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Summary Factors affecting seedling Virola surinamensis (Myristicaceae) survival and growth were investigated on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Seedlings planted 3 months after germination were monitored in treefall gaps and understory using 2.25 ha irrigated and control plots through the first dry season. During the dry season, irrigated plants in gaps increased total leaf area significantly more than did irrigated plants in the shaded understory. Over the same dry season, control plants in gaps and in the shaded understory lost similar amounts of leaf area. Seedlings in understory were suppressed in stem height and biomass in both irrigated and control plots; these measures were greater in gaps and greatest in irrigated gaps (height). Roots were similar in length in all treatments, but greater in biomass in gaps than understory due to greater proliferation of secondary roots in control and irrigated gaps than in control and irrigated understory. This experiment demonstrates both water and light limitation during the first dry season after germination. V. surinamensis seedlings are capable of survival and modest growth of leaf area in the deep shade of the understory in moist locations; they are severely disadvantaged in shaded understory subject to drought, where most seeds fall and most seedlings establish. The broken canopy of a gap allows shoot and consequently root growth that permits seedlings to survive seasonal drought.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are important enzymes involved in the regulation of hormone synthesis and in the detoxification and/or activation of xenobiotics. CYPs are found in virtually all organisms, from archae, and eubacteria to eukaryota. A number of endocrine disruptors are suspected of exerting their effects through disruption of normal CYP function. Consequently, alterations in steroid hormone metabolism through changes in CYP could provide an important tool to evaluate potential effects of endocrine disruptors. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of the known CYP modulator, benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), on the testosterone metabolism in the invertebrate Neomysis integer (Crustacea; Mysidacea). N. integer were exposed for 96 h to 0.43, 2.39, 28.83, 339.00 and 1682.86 μg B(a)P L− 1 and a solvent control, and subsequently their ability to metabolize testosterone was assessed. Identification and quantification of the produced phase I and phase II testosterone metabolites was performed using liquid chromatography coupled with multiple mass spectrometry (LC–MS2). Significant changes were observed in the overall ability of N. integer to metabolize testosterone when exposed to 2.39, 28.83, 339.00 and 1682.86 μg B(a)P L− 1 as compared to the control animals.  相似文献   

Lord JC  Howard RW 《Mycopathologia》2004,158(2):211-217
Maximum challenge exposure of Liposcelis bostrychophila to Beauveria bassiana, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, Aspergillus parasiticus or Metarhizium anisopliae resulted in no more than 16% mortality. We investigated several of L. bostrychophila's cuticular lipids for possible contributions to its tolerance for entomopathogenic fungi. Saturated C14 and C16 fatty acids did not reduce the germination rates of B. bassiana or M. anisopliae conidia. Saturated C6 to C12 fatty acids that have not been identified in L. bostrychophila cuticular extracts significantly reduced germination, but the reduction was mitigated by the presence of stearamide. Cis-6-hexadecenal did not affect germination rates. Mycelial growth of either fungal species did not occur in the presence of caprylic acid, was reduced by the presence of lauric acid, and was not significantly affected by palmitic acid. Liposcelis bostrychophila is the only insect for which fatty acid amides have been identified as cuticular components. Stearamide, its major fatty amide, did not reduce germination of B. bassiana or M. anisopliae conidia or growth of their mycelia. Adhesion of conidia to stearamide preparations did not differ significantly from adhesion to the cuticle of L. bostrychophila. Pretreatment of a beetle known to be fungus-susceptible, larval Oryzaephilus surinamensis, with stearamide significantly decreased adhesion of B. bassiana or M. anisopliae conidia to their cuticles. This evidence indicates that cuticular fatty amides may contribute to L. bostrychophila's tolerance for entomopathogenic fungi by decreasing hydrophobicity and static charge, thereby reducing conidial adhesion.  相似文献   

