatic increases from 1991 to 1998. Historical data showed Lake Newnan never had sufficient aquatic macrophyte abundance for a shift in alternate stable states to account for increases in trophic state characteristics. External phosphorus and nitrogen loads from incoming streams were monitored from August 1997 to July 1998 to determine if external supplies of nutrients were responsible for increases in lake nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations. During the study period, external nutrient loading rates were not correlated to lake nutrient concentrations. Phosphorus and nitrogen models based on the external loading estimates predicted the lake total phosphorus and total nitrogen concentrations to be 370% and 680% less, respectively, than the observed lake total phosphorus and total nitrogen mean concentrations. Consequently, phosphorus and nitrogen exports were 280% and 540% greater, respectively, than stream input loading. Data during the study period revealed strong inverse relations between lake stage and total phosphorus (r=–0.78), total nitrogen (r=–0.71), and chlorophyll (r=–0.90) concentrations. Long-term data (1965–1998) also revealed inverse correlations (r=–0.48 to –0.52) between lake stage and total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and chlorophyll concentrations. Applying fundamental wave theory and using a bathymetric map, it is probable that as much as 70% of the lake bottom sediment could be subjected to resuspension 50% of the time when the lake stage falls below 19.9 m mean sea level (msl). Above a lake stage of 19.90 m msl, less than 20% of the lake bottom sediment can potentially be resuspended 50% of the time. A percent frequency distribution from 1991 to 1998 showed that over 30% of the lake stages fell below 19.9 m msl. However, from 1967 to 1990, only 8% of the lake stage values fell below 19.9 m msl. Increases in total phosphorus, total nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations in Lake Newnan were likely caused by an increased probability of internal loading due to decreased lake levels, and not to external loading of phosphorus and nitrogen.  相似文献   

Markensten  Hampus  Pierson  Donald C. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):305-311
A model is presented, which describes the daily variations in suspended particulate inorganic matter (SPIM) in a large (61 km2), shallow (mean depth 3.4 m) wind-exposed lake basin at the western end of Lake Mälaren, Sweden. Field studies have shown that wind speed and river inflow are the two major factors leading to changes in SPIM. Wind speed and beam attenuation were measured at high (10 min) frequency, while river inflow were monitored at daily frequency to develop the model. From these field measurements, model-coefficients were determined for the SPIM transport, settling and resuspension. Large-scale variations in SPIM lasting many weeks could be explained by events of high river inflow with a correspondingly high particle load. The threshold for river transported SPIM to have effect on lake concentration was 150 m3 s–1, while wind induced resuspended SPIM was related to the square root of wind speed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to test the hypothesis that Corophium volutator affects the turbidity of water in estuaries through active resuspension of sediment. One experiment was done in a flume system under different flow velocities, and one in aquaria. A diatom film developed at the sediment surface in both experiments before Corophium was added. This diatom film was supposed to have a stabilising effect on the sediment. In both experiments, the concentration of suspended solids in the water column increased with the density of Corophium individuals. No effect of flow velocity on suspended solids concentration was found. This indicates that, in our flume experiment, active resuspension by Corophium was more important than physical resuspension, at least at low flow velocity (<20 cm s-1) and in the presence of a diatom film. The critical erosion threshold decreased with increasing Corophium density in the aquarium experiment, indicating that indirect effects of Corophium grazing may become more important at high levels of bottom shear stress. The implications of our findings for suspended solids concentration in estuarine systems are discussed.  相似文献   

ten Hulscher  Th. E. M.  Mol  G. A. J.  Lüers  F. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):97-105
The contribution of erosion of bed sediment to the load of metals leaving Lake Ketelmeer, a shallow lake in the Netherlands fed by the IJssel branch of the River Rhine, is reported. Transport of suspended matter and associated trace metals was measured using both centrifuges and sediment traps at several locations in the lake. Mass balances of suspended matter and heavy metals were calculated using data from these field measurements.Metal/scandium-ratios were used to identify the source of the suspended matter in the lake. Since the bed sediment is more polluted than the suspended sediment entering the lake, higher metal/scandium-ratios were found for bottom sediment in the lake compared with those for suspended matter entering the lake from the River IJssel. Using the metal/scadium-ratio in suspended matter from the lake, it was calculated that bottom sediments made up 43% of the suspended matter leaving the lake. This implies an erosion flux of bottom sediment of 16 g m–2 d–1. For cadmium, mercury, chromium and zinc, this erosion process accounts for more than 50% of the pollutant load leaving Lake Ketelmeer and entering Lake IJsselmeer.  相似文献   

