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Abstract:  For some decades, a major focus of research has been on how locomotor modes changed in some archosaurian reptiles from a more or less 'sprawling' to an 'erect' posture, whether there were discrete intermediate stages, and how many times 'erect' posture evolved. The classic paradigm for the evolution of stance and gait in archosaurs, a three-stage transition from sprawling to 'semi-erect' to erect posture, has been replaced by a subtler understanding of a continuum of changing limb joint angles. We suggest a further separation of terminology related to stance vs. gait so as not to entail different processes: 'sprawling' and 'erect' should refer to continua of stance; 'rotatory' and 'parasagittal' are more appropriate ends of a continuum that describes the motions of gait. We show that the Triassic trackway Apatopus best fits the anatomy and proportions of phytosaurs, based on a new reconstruction of their foot skeleton; it is less likely to have been made by another pseudosuchian or non-archosaurian archosauromorph. Moreover, the trackmaker was performing the high walk. A phytosaurian trackmaker would imply that the common ancestor of pseudosuchians, and therefore archosaurs could approximate the high walk (depending on phylogeny), and if so, erect stance and parasagittal gait did not evolve independently in pseudosuchians and ornithosuchians, although the kinematic mechanisms differed in the two groups. It remains to be seen how far outside Archosauria, if at all, more or less erect posture and parasagittal gait may have evolved.  相似文献   

Extant amniotes show remarkable postural diversity. Broadly speaking, limbs with erect (strongly adducted, more vertically oriented) posture are found in mammals that are particularly heavy (graviportal) or show good running skills (cursorial), while crouched (highly flexed) limbs are found in taxa with more generalized locomotion. In Reptilia, crocodylians have a “semi-erect” (somewhat adducted) posture, birds have more crouched limbs and lepidosaurs have sprawling (well-abducted) limbs. Both synapsids and reptiles underwent a postural transition from sprawling to more erect limbs during the Mesozoic Era. In Reptilia, this postural change is prominent among archosauriforms in the Triassic Period. However, limb posture in many key Triassic taxa remains poorly known. In Synapsida, the chronology of this transition is less clear, and competing hypotheses exist. On land, the limb bones are subject to various stresses related to body support that partly shape their external and internal morphology. Indeed, bone trabeculae (lattice-like bony struts that form the spongy bone tissue) tend to orient themselves along lines of force. Here, we study the link between femoral posture and the femoral trabecular architecture using phylogenetic generalized least squares. We show that microanatomical parameters measured on bone cubes extracted from the femoral head of a sample of amniote femora depend strongly on body mass, but not on femoral posture or lifestyle. We reconstruct ancestral states of femoral posture and various microanatomical parameters to study the “sprawling-to-erect” transition in reptiles and synapsids, and obtain conflicting results. We tentatively infer femoral posture in several hypothetical ancestors using phylogenetic flexible discriminant analysis from maximum likelihood estimates of the microanatomical parameters. In general, the trabecular network of the femoral head is not a good indicator of femoral posture. However, ancestral state reconstruction methods hold great promise for advancing our understanding of the evolution of posture in amniotes.  相似文献   

Forelimb posture has been a controversial aspect of reconstructing locomotor behaviour in extinct quadrupedal tetrapods. This is partly owing to the qualitative and subjective nature of typical methods, which focus on bony articulations that are often ambiguous and unvalidated postural indicators. Here we outline a new, quantitatively based forelimb posture index that is applicable to a majority of extant tetrapods. By determining the degree of elbow joint adduction/abduction mobility in several tetrapods, the carpal flexor muscles were determined to also play a role as elbow adductors. Such adduction may play a major role during the stance phase in sprawling postures. This role is different from those of upright/sagittal and sloth-like creeping postures, which, respectively, depend more on elbow extensors and flexors. Our measurements of elbow muscle moment arms in 318 extant tetrapod skeletons (Lissamphibia, Synapsida and Reptilia: 33 major clades and 263 genera) revealed that sprawling, sagittal and creeping tetrapods, respectively, emphasize elbow adductor, extensor and flexor muscles. Furthermore, scansorial and non-scansorial taxa, respectively, emphasize flexors and extensors. Thus, forelimb postures of extinct tetrapods can be qualitatively classified based on our quantitative index. Using this method, we find that Triceratops (Ceratopsidae), Anhanguera (Pterosauria) and desmostylian mammals are categorized as upright/sagittally locomoting taxa.  相似文献   

