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满族青少年头面部特征分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文对居住在吉林省永吉县和伊通满族自治县的1011名满族青少年的头面测量性和非测量性特征进行了观察和测量。满族青少年的头型以过短过型为多见。面型多数为中面型及阔面型。鼻型以中鼻型及狭鼻型多见,与汉族儿童以阔鼻型多见有差异。从非测量性特征看,多数有发育不等的蒙古褶,眼裂上斜,鼻梁较直、鼻翼发育不明显,鼻根高度中等偏低。主要特征与满族成人头面部特征差异不明显。  相似文献   

本项目对1896例腊尔山区6~16岁苗族学生(男919例,女977例)进行了人体测量,测量了10项头面部形态指标,并根据公式计算13项头面部指数值。结果表明,苗族学生头面部各指标均值随年龄增长而增加,同年龄段头面部各指标均值男生一般高于女生,且多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;男性的头长宽的、形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧额宽的、容貌上面的和容貌上面高的指数以及女性的形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧下颌宽度的、容貌上面高的指数随年龄增长总体趋势是先增加后递减;男性头面高的以及女性的头长高的、头宽高的和头面宽的指数随年龄增长逐渐增加;男女性之间的头长高的、头宽高的和额顶宽的指数比较显示,多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;苗族学生头型以中头型、高头型、阔头型多见,面型以阔面型、阔上面型为主;相对于其他族群,腊尔山苗族男生面型短而宽,头型偏长,女生面型偏短,头型稍偏长而窄。腊尔山苗族学生头面部特征与融水苗族、土家族等族群较为接近,与哈萨克族、新乡汉族相距较远。  相似文献   

贵州仁怀苗族头面部体质人类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世居在贵州仁怀后山乡的378名(男196人, 女182人)年龄在21-60岁的苗族进行头面部活体观察和测量(观察项目6项, 测量项目16项)。结果表明, 仁怀苗族男女眼裂倾斜度水平、上眼睑有皱褶、睫毛长者占多数; 鼻尖类型钩型与直型出现率接近; 舌运动类型非卷型略占优势;前额发际男性尖型多于平型、女性平型稍多于尖型。头型以特圆、高、阔头型多见;面型以超狭面型为主; 属中鼻型。与我国南方其他5个苗族以及贵州其他族群的聚类分析显示, 仁怀后山乡苗族男性与贵州王卡苗族、贵州布依族男性最为接近, 女性与湖南苗族女性最为接近。  相似文献   

广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面部发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面型,本文采用分层随机抽样方法对广西玉林地区1119名7-16岁城镇汉族儿童青少年的9项头面部指标进行测量,分析和比较儿童青少年容貌特征的发育与年龄增长的关系,按头面部各项指数分型。结果显示:汉族儿童青少年头面部的9项指标除头最大宽外均随年龄的增长而增大,各年龄组的性别间存在显著性差异。头面型以中头型和圆头型、高头型、狭头型及阔面型和中面型为主。  相似文献   

中国独龙族与莽人的体质特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在云南省贡山县独龙江乡调查了200例(男为97例,女为103例)独龙族人的体质,在金平县金水河镇调查了56例(男33例,女23例)莽人的体质,计算了体质指数,统计了指数分型情况。研究结果显示:1)独龙族、莽人体质特征接近,并与侗、拉祜、彝、德昂族较为一致。2)在蒙古人种南亚类型诸人群中,独龙族、莽人眼内角间宽值较大,而其他多数指标值偏小。3)独龙族男女均以高头型、狭头型、中胸型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型、狭面型、中鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、宽肩型率最高。女性还以圆头型、阔面型、狭鼻型、中躯干型、亚短腿型、窄肩型率最高。4)莽人男女均以中头型(头长宽指数)、高头型、中鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型(头宽高指数)、阔面型、长躯干型率最高。女性还以狭头型、中躯干型率最高。女性超阔面型率与阔面型率相等。5)独龙族与莽人蒙古褶率低,鼻根高度较低、鼻宽值多大于我国蒙古人种北亚类型诸人群。  相似文献   

