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Serine-arginine (SR) proteins are general metazoan splicing factors that contain an essential arginine/serine-rich (RS) domain. On typical U2-type introns, RS domains contact the branchpoint and 5' splice site to promote base-pairing with U small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). Here we analyze the role of SR proteins in splicing of U12-type introns and in the second step of U2-type intron splicing. We show that RS domains contact the branchpoint and 5' splice site of a U12-type intron. On a U2-type intron, we find that the RS domain contacts the site of the U6 snRNA-5' splice site interaction during the first step of splicing and shifts to contact the site of the U5 snRNA-exon 1 interaction during the second step. Our results reveal alternative interactions between the RS domain and 5' splice site region that coincide with remodeling of the spliceosome between the two catalytic steps.  相似文献   

Most of eukaryotic genes are interrupted by introns that need to be removed from pre-mRNAs before they can perform their function. This is done by complex machinery called spliceosome. Many eukaryotes possess two separate spliceosomal systems that process separate sets of introns. The major (U2) spliceosome removes majority of introns, while minute fraction of intron repertoire is processed by the minor (U12) spliceosome. These two populations of introns are called U2-type and U12-type, respectively. The latter fall into two subtypes based on the terminal dinucleotides. The minor spliceosomal system has been lost independently in some lineages, while in some others few U12-type introns persist. We investigated twenty insect genomes in order to better understand the evolutionary dynamics of U12-type introns. Our work confirms dramatic drop of U12-type introns in Diptera, leaving these genomes just with a handful cases. This is mostly the result of intron deletion, but in a number of dipteral cases, minor type introns were switched to a major type, as well. Insect genes that harbor U12-type introns belong to several functional categories among which proteins binding ions and nucleic acids are enriched and these few categories are also overrepresented among these genes that preserved minor type introns in Diptera.  相似文献   



Many multicellular eukaryotes have two types of spliceosomes for the removal of introns from messenger RNA precursors. The major (U2) spliceosome processes the vast majority of introns, referred to as U2-type introns, while the minor (U12) spliceosome removes a small fraction (less than 0.5%) of introns, referred to as U12-type introns. U12-type introns have distinct sequence elements and usually occur together in genes with U2-type introns. A phylogenetic distribution of U12-type introns shows that the minor splicing pathway appeared very early in eukaryotic evolution and has been lost repeatedly.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing increases the coding capacity of genes through the production of multiple protein isoforms by the conditional use of splice sites and exons. Many alternative splice sites are regulated by the presence of purine-rich splicing enhancer elements (ESEs) located in the downstream exon. Although the role of ESEs in alternative splicing of the major class U2-dependent introns is well established, no alternatively spliced minor class U12-dependent introns have so far been described. Although in vitro studies have shown that ESEs can stimulate splicing of individual U12-dependent introns, there is no direct evidence that the U12-dependent splicing system can respond to ESEs in vivo. To investigate the ability of U12-dependent introns to use alternative splice sites and to respond to ESEs in an in vivo context, we have constructed two sets of artificial minigenes with alternative splicing pathways and evaluated the effects of ESEs on their alternative splicing patterns. In minigenes with alternative U12-dependent 3' splice sites, a purine-rich ESE promotes splicing to the immediately upstream 3' splice site. As a control, a mutant ESE has no stimulatory effect. In minigene constructs with two adjacent U12-dependent introns, the predominant in vivo splicing pattern results in the skipping of the internal exon. Insertion of a purine-rich ESE into the internal exon promotes the inclusion of the internal exon. These results show that U12-dependent introns can participate in alternative splicing pathways and that U12-dependent splice sites can respond to enhancer elements in vivo.  相似文献   