The discovery of a largely complete and well preserved specimen of Poposaurus gracilis has provided the opportunity to generate the first phylogenetically based reconstruction of pelvic and hindlimb musculature of an extinct nondinosaurian archosaur. As in dinosaurs, multiple lineages of basal archosaurs convergently evolved parasagittally erect limbs. However, in contrast to the laterally projecting acetabulum, or “buttress erect” hip morphology of ornithodirans, basal archosaurs evolved a very different, ventrally projecting acetabulum, or “pillar erect” hip. Reconstruction of the pelvic and hindlimb musculotendinous system in a bipedal suchian archosaur clarifies how the anatomical transformations associated with the evolution of bipedalism in basal archosaurs differed from that of bipedal dinosaurs and birds. This reconstruction is based on the direct examination of the osteology and myology of phylogenetically relevant extant taxa in conjunction with osteological correlates from the skeleton of P. gracilis. This data set includes a series of inferences (presence/absence of a structure, number of components, and origin/insertion sites) regarding 26 individual muscles or muscle groups, three pelvic ligaments, and two connective tissue structures in the pelvis, hindlimb, and pes of P. gracilis. These data provide a foundation for subsequent examination of variation in myological orientation and function based on pelvic and hindlimb morphology, across the basal archosaur lineage leading to extant crocodilians. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The end-Permian mass extinction, 252 million years (myr) ago, marks a major shift in the posture of tetrapods. Before the mass extinction, terrestrial tetrapods were sprawlers, walking with their limbs extended to the sides; after the event, most large tetrapods had adopted an erect posture with their limbs tucked under the body. This shift had been suspected from the study of skeletal fossils, but had been documented as a long process that occupied some 15–20 myr of the Triassic. This study reads posture directly from fossil tracks, using a clear criterion for sprawling vs erect posture. The track record is richer than the skeletal record, especially for the Early and Middle Triassic intervals, the critical 20 myr during which period the postural shift occurred. The shift to erect posture was completed within the 6 myr of the Early Triassic and affected both lineages of medium to large tetrapods of the time, the diapsids and synapsids.  相似文献   