本文对广西三江侗族自治县的 7— 16岁乡村侗族男女中、小学生 2 0 87名 (男 10 5 5 ,女 10 32 )的头面部9项指标进行测量 ,并计算有关指数 ,分析和比较了儿童青少年容貌特征发育与年龄增长的关系。根据头面部指数分型 ,确定了广西三江侗族自治县侗族儿童青少年的头面部形态。依各项指数 ,侗族儿童青少年多属圆头型 ,高头型 ,阔头型及阔面型。  相似文献   

白马人是我国的未识别族群之一。我们在四川省平武县调查了白马人233例(男为93例,女为140例)的69项体质测量指标与228例(男为93例,女为135例)的观察指标15项。初步分析了白马人的体质特征。结果如下:1)白马人男性上眼睑皱褶出现率为80.65%,女性上眼睑皱褶出现率则为85.93%。白马人蒙古褶率男性为33.33%,女性则为39.26%。白马人男女眼裂高度以窄型为主。眼外角多高于眼内角。白马人的鼻根高度多为中等型。男女均以直型鼻梁为主。白马人男女颧骨扁平,颧骨体突出。鼻基部多为水平方向。鼻翼高度约占鼻高的1/4,以中等为主。白马人男女多为圆形耳垂。上唇皮肤部高度多为中等。红唇厚度以薄唇为主,眼色多为黑褐色。2)按头面部、体部指数分型,白马人男女均以高头型、阔头型、中鼻型、长躯干型、亚短腿型、宽胸型、宽肩型、宽骨盆型率最高。白马人男性还以中头型、中面型率最高,女性还以圆头型、阔面型率最高。根据男女身高均数,白马人男女均为中等型身材。3)白马人体质特征属于北方族群类型,与赫哲族、俄罗斯族比较接近,与安多藏族距离较远。  相似文献   

河南新乡地区儿童头面部测量   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对河南省新乡地区汉族儿童(4-13岁)头面部进行了测量,比较和分析了儿童体质发育与年龄增长的关系,据儿童头面部各指数数值大小分型,确定该地区汉族儿童面部的形态为:圆头型、高头型、狭头型、狭面型、狭鼻型。  相似文献   

目前,中国人群头型、面型、鼻型、唇型、耳型尚未见大样本的资料报道。我们测量了中国115个族群的63449例头面部指标值,计算了头长宽指数等7项指数值,进行了指数与年龄的相关分析、年龄组间的方差分析,以及指数与纬度、年平均温度的相关分析。采用主成分分析方法研究了7个年龄组指数值。相关分析显示,随着年龄增长,中国人头型变得更长一些,更低一些;面变得更窄一些,鼻翼更宽一些,唇更薄些,耳变得更细长些。主成分分析结果也证实了这种规律。相关分析结果表明,随纬度的增大,中国人男性、女性头长宽指数、形态面指数值增大,鼻指数、容貌耳指数值减小。随年平均温度的升高,中国人男性、女性头面部头长宽指数、头长高指数、形态面指数值减小,鼻指数、容貌耳指数值增大。中国人头长宽指数的圆头型率、中头型率较高。男性、女性头长高指数均以高头型为主,头宽高指数均以狭头型率最高,形态面指数以超狭面型率最高。超过一半的人鼻指数为中鼻型,其次为狭鼻型。  相似文献   

本文对394名(男183人, 女211人)生活在贵州的土家族进行活体观察和测量(观察项目28个, 测量项目64个)。调查对象年龄18-55岁, 三代均为土家族。分析结果表明: 贵州土家族为圆头型, 男性正头型、女性高头型, 阔头型, 男性阔面型、女性中面型, 中鼻型, 窄肩型, 中间体型, 亚短腿型, 宽手型, 亚中等型身材。与我国南方其他20个少数民族群体聚类分析的结果显示: 贵州土家族体质特征与湖南瑶族、土家族、广西瑶族、贵州台江苗族最为接近, 与贵州布依族、广西壮族、海南黎族次之, 与湖南侗族、贵州过卯水族、毛南族、白裤瑶较远。  相似文献   

