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T-type calcium channel expression and function in the diseased heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The regulation of intracellular Ca (2+) is essential for cardiomyocyte function, and alterations in proteins that regulate Ca (2+) influx have dire consequences in the diseased heart. Low voltage-activated, T-type Ca (2+) channels are one pathway of Ca (2+) entry that is regulated according to developmental stage and in pathological conditions in the adult heart. Cardiac T-type channels consist of two main types, Cav3.1 (α1G) and Cav3.2 (α1H), and both can be induced in the myocardium in disease and injury but still, relatively little is known about mechanisms for their regulation and their respective functions. This article integrates previous data establishing regulation of T-type Ca (2+) channels in animal models of cardiac disease, with recent data that begin to address the functional consequences of cardiac Cav3.1 and Cav3.2 Ca (2+) channel expression in the pathological setting. The putative association of T-type Ca (2+) channels with Ca (2+) dependent signaling pathways in the context of cardiac hypertrophy is also discussed.  相似文献   

Low voltage-activated T-type calcium (Ca) channels contribute to the normal development of the heart and are also implicated in pathophysiological states such as cardiac hypertrophy. Functionally distinct T-type Ca channel isoforms can be generated by alternative splicing from each of three different T-type genes (CaV3.1, CaV3.2,CaV3 .3), although it remains to be described whether specific splice variants are associated with developmental states and pathological conditions. We aimed to identify and functionally characterize CaV3.2 T-type Ca channel alternatively spliced variants from newborn animals and to compare with adult normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). DNA sequence analysis of full-length CaV3.2 cDNA generated from newborn heart tissue identified ten major regions of alternative splicing, the more common variants of which were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and also subject to functional examination by whole-cell patch clamp. The main findings are that: (1) cardiac CaV3.2 T-type Ca channels are subject to considerable alternative splicing, (2) there is preferential expression ofCaV3 .2(-25) splice variant channels in newborn rat heart with a developmental shift in adult heart that results in approximately equal levels of expression of both (+25) and (-25) exon variants, (3) in the adult stage of hypertensive rats there is a both an increase in overallCaV3 .2 expression and a shift towards expression of CaV3.2(+25) containing channels as the predominant form, and (4) alternative splicing confers a variant-specific voltage-dependent facilitation ofCaV3 .2 channels. We conclude that CaV3.2 alternative splicing generates significant T-type Ca channel structural and functional diversity with potential implications relevant to cardiac developmental and pathophysiological states.  相似文献   

The intensive SAR study of 3,4-dihydroquinazoline series led to the most potent compound 10 (KYS05090: IC(50)=41+/-1 nM) against T-type calcium channel and its potency is nearly comparable to that of Kurtoxin. As a small organic molecule, this compound showed the highest blocking activity reported to date.  相似文献   

1. In all neurones freshly isolated from various brain regions of newborn, adult and aged rats, the T-type Ca2+ currents were elicited by step depolarizations to potentials more positive than -60 mV from a holding potential of -100 mV, and reached a peak in the current-voltage relationship around -30 mV. 2. The activation and inactivation processes were highly potential-dependent, and the latter was fitted by a single exponential function. 3. It was concluded that mammalian brain neurones possess a definite class of T-type Ca2+ channel characterized by both current kinetics and ion selectivity for Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+. However, the pharmacological nature of the T-type Ca2+ channel differed from that in other tissues such as cardiac and smooth muscle cells, peripheral neurones, and cultured cells.  相似文献   

Since cloning of the T-type or Ca(V)3.n calcium channel family in 1998-1999 much progress was made in investigation of their regulation. Most effective metal Ca(V)3 channel blockers are trivalent cations from lanthanide group together with transition metals La(3+) and Y(3+). Divalent cations Zn(2+), Cu(2+) and Ni(2+) inhibit Ca(V)3.2 channels more efficiently than Ca(V)3.1 and Ca(V)3.3 channels via second high-affinity binding site including histidine H191 specific for the Ca(V)3.2 channel. Dihydropyridines and phenylalkylamines in addition to block of L-type calcium channel can inhibit Ca(V)3 channels in clinically relevant concentration.  相似文献   