The capacity of limb bones to resist the locomotor loads they encounter depends on both the pattern of those loads and the material properties of the skeletal elements. Among mammals, understanding of the interplay between these two factors has been based primarily on evidence from locomotor behaviors in upright placentals, which show limb bones that are loaded predominantly in anteroposterior bending with minimal amounts of torsion. However, loading patterns from the femora of opossums, marsupials using crouched limb posture, show appreciable torsion while the bone experiences mediolateral (ML) bending. These data indicated greater loading diversity in mammals than was previously recognized, and suggested the possibility that ancestral loading patterns found in sprawling lineages (e.g., reptilian sauropsids) might have been retained among basal mammals. To further test this hypothesis, we recorded in vivo locomotor strains from the femur of the nine‐banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus), a member of the basal xenarthran clade of placental mammals that also uses crouched limb posture. Orientations of principal strains and magnitudes of shear strains indicate that armadillo femora are exposed to only limited torsion; however, bending is essentially ML, placing the medial aspect of the femur in compression and the lateral aspect in tension. This orientation of bending is similar to that found in opossums, but planar strain analyses indicate much more of the armadillo femur experiences tension during bending, potentially due to muscles pulling on the large, laterally positioned third trochanter. Limb bone safety factors were estimated between 3.3 and 4.3 in bending, similar to other placental mammals, but lower than opossums and most sprawling taxa. Thus, femoral loading patterns in armadillos show a mixture of similarities to both opossums (ML bending) and other placentals (limited torsion and low safety factors), along with unique features (high axial tension) that likely relate to their distinctive hindlimb anatomy. J. Morphol. 26:889–899, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The primate fossil record suggests that terrestriality was more common in the past than it is today, particularly among cercopithecoid primates. Whether or not a fossil primate habitually preferred terrestrial substrates has typically been inferred from its forelimb anatomy. Because extant large-bodied terrestrial cercopithecine monkeys utilize digitigrade hand postures during locomotion, being able to identify if a fossil primate habitually adopted digitigrade postures would be particularly revealing of terrestriality in this group. This paper examines the functional morphology of metacarpals in order to identify osteological correlates of digitigrade versus palmigrade hand postures. Linear measurements were obtained from 324 individuals belonging to digitigrade and palmigrade cercopithecoid species and comparisons were made between hand posture groups. Digitigrade taxa have shorter metacarpals, relative to both body mass and humerus length, than palmigrade taxa. Also, digitigrade taxa tend to have metacarpals with smaller dorsoventral diameters, relative to the product of body mass and metacarpal length, compared to palmigrade taxa. The size and shape of the metacarpal heads do not significantly differ between hand posture groups. Multivariate analyses suggest that metacarpal shape can only weakly discriminate between hand posture groups. In general, while there are some morphological differences in the metacarpals between hand posture groups, similarities also exist that are likely related to the fact that even digitigrade cercopithecoids can adopt palmigrade hand postures in different situations (e.g., terrestrial running, arboreal locomotion), and/or that the functional demands of different hand postures are not reflected in all aspects of metacarpal morphology. Therefore, the lack of identifiable adaptations for specific hand postures in extant cercopithecoids makes it difficult to determine a preference for specific habitats from fossil primate hand bones.  相似文献   

New experimental and clinical data on the function of the ligamentum capitis femoris (LCF) and its participation in maintaining an erect posture were obtained. It was established that this anatomical element is involved in constraining the hip joint adduction and may fix the joint in the frontal plane, turning it into an analogue of a second-class lever. In both unstrained one-suport and symmetrical two-support orthostatic postures, when the LCF is stretched and the abductor muscle group is exerted, a load equal to the body weight is evenly distributed between the upper and lower hemispheres of the caput femoris. In addition, the LCF function increases the steadiness of the erect posture and unloads the muscle apparatus.  相似文献   

Mammalian foot posture has previously been described through the three-tiered hierarchy of plantigrady, digitigrady and unguligrady. This broadly applicable terminology has been used to categorize both living and fossil taxa, despite the fact that these postural grades, as traditionally used, do not rely on strict mechanical, kinematic or morphologic definitions. This paper redefines these terms: hind foot posture can be more accurately categorized if these definitions are based on the primary joint of flexure in the standing position. Once postures are so defined, a number of morphological features in taxa can be correlated with the use of particular postures. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses of morphological measurements from a large ( n = 61) group of plantigrade and digitigrade eutherian mammals indicate that foot posture can be reliably detected from a relatively small number of morphological measurements on a few limb and tarsal bones (femur, astragalus, calcaneum and metatarsals). The features important in distinguishing postural grades fit expectations from biomechanical theory, and should prove useful for the prediction of foot posture in fossil taxa, particularly when complete specimens are not known.  相似文献   