The rate of excision of U12-type introns has been reported to be slower than that of U2-type introns, suggesting a rate-limiting bottleneck that could down-regulate genes containing U12-type introns. The mechanistic reasons for this slower rate of intron excision are not known, but lower abundance of the U12-type snRNPs and slower rate of assembly or catalytic activity have been suggested. To investigate snRNP abundance we concentrated on the U4atac snRNA, which is the least abundant of the U12-type snRNAs and is limiting the formation of U4atac/U6atac complex. We identified mouse NIH-3T3 cell line isolates in which the level of both U4atac snRNA and U4atac/U6atac complexes is reduced to 10%-20% of the normal level. We used these cell lines to investigate splicing efficiency by transient transfection of a reporter gene containing a U12-type intron and by quantitative PCR analysis of endogenous genes. The splicing of the reporter U12-type intron was very inefficient, but the activity could be restored by overexpression of U4atac snRNA. Using these U4atac-deficient NIH-3T3 cells, we confirmed the results of previous studies showing that U12-type introns of endogenous genes are, indeed, excised more slowly than U2-type introns, but we found that the rate did not differ from that measured in cells displaying normal levels of U4atac snRNA. Thus our results suggest that the cellular abundance of the snRNPs does not limit U12-type intron splicing under normal conditions.  相似文献   

In metazoans, splicing of introns from pre-mRNAs can occur by two pathways: the major U2-dependent or the minor U12-dependent pathways. Whereas the U2-dependent pathway has been well characterized, much about the U12-dependent pathway remains to be discovered. Most of the information regarding U12-type introns has come from in vitro studies of a very few known introns of this class. To expand our understanding of U12-type splicing, especially to test the hypothesis that the simple base-pairing mechanism between the intron and U12 snRNA defines the branchpoint of U12-dependent introns, additional in vitro splicing substrates were created from three putative U12-type introns: the third intron of the Xenopus RPL1 a gene (XRP), the sixth intron of the Xenopus TFIIS.oA gene (XTF), and the first intron of the human Sm E gene (SME). In vitro splicing in HeLa nuclear extract confirmed U12-dependent splicing of each of these introns. Surprisingly, branchpoint mapping of the XRP splicing intermediate shows use of the upstream rather than the downstream of two consecutive adenosines within the branchpoint sequence (BPS), contrary to the prediction based on alignment with the sixth intron of human P120, a U12-dependent intron whose branch site was previously determined. Also, in the SME intron, the position of the branchpoint A residue within the region base paired with U12 differs from that in P120 and XTF. Analysis of these three additional introns therefore rules out simple models for branchpoint selection by the U12-type spliceosome.  相似文献   

The two types of eukaryotic spliceosomal introns, U2 and U12, possess different splice signals and are excised by distinct spliceosomes. The nature of the primordial introns remains uncertain. A comparison of the amino acid distributions at insertion sites of introns that retained their positions throughout eukaryotic evolution with the distributions for human and Arabidopsis thaliana U2 and U12 introns reveals close similarity with U2 but not U12. Thus, the primordial spliceosomal introns were, most likely, U2-type.  相似文献   

Kim WY  Jung HJ  Kwak KJ  Kim MK  Oh SH  Han YS  Kang H 《The Plant cell》2010,22(12):3951-3962
U12 introns are removed from precursor-mRNA by a U12 intron-specific spliceosome that contains U11 and U12 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins. Although several proteins unique to the U12-type spliceosome have been identified, the manner by which they affect U12-dependent intron splicing as well as plant growth and development remain largely unknown. Here, we assessed the role of U11/U12-31K, a U12-type spliceosomal protein in Arabidopsis thaliana. T-DNA-tagged homozygote lines for U11/U12-31K could not be obtained, and heterozygote mutants were defective for seed maturation, indicating that U11/U12-31K is essential for the normal development of Arabidopsis. Knockdown of U11/U12-31K by artificial microRNA caused a defect in proper U12 intron splicing, resulting in abnormal stem growth and development of Arabidopsis. This defect in proper splicing was not restricted to specific U12-type introns, but most U12 intron splicing was influenced by U11/U12-31K. The stunted inflorescence stem growth was recovered by exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA), but not by cytokinin, auxin, or brassinosteroid. GA metabolism-related genes were highly downregulated in U11/U12-31K knockdown plants. Importantly, U11/U12-31K was determined to harbor RNA chaperone activity. We propose that U11/U12-31K is an RNA chaperone that is indispensible for proper U12 intron splicing and for normal growth and development of plants.  相似文献   