The growth strategy of an emergent plant, Typha orientalis Presl, was examined in experimental ponds in comparison with two other Typha species distributed in Japan, Typha latifolia L. and Typha angustifolia L. T. orientalis showed the greatest ability of vegetative reproduction at the expense of growth in height. T. orientalis started to produce new ramets earlier than T. latifolia and T. angustifolia. These results suggest that T. orientalis should be a rather pioneer-like species and would be restricted to disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Cerbin  S.  Balayla  D. J.  Van de Bund  W. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):111-117
Groundwater is a major influence on the hydrological, chemical and thermal regime of chalk streams in the southern U.K. However, little is currently known about the nature of the sediment delivery system within these chalk stream systems, even though sediment-related problems have been increasingly cited as a cause of habitat degradation and of declining salmonid stocks. To address this knowledge gap, suspended sediment fluxes were monitored at 4 sites within the Hampshire Avon catchment between February 1999 and August 2000. Maximum suspended sediment concentrations ranged from nearly 45 mg l–1 to 260 mg l–1. Over the study period, annual suspended sediment loads ranged from 644 to 6215 t yr–1 and annual specific sediment yields ranged from 1.4 to 12.5 t km–2 yr–1. The results show that, relative to other U.K. rivers, the study chalk streams are characterised by low suspended sediment concentrations and loads and less episodic behaviour.  相似文献   

Pore water dynamics in the sediment of a shallow and hypertrophic lake   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Seasonal variations in pore water with main stress on pH and phosphate were investigated in the sediment of the shallow and hypertrophic Lake Søbygaard, Denmark. The purpose was to evaluate factors affecting the internal phosphorus loading. Pore water was obtained by in situ incubation of ceramic cups, sampled anaerobicaly from a fixed position in the sediment. The method is evaluated. During summer, pH and phosphate concentrations increased in the upper 8–10 cm of the sediment. Increased pH was most pronounced in the upper 5 cm, where pH increased to between 9 and 10. This is believed to be caused by the photosynthetically elevated pH in the above lake water. Phosphate concentrations increased with depth, from 0–2 mg P 1–1 in the upper 5 cm to 3–6 mg P 1–1 in 6–10 cm depth. Average phosphate gradient in the upper 6–8 cm was 1.0 mg P 1–1 cm –1 in the summer decreasing to 0.2 mg P 1–1 cm t1 in the autumn/winter. In spite of low redox potential, Fe(II) was not present in the upper 20 cm. The seasonal variation in pore water phosphate is believed mainly to be due to the variations in pore water pH inducing a substitution of phosphate ions with hydroxyl ions on ironhydroxides during summer. A considerable sedimentation of organic bound phosphorus and decomposition in the sediment is also considered important. Phosphorus release from the sediment is facilitated by bio- and gas turbation and by the frequent occurrence of resuspension caused by windaction. Net release rate is highly variable during the season. The summer average is 40 mg P m–2 d–1.  相似文献   

In January 1993, a 24 hour survey based on an hourly sampling was conducted in a station (1 m depth) located in the Ebrié lagoon, Côte d'lvoire, in order to determine short-term changes in seston quality and quantity and relate them to physical conditions. Water samples were collected just below the surface and at 0.9m depth to assess the seston distribution in the water column. Located in an estuarine environment, the study site was submitted to periodic effect of tides with low currents. Under certain conditions, sediment resuspension by wind-induced waves was observed in the shallow parts of this ecosystem. From the analysis of hydrodynamic processes (tide, wind and sedimentation rates), four basic situations were distinguished in the course of the study: a period with no wind and high sedimentation rates, a period characterized by wind-induced resuspension, followed by a period of sedimentation and finallly, a period without wind during the second flood tide. The particle size spectra were similar throughout the study, the distributions being unimodal (mode of 4 μm diameter). The finer particles (<10 μm) were resuspended over the whole water column at the beginning of the resuspension period, whereas the larger particles were resuspended if the wind speed exceeded 3 m s?1. Phytoplankton species were found to provide information on the physical factors controlling the pelagic system: small cells, such as those of cyanobacteria (Synechococcus sp.), were always present over the whole tidal cycles, whereas large motile cells were predominant in the water column during the resuspension period. The seston characteristics of this part of Ebrié lagoon are mainly controlled by tidal currents, but wind-induced resuspension can modify the structure of the pelagic food web.  相似文献   

Hyperconcentrated benthic layers, which form during neap tides, recruit much of the fine sediment population of the turbidity maximum of a hypertidal estuary. Measurements of tidal amplitude and suspended solids concentration reveal that resuspension of the hyperconcentrated layers occurs between three and eight tides after neap tides rather than during spring tides (12 to 15 tides after neaps). During these resuspension events, dissolved oxygen levels are reduced but recover by spring tides. Peak solids concentrations and critically depressed dissolved oxygen levels are out of phase with tidal current amplitude. Thus observations close to neap and spring tides do not necessaraly capture the extremes of the envelope of water quality conditions.  相似文献   