调查了1506名朝鲜族,汉族4-7岁儿童体格发育情况。朝鲜族儿童平均身高和坐高皆低于汉族儿童相同年龄组,而平均体重却高于汉族同龄组;在头围、胸围指标中汉族男、女儿童4-5岁之间大于朝鲜族同龄组,但自5岁以后朝鲜族超过治疗组,可以看出,朝鲜族儿童体格为相对矮壮,而汉族儿童相对瘦高。又对朝、汉族儿童身同父母平均身高进行单变量相关分析显示出显著意义相关。延吉市朝、汉族儿童各项指标低于9185年全国九市效  相似文献   

Nevi are the most common tumors of childhood. Pigmented nevi are classified into blue nevi, intraepidermal nevi, junction nevi, intradermal nevi (or common mole) and combination types. Cutaneous malignant disease in children is rare. Malignant melanoma is rare before puberty. Wholesale removal of benign pigmented nevi in children should be condemned. However, junction nevi located on the palms, soles, genitalia or waistline—that is, in areas subject to frequent trauma—should be excised.Hemangiomas in infants are the most common tumors for which advice is sought. Not all hemangiomas regress spontaneously, and on occasion the persistence or progression of such a lesion may bring about life-long unsightly deformities. Therapy for this type of tumor is simple when given early in life. Hemangiomas involving the ears, nose, lips or eyelids should be treated at once, preferably within a month of the time they appear.  相似文献   

四川地区幼儿和学龄前儿童的鼻部测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史铀  邓德华 《人类学学报》1995,14(2):151-156
本文报告1116例四川地区幼儿和学龄前儿童(2-7岁)鼻部9项指标的测量均数,性差及年龄发育特点。性差:仅鼻凹鼻底距4-6.5岁等少数指标部分年龄段男女性间出现显著性划异(男>女)。此外各项指标的绝大多数年龄段男女性间无显著性差异。年龄发育:9项测量指标中7项的生长曲线随年产长而上升,数值随年龄增大,并有1-2个发育高峰;提示鼻部发育具有阶段性;2项指标的曲线随年龄增长变化较小。4项指标男女性的曲  相似文献   

Type 2 diabetes is an increasing problem in children. Two decades ago it had been described only in selected groups, e.g. the Pima Indians. Childhood type 2 diabetes appears to be similar to the metabolic syndrome in adults and is characterized by obesity, hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance. It can present a diagnostic challenge in children, as they can present with diabetic ketoacidosis; the measurement of autoantibodies and C-peptide levels may be helpful. The logarithmic association between the risk of complications with increasing glycaemia which has been established for adults with type 2 diabetes is likely to hold true for children but the conclusions of trials in adults must be extrapolated with caution. Little is known about the onset and progression of macrovascular disease in affected children but it is almost certain that they will develop an excess of premature cardiovascular disease. However, the importance of reducing glycaemia in younger adults with diabetes, in order to minimize the incidence of microvascular complications, has been unequivocally demonstrated in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT). Diet and exercise have a major role to play in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes in children as well as adults - the escalation of type 2 diabetes throughout the developed world is a major public health problem. Extrapolating data from adults, metformin appears to be the logical first-line treatment in children with type 2 diabetes; sulphonylureas are also used but neither of these agents have been evaluated in trials in children and are not licensed for such use. With regard to other newer agents, it seems wise to use well-established drugs with a long track record and for which the long-term safety data are available.  相似文献   

采用<<瑞文推理测验图册>>及<<韦氏儿童智力量表>>,在随机整群分层抽样测试2906名中,小学生的基础上,对检出的84名智力超常儿童的皮纹学特征进行分析,结果表明:智力超常儿童L^u,W^d指纹出现率,b-c三叉间距,b-cTRC,指纹白线、主线横线指数与对照组之间存在显著差异。  相似文献   

The sulfonamides and antibiotics have been of great value in reducing the duration and severity of acute sinusitis in children.Chemotherapy, in the acute case, will probably prevent much chronic sinusitis of the infectious type.The most common variety of chronic sinus disease is due to a primary allergic condition plus secondary infection. It is impossible to treat these cases successfully without treating the allergy as well as the infection.The home use of any nose drop preparation is of very little value in the treatment of chronic sinusitis of any type or localization.The local nasal use of sulfonamides or antibiotics is not based upon rational principles. Their clinical value is negligible. They may, moreover, be decidedly irritating to the nasal mucosa.One should not hesitate to resort to rational surgical procedures to improve nasal ventilation in a child with sinusitis.While the advent of chemotherapeutic, antibiotic and antihistaminic drugs has been of inestimable value in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, we must not neglect to surgically correct anatomical defects and irreversible pathological mucosal changes which interfere with proper nasal physiological processes.  相似文献   

