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In recent years, the process of selective autophagy has received much attention with respect to the clearance of protein aggregates, damaged mitochondria, and bacteria. However, until recently, there have been virtually no studies on the selective autophagy of viruses, although they are perhaps one of the most ubiquitous unwanted constituents in human cells. Recently, we have shown that the ability of neuronal Atg5 to protect against lethal Sindbis virus central nervous system (CNS) infection in mice is associated with impaired viral capsid clearance, increased p62 accumulation, and increased neuronal cell death. In vitro, we showed that p62 interacts with the Sindbis capsid protein and targets it for degradation in autophagosomes. Herein, we review these findings and broadly speculate about potential roles of selective viral autophagy in the regulation of host immunity and viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Comment on: Wu, et al. Aging 2009; 1:425-37.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy, referred hereafter to as autophagy is an evolutionary conserved catabolic process for the degradation and recycling of macromolecules, bulk cytoplasm and dammaged organelles. Autophagy is activated under stress conditions induced by nutrient deprivation, hypoxia and drug treatments. Morphologically, autophagic cells are characterized by the accumulation of double membrane cytoplasmic vesicules called autophagosomes that surrounds cytoplasmic proteins and/or organelles. Autophagosomes next fuse with lysosomes to generate autolysosomes, the structures in which the retained constituents are digested before recycling into the cytoplasm. In this context, autophagy promotes cell survival under adverse conditions. In contrast, under certain circumstances autophagic cells may engage a specific mode of cell death called type II cell death or autophagic cell death (ACD). Considering the strategic positionnement of this process at the crossroads of cell death and survival, it is not surprising that defects in autophagy have been linked to a plethora of human diseases, including hematopoietic malignancies. Finally, autophagy induction is repressed by the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and favored by the adenosine-monophosphate activated-protein kinase (AMPK). In the present review, we focus on the functions of autophagy in normal and malignant hematopoiesis and discuss the opportunity to target the AMPK/mTOR pathways as a new therapeutic strategy to fight hematopoietic malignancies with a special emphasis on Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML).  相似文献   

Mounting evidence suggests that autophagy is a more selective process than originally anticipated. The discovery and characterization of autophagic adapters, like p62 and NBR1, has provided mechanistic insight into this process. p62 and NBR1 are both selectively degraded by autophagy and able to act as cargo receptors for degradation of ubiquitinated subtstrates. A direct interaction between these autophagic adapters and the autophagosomal marker protein LC3, mediated by a so-called LIR (LC3-interacting region) motif, their inherent ability to polymerize or aggregate as well as their ability to specifically recognize substrates are required for efficient selective autophagy. These three required features of autophagic cargo receptors are evolutionarily conserved and also employed in the yeast cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway and in the degradation of P granules in C. elegans. Here, we review the mechanistic basis of selective autophagy in mammalian cells discussing the degradation of misfolded proteins, p62 bodies, aggresomes, mitochondria and invading bacteria. The emerging picture of selective autophagy affecting the regulation of cell signaling with consequences for oxidative stress responses, tumorigenesis and innate immunity is also addressed.  相似文献   

Antibacterial autophagy is understood to be a key cellular immune response to invading microbes. However, the mechanism(s) by which bacteria are selected as targets of autophagy remain unclear. We recently identified diacylglycerol as a novel signaling molecule that targets bacteria to the autophagy pathway, and show that it acts via protein kinase C activation. We also found that Pkc1 is required for autophagy in yeast, indicating that this kinase plays a conserved role in autophagy regulation.  相似文献   