Snails’ susceptibilities to infection with Schistosoma mansoni were determined through observation of infection rates, total cercarial production and tissue responses of the first generation (F1) of Biomphalaria alexandrina snails, originally collected from different Egyptian governorates (Giza, Fayoum, Kafr El-Sheikh, Ismailia and Damietta) and responses were compared between groups. The emergence of cercariae for a 3-month period and the calculation of survival and infection rates, in control (Schistosome Biological Supply Center; SBSC) and infected snails were evaluated. SBSC and Giza snails showed greater susceptibilities to infection and lower mortality rates. In addition, at 6 and 72 h post-exposure to miracidia all the snail groups showed no difference in the anatomical locations of sporocysts. The larvae were found in the head-foot, the mantle collar and the tentacles of the snails. Sporocysts showed normal development with low tissue reactions in SBSC and Giza snail groups infected with S. mansoni miracidia (SBSC). However, in Fayoum, Kafr El-Sheikh, Ismailia and Damietta snail groups, variable tissue responses were observed in which numerous hemocytes made direct contact with S. mansoni larvae forming capsules. The results suggested that, different responses of B. alexandrina snail’s hemocytes towards S. mansoni are related to the degree of susceptibility of these snails. So this is important in planning the strategy of schistosomiasis control.  相似文献   

Recent reports of the biocontrolpotential of the mite species Acarophenaxlacunatus (Cross & Krantz) (Prostigmata:Acarophenacidae) and the lack of biologicalstudies on this regulatory agent led to thepresent study carried out under laboratoryconditions. The objective of the investigationwas to assess the host range of A. lacunatus,so far only reported as egg parasite ofRhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera:Bostrichidae). Four Coleoptera species ofstored cereals were used: R. dominica,Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Tenebrionidae),Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens)(Laemophloeidae) and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Cucujidae). The highest rates of eggparasitism were observed on R. dominica and T.castaneum, leading to a significant decrease ofpopulations of both species and reduced wheatweight loss. A. lacunatus was also able toparasitize eggs of C. ferrugineus, but not ofO. surinamensis. These results indicate abroader host range of A. lacunatus thaninitially suspected and also strengthen itspossibility of use in integrated pestmanagement programs in storage environments.  相似文献   

The concept of encapsulating semiochemicals into a starch matrix is being studied for potential use in corn rootworm (CRW) management programs. During 1987, experiments were conducted to determine: 1) If volatile plant-derived Diabrotica spp. attractants could be encapsulated in a starch borate matrix (SBM), and 2) If various SBM-semiochemical formulations would attract Diabrotica species over time in field corn. Chemical analyses of fresh SBM formulations indicated that indole, estragole, veratrole, phenylacetaldehyde, and trans-anethole were not retained during formulation but trans-cinnamaldehyde, Beta-ionone, 1,2,4,-trimethoxybenzene, eugenol and isugenol were successfully encapsulated. Encapsulated semiochemical formulations were made into 20 mesh granules, placed in Pherocon ® 1C traps that were tied to corn plants, and sampled for CRW adults every 4 days from 11 July to 8 September. Field data indicated that encapsulated semiochemicals were retained in the SBM for varying lengths of time and were released at rates attractive to CRW adults. A two-component mixture of trans-cinnamaldehyde and 1,2,4-trimethoxybenzene was the most effective formulation tested; however, no formulation was effective during corn silking and pollination. Although seasonal variation in CRW response could limit the usefulness of some plant-derived semiochemicals, the starch matrix concept may be useful as a delivery system for semiochemicals and may have potential as a tool that could be used in the development of new more biorational CRW management programs.
Résumé Le programme expérimental de 1987 était destiné à déterminer: 1) si les substances dérivées de végétaux et attractives pour Diabrotica pouvaient être encapsulées dans de l'amidon additionné d'acide borique; 2) si différentes formules attireraient les différentes espèces de Diabrotica dans un champ de maïs.L'indol, l'estragol, le vératrol, le phénylacétaldéhyde et le trans-anéthol n'ont pas été retenus, tandis que le trans-cinnamaldéhyde, la \-ionone, le 1,2,4-triméthobenzène, l'eugénol et l'isugénol ont été encapsulés avec succès dans des pièges attachés à des pieds de maïs (les détails techniques sont fournis). Les pièges ont été relevés tous les 4 jours du 11 juillet au 8 septembre. Les résultats montrent que les substances allélochimiques sont conservées dans la capsule pendant des durées variables et libérées à des concentrations attractives pour les Diabrotica adultes. Un mélange de trans-cinnamaldéhyde et de 1,2,4,-triméthoxybenzène a été la formule la plus efficace, à l'exception des périodes de formation des barbes et du pollen, où aucune formule n'a été attractive. Bien que la variation saisonnière des réactions de Diabrotica limite l'utilisation des substances allélochimiques d'origine végétale, la capsule d'amidon peut être employée pour libérer des substances allélochimiques et constitue un outil potentiel pour la mise au point d'une méthode plus rationnelle de lutte contre Diabrotica.