Evolution of the lumbosacral angle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lumbosacral angle (LSA) was studied in 131 children ranging in age from birth to 5 years. This angle increases from an average of 20 degrees at birth to an average of 70 degrees at the age of 5 years; it remains at that level thereafter. This study demonstrates that the formation of the LSA is not related to increasing age, height, or weight. Nor do obstetrical requirements seems to play any major role in the formation of the lumbosacral angle. Rather, it appears that the development of the LSA is related to the progressive acquisition of erect posture and the ontogeny of bipedal locomotion. This angle is almost nil in the nonprimate mammals (who only infrequently stand erect). It is minimal in monkeys who occasionally assume bipedal postures and increases somewhat in living apes who engage in facultative bipedal positional behavior. In the early australopithecines, the LSA is increased over that in apes, and it reaches its maximum in Homo sapiens. Deviations from normal and healthy erect posture in Homo sapiens result in corresponding changes in the lumbosacral angle. Lumbar and sacral angles (both forming the lumbosacral angle) are almost equal in all mammalian species. Since the sacral angle of Australopithecus afarensis is approximately 15 degrees, it can be implied that its lumbosacral angle was small, thus attesting to its "imperfect" erect posture and "primitive" form of bipedal locomotion.  相似文献   

Archosaurs evolved a wide diversity of locomotor postures, body sizes, and hip joint morphologies. The two extant archosaurs clades (birds and crocodylians) possess highly divergent hip joint morphologies, and the homologies and functions of their articular soft tissues, such as ligaments, cartilage, and tendons, are poorly understood. Reconstructing joint anatomy and function of extinct vertebrates is critical to understanding their posture, locomotor behavior, ecology, and evolution. However, the lack of soft tissues in fossil taxa makes accurate inferences of joint function difficult. Here, we describe the soft tissue anatomies and their osteological correlates in the hip joint of archosaurs and their sauropsid outgroups, and infer structural homology across the extant taxa. A comparative sample of 35 species of birds, crocodylians, lepidosaurs, and turtles ranging from hatchling to skeletally mature adult were studied using dissection, imaging, and histology. Birds and crocodylians possess topologically and histologically consistent articular soft tissues in their hip joints. Epiphyseal cartilages, fibrocartilages, and ligaments leave consistent osteological correlates. The archosaur acetabulum possesses distinct labrum and antitrochanter structures on the supraacetabulum. The ligamentum capitis femoris consists of distinct pubic‐ and ischial attachments, and is homologous with the ventral capsular ligament of lepidosaurs. The proximal femur has a hyaline cartilage core attached to the metaphysis via a fibrocartilaginous sleeve. This study provides new insight into soft tissue structures and their osteological correlates (e.g., the antitrochanter, the fovea capitis, and the metaphyseal collar) in the archosaur hip joint. The topological arrangement of fibro‐ and hyaline cartilage may provide mechanical support for the chondroepiphysis. The osteological correlates identified here will inform systematic and functional analyses of archosaur hindlimb evolution and provide the anatomical foundation for biomechanical investigations of joint tissues. J. Morphol. 276:601–630, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Effect of posture and locomotion on energy expenditure   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Energy expenditure for human adults and infants and for dogs was measured in resting (supine or lateral) posture, in bipedal posture and locomotion, and in quadrupedal posture and locomotion. Variations in respiratory and heart rate and in body temperature were utilized in this comparative study. Oxygen consumption was also measured in human adults. In human adults, bipedal posture and locomotion were shown to be much less energy-consuming than corresponding quadrupedal posture and locomotion. The opposite was observed in adult dogs, where bipedalism was shown to be much more energy-consuming than quadrupedalism. In addition, this study demonstrated, for human adults in their natural erect posture, an energy expenditure barely higher than in supine or lateral resting posture, while the dogs in their natural quadrupedal stance, the energy expenditure is much higher than in their resting posture. With respect to energy, therefore, humans are more adapted to bipedalism than dogs to quadrupedalism. Human children, at the transitional stage between quadrupedalism and bipedalism, have high and almost equal requirements for all postures and locomotions. This demonstrates, in term of energy, their incomplete adaptation to erect behavior.  相似文献   