Little is currently known about proteins that make contact with the pre-mRNA in the U12-dependent spliceosome and thereby contribute to intron recognition. Using site-specific cross-linking, we detected an interaction between the U11-48K protein and U12-type 5' splice sites (5'ss). This interaction did not require branch point recognition and was sensitive to 5'ss mutations, suggesting that 48K interacts with the 5'ss during the first steps of prespliceosome assembly in a sequence-dependent manner. RNA interference-induced knockdown of 48K in HeLa cells led to reduced cell growth and the inhibition of U12-type splicing, as well as the activation of cryptic, U2-type splice sites, suggesting that 48K plays a critical role in U12-type intron recognition. 48K knockdown also led to reduced levels of U11/U12 di-snRNP, indicating that 48K contributes to the stability and/or formation of this complex. In addition to making contact with the 5'ss, 48K interacts with the U11-59K protein, a protein at the interface of the U11/U12 di-snRNP. These studies provide important insights into the protein-mediated recognition of the U12-type 5'ss, as well as functionally important interactions within the U11/U12 di-snRNP.  相似文献   

U12-dependent introns are found in small numbers in most eukaryotic genomes, but their scarcity makes accurate characterisation of their properties challenging. A computational search for U12-dependent introns was performed using the draft version of the human genome sequence. Human expressed sequences confirmed 404 U12-dependent introns within the human genome, a 6-fold increase over the total number of non-redundant U12-dependent introns previously identified in all genomes. Although most of these introns had AT-AC or GT-AG terminal dinucleotides, small numbers of introns with a surprising diversity of termini were found, suggesting that many of the non-canonical introns found in the human genome may be variants of U12-dependent introns and, thus, spliced by the minor spliceosome. Comparisons with U2-dependent introns revealed that the U12-dependent intron set lacks the ‘short intron’ peak characteristic of U2-dependent introns. Analysis of this U12-dependent intron set confirmed reports of a biased distribution of U12-dependent introns in the genome and allowed the identification of several alternative splicing events as well as a surprising number of apparent splicing errors. This new larger reference set of U12-dependent introns will serve as a resource for future studies of both the properties and evolution of the U12 spliceosome.  相似文献   

U4atac snRNA forms a base-paired complex with U6atac snRNA. Both snRNAs are required for the splicing of the minor U12-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear introns. We have developed a new genetic suppression assay to investigate the in vivo roles of several regions of U4atac snRNA in U12-dependent splicing. We show that both the stem I and stem II regions, which have been proposed to pair with U6atac snRNA, are required for in vivo splicing. Splicing activity also requires U4atac sequences in the 5' stem-loop element that bind a 15.5 kDa protein that also binds to a similar region of U4 snRNA. In contrast, mutations in the region immediately following the stem I interaction region, as well as a deletion of the distal portion of the 3' stem-loop element, were active for splicing. Complete deletion of the 3' stem-loop element abolished in vivo splicing function as did a mutation of the Sm protein binding site. These results show that the in vivo sequence requirements of U4atac snRNA are similar to those described previously for U4 snRNA using in vitro assays and provide experimental support for models of the U4atac/U6atac snRNA interaction.  相似文献   

Human colon cancers differ in amounts of MUC2 mucin synthesized. However, it is unclear whether MUC2 encodes a single protein. When clones of human colon cancer cells were assayed with antibodies against the TR2 mucin repeat or non-TR2 epitopes, differences in relative expression of MUC2 proteins suggested multiple immunoreactive forms. RT-PCR analysis detected the established 15kbp MUC2 cDNA and a novel form (designated MUC2.1) lacking the MUC2 TR2 repeat. Sequencing of cDNA and genomic DNA indicated that MUC2.1 results from an alternate splice donor. RT-PCR with splice-junction spanning primers confirmed the expression of MUC2.1 mRNA. Anti-MUC2.1 antibody stained colon cancer cells and normal colon in a pattern different from TR2-specific antibody. The presence of MUC2.1 mucin may help us to explain previous conflicting reports that have attempted to correlate the relative abundance of MUC2 protein and/or mRNA with the biological behavior of colon cancer cells.  相似文献   

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