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Baldev K. Vig 《Genetics》1982,102(4):795-806
The late metaphase-early anaphase cells from various tissues of male Mus musculus, M. poschiavinus, M. spretus, M. castaneus, female and male Bos taurus (cattle) and female Myopus schisticolor (wood lemming) were analyzed for centromeres that showed separation into two daughter centromeres and those that did not show such separation. In all strains and species of mouse the Y chromosome is the first one to separate, as is the X or Y in the cattle. These sex chromosomes are devoid of constitutive heterochromatin, whereas all autosomes in these species carry detectable quantities. In cattle, the late replicating X chromosome appears to separate later than the active X. In the wood lemming the three pairs of autosomes with the least amount of centromeric constitutive heterochromatin separate first. These are followed by the separation of seven pairs of autosomes carrying medium amounts of constitutive heterochromatin. Five pairs of autosomes with the largest amounts of constitutive heterochromatin are the last in the sequence of separation. The sex chromosomes with medium amounts of constitutive heterochromatin around the centromere, and a very large amount of distal heterochromatin, separate among the very late ones but are not the last. These observations assign a specific role to centromeric constitutive heterochromatin and also indicate that nonproximal heterochromatin does not exert control over the sequence in which the centromeres in the genome separate. It appears that qualitative differences among various types of constitutive heterochromatin are as important as quantitative differences in controlling the separation of centromeres.  相似文献   

A high resolution procedure for analyzing human centromeric heterochromatin is described. The combined use of decondensation agents of pericentromeric heterochromatin and electron microscopy of whole mounted chromosomes allows a more precise identification of centromere and pericentromeric regions.  相似文献   

During mitosis, cohesins hold the sister chromatids together until anaphase when arm cohesins are removed (Peters et al., 2008; Yao and Dai, 2012). The shugoshin (Sgo) proteins play pivotal roles during this stage. There is only one shu- goshin in the fly and budding yeasts, while there are two in other organisms (including fission yeasts). The two mamma- lian shugoshins, Sgol and Sgo2, carry out distinct functions: Sgol mainly in mitosis, and Sgo2 mainly in meiosis and perturbed mitosis. Mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDKI) phosphorylates Sgol, and targets the Sgol-protein phospha- tase 2A (PP2A) complex to protect centromeric cohesin (Kitajima et al., 2006; Tang et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2012),  相似文献   

S. E. Bickel  D. W. Wyman    T. L. Orr-Weaver 《Genetics》1997,146(4):1319-1331
The ord gene is required for proper segregation of all chromosomes in both male and female Drosophila meiosis. Here we describe the isolation of a null ord allele and examine the consequences of ablating ord function. Cytologically, meiotic sister-chromatid cohesion is severely disrupted in flies lacking ORD protein. Moreover, the frequency of missegregation in genetic tests is consistent with random segregation of chromosomes through both meiotic divisions, suggesting that sister cohesion may be completely abolished. However, only a slight decrease in viability is observed for ord null flies, indicating that ORD function is not essential for cohesion during somatic mitosis. In addition, we do not observe perturbation of germ-line mitotic divisions in flies lacking ORD activity. Our analysis of weaker ord alleles suggests that ORD is required for proper centromeric cohesion after arm cohesion is released at the metaphase I/anaphase I transition. Finally, although meiotic cohesion is abolished in the ord null fly, chromosome loss is not appreciable. Therefore, ORD activity appears to promote centromeric cohesion during meiosis II but is not essential for kinetochore function during anaphase.  相似文献   

Gene expression can be silenced by proximity to heterochromatin blocks containing centromeric alpha-satellite DNA. This has been shown experimentally through cis-acting chromosome rearrangements resulting in linear genomic proximity, or through trans-acting changes resulting in intranuclear spatial proximity. Although it has long been been established that centromeres are nonrandomly distributed during interphase, little is known of what determines the three-dimensional organization of these silencing domains in the nucleus. Here, we propose a model that predicts the intranuclear positioning of centromeric heterochromatin for each individual chromosome. With the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy, we show that the distribution of centromeric alpha-satellite DNA in human lymphoid cells synchronized at G(0)/G(1) is unique for most individual chromosomes. Regression analysis reveals a tight correlation between nuclear distribution of centromeric alpha-satellite DNA and the presence of G-dark bands in the corresponding chromosome. Centromeres surrounded by G-dark bands are preferentially located at the nuclear periphery, whereas centromeres of chromosomes with a lower content of G-dark bands tend to be localized at the nucleolus. Consistent with the model, a t(11; 14) translocation that removes G-dark bands from chromosome 11 causes a repositioning of the centromere, which becomes less frequently localized at the nuclear periphery and more frequently associated with the nucleolus. The data suggest that "chromosomal environment" plays a key role in the intranuclear organization of centromeric heterochromatin. Our model further predicts that facultative heterochromatinization of distinct genomic regions may contribute to cell-type specific patterns of centromere localization.  相似文献   