1. The colonization and dynamics of epiphytic aquatic macroinvertebrates are described on first-year and second-year shoots of an emergent macrophyte (Typha latifolia) in a Swiss pond. Effects of shoot senescence on composition, richness, density and biomass of the macroinvertebrates are quantified. 2. There were two phases of colonization: a short-term colonization process which corresponded with that usually observed on inert substrates and a longer term colonization process related to the attractiveness of the shoots for the colonizers. In this second process, the older shoots showed a higher attractiveness for most invertebrate taxa. 3. Taxa colonized the shoots at different rates. Rapid colonizers included the limpet Ferrissia wautieri and the mayfly Cloeon dipterum. Conversely, Oligochaeta, Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae were particularly slow colonizers. 4. The older shoots supported a higher mean annual richness, abundance and biomass of invertebrates. Compared with younger shoots, the older shoots demonstrated a higher carrying capacity for most invertebrate taxa, as is the case for many other freshwater macrophytes.  相似文献   

In shallow environments, under certain conditions of fetch, wind velocity, bathymetry and bottom characteristics, resuspension can be generated by wind induced waves. In the tropical Ebrié lagoon, austral trade winds are dominant almost all year long, and their velocity shows a marked diel pattern with maximum speed between noon and midnight. Only austral trade winds with a speed >3 m s−1 allow particle resuspension which is effective for depths<1.5 m. In these areas, significantly higher values of chlorophyll biomass and mineral seston are noted during the windy sequences. Granulometric and mineralogical analyses showed that only the surficial sediment (0–3 cm) was involved in resuspension. This process induces several effects: 1) an increase of the suspended matter concentration in the water and thus a light attenuation due to a higher turbidity, 2) a redistribution in the whole water column of nutrients from the pore water and 3) a removal of the finer fractions from the superficial sediment. On the contrary, for depths>1.5 m, particle sinking is permanent in depressions which are spontaneously transformed into anoxic systems. At the lagoon scale, sedimentation is significantly modified by wind induced resuspension. According to the bathymetry and the distance from a river, three sedimentary facies are recognized. Their grain size distributions are parabolic in areas where resuspension occurs, logarithmic in areas where no resuspension is possible and hyperbolic in the hollows and the main channels. Finally, a large part of the allochthonous inputs (from drainage and rivers) and autochthonous pelagic production is trapped into the Ebrié lagoon and less than 10% of the particles entering the lagoon are exported toward the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

Accurate characterisation of the trend in suspended sediment concentration in streams throughout runoff events requires a sampling interval much shorter than the one hour typically used. For logistical reasons this is not usually feasible, so continuously recording turbidimeters offer a potential alternative. The variety of correlations and relationships between sediment concentration and turbidity reported in the literature is not surprising in view of the many confounding effects present in natural stream systems. Data from five sites in a small forested catchment indicated variability in the turbidity-suspended sediment concentration relationship, but improvements were obtained by considering the effects of very fine sediment and background water colour. Throughout runoff events variations in sediment properties, organic acids concentration and turbulence can occur. It is concluded that a good linear relationship between turbidity and suspended sediment concentration should not necessarily be expected and any observed hysteresis could actually help explain erosion and transport processes. The detail and continuity of data generated by turbidimeters provides the opportunity for greater understanding of storm sediment dynamics, however, calibration requires careful consideration of site characteristics.  相似文献   

Horizontal variation of seston concentration in the shallow, eutrophic Loosdrecht Lakes (A=9.8 km2; =1.9 m) was studied in relation to windspeed and effective fetch. Simple wave theory was applied in order to predict resuspension using wind data from a nearby meteorological station. Most results were consistent with the theory, but a clear limit for the occurrence of resuspension could not be established. Generally, changes in epipelon—the particles at the sediment-water interface — were not directly related to computed frequency of resuspension at the sampling station. The frequency was estimated for 37 grid points over the entire lake. Resuspension was computed to affect high percentages of the lake area in winter. In summer the frequency was much lower, but in June and July 1984 there were days with nearly 50% of the lake area subject to resuspension. The resulting input of particulate organic carbon into the water column during these days was estimated to equal 12–25 times the daytime phytoplankton carbon fixation. Most of the resuspended matter appeared to be redeposited rapidly. The computed frequency of resuspension for the 37 locations of the lake varied between 7 and 48 days in 1984.  相似文献   

Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb is a common floating-leaved macrophyte in China. In this study, the effects of Trapa on sediment resuspension in Lake Taihu, a large, shallow, eutrophic lake in eastern China, were investigated using sediment traps. The study was conducted at stations with and without Trapa beds from 7 September to 18 October, 2003. Results showed that sediment resuspension rates at the station without Trapa were significantly higher than those at the station with Trapa. During the study period (41 days), 10,970 g dw m−2 of surface sediment was resuspended within the Trapa beds and 29,903 g dw m−2 in the pelagic zone. These equate to phosphorus fluxes of 7.4 g m−2 to the water column at the station with Trapa and 16.1 g m−2 at the station without Trapa. Floating-leaved macrophytes, such as Trapa, may be important in sediment resuspension and internal phosphorus loading in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

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