We have used the lacZ reversion assay to study the mutation spectra induced by the Escherichia coli chromosomal umuDC operon and of its two plasmid-borne analogues impCAB and mucAB following exposure of cells to UV light and methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS). We have shown that the impCAB, mucAB and umuDC operons all produce a similar response to UV light which results almost exclusively in AT GC transitions. However, we found that the three operons produced different responses to alkylating agents. We found that with MMS the chromosomal umuDC operon produced almost exclusively AT GC transitions, whilst both mucAB and impCAB produced predominantly transversions. In the case of the impCAB operon the mutation spectrum contained more AT TA than GC TA transversions; this balance was reversed with mucAB. The effect of the copy number of the error-prone DNA repair operons upon the mutagenic spectra was also studied. The results obtained suggest that the copy number of the imp operon does not greatly affect the specificity of base substitutions observed. However, an increase in the copy number of the umuDC operon greatly affected the specificity of base substitution, such that virtually no transitions were produced and the spectrum was dominated by GC/AT TA transversions. It appears that the three error-prone DNA repair operons impCAB, mucAB and umuDC, despite showing strong structural and functional homologies, can display major differences in the spectrum of base changes induced during mutagenesis. We propose that the type of misincorporation/chain extension which DNA polymerase III is allowed to synthesize on a damaged DNA template is extremely sensitive to both the amount and type of error-prone repair proteins present. The modulation of these events by the different proteins can result in widely different mutagenic changes in the repaired DNA.  相似文献   

This article presents the population growth responses of Tetrahymena shanghaiensis s1 in exposure to rare earth elements (REEs). Both the light REEs (La, Sm) and the heavy REEs (Y, Gd) were investigated with 24- and 96-hr population growth assays to evaluate their aquatic toxicity. Four end points, cell count, frequency of neutral red (NR) uptake, total protein, and nucleic acid content were employed in the 24-h assay, and a population growth curve was plotted in the 96-h assay. The results of 24- and 96-h assays suggest a dual effect of REEs on T. shanghaiensis of the stimulated growth at low concentrations and the toxicity at higher ones. In the promoted growth of T. shanghaiensis, however, the cell density increased with an increased growth rate and the protein and nucleic acid content per 104 cells undertook no remarkable changes, which suggests possible cell growth control by REE.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts (HDF) rarely, if ever, undergo spontaneous transformation to an immortalized cell type. Here we report the immortalization of an HDF cell line following transduction with cyclin A2 or cdk1 human genes via retroviral vectors. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies using the retroviral vector as a probe indicate that these cell lines are monoclonal. No telomerase activity could be detected in these cell lines, and the telomere length in the immortalized cells was observed to be 10-20 kb longer than that in low-passage cells from the parental fibroblast line. Cytogenetic studies revealed that the immortal lines share common chromosomal aberrations. FISH studies with a probe for p53 revealed loss of one copy of this gene which was associated with reduced steady-state levels of both p53 and p53-regulated p21(WAF1/Sdi1/CIP1) messages in both quiescent and proliferating immortalized cultures relative to the parental cells. Additional FISH studies with probes for p16(INK4a) and Rb, carried out after the immortalized cells proliferated in excess of 100 population doublings, also revealed loss of one copy of these genes in both cell lines. These cell lines, together with the well-characterized parental cells, could provide useful research material for the study of the mechanisms of immortalization and of regulation of proliferative senescence in HDF.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-eight male chicks (Columbia × New Hampshire) were given feed amended with autoclaved culture material (CM) ofFusarium proliferatum Containing fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and moniliformin in 3 separate feeding trials. Purified FB1 and moniliformin were given separately and in combination in a fourth feeding trial. Birds were given amended rations at day 1 (Trial 1 and 4), day 7 (Trial 2), and day 21 (Trial 3) and their respective ration was given for 28 days (Trial 1), 21 days (Trial 2), 7 days (Trial 3), and 14 days (Trial 4). FB1 concentrations were 546, 193, and 61 ppm; FB2 were 98, 38 and 14 ppm; and moniliformin were 367, 193, and 66 ppm in the first 3 feeding trial regimens. Chicks in Trial 4 were given dietary concentrations of purified FB1 at 274 and 125 ppm, and moniliformin at 154 and 27 ppm. FB1 and moniliformin, both alone and in combination, produced dose-responsive clinical signs, reduced weight gains and mortality in chicks. Age of birds given amended feeds had little difference in the clinical response; however, those given the rations from days 7 or 21 were slightly less susceptible than those given rations beginning at 1 day of age. Additive effects were noted when the toxins were given in combination. When toxins were given separately, adverse effects took longer to occur. A system to monitor pattern and rate of defecation (RD) was developed for assessing the chicks' approach to feed, water and heat source as illness progressed. Our results indicate that chicks fed corn heavily infected withF. proliferatum under field conditions could suffer acute death similar to that described for spiking mortality syndrome during the first 3 weeks of age.  相似文献   