Regulated separation of sister chromatids is the key event of mitosis. Sister chromatids remain cohered from the moment of DNA duplication until anaphase. Two known factors account for cohesion: DNA catenations and cohesin complexes. Premature loss of centromeric cohesion is prevented by the spindle checkpoint. Here we show that sororin, a protein implicated in promoting cohesion through effects on cohesin complexes, is involved in maintenance of cohesion in response to the spindle checkpoint. Sororin-depleted cells reach prometaphase with cohered sister chromatids and are able to form metaphase plates. However, loss of cohesion in anaphase is asynchronous and cells are unresponsive to the spindle checkpoint, accumulating with separated sisters scattered throughout the cytoplasm. These phenotypes are similar to those seen after Shugoshin depletion, suggesting that sororin and Shugoshin might act in concert. Furthermore, sororin-depleted and Shugoshin-depleted cells lose cohesion independently of the APC/C. Therefore, sororin and Shugoshin protect centromeric cohesion in response to the spindle checkpoint, but prevent the removal of cohesion by a mechanism independent of the APC/C.  相似文献   

The assembly of the mitotic centromere has been extensively studied in recent years, revealing the sequence and regulation of protein loading to this chromosome domain. However, few studies have analyzed centromere assembly during mammalian meiosis. This study specifically targets this approach on mouse spermatocytes. We have found that during prophase I, the proteins of the chromosomal passenger complex Borealin, INCENP, and Aurora-B load sequentially to the inner centromere before Shugoshin 2 and MCAK. The last proteins to be assembled are the outer kinetochore proteins BubR1 and CENP-E. All these proteins are not detected at the centromere during anaphase/telophase I and are then reloaded during interkinesis. The loading sequence of the analyzed proteins is similar during prophase I and interkinesis. These findings demonstrate that the interkinesis stage, regularly overlooked, is essential for centromere and kinetochore maturation and reorganization previous to the second meiotic division. We also demonstrate that Shugoshin 2 is necessary for the loading of MCAK at the inner centromere, but is dispensable for the loading of the outer kinetochore proteins BubR1 and CENP-E.  相似文献   

Regular meiotic chromosome segregation requires sister centromeres to mono-orient (orient to the same pole) during the first meiotic division (meiosis I) when homologous chromosomes segregate, and to bi-orient (orient to opposite poles) during the second meiotic division (meiosis II) when sister chromatids segregate. Both orientation patterns require cohesion between sister centromeres, which is established during meiotic DNA replication and persists until anaphase of meiosis II. Meiotic cohesion is mediated by a conserved four-protein complex called cohesin that includes two structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) subunits (SMC1 and SMC3) and two non-SMC subunits. In Drosophila melanogaster, however, the meiotic cohesion apparatus has not been fully characterized and the non-SMC subunits have not been identified. We have identified a novel Drosophila gene called sisters unbound (sunn), which is required for stable sister chromatid cohesion throughout meiosis. sunn mutations disrupt centromere cohesion during prophase I and cause high frequencies of non-disjunction (NDJ) at both meiotic divisions in both sexes. SUNN co-localizes at centromeres with the cohesion proteins SMC1 and SOLO in both sexes and is necessary for the recruitment of both proteins to centromeres. Although SUNN lacks sequence homology to cohesins, bioinformatic analysis indicates that SUNN may be a structural homolog of the non-SMC cohesin subunit stromalin (SA), suggesting that SUNN may serve as a meiosis-specific cohesin subunit. In conclusion, our data show that SUNN is an essential meiosis-specific Drosophila cohesion protein.  相似文献   