A series of compounds were designed as T-type calcium channel blocker containing 6 or 5 pharmacophore features from structure-based virtual screening. To optimize the suggested structure, over 130 derivatives were synthesized and their inhibitory activities on T-type calcium channel were assayed using in vitro screening system with alpha1(G) and alpha1(H) clones. For the compounds with higher activities in FDSS assay system, the efficacy was measured by patch-clamp method. Among the library with 5 features, alkaneamide derivatives (7b, 9j, 11b, 11g, 11h) with 4-arylsubstituted piperazine showed better IC(50) values than Mibefradil.  相似文献   

First pharmacophoric hypothesis for T-type calcium channel blockers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A three-dimensional pharmacophore model was developed for T-type calcium channel blockers in order to map common structural features of highly active compounds by using CATALYST program. In the absence of three dimensional structure based information like binding mode and unavailability of more number of specific T-type calcium channel blockers, this hypothesis which consists of three hydrophobic regions, one hydrogen bond acceptor and one positive ionizable regions will act as a valuable tool in designing new ligands. Further more after the withdrawal of mibefradil, the first marketed T-type calcium channel blocker, due to the drug-drug interactions, there is an urgent need for more work in this interest.  相似文献   

External pH (pH(o)) modifies T-type calcium channel gating and permeation properties. The mechanisms of T-type channel modulation by pH remain unclear because native currents are small and are contaminated with L-type calcium currents. Heterologous expression of the human cloned T-type channel, alpha1H, enables us to determine the effect of changing pH on isolated T-type calcium currents. External acidification from pH(o) 8.2 to pH(o) 5.5 shifts the midpoint potential (V(1/2)) for steady-state inactivation by 11 mV, shifts the V(1/2) for maximal activation by 40 mV, and reduces the voltage dependence of channel activation. The alpha1H reversal potential (E(rev)) shifts from +49 mV at pH(o) 8.2 to +36 mV at pH(o) 5.5. The maximal macroscopic conductance (G(max)) of alpha1H increases at pH(o) 5.5 compared to pH(o) 8.2. The E(rev) and G(max) data taken together suggest that external protons decrease calcium/monovalent ion relative permeability. In response to a sustained depolarization alpha1H currents inactivate with a single exponential function. The macroscopic inactivation time constant is a steep function of voltage for potentials < -30 mV at pH(o) 8.2. At pH(o) 5.5 the voltage dependence of tau(inact) shifts more depolarized, and is also a more gradual function of voltage. The macroscopic deactivation time constant (tau(deact)) is a function of voltage at the potentials tested. At pH(o) 5.5 the voltage dependence of tau(deact) is simply transposed by approximately 40 mV, without a concomitant change in the voltage dependence. Similarly, the delay in recovery from inactivation at V(rec) of -80 mV in pH(o) 5.5 is similar to that with a V(rec) of -120 mV at pH(o) 8.2. We conclude that alpha1H is uniquely modified by pH(o) compared to other calcium channels. Protons do not block alpha1H current. Rather, a proton-induced change in activation gating accounts for most of the change in current magnitude with acidification.  相似文献   