Sibling species groups are suitable models for the understanding of inter‐ and intraspecific processes in taxonomy and biogeography. We analysed 262 individuals from the Alps of the Coenonympha arcania/gardetta species complex by allozyme electrophoresis. These taxa showed high variance amongst populations (FST: 0.391) and strong intertaxon genetic differentiation (FCT: 0.376). Although morphologically similar, Coenonympha gardetta and Coenonympha arcania clearly differ in their genetic characteristics; the morphologically intermediate taxa Coenonympha darwiniana darwiniana and Coenonympha darwiniana macromma are genetically well distinguished from each other and the two other taxa. Coenonympha arcania and C. d. macromma most probably share a common ancestor and evolved by cladogenesis, whereas the taxonomic situation of C. d. darwiniana is still unresolved: This taxon might be the result of hybridization between C. arcania and C. gardetta or it might have a common ancestor together with C. gardetta. We suggest species rank for all four taxa. The distribution of genetic diversity of these populations and the differentiation amongst populations suggest rather different biogeographical scenarios: C. arcania most probably is of Mediterranean origin with postglacial range expansion northwards; C. gardetta survived the last ice age in peripheral refugia of the Alps and has spread all over this high mountain system in the postglacial; C. darwiniana and C. macromma survived the Würm in geographic proximity to their actual distribution areas and only have performed moderate uphill translocations during postglacial warming. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 159 , 890–904.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular degradation process with an increasingly recognised importance in many biological pathways such as nutrient sensing, stress responses and development. We present a straightforward assay for autophagy which combines the sensitivity of the EGFP-LC3 reporter protein with the throughput capacity and quantitative power of flow cytometry. Because saponin extraction is specific for the non-autophagosome associated EGFP-LC3-I form of the protein, flow cytometry can be used to measure total fluorescence of saponin extracted HOS-EGFP-LC3 cells as a measure of the levels of autophagosome associated EGFP-LC3-II. Combined with inhibitors of degradation, we have adapted this assay to differentiate between constitutive and induced autophagy and to quantify the changes in flux of the system. Moreover, using direct antibody staining for the endogenous LC3 protein, we have extended this assay to the detection of autophagosome formation in non-transfected cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an intracellular catabolic transport route conserved among all eukaryotic cells. It has multiple important physiological functions, one of which is to act as an immune mechanism against intracellular microbes.1,2 Bacteria and viruses targeted for destruction are sequestered into large double-membrane vesicles called autophagosomes and subsequently delivered to the lysosomes where they are consumed by resident hydrolases. Unfortunately, conserved cellular pathways are often exploited by pathogens to facilitate their entry or replication, and autophagy is no exception. It has become clear that certain bacteria and viruses subvert this process to their advantage.3 Nidoviruses, which comprise coronaviruses and arteriviruses, might be among the successful. Long recognized as the cause of veterinary infections, this group of enveloped, positive-stranded RNA viruses is currently of considerable interest due to the emergence of new human coronaviruses, especially the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-coronavirus. In this mini-review, we will summarize the so far limited number of studies that have demonstrated that double-membrane vesicles resembling autophagosomes are the sites of nidoviruses replication. In addition, we will discuss how the formation of these large vesicles might be induced.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a highly regulated trafficking pathway that leads to selective degradation of cellular constituents such as protein aggregates and excessive and damaged organelles. Atg1 is an essential part of the core autophagic machinery, which triggers induction of autophagy and the Cvt pathway. Although changes in Atg1 phosphorylation and complex formation are thought to regulate its function, the mechanism of Atg1 kinase activation remains unclear. Using a quantitative mass spectrometry approach, we identified 29 phosphorylation sites, of which five are either upregulated or downregulated by rapamycin treatment. Two phosphorylation sites, threonine 226 and serine 230, are evolutionarily conserved and located in the activation loop of the amino terminal kinase domain of Atg1. These phosphorylation events are not required for Atg1 localization to the phagosome assembly site (PAS), or the proper assembly of the multisubunit Atg1 kinase complex and binding to its activator Atg13. However, mutation of either one of these sites results in a loss of Atg1 kinase activity and its function in autophagy and the Cvt pathway. Taken together, our data suggest that phosphorylation of Atg1 on multiple sites provides critical mechanisms to regulate Atg1 function in autophagy and the Cvt pathway.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a major lysosomal degradation pathway for cellular components in eukaryotic cells. Baseline macroautophagy is important for quality control of the cytoplasm in order to avoid the accumulation of cytotoxic products. Its stimulation by various stressful situations, including nutrient starvation, is important in maintaining cell survival. Here we demonstrate that macroautophagy is regulated differently depending on whether HeLa cells adhere to collagen I or collagen IV, proteins typical of connective tissue and basal membrane, respectively. We observed that the basal levels of macroautophagy were higher in cells plated on collagen IV than in cells plated on collagen I or on uncoated substrate. However, the stimulation of macroautophagy by nutrient starvation, as reflected by the buildup of autophagosomes and the increase in the autophagic flux, was higher in cells plated on collagen I than in cells plated on collagen IV. These contrasting results were not due to differences in the starvation-dependent inhibition of mTOR complex 1 signaling. Interestingly, cells plated on collagen IV formed numerous focal adhesions (FAs), whereas fewer FAs were observed in cells plated on the other substrates. This implies that focal adhesion kinase (FAK) was more robustly activated by collagen IV. Silencing the expression of FAK by siRNA in cells plated on collagen IV shifted the autophagic phenotype of these cells to an “uncoated substrate autophagic phenotype” under both basal and starvation-induced conditions. Moreover, cells plated on collagen IV were less dependent on autophagy to survive in the absence of nutrients. We conclude that extracellular matrix components can modulate macroautophagy and mitigate its role in cell survival.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular stress response that results in the activation of a lysosomal degradation pathway. In this report, we showed that cationic lipids, a common-used class of transfection reagents, induced genuine autophagy in mammalian cells. Extensive LC3 dot formation was observed by treatment with cationic lipids (with or without DNA), but not neutral lipids, in a HeLa cell line stably expressing GFP-LC3 (HeLa-LC3). Further proofs for autophagy were obtained by the co-localization of the LC3 dots with lysosome-specific staining patterns, observation of LC3-I to LC3-II form conversion and appearance of autophagic vacuoles under TEM. The autophagic flux assay with bafilomycin A1 and degradation of p62/SQSTM1 suggested that the autophagy induced by cationic lipids was primarily due to increased formation of autophagosomes and not decreased turnover. Moreover, cationic lipids induced autophagy in an mTOR-independent manner.  相似文献   