Centromeres are chromosomal sites of microtubule binding that ensure correct mitotic segregation of chromosomes to daughter cells. This process is mediated by a special centromere-specific histone H3 variant (CenH3), which packages centromeric chromatin and epigenetically maintains the centromere at a distinct chromosomal location. However, CenH3 is present at low abundance relative to canonical histones, presenting a challenge for the isolation and characterization of the chaperone machinery that assembles CenH3 into nucleosomes at centromeres. To address this challenge, we used controlled overexpression of Drosophila CenH3 (CID) and an efficient biochemical purification strategy offered by in vivo biotinylation of CID to successfully purify and characterize the soluble CID nucleosome assembly complex. It consists of a singlechaperone protein, RbAp48, complexed with CID and histone H4. RbAp48 is also found in protein complexes that assemble canonical histone H3 and replacement histone H3.3. Here, we highlight the benefits of our improved biotin-mediated purification method, and address the question of how the simple CID/H4-RbAp48 chaperone complex can mediate nucleosome assembly specifically at centromeres.  相似文献   

With the most recent releases of the Drosophila melanogaster genome sequences, much of the previously absent heterochromatic sequences have now been annotated. We undertook an extensive genetic analysis of existing lethal mutations, as well as molecular mapping and sequence analysis (using a candidate gene approach) to identify as many essential genes as possible in the centromeric heterochromatin on the right arm of the second chromosome (2Rh) of D. melanogaster. We also utilized available RNA interference lines to knock down the expression of genes in 2Rh as another approach to identifying essential genes. In total, we verified the existence of eight novel essential loci in 2Rh: CG17665, CG17683, CG17684, CG17883, CG40127, CG41265, CG42595, and Atf6. Two of these essential loci, CG41265 and CG42595, are synonymous with the previously characterized loci l(2)41Ab and unextended, respectively. The genetic and molecular analysis of the previously reported locus, l(2)41Ae, revealed that this is not a single locus, but rather it is a large region of 2Rh that extends from unextended (CG42595) to CG17665 and includes four of the novel loci uncovered here.THE term “heterochromatin” was introduced by Heitz (1928) to describe regions of mitotic chromosomes that remain condensed throughout the cell cycle, in contrast to regions of euchromatin, which condense only during cell division. Heterochromatin was later divided into two classes: constitutive and facultative heterochromatin (Brown 1966). Constitutive heterochromatin is found in large blocks near centromeres and telomeres, while facultative heterochromatin can be described as silenced euchromatin that undergoes heterochromatization at specific developmental stages. Other properties of constitutive heterochromatin include late replication in S phase, low gene density, strikingly reduced level of meiotic recombination, enrichment in transposable element sequences and highly repetitive satellite DNA sequences, and the ability to silence euchromatic gene expression in a phenomenon called position effect variegation.Approximately 30% of the Drosophila melanogaster genome consists of constitutive heterochromatin (Gatti and Pimpinelli 1992). Centromeric heterochromatin in D. melanogaster is composed of mainly middle-repeat satellite DNA sequences and clusters of transposable element sequences (Lohe et al. 1993; Pimpinelli et al. 1995). Genes that reside in the heterochromatin are scattered like islands between the satellites and clusters of transposable elements. On average, heterochromatic genes are larger than euchromatic genes, primarily due to the prevalent accumulation of transposable element sequences in their introns (Devlin et al. 1990; Biggs et al. 1994; Dimitri et al. 2003a,b; Hoskins et al. 2007). Heterochromatic genes also tend to be AT-rich compared to their euchromatic counterparts; there is some evidence suggesting that the coding sequences of heterochromatic genes evolve toward AT richness in response to being located in heterochromatin (Yasuhara et al. 2005; Díaz-Castillo and Golic 2007).Drosophila heterochromatin is vastly under-replicated in polytene