Mutations in P/Q-type calcium channels generate common phenotypes in mice and humans, which are characterized by ataxia, paroxysmal dyskinesia, and absence seizures. Subsequent functional changes of T-type calcium channels in thalamus are observed in P/Q-type calcium channel mutant mice and these changes play important roles in generation of absence seizures. However, the changes in T-type calcium channel function and/or expression in the cerebellum, which may be related to movement disorders, are still unknown. The leaner mouse exhibits severe ataxia, paroxysmal dyskinesia, and absence epilepsy due to a P/Q-type calcium channel mutation. We investigated changes in T-type calcium channel expression in the leaner mouse thalamus and cerebellum using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and quantitative in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH). qRT-PCR analysis showed no change in T-type calcium channel alpha 1G subunit (Cav3.1) expression in the leaner thalamus, but a significant decrease in alpha 1G expression in the whole leaner mouse cerebellum. Interestingly, quantitative ISHH revealed differential changes in alpha 1G expression in the leaner cerebellum, where the granule cell layer showed decreased alpha 1G expression while Purkinje cells showed increased alpha 1G expression. To confirm these observations, the granule cell layer and the Purkinje cell layer were laser capture microdissected separately, then analyzed with qRT-PCR. Similar to the observation obtained by ISHH, the leaner granule cell layer showed decreased alpha 1G expression and the leaner Purkinje cell layer showed increased alpha 1G expression. These results suggest that differential expression of T-type calcium channels in the leaner cerebellum may be involved in the observed movement disorders.  相似文献   

Summary T-type calcium channels (I T channels) were studied in cell-attached patch electrode recordings from the ventricular cell membrane of 14-day embryonic chick heart. All experiments were performed in the absence of Ca2+ with Na+ (120mm) as the charge carrier.I T channels were distinguished from L-type calcium channels (I L) by their more negative activation and inactivation potential ranges; their smaller unitary slope conductance (26 pS), and their insensitivity to isoproterenol or D600. Inactivation kinetics were voltage dependent. The time constant of inactivation was 37 msec when the membrane potential was depolarized 40 mV from rest (R+40 mV), and 20 msec atR+60 mV. The frequency histogram of channel open times 0 was fit by a single-exponential curve while that of closed times c was biexponeintial. o was the same atR+40 mV andR+60 mV whereas c was shortened atR+60 mV. The open-state probability (P o) increased with depolarization: 0.35 atR+40 mV, 0.8 atR+60 mV and 0.88 atR+80 mV. This increase inP o at depolarized potentials could be accounted for by the decrease in c.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the T-type calcium channel and its involvement in the cell division of U87MG cultured glioma cells and N1E-115 neuroblastoma cells. Using Western blot analysis, we found that expression of both alpha1G and alpha1H subunits of the T-type calcium channel decreased during conditions associated with a decrease in proliferation as evidenced by increased expression of cyclin D1, a marker for non-proliferating cells. Both serum starvation and application of mibefradil, a selective T-type calcium channel antagonist, resulted in a 50% decrease in the expression of alpha1G and alpha1H and a 700-900% increase in levels of cyclin D1 in U87MG and N1E-115 cells, respectively. Furthermore, overexpression of the alpha1H subunit resulted in a two-fold increase in cell proliferation compared to control cultures or cultures receiving an empty vector. In contrast, blocking expression of the alpha1G subunit using antisense oligonucleotides lead to a 70% decrease in proliferation of U87MG and N1E-115 cells compared to control cultures or cultures receiving a scrambled oligonucleotide. Our findings suggest that proliferation of U87MG glioma cells and N1E-115 is regulated by T-type calcium channel expression.  相似文献   

3,4-Dihydroquinazoline analogues substituted by N-methyl-N-(5-pyrrolidinopentyl)amine at the 2-position were synthesized and their blocking effects were evaluated for T- and N-type calcium channels. Compound 11b (KYS05080), compared to mibefradil (IC50=1.34+/-0.49 microM), was about 5-fold potent (IC50=0.26+/-0.01 microM) for T-type calcium channel (alpha1G) blocking and its selectivity of T/N-type was also improved (7.5 versus 1.4 of mibefradil).  相似文献   

Low voltage-activated (LVA) T-type calcium channels play critical roles in the excitability of many cell types and are a focus of research aimed both at understanding the physiological basis of calcium channel-dependent signaling and the underlying pathophysiology associated with hyperexcitability disorders such as epilepsy. These channels play a critical role towards neuronal firing in both conducting calcium ions during action potentials and also in switching neurons between distinct modes of firing. In this review the properties of the CaV3.1, CaV3.2 and CaV3.3 T-type channel isoforms is discussed in relation to their individual contributions to action potentials during burst and tonic firing states as well their roles in switching between firing states.  相似文献   