In order to study the responses of winter wheat cultivars released in different years to short-term high O3 exposure, an old cultivar (‘Nongda 311’, released in 1960s) and a modern one (‘Yannong 19’, released in 1990s) were treated with an O3 exposure (145 ± 12 mm3 m−3, 4 h d−1 for 3 d) shortly after anthesis stage (> 50 % main stems blossomed). During the O3 exposure, light-saturated photosynthetic rate (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) of both cultivars decreased considerably. Elevated O3 did not decrease dark-adapted maximum photochemical efficiency, but induced significant reduction in actual photochemical efficiency and thereby considerably increase in non-photochemical quenching. P N, g s of the modern cultivar ‘Yannong 19’ decreased more than the older one ‘Nongda 311’, indicating the former exhibited higher sensitivity to O3 than the latter. After O3 exposure, P N, g s and chlorophyll (Chl) content in flag leaf decreased more quickly than control, indicating induction of faster premature leaf senescence. As a result, the short-term O3 exposure caused substantial yield loss, with larger reduction in ‘Yannong 19’ (−19.2 %) than in ‘Nongda 311’ (−8.4 %). Our results indicated that high O3 exposure at grain filling stage would have greater negative impacts on the high yielding modern cultivar relative to the old one with lower yield.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis BD170, harboring a plasmid pGT44[phyC] carrying the phytase gene (phyC) and a phosphate-depletion inducible pst-promoter, was grown in a 2 l bioreactor. Using a controlled feeding of glucose, high cell densities of 32 and 56 g dry cell weight l–1 were achieved with peptone and yeast extract, respectively, as the complex nitrogen sources in a semi-defined growth medium. The fed-batch protocol was applied to production of recombinant phytase and a high extracellular phytase activity (48 U ml–1) was reached with peptone. Although the yeast extract feeding resulted in a higher cell density, it was unsuitable as a medium component for phytase expression due to its relatively high phosphate content.  相似文献   

Somatic embryos from immature cotyledons in peanut (Arachis hypogaea) were initiated on media supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d). Over 90% primary embryogenesis and 41–46% repetitive embryogenesis were obtained 12 weeks after initiation by maintaining embryogenic cultures on medium containing 20 mg 1-1 2,4-d. Maintenance of cultures on medium with 30 or 40 mg I-1 2,4-d resulted in lower primary and secondary embryogenesis, and proliferation of nonembryogenic callus. Transfer of embryogenic cultures to a secondary medium with 10 or 20 mg I-1 2,4-d significantly enhanced secondary embryogenesis compared to basal medium without the growth regulator. The use of Murashige & Skoog versus Finer's media had no significant effect on embryogenesis (85–95%), repetitive embryogenesis (11–37%) or mean embryo number. Secondary embryogenesis was also maintained for over one year by repeated subculture of isolated somatic embryos on medium with 20 mg I-1 2,4-d.Abbreviations B5 Gamborg et al. medium (Gamborg et al. 1968) - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FN Finer & Nagasawa medium (Finer & Nagasawa 1968) - MS Murashige & Skoog medium (Murashige & Skoog 1962)  相似文献   

Summary Two species of freshwater snails, Physa acuta and Lymnaea sp. aff. columella, were collected from Asabata marsh, Shizuoka Japan. Individuals of both species inhabit the same plants. Individuals of P. acuta are more abundant than those of L. sp. aff. columella. Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of water conditioned by snails on the growth of 10-day-old juvenile P. acuta snails. Juvenile snails in water conditioned by L. sp. aff. columella grew faster than those in water conditioned by P. acuta or only lettuce. The effects of water conditioned by P. acuta differed among the litters. The results suggest that juvenile P. acuta snails experience accelated growth in the presence of L. sp. aff. columella. The freshwater snails interacted through resource competition as well as through substances disolved in the water.  相似文献   