chromosomes, so heterochromatic genes cannot easily be mapped through polytene analysis. However, by using Hoechst 33258 and N-chromosome banding techniques, Dimitri (1991) was successful in dividing heterochromatin in mitotic chromosomes into distinct cytological bands; this was an important step in mapping the precise location of heterochromatic genes because before this time heterochromatic genes could be mapped only relative to one another. Here we focus on further refining the previous mapping work on essential genes in the proximal heterochromatin of the right arm of the second chromosome (2Rh) in cytological region h41–h46 of D. melanogaster (Hilliker 1976; Hilliker et al. 1980; Coulthard et al. 2003; Myster et al. 2004).Early mapping studies in D. melanogaster putatively placed the light (lt) and rolled (rl) genes in, or near, chromosome 2 heterochromatin (Schultz 1936; Hannah 1951; Hessler 1958). The first large-scale mutagenesis specifically directed at finding vital loci in second chromosome heterochromatin was conducted by Hilliker (1976). Using heterochromatic deletions created by Hilliker and Holm (1975), Hilliker (1976) set out to map vital loci using the mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). He identified seven individual lethal complementation groups in 2Rh that were interpreted as representing seven vital loci. One of these heterochromatic loci was identified as the previously described rl gene. Two of the remaining vital loci have since been identified: Nipped-A is synonymous with the l(2) 41Ah complementation group (Rollins et al. 1999) and RpL38 is synonymous with Minute(2)41A and Hilliker''s (1976) l(2)41Af complementation group (Marygold et al. 2005; also referred to as l(2)Ag in FlyBase). In addition, Rollins et al. (1999) found the Nipped-B gene to be located in 2Rh, but how this locus fit into the data from Hilliker (1976) was unclear.With the limited release of some of the more distal heterochromatic sequences (Hoskins et al. 2002), a more recent mutagenesis screen focusing on distal 2Rh was conducted by Myster et al. (2004). In the region defined by the overlap between Df(2R)41A8 and Df(2R)41A10 (the latter was previously shown to be deficient for most of 2Rh; Hilliker and Holm 1975), Myster et al. (2004) reported the existence of 15 vital loci, considerably more than the 4 essential loci predicted by Hilliker (1976). The discrepancy between these two studies was the catalyst for this current work. Each group used the same mutagen, EMS, yet each group came up with very different interpretations of the number of vital loci.Hilliker''s interpretation relied on earlier evidence that EMS preferentially produced point mutations and not large-scale aberrations (Lim and Snyder 1974). Assuming that the mutants isolated in his study were point mutations, or small aberrations limited to one locus, Hilliker found that some of the loci that he identified exhibited complex interallelic complementation; the most complex complementation pattern was observed with locus l(2)41Ae. On the other hand, the interpretation of Myster et al. (2004) was that heterochromatin was more sensitive to EMS and that EMS could produce large heterochromatic deletions; they proposed that the complex interallelic complementation in l(2)41Ae was due to the presence of deletions and that l(2)41Ae represented a region of 2Rh containing many genes, rather than being a single locus.To resolve these different interpretations of the genomic segment containing l(2)41Ae (i.e., is it a single locus or a region of 2Rh), we set out to map l(2)41Ae and the region surrounding the presumed location of l(2)41Ae (as in Myster et al. 2004) by performing a large-scale inter se complementation analysis between all available mutant lines that were previously mapped to l(2)41Ae (including Nipped-B). In addition, we undertook a molecular mapping and sequence analysis, using a candidate gene approach with the most recent annotation of 2Rh (Hoskins et al. 2007), to characterize the region and identify as many essential genes as possible. We also used these approaches to map l(2)41Ab and unextended [two of the more proximal complementation groups identified by Hilliker (1976)]. Finally, we also utilized available RNA interference (RNAi) lines to knock down the expression of 12 genes in 2Rh in an attempt to identify essential genes.  相似文献   