T-type calcium channel is one of therapeutic targets for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and neuropathic pains. Since the withdrawal of mibefradil, a T-type calcium channel blocker, there have been a lot of efforts to develop T-type calcium channel blockers. A small molecule library of dioxoquinazoline carboxamide derivatives containing 155 compounds was designed, synthesized, and biologically evaluated for T-type calcium channel blocking activity. Among those compounds synthesized, the compound 1n shows the most potent T-type calcium current blocking activity with an IC(50) value of 1.52 microM, which is comparable to that of mibefradil.  相似文献   

We have examined the kinetics of whole-cell T-current in HEK 293 cells stably expressing the alpha1G channel, with symmetrical Na(+)(i) and Na(+)(o) and 2 mM Ca(2+)(o). After brief strong depolarization to activate the channels (2 ms at +60 mV; holding potential -100 mV), currents relaxed exponentially at all voltages. The time constant of the relaxation was exponentially voltage dependent from -120 to -70 mV (e-fold for 31 mV; tau = 2.5 ms at -100 mV), but tau = 12-17 ms from-40 to +60 mV. This suggests a mixture of voltage-dependent deactivation (dominating at very negative voltages) and nearly voltage-independent inactivation. Inactivation measured by test pulses following that protocol was consistent with open-state inactivation. During depolarizations lasting 100-300 ms, inactivation was strong but incomplete (approximately 98%). Inactivation was also produced by long, weak depolarizations (tau = 220 ms at -80 mV; V(1/2) = -82 mV), which could not be explained by voltage-independent inactivation exclusively from the open state. Recovery from inactivation was exponential and fast (tau = 85 ms at -100 mV), but weakly voltage dependent. Recovery was similar after 60-ms steps to -20 mV or 600-ms steps to -70 mV, suggesting rapid equilibration of open- and closed-state inactivation. There was little current at -100 mV during recovery from inactivation, consistent with 相似文献   

The alpha1I T-type calcium channel inactivates almost 10-fold more slowly than the other family members (alpha1G and alpha1H) or most native T-channels. We have examined the underlying mechanisms using whole-cell recordings from rat alpha1I stably expressed in HEK293 cells. We found several kinetic differences between alpha1G and alpha1I, including some properties that at first appear qualitatively different. Notably, alpha1I tail currents require two or even three exponentials, whereas alpha1G tails were well described by a single exponential over a wide voltage range. Also, closed-state inactivation is more significant for alpha1I, even for relatively strong depolarizations. Despite these differences, gating of alpha1I can be described by the same kinetic scheme used for alpha1G, where voltage sensor movement is allosterically coupled to inactivation. Nearly all of the rate constants in the model are 5-12-fold slower for alpha1I, but the microscopic rate for channel closing is fourfold faster. This suggests that T-channels share a common gating mechanism, but with considerable quantitative variability.  相似文献   

Commentary on: Research Paper

CaV2.1 (P/Q channel) interaction with synaptic proteins is essential for depolarization-evoked release

by Moshe Cohen-Kutner, Daphna Nachmanni and Daphne Atlas

Volume 4, Issue 4  相似文献   

We identified and characterized a series of pyrrole amides as potent, selective Cav3.2-blockers. This series culminated with the identification of pyrrole amides 13b and 26d, with excellent potencies and/or selectivities toward the Cav3.1- and Cav3.3-channels. These compounds display poor physicochemical and DMPK properties, making their use difficult for in vivo applications. Nevertheless, they are well-suited for in vitro studies.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized a series of pyrazole amides as potent, selective Cav3.1-blockers. This series culminated with the identification of pyrazole amides 5a and 12d, with excellent potencies and/or selectivities toward the Cav3.2- and Cav3.3-channels. This compound displays poor DMPK properties, making its use difficult for in vivo applications. Nevertheless, this compound as well as analogous ones are well-suited for in vitro studies.  相似文献   

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