在河南汉族中发现了国内首例稀有的JK(a-b-)红细胞血型。家系调查未发现第二例。先证者父母及同胞均为Jk(a+b-)型,丈夫及儿子均为Jk(a-b+)型。四个月后在广东梅县客家人中又发现一例JK(a-b-)型,先证者为一未婚女子。两位先证者血清中均无抗体。到目前为止,JK(a-b-)型在中国人群中的分布频率为2/6391(0.03%)Jk基因频率为0.0202。  相似文献   

In developed countries, obesity prevalence has strongly increased in the last decades. This has also been observed in children and adolescents. Until recently, type 2 diabetes mellitus was considered very rare among children and adolescents; however, in the last decades, some cases have been observed mainly in obese adolescents of some minority populations. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and insulin resistance, and the metabolic features, in obese children and adolescents. We have studied 95 obese children and adolescents, 53 males and 42 females, aged 4-16 years. The prevalence of IGT in obese children and adolescents studied was 7.4%; there was not any child with type 2 diabetes. Fasting glucose and insulin serum concentrations did not show significant differences between obese children with or without IGT; however, 120 minutes after an oral glucose tolerance test, glucose and insulin serum concentrations showed statistically significant differences between both groups. Insulin resistance is defined as a HOMA index higher than 4. The prevalence of insulin resistance in obese children studied was 35.8%. Trygliceride serum concentrations were higher and HDL-C serum concentrations were lower in obese children with IGT than in those without IGT, but the differences were not statistically significant. IGT and insulin resistance are frequent in obese children and adolescents; early treatment in obese children and adolescents with IGT constitutes a strategy of reversing progression to beta-cell failure and in preventing type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Because the cerebral-palsied child is also a growing person whose development should be encouraged along as normal a course as possible, the pediatrician may well take the lead in coordinating orthopedic, psychiatric, educational and vocational services for such children. In El Centro this policy has been followed in a school for handicapped children serving 30 with cerebral palsy, 15 of them pupils at the school. Those with sufficient intelligence and milder physical handicap attend a regular public school, while others are unable to attend even the special school.Emphasis has been placed on working with children who are less seriously affected. As to children with severe neuromuscular and intellectual handicap, the chief effort is to prevent contractures and maintain function. The pediatrician confers monthly with all workers concerned with the child, and maintains liaison with the family physician who treats acute illnesses, including palsy seizures. Special effort has been made to investigate family circumstances such as foreign background which make it more difficult to evaluate the palsied child''s true capabilities.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小儿病毒性腹泻的临床预后及危险因素。方法:纳入病例是2018年1月至2019年12月本院收治的200例小儿病毒性腹泻患者,回顾性分析其临床资料,分析小儿病毒性腹泻的临床特点。根据疾病痊愈情况分组,将128例痊愈患者作为实验组,72例未痊愈患者作为参照组,Logistic分析小儿病毒性腹泻患者疾病痊愈的危险因素。结果:200例患者中,HAstV感染121例,占60.50%;HAD感染36例,占18.00%;HUCV感染15例,占7.50%;HRV感染10例,占5.00%;混合感染18例,占9.00%。HAstV类型病毒性腹泻患者临床症状以呼吸道症状、发热、呕吐为主;HAD类型病毒性腹泻患者临床症状以发热、呕吐为主;HUCV类型病毒性腹泻患者临床症状以呼吸道症状、发热为主;HRV类型病毒性腹泻患者临床症状以发热、呕吐为主;混合感染类型病毒性腹泻患者临床症状以呼吸道症状、发热、呕吐为主。年龄、中枢神经损害、心肌损害、近1 w是否接触过腹泻是小儿病毒性腹泻患者疾病痊愈的危险因素,P0.05。结论:小儿病毒性腹泻不同感染类型,临床症状各不相同。小儿病毒性腹泻患者预后与年龄、中枢神经损害、心肌损害、近1 w是否接触过腹泻有着极为密切的联系,应当引起临床重视与关注。  相似文献   

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