The kinetochore, a multi-protein complex assembled on centromeric chromatin in mitosis, is essential for sister chromosome segregation. We show here that inhibition of histone deacetylation blocks mitotic progression at prometaphase in two human tumor cell lines by interfering with kinetochore assembly. Decreased amounts of hBUB1, CENP-F and the motor protein CENP-E were present on kinetochores of treated cells. These kinetochores failed to nucleate and inefficiently captured microtubules, resulting in activation of the mitotic checkpoint. Addition of histone deacetylase inhibitors prior to the end of S-phase resulted in decreased HP1-? on pericentromeric heterochromatin in S-phase and G2, decreased pericentromeric targeting of Aurora B kinase, resulting in decreased pre-mitotic phosphorylation of pericentromeric histone H3(S10) in G2, followed by assembly of deficient kinetochores in M-phase. HP1-?, Aurora B and the affected kinetochore proteins all were present at normal levels in treated cells; thus, effects of the inhibitors on mitotic progression do not seem to reflect changes in gene expression. In vitro kinase activity of Aurora B isolated from treated cells was unaffected. We propose that the increased presence in pericentromeric heterochromatin of histone H3 acetylated at K9 is responsible for the mitotic defects resulting from inhibition of histone deacetylation.  相似文献   

Condensins I and II in vertebrates are essential ATP-dependent complexes necessary for chromosome condensation in mitosis. Condensins depletion is known to perturb structure and function of centromeres, however the mechanism of this functional link remains elusive. Depletion of condensin activity is now shown to result in a significant loss of loading of CENP-A, the histone H3 variant found at active centromeres and the proposed epigenetic mark of centromere identity. Absence of condensins and/or CENP-A insufficiency produced a specific kinetochore defect, such that a functional mitotic checkpoint cannot prevent chromosome missegregation resulting from improper attachment of sister kinetochores to spindle microtubules. Spindle microtubule-dependent deformation of both inner kinetochores and the HEC1/Ndc80 microtubule-capturing module, then results in kinetochore separation from the Aurora B pool and ensuing reduced kinase activity at centromeres. Moreover, recovery from mitosis-inhibition by monastrol revealed a high incidence of merotelic attachment that was nearly identical with condensin depletion, Aurora B inactivation, or both, indicating that the Aurora B dysfunction is the key defect leading to chromosome missegregation in condensin-depleted cells. Thus, beyond a requirement for global chromosome condensation, condensins play a pivotal role in centromere assembly, proper spatial positioning of microtubule-capturing modules and positioning complexes of the inner centromere versus kinetochore plates.  相似文献   

Cohesin subunit SMC1β is specific and essential for meiosis. Previous studies showed functions of SMC1β in determining the axis-loop structure of synaptonemal complexes (SCs), in providing sister chromatid cohesion (SCC) in metaphase I and thereafter, in protecting telomere structure, and in synapsis. However, several central questions remained unanswered and concern roles of SMC1β in SCC and synapsis and processes related to these two processes. Here we show that SMC1β substantially supports prophase I SCC at centromeres but not along chromosome arms. Arm cohesion and some of centromeric cohesion in prophase I are provided by non-phosphorylated SMC1α. Besides supporting synapsis of autosomes, SMC1β is also required for synapsis and silencing of sex chromosomes. In absence of SMC1β, the silencing factor γH2AX remains associated with asynapsed autosomes and fails to localize to sex chromosomes. Microarray expression studies revealed up-regulated sex chromosome genes and many down-regulated autosomal genes. SMC1β is further required for non-homologous chromosome associations observed in absence of SPO11 and thus of programmed double-strand breaks. These breaks are properly generated in Smc1β−/− spermatocytes, but their repair is delayed on asynapsed chromosomes. SMC1α alone cannot support non-homologous associations. Together with previous knowledge, three main functions of SMC1β have emerged, which have multiple consequences for spermatocyte biology: generation of the loop-axis architecture of SCs, homologous and non-homologous synapsis, and SCC starting in early prophase I.  相似文献   

We have used in situ hybridization to determine the number ofsites of rDNA in species in the genus Arabidopsis. A. wallichii(2n = 16) has one major pair of sites and one minor pair ofsites, while A. pumila and A. griffithiana (both 2n = 32) havesix major and two minor rDNA sites. A. thaliana (2n = 10) isknown to have two pairs of rDNA sites. a highly repeated para-centromericsequence from A. thaliana, pAL1, is absent in the other threespecies. Hence the A.thaliana genome is not present (or thecentromeric DNA has evolved substantially) in the polyploidspecies A. pumila and A. griffithiana. Analysis of Arabidopsisspecies is a valuable complement to the large programmes forgenetic analysis of A. thaliana.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Arabidopsis, centromeric DNA, maps (genetic), nuclear architecture, repetitive DNA, ribosomal DNA, rDNA, evolution, Brassicaceae, Crucifereae, in situ hybridization  相似文献   

Until recently, little was known of the genetic constitution of the heterochromatic segments of the major autosomes of Drosophila melanogaster . Our previous report described the genetic dissection of the proximal, heterochromatic region of chromosome 2 of Drosophila melanogaster by means of a series of overlapping deficiencies generated by the detachment of compound second autosomes (Hilliker and Holm 1975). Analysis of these deficiencies by inter se complementation, pseudo-dominance tests with proximal mutations and allelism tests with known deficiencies provided evidence for the existence of at least two loci between the centromere and the light locus in 2L and one locus in 2R between the rolled locus and the centromere. These data in conjunction with cytological observations demonstrated that light and rolled and three loci lying between them are located within the proximal heterochromatin of the second chromosome.——The present report describes the further analysis of this region through the induction with ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) of recessive lethals allelic to the 2L and 2R proximal deficiencies associated with the detachment products. Analysis of the 118 EMS-induced recessive lethals and visible mutations recovered provided evidence for seven loci in the 2L heterochromatin and six loci in the 2R heterochromatin, with multiple alleles being obtained for most sites. Of these loci, one in 2L and two in 2R fall near the heterochromatic-euchromatic junctions of 2L and 2R respectively. None of the 113 EMS lethals behaved as a deficiency, implying that the heterochromatic loci uncovered in this study represent nonrepetitive cistrons. Thus functional genetic loci are found in heterochromatin, albeit at a very low density relative to euchromatin.  相似文献   

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