Functional interaction of nanomaterial with autophagy, a fundamental biological process for cellular degradation, is of great interest to nanobiology. Rare earth nanomaterials hold tremendous potential for a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic applications and have also been reported to protect cells against bacterial, viral and oxidative stress. In a brief communication we report that both light and heavy classes of rare earth oxide nanocrystals (REOs) elicit an autophagic response in HeLa cells, a human cancer cell line, in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The autophagy induced by REOs is complete and is accompanied by vacuolization within the cytoplasm. Autophagy induction may help explain some of the biological effects caused by REOs, and at the same time raises a special point of consideration for this type of nanomaterial, with regard to both safety assessment and application exploration.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a recently re‐emerged arbovirus that triggers autophagy. Here, we show that CHIKV interacts with components of the autophagy machinery during its replication cycle, inducing a cytoprotective effect. The autophagy receptor p62 protects cells from death by binding ubiquitinated capsid and targeting it to autophagolysosomes. By contrast, the human autophagy receptor NDP52—but not its mouse orthologue—interacts with the non‐structural protein nsP2, thereby promoting viral replication. These results highlight the distinct roles of p62 and NDP52 in viral infection, and identify NDP52 as a cellular factor that accounts for CHIKV species specificity.  相似文献   

Autophagy serves as a cell-autonomous effector mechanism of innate immunity in the cytosol. Autophagy restricts bacterial proliferation by separating bacteria from the nutrient-rich cytosol and delivering them into bactericidal autolysosomes. Autophagy also restricts inflammation by enclosing the membrane remnants of vacuoles from which bacteria have escaped. In contrast to starvation-induced autophagy, which engulfs cytosol nonspecifically, antibacterial autophagy is receptor-mediated and selective. Several distinct pathways of antibacterial autophagy have been identified recently, which can be triggered by either bacterial PAMPs, host-mediated modifications of bacteria-containing vacuoles, or cytosolic bacteria that have become decorated with ubiquitin. Ubiquitin-coated bacteria are sensed by p62, a promiscuous autophagy receptor required for the uptake of a variety of ubiquitin-marked autophagy substrates, and by NDP52, an autophagy receptor that, by associating with the immuno-regulatory kinase TBK1, may serve a dedicated function in cytosolic immunity.  相似文献   

Two key questions in the autophagy field are the mechanisms that underlie the signals for autophagy initiation and the source of membrane for expansion of the nascent membrane, the phagophore. In this review, we discuss recent findings highlighting the role of the classical endosomal pathway, from plasma membrane to lysosome, in the formation and expansion of the phagophore and subsequent degradation of the autophagosome contents. We also highlight the striking conservation of regulatory factors between the two pathways, including those regulating membrane budding and fusion, and the role of the lysosome in sensing the nutrient status of the cell, regulating mTORC1 activity, and ultimately the initiation of autophagy. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays The evolution of dynamin to regulate clathrin‐mediated endocytosis Abstract  相似文献   

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