Sublethal effects in the aquatic snail Melanoides tuberculata were examined during exposure to whole cell extracts of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and live C. raciborskii cultures, containing varying concentrations of algal cells, cellular debris, and the blue-green algal toxin, cylindrospermopsin (CYN). Exposure to whole cell extracts or live algal cultures did not result in significant changes in adult snail behaviour or relative growth rates. However, clear changes in the number of hatchlings released from parent snails were observed. Exposure to whole cell extracts containing ≥200 μg L−1 extracellular CYN resulted in an increase in the number of hatchlings. In contrast, decreases in hatchling number were recorded from treatments containing ≥200 μg L−1 CYN during exposures to live C. raciborskii cultures, compared with controls. This suggests that CYN may be more toxic to grazing invertebrates if present in the intracellular form. Since CYN is a protein synthesis inhibitor, it is possible that CYN may be especially toxic to rapidly developing tissues such as snail embryos. This may also explain the lack of effects observed in adult snails.  相似文献   

Summary The alc mutation affects the ripening and storability of tomato fruit. The alteration of fruit color in alc lines is due to a reduction in total pigment and a reduction in lycopene relative to total carotinoids. Polygalacturonase (PG) activity is reduced to less than 5% of normal, and the isozymes PG2a and PG2b are absent in alc fruit. The level of anti-PG precipitable proteins is also reduced to less than 5% of normal. Total polyA + mRNA is not significantly reduced in ripening alc fruit, but hybridization of polyA + mRNA to different ripening-related cDNA clones showed that specific mRNAs are present at reduced levels in the mutant. Specific mRNA levels were reduced to 10%–80% of normal levels, depending on the cDNA clone used as the probe. PG mRNA was present at 5%–10% of the normal level.All effects of alc on fruit ripening are relived in the line Alcobaca-red, which arose spontaneously from the original alc line, Alcobaca. The Alcobaca-red trait segregates as a single dominant trait at or very near the alc locus, and it is probably the result of a reverse mutation at the alc locus.The chromosomal locations of regions homologous to 5 ripening-related cDNA probes were determined. Regions homologous to 4 of these probes map to chromosomes other than chromosome 10, indicating that the effects of alc are transactive. A cDNA clone for PG was homologous to only one chromosomal region. This region is located on chromosome 10, which is also the chromosome on which alc and nor are located.  相似文献   

Reichman  S.M.  Menzies  N.W.  Asher  C.J.  Mulligan  D.R. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):341-350
Little is known about the responses of Australian plants to excess metal, including Mn. It is important to remedy this lack of information so that knowledgeable decisions can be made about managing Mn contaminated sites where inhabited by Australian vegetation. Acacia holosericea, Melaleuca leucadendra, Eucalyptus crebra and Eucalyptus camaldulensis were grown in dilute solution culture for 10 weeks. The seedlings (42 days old) were exposed to six Mn treatments viz., 1, 8, 32, 128, 512 and 2048 M. The order of tolerance to toxic concentrations of Mn was A. holosericea E. crebra < M. leucadendra < E. camaldulensis, the critical external concentrations being approximately 5.1, 5.0, 21 and 330 M, respectively. The critical tissue Mn concentrations for the youngest fully expanded leaf and total shoots were, respectively, 265 and 215 g g–1 DM for A. holosericea, 445 and 495 g g–1 DM for M. leucadendra, 495 and 710 g g–1 DM for E. crebra and 7230 and 6510 g g–1 DM for E. camaldulensis. The high tolerance of E. camaldulensis (as opposed to the sensitivity of E. crebra) to excess Mn raises concern about fauna feeding on the plant and is consistent with hypotheses suggesting the Eucalyptus subgenus Symphomyrtus is particularly tolerant of stress, including excess Mn. The results from this paper provide the first comprehensive combination of growth responses, critical external concentrations, critical tissue concentrations and plant toxicity symptoms for three important Australian genera, viz., Eucalyptus, Acacia and Melaleuca, for use in the management of Mn toxic sites.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, hosts exposed twice to sand fly saliva are protected against severe leishmaniasis. However, people in endemic areas are exposed to the vector over a long term and may experience sand fly-free periods. Therefore, we exposed mice long- or short-term to Phlebotomus duboscqi bites, followed by Leishmania major infection either immediately or after a sand fly-free period. We showed that protection against leishmaniasis is limited to short-term exposure to sand flies immediately before infection. Our results may explain the persistence of leishmaniasis in endemic areas and should be taken into account when designing anti-Leishmania vaccines based on sand fly saliva.  相似文献   

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