Mixing for two gases of markedly different gaseous diffusivity, helium (He) (mol wt = 4) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) (mol wt = 146) has been studied by a rebreathing method in different postures. In nine normal subjects duplicate measurements were made in the erect (seated), supine, and lateral decubitus posture, at a constant tidal volume (700 ml) and frequency (1 Hz) starting from functional residual capacity (FRC). Additional measurements were made on four of the subjects, rebreathing seated erect at a volume similar to the relaxed FRC supine and supine at a volume similar to the relaxed FRC seated. In the supine posture the mean breath number to reach 99% equilibrium (n99), was not significantly different for the two gases, 8.9 for He and 9.8 for SF6. There was a difference (P less than 0.01) when erect; n99 (He) = 8.2 and n99 (SF6) = 10.9. The greatest He-SF6 difference (P less than 0.001) was in the lateral decubitus position n99 (He) = 10.1 and n99 (SF6) = 15.9. The mean relaxed FRC as percent of seated was 71% supine and 75% in lateral decubitus posture. Rebreathing seated at a lower volume did not abolish the He-SF6 mixing difference nor did rebreathing at a higher volume when supine induce a He-SF6 mixing difference. Thus the effect of posture on gas mixing cannot be due solely to lung volume and must represent a convective and diffusive dependent change in the distribution of ventilation per unit lung volume.  相似文献   

Extinct archosaurs, including many non-avian dinosaurs, exhibit relatively simply shaped condylar regions in their appendicular bones, suggesting potentially large amounts of unpreserved epiphyseal (articular) cartilage. This “lost anatomy” is often underappreciated such that the ends of bones are typically considered to be the joint surfaces, potentially having a major impact on functional interpretation. Extant alligators and birds were used to establish an objective basis for inferences about cartilaginous articular structures in such extinct archosaur clades as non-avian dinosaurs. Limb elements of alligators, ostriches, and other birds were dissected, disarticulated, and defleshed. Lengths and condylar shapes of elements with intact epiphyses were measured. Limbs were subsequently completely skeletonized and the measurements repeated. Removal of cartilaginous condylar regions resulted in statistically significant changes in element length and condylar breadth. Moreover, there was marked loss of those cartilaginous structures responsible for joint architecture and congruence. Compared to alligators, birds showed less dramatic, but still significant changes. Condylar morphologies of dinosaur limb bones suggest that most non-coelurosaurian clades possessed large cartilaginous epiphyses that relied on the maintenance of vascular channels that are otherwise eliminated early in ontogeny in smaller-bodied tetrapods. A sensitivity analysis using cartilage correction factors (CCFs) obtained from extant taxa indicates that whereas the presence of cartilaginous epiphyses only moderately increases estimates of dinosaur height and speed, it has important implications for our ability to infer joint morphology, posture, and the complicated functional movements in the limbs of many extinct archosaurs. Evidence suggests that the sizes of sauropod epiphyseal cartilages surpassed those of alligators, which account for at least 10% of hindlimb length. These data suggest that large cartilaginous epiphyses were widely distributed among non-avian archosaurs and must be considered when making inferences about locomotor functional morphology in fossil taxa.  相似文献   

Primates adopt diverse hand postures during terrestrial and above-branch quadrupedal locomotion--knuckle-walking, digitigrady, and palmigrady--that incorporate varying degrees of wrist dorsiflexion (i.e., extension). Although relationships between hand postures, wrist joint range of motion, and the external properties of wrist bones (e.g., surface morphology) have been examined, the relationship between hand postures and the internal properties of wrist bones (e.g., bone density) remains largely unexplored. Because articular joint surfaces transmit mechanical loads between conjoining limb bones, measures of density (e.g., magnitudes and patterns) in the subchondral cortical plate of bone of the distal radius can be used to evaluate load regimes experienced by the wrist joint in different hand postures. We assessed apparent (i.e. optical) density patterns in several extant catarrhine primate taxa partitioned into different hand posture groups: knuckle-walking apes, digitigrade monkeys, and palmigrade monkeys. Computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry (CT-OAM) was used to construct maximum intensity projection (MIP) maps of apparent densities. High apparent density areas were characterized relative to a dorsal-volar reference plane and compared across hand posture groups. All groups had large percentage areas of high apparent density in the dorsal region of the distal radial articular surface. Only knuckle-walking apes, however, had a large percentage area of high apparent density in the volar region of the distal radial articular surface. These patterns are consistent with radiocarpal articulations in specific hand postures as evidenced by available radiographic data and suggest that the different habitual hand postures adopted by monkeys and African apes during quadrupedal locomotion have different stereotypic loading patterns. This has implications for understanding the functional morphology and evolution of knuckle-walking and digitigrade hand postures in primates.  相似文献   

We analyze patterns of subchondral bone apparent density in the distal femur of extant primates to reconstruct differences in knee posture, discriminate among extant species with different locomotor preferences, and investigate the knee postures used by subfossil lemur species Hadropithecus stenognathus and Pachylemur insignis. We obtained computed tomographic scans for 164 femora belonging to 39 primate species. We grouped species by locomotor preference into knuckle-walking, arboreal quadruped, terrestrial quadruped, quadrupedal leaper, suspensory and vertical clinging, and leaping categories. We reconstructed knee posture using an experimentally validated procedure of determining the anterior extent of the region of maximal subchondral bone apparent density on a median slice through the medial femoral condyle. We compared subchondral apparent density magnitudes between subfossil and extant specimens to ensure that fossils did not display substantial mineralization or degradation. Subfossil and extant specimens were found to have similar magnitudes of subchondral apparent density, thereby permitting comparisons of the density patterns. We observed significant differences in the position of maximum subchondral apparent density between leaping and nonleaping extant primates, with leaping primates appearing to use much more flexed knee postures than nonleaping species. The anterior placement of the regions of maximum subchondral bone apparent density in the subfossil specimens of Hadropithecus and Pachylemur suggests that both species differed from leaping primates and included in their broad range of knee postures rather extended postures. For Hadropithecus, this result is consistent with other evidence for terrestrial locomotion. Pachylemur, reconstructed on the basis of other evidence as a committed arboreal quadruped, likely employed extended knee postures in other activities such as hindlimb suspension, in addition to occasional terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

We report on and name two new taxa of basal crocodylomorph archosaurs from the Lower Jurassic, Litargosuchus leptorhynchus gen. et sp. nov. , from the upper Elliot Formation (Stormberg Group) of South Africa, and Kayentasuchus walkeri gen. et sp. nov. , from the Kayenta Formation (Glen Canyon Group) of Arizona, USA. Examination of this material led to a reconsideration of basal crocodylomorph interrelationships. A phylogenetic analysis found no support for the monophyly of Sphenosuchia.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 136 , 77–95.  相似文献   

Extant rhinoceroses share the characteristic nasal horn, although the number and size of horns varies among the five species. Although all species are herbivores, their dietary preferences, occipital shapes, and common head postures vary. Traditionally, to predict the “usual” head posture (the most used head posture of animals during normal unstressed activities, i.e., standing) of rhinos, the occipital shape was used. While a backward inclined occiput implies a downward hanging head (often found in grazers), a forward inclined occiput is related to the horizontal head posture in browsing rhinos. In this study, the lateral semicircular canal (LSC) of the bony labyrinth was virtually reconstructed from µCT‐images in order to investigate a possible link between LSC orientation and head posture in extant rhinoceroses. The usual head posture was formerly reconstructed for several non‐rhinoceros taxa with the assumption that the LSC of the inner ear is held horizontal (parallel to the ground) during normal activity of the living animal. The current analysis of the LSC orientation resulted in a downward inclined usual head posture for the grazing white rhinoceros and a nearly horizontal head posture in the browsing Javan rhinoceros. The other three browsing or mixed feeding species show subhorizontal (closer to horizontal than a downgrade inclination) head postures. The results show that anatomical and behavioral aspects, like occipital shape, presence and size of horns/tusk‐like lower incisors, as well as feeding and feeding height preferences influence the usual head posture. Because quantitative behavioral data are lacking for the usual head postures of the extant rhinos, the here described relationship between the LSC orientation and the resulting head posture linked to feeding preferences gives new insights. The results show, that the inner ear provides additional information to interpret usual head postures linked to feeding preferences that can easily be adapted to fossil rhinoceroses.  相似文献   

The human gluteus maximus differs from that of the other hominoids because of its size and bony attachments. These differences raise questions concerning their sequence of appearance in human evolution. Given that humans practice a unique locomotor style, one wonders if the human gluteus maximus morphology is a prerequisite or a consequence of upright bipedal locomotion. This question is addressed using a computer model that evaluates muscle leverage in a variety of locomotor postures. In this model, the human-like, or ape-like, muscular pattern is imposed upon a representative hindlimb of each of the five extant hominoids. Shapes of the skeletal elements (i.e. ilium and ischium lengths) are adjusted in the computer to simulate an evolutionary progression from an ape to a human skeletal morphology. Changes in the leverage of different parts of the gluteus maximus (measured as moment arms) are monitored during this transition. The results show how the mechanical leverages of the gluteus maximus would have changed in a variety of hypothetical evolutionary sequences that describe an ape to human transition. Although the hominoid models exhibit minor differences in these simulations, they all show that the postural and locomotor functions of the gluteus maximus would become more difficult if musculoskeletal morphology changed to the human-like pattern before erect bipedal posture was adopted. Conversely, small adjustments in the ape-like musculoskeletal condition support an erect bipedal posture. These results suggest that a human like posture would have preceded the appearance of the human-like musculoskeletal morphology. Human gluteal morphology, therefore, is a consequence and not a prerequisite of the upright bipedal posture.  相似文献   

Postcranial pneumaticity has been reported in numerous extinct sauropsid groups including pterosaurs, birds, saurischian dinosaurs, and, most recently, both crurotarsan and basal archosauriform taxa. By comparison with extant birds, pneumatic features in fossils have formed the basis for anatomical inferences concerning pulmonary structure and function, in addition to higher-level inferences related to growth, metabolic rate, and thermoregulation. In this study, gross dissection, vascular and pulmonary injection, and serial sectioning were employed to assess the manner in which different soft tissues impart their signature on the axial skeleton in a sample of birds, crocodylians, and lizards. Results from this study indicate that only cortical foramina or communicating fossae connected with large internal chambers are reliable and consistent indicators of pneumatic invasion of bone. As both vasculature and pneumatic diverticula may produce foramina of similar sizes and shapes, cortical features alone do not necessarily indicate pneumaticity. Noncommunicating (blind) vertebral fossae prove least useful, as these structures are associated with many different soft-tissue systems. This Pneumaticity Profile (PP) was used to evaluate the major clades of extinct archosauriform taxa with purported postcranial pneumaticity. Unambiguous indicators of pneumaticity are present only in certain ornithodiran archosaurs (e.g., sauropod and theropod dinosaurs, pterosaurs). In contrast, the basal archosauriform Erythrosuchus africanus and other nonornithodiran archosaurs (e.g., parasuchians) fail to satisfy morphological criteria of the PP, namely, that internal cavities are absent within bone, even though blind fossae and/or cortical foramina are present on vertebral neural arches. An examination of regional pneumaticity in extant avians reveals remarkably consistent patterns of diverticular invasion of bone, and thus provides increased resolution for inferring specific components of the pulmonary air sac system in their nonavian theropod ancestors. By comparison with well-preserved exemplars from within Neotheropoda (e.g., Abelisauridae, Allosauroidea), the following pattern emerges: pneumaticity of cervical vertebrae and ribs suggests pneumatization by lateral vertebral diverticula of a cervical air sac system, with sacral pneumaticity indicating the presence of caudally expanding air sacs and/or diverticula. The identification of postcranial pneumaticity in extinct taxa minimally forms the basis for inferring a heterogeneous pulmonary system with distinct exchange and nonexchange (i.e., air sacs) regions. Combined with inferences supporting a rigid, dorsally fixed lung, osteological indicators of cervical and abdominal air sacs highlight the fundamental layout of a flow-through pulmonary apparatus in nonavian theropods.  